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Socio-sexual behavior
• It is the greatest amount of socio-sexual behavior that occurs b/w only one male and one female.
This usually begins in childhood and may be motivated by curiosity, such as showing or examining
• Petting differs from hugging, kissing and generalized caresses of the clothed body to produce
stimulation of the genitals.
• This is done due to affection as source of pleasure, preliminary to coitus [this is an insertion of
male reproductive organ into female organ].
• This is regarded as an important aspect in selecting partner but also a way of learning how to
interact with another person sexually.

Physiology of human sexual response

• Excitement phase
o it is caused by increase in pulse and blood pressure; a sudden rise in blood supply to the
surface of the body resulting in increased skin temperature, flushing, and swelling of all
distensible body parts particularly noticeable in the male and female reproductive system,
rapid breathing, secretion of genital fluids, vaginal expansion, and a general increase in
muscle tension.
• Plateau phase
o it is generally of brief duration. If stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
• Sexual climax
o a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, and rapid increase in pulse rate and blood pressure,
and spasms of the pelvic muscles causing contractions of the female reproductive organ
and ejaculation by the male that last only for few seconds normally not over ten.
• Resolution phase
o it refers to the return to a normal or subnormal physiological state. Whereas males return
to normal even if stimulation continues, but continued stimulations can produce
additional orgasms in females.

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