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Applied Excel Practical – 2


The TEXT function lets you change the way a number appears by applying formatting to it with
format codes. It's useful in situations where you want to display numbers in a more readable
format, or you want to combine numbers with text or symbols.

AIM: -

 To demonstrate the following text functions of Excel.

(a) Concatenate
(b) Proper
(c) Trim
(d) Substitute
(e) If
(f) In the attached excel sheet column B contains combination of name, Department and
place. Using suitable text function separate out (trim) place.

About Dataset: -
The dataset contains First and Last Name, ID, year etc..


Objective 1:

1. Concatenate
String concatenation is the process of joining two or more strings together. Excel gives you the
capability of concatenating a series of strings.

Method : Concatenate in Excel using the Concatenate Function:

Excel has a predefined formula ‘Concatenate’, the job of this function is to join multiple strings
that are passed to it as arguments.

The joined items can be text, numbers, cell references or a combination of these.

Syntax of Concatenate:
The syntax of this function is as follows:
=Concatenate(text_1, text_2, Text_N)

Here ‘TEXT_1’, ‘TEXT_2’ and ‘TEXT_N’ are strings which are to be combined.

Some Important points about Concatenate Function:

 A single Concatenate formula can be used for concatenating 255 strings.
 Concatenate formula requires at-least 1 string as argument, to work.
 It results into a #VALUE! error if any one of the arguments is invalid. For example:
=CONCATENATE(A2:C2) results into an error.

Procedure: -
1. In the above example we have a list of First and Last names.
2. Now if you wish to join the First name and Last name strings, then we can use this
Function as:


3. Here, ‘D2’ is the person’s First name and ‘E2’ represents the Last name. While joining
these two strings they should be separated by a space “ ” and that’s why in the formula
we have used a blank space in between ‘D2’ and ‘E2’.

2. Proper

Proper function in Excel capitalizes each word in the string that is, it converts the case
into proper case.

Syntax =PROPER(Text)

Procedure: -

1. In the above example we have a list of First and Last names and the Full name.

2. Since the full name is in capital letters so to make it proper we can use this Function as:


3. Trim
Trim function in Excel removes the unnecessary spaces from a particular string.
Syntax =TRIM(Text )

Procedure: -
1. Suppose if there are unnecessary spaces between a text then we can use trim function
to get rid of those spaces.
2. For this we can use the function = TRIM(G2) so on.


4. Substitute
Substitute function in Excel helps to replace existing text with a new text in a particular

Syntax =SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, instance number)

Procedure: -
1. If we made a mistake by entering a wrong text, then we can replace that text with the
correct one using substitute function.
2. Here instead of Christ university mail id, jain university was wrong mentioned. To rectify
this mistake we can use the function

= SUBSTITUTE(H2,"","")


5. IF
IF functions is one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and
another value if it's false.

Syntax: =IF(logical test, “answer if TRUE”, “answer if FALSE”)

Procedure: -

1. Suppose if we want to know whether the student is pass or fail. We can use if
function if data is huge.

2. The syntax to be used here is



6.  In the attached excel sheet column B contains combination of name,

Department and place. Using suitable text function seperate out (trim)

Procedure: -
In this case, to separate out the place, two functions Right and Find will be used. The
syntax is



Using a blend of these two functions we can separate the place from our data.

=RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)-FIND(" ",B2,FIND(" ",B2)+1))


As we can excel has all the attributes to refine the dataset which is in text at its core and
help us in deducing the conclusions more effective for such datasets using the TEXT
functions. The text functions help in refining the dataset with much more precision and
filter the data to our usage.

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