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Erogenous zones

• It refers to part of the body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal when
touched in a sexual manner. Examples: mouth, breast, genitals, anus.

Human Sexual Behavior

• It defined as any activity – solitary, between two persons, or in a group – that induces/
brings sexual arousal [Gebhard, P.H. 2017].
• This behavior is classified according to gender and number of participants. Types of
behavior: Solitary behavior [involving one individual]; and Socio-sexual behavior [more
than one individual]

Solitary behavior

• Self – gratification [begins at or b4 puberty] means self –stimulation that leads to sexual
arousal and generally, sexual climax.
• This takes place in personal and private as an end in itself, but can also be done in a socio-
sexual relationship.
• This is common for males but becomes less frequent or is abandoned when socio-sexual
activity is available. Therefore, self-gratification is most frequent among the unmarried.
• However this self-gratification usually decreases as soon as an individual develop socio-
sexual relationship.
• Nowadays, human are frequently being exposed to sexual stimuli esp. from advertising
and social media. Some adolescents become so much aggressive when they respond to
such stimuli.
• The rate of teenage pregnancy is recently increasing.

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