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Road Construction

Chapter 2

Road Construction


This process consists of clearing, grubbing and stripping in road construction

area. It also includes the demolition and disposal of soils to a formation level
(top of the sub grade).

Activity Work Description Measurement

Cutting, removal and disposal of All stumps and roots be removed to a

everything above ground level depth of not less than 0.3 m below the
including object overhanging the propose road.
Clearing area to be cleared
This requirement also usually holds in
Levelling of obsolete dikes, embankment areas where the height of
terraces, ditches the feel not less than about 1.5 m.
Removal and disposal of surface
vegetation, roots, underground In embankment section when the
Grubbing embankment height is to be more than
parts of the structure and other
obstruction 1.5 m, tree and stump may be left in
place and cut off at ground level or at a
Stripping Removal topsoil or stockpiling height of 75-150 mm above the existing
ground surface.
Road Construction



Excavation increases the volume of material.

It is therefore necessary to use a bulking factor to determine the volume of material that will be
created by excavation.

Bulking factor is defined as:

Bulking Factor = Volume after Excavation / Volume before Excavation

Similarly a shrinkage factor is defined for the compaction of a soil at it's final destination:

Shrinkage Factor = Volume after Compaction / Volume before Excavation

Road Construction


Earthmoving Equipment

Bulldozer - This is used primarily for pushing soil. Vehicles

are generally tracked and require large amounts of
traction. Many bulldozers incorporate hydraulic
attachments at the rear for breaking up soil and rock. The
best known of the vehicles. Bulldozer

Drag Line - This vehicle allows excavation below it's own

level. It is essentially a bucket on the end of a jib and is
used solely for bulk excavation as it is relatively
Drag Line

Dump Truck - These are wheeled vehicles and as such are

able to move much faster. This is offset by a lack of
traction and dump trucks are always the first to get stuck.
They are used for transferring material from one part of
the site to another.

Dump Truck
Road Construction


Earthmoving Equipment

Shovels - These again are normally wheeled vehicles and

are used to fill up the dump trucks. Typically they take 2-3
loads to fill an average dump truck. Excavator

Hydraulic Excavators - These can be either wheeled or

tracked and are used again to excavate below truck level.
They have a very small capacity and are extremely

Grader - Used to level out deposited fill, ready for


Rollers - There are many different types of roller and they

are used for compaction. Different types include vibratory,
sheepsfoot and grid. Vibratory are the most common as
they have effectively double the effect.
Roller 5
Road Construction


The subgrade is the in-situ material upon which the pavement structure is placed.

The subgrade can often be the overriding factor in pavement performance.

Increasing the load-bearing capacity of the subgrade soil will most likely improve
pavement load-bearing capacity and thus, pavement strength and performance.

Additionally, greater subgrade structural capacity can result in thinner (but not
excessively thin) and more economical pavement structures.

The finished subgrade should meet elevations, grades and slopes specified in the
contract plans.

Road Construction


Subgrade Performance

A subgrade’s performance generally depends on two interrelated characteristics:

(1) Load bearing capacity

- The subgrade must be able to support loads transmitted from the pavement structure.
- This load bearing capacity is often affected by degree of compaction, moisture
content, and soil type.
- A subgrade that can support a high amount of loading without excessive deformation
is considered good.

(2) Volume changes

- Most soils undergo some amount of volume change when exposed to excessive

Road Construction


Improving Subgrade Performance

Poor subgrade should be avoided if possible, but when it is necessary to build over weak soils
there are several methods used to improved subgrade performance:

(1) Removal and replacement (over-excavation)

Poor subgrade soil can simply be removed and replaced with higher quality fill

(2) Stabilization with a cementitious or asphaltic binder

The addition of an appropriate binder (such as lime, portland cement or emulsified
asphalt) can increase subgrade stiffness and/or reduce swelling tendencies.

(3) Additional base layers

- These layers spread pavement loads over a larger subgrade area
- When designing pavements for poor subgrades the temptation may be to just design a
thicker section with more base material because the thicker section will satisfy most
design equations.
Road Construction


Good Practices in Subgrade Preparation

(1) Ensure the compacted subgrade is able to support construction traffic

If the subgrade ruts excessively under construction traffic it may cause premature
pavement rutting and will result in variable paving thicknesses.

(2) Remove all debris, large rocks, vegetation and topsoil from the area to be paved

These items either do not compact well or cause non-uniform compaction and mat

(3) Treat the subgrade under the area to be paved with an approved herbicide

This will prevent or at least retard future vegetation growth, which could affect subgrade
support or lead directly to pavement failure.

Road Construction


Before a pavement is placed the surface to be paved must be prepared.

Pavements constructed without adequate surface preparation may not meet

smoothness specifications, may not bond to the existing pavement (in the case of
overlays) or may fail because of inadequate subgrade support.

Surface preparation generally takes one of two forms:

Preparing the subgrade and granular base course for new pavement
Involves activities such as subgrade stabilization, over-excavation of poor
subgrade, applying a prime coat or compacting the subgrade.

Preparing an existing pavement surface for overlay

Involves activities such replacing localized areas of extreme damage, applying a leveling
course, milling, applying tack coat, rubblizing and setting.

Road Construction


Prime Coats
The granular base layer can be prepared with a prime coat if necessary. A prime coat
is a sprayed application of a cutback or emulsion asphalt applied to the surface of
untreated sub grade or base layers in order to (Asphalt Institute, 2001):
1. Fill the surface voids and protect the sub base from weather.
2. Stabilize the fines and preserve the sub base material.
3. Promote bonding to the subsequent pavement layers.

Tack Coats
A tack coat is a thin bituminous liquid asphalt, emulsion or cutback layer applied
between HMA pavement lifts to promote bonding. Adequate bonding between
construction lifts and especially between the existing road surface and an overlay is
critical in order for the completed pavement structure to behave as a single unit and
provide adequate strength. If adjacent layers do not bond to one another they
essentially behave as multiple independent thin layers.

Road Construction



Compaction is the process by which the volume of air in an Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixture is
reduced by using external forces to reorient the constituent aggregate particles into a more
closely spaced arrangement.

Compaction is the greatest determining factor in dense graded pavement performance.

Inadequate compaction results in a pavement with decreased stiffness, reduced fatigue life,
accelerated aging/decreased durability, rutting, raveling, and moisture damage.

Road Construction


Compaction Equipment

There are three basic pieces of equipment available for HMA compaction:
(1) Paver screed
(2) Steel wheeled roller
(3) Pneumatic tire roller.

Paver Screed Steel Wheel Roller Pneumatic Tire Roller

Road Construction


Quality assurance
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a product or facility will
perform satisfactorily in service.

Quality issurance addresses the overall problem of obtaining the quality of a service, product,
or facility in the most efficient, economical, and satisfactory manner possible.

Quality assurance involves continued evaluation of the activities of planning, design,

development of plans and specifications, advertising and awarding of contracts,
construction, and maintenance, and the interactions of these activities.

Quality control
Those quality assurance actions and considerations necessary to assess production and
construction processes so as to control the level of quality being produced in the end

This concept of quality control typically includes sampling and testing by the contractor to
monitor the process but usually does not include acceptance sampling and testing by the
Road Construction


Sampling, testing, and the assessment of test results to determine whether or not the quality
of produced material or construction is acceptable in terms of the specifications.

Independent assurance
A management tool that requires a third party, not directly responsible for process control or
acceptance, to provide an independent assessment of the product and/or the reliability of
test results obtained from process control and acceptance testing.

The results of independent assurance tests should not be used as a basis of product


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