Article Bahasa Inggris - Windi Sehebeli

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Name : Windi Sehebeli

ID : 921421161

Class : F – Akuntansi

"The impact of Covid-19 on the economy and tourism in Pohuwato, Lemito District”

Covid 19 was detected in Indonesia in April 2020 and of course very shocked the
Indonesian people, especially the people of Gorontalo Province. The public's concern about
this virus is very high, so in Pohuwato Regency itself, many people have begun to anticipate
by cleaning their houses and spraying disinfectants, some even fleeing to their relatives. Of
course, these things are not completely enough to protect ourselves from this covid 19.
Based on data published by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the COVID-19 virus can be
transmitted through the air, physical contact, and saliva.

Until finally, the first Covid-19 case was detected in Gorontalo province, located in
Pohuwato district in March 2020, precisely in Lemito District, news of being exposed to the
covid-19 virus in Lemito sub-district, Pohuwato district was reported to have been exposed
to Tabliq congregations upon arrival in Lemito sub-district on their way home from Makassar.
so panic ensued in the local area. Many people stay away from the families of patients who
have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 because they are afraid of getting infected.
Since then, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gorontalo Province has been
increasing. This greatly affected the economic and tourism sectors throughout Gorontalo
Province when the government launched the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)

In the economic sector, many business places have their operating hours reduced,
many layoffs occurred in a number of companies due to pressure on economic activity in
general, even in some cases small businesses were forced to be disbanded because they
were deemed to have violated health protocols, resulting in an increase in unemployment in
Gorontalo Province. because of the impact of this pandemic. In the tourism sector, many
tourist attractions throughout Gorontalo Province are closed for a certain period of time.

As for the tourist attractions which had their operations closed in the Lemito sub-
district, namely the "Torosiaje" tourist spot, this tourist spot was previously crowded with
tourists and when Covid-19 was detected in the Pohuwato district, Lemito sub-district, this
tour was closed for the specified time, this had an impact on income of business actors who
had operated in the tourist area.

Until now, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gorontalo province has
reached only 1 case. This is thanks to the cooperation of all elements of the government and
the community who work hand in hand in implementing the health protocols issued by the
government. Even so, self-protection measures need to be increased again because the
pandemic in this country is not over yet. Let's make this pandemic our place to understand
better what humanity really means, not to isolate each other. In essence, what we need to
stay away from is the disease, not the person affected by the disease. Let's join hands
together, take care of each other in the embrace of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika for the sake of a
strong and resilient Indonesia.

Healthy Indonesia, Indonesia Can!

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