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** Created by GiantB (reddit) Shadow Snatcher (steam)

** !!Updated for Version 2.0!!

READ ME FIRST: PA Calculator has served over 465 survey contributers and over 65570 prisons!
Please DO NOT request ACCESS it will not be given, to use this sheet go to file -> make copy live results

Hello and good day! I hope you find what you are looking for hear, this is the PA calculator for your pesky kitchens and various other problems total entries 465
This calculator is not perfect, there are many factors from cpu processing, travel distances and canteen and kitchen placement total prisons 65570
however this will be very close to making sure you have what you need. It is ultimately up to the player to fine tune the results score 8.4 / 10
Please RATE this guide and fill out my survey if you would like and provide any feedback that you would like to give.
Please scroll down to view a community help request as well as some reasons to why I have not included other figures in this calculator

Survey Link
My findings
There were some requests for the first survey mailroom, library, temperature and dormatory calculations
I did look into a way to be able to do this and hoping I could however, after awkard testing phases and alot of random data I concluded these are not as concrete
for what I have done and thus it will be up to the player to determine how to handle these situations.
Also from my first survey I have decided to remove the cell grading system as for its little use but also the fludity behind grading cells is beyond what a calculator can do for you

Community help requested!

If you wish to contribute to the testing for the calculator or wish to help me add new sections to it please follow the guidlines belows
If you wish to provide personal feedback to me directly please message me on reddit at GiantB

Be throughout with your testing I recommend making seperate maps for each test you want to do.
Be as detailed as you can be with testing
Use cheats to manipulate situations so you dont have to waste your time. How to cheat
Provide me actual mathematical data than this spreadsheet can operate on and for others to view and test. as an example go to the test results sheet.
How do I use this sheet? Make sure to make a copy of the sheet and use that copy before you do the steps below
Begin by selecting your quantity and varitey using the dropdown menus in the C10 and C11 cells and then enter the number of your feeding group
If you have 1 kitchen that has different security level prisoners use the larger group for more accurate results. see cell "B32" for more details.
Please keep in mind that cooks will start 4 hours ahead of the planned eating time and this sheet does not calculate prison labor, only cook labor
These results are based off two 2 hour eating period 12 hours apart, the more time you have the more you can feed with less,
Survey Link


MEAL QUANTITY High Quantity Cost $3.00
MEAL VARIETY High Variety Cost $27.00
Enter pris # 200 Daily Cost $6,000.00

Kitchen Canteen
Cookers 20 Tables 1 Effecient <--- see cell "B39" for why this is here
Cooks 22 Benches 50
Fridges 40 Serving table 5
Sinks 6 Bins 1
Bins 1

Kitchen Area Planning Canteen Area Planning

Review Cell "B39" for more details Review Cell "B45" for more details
Item Square Size Item Squares Needed Item Square Size Item Sqaures Needed
2 Cookers 40 4 table 4
2 Fridges 80 4 bench 200
3 Sinks 18 1 bin 1
1 Bin 1 5 serving table 25
Total Squares 139 Total Squares 230

Different Feeding Groups:
EX: You have 3 seperate eating times for min/med/max in that same order you estimate to be this many prisoners during their seperate feeding times 25/85/30.
Plan for the largest feeding group and the other groups will fall into place and have plenty of space. So in this case that would be Medium Security at 85 prisoners.

Keep in mind that the "Variety" of food only effects the number of fridges that you need

Canteen Effecient vs. Aesthetic:

Use the drop down menu to select "Effecient" or "Aesthetic" you only need 1 table to make a canteen, select Aesthetic if you want tables to fit the prisoner population
Kitchen Floor Planning
Kitchen items are "non solid" meaning that characters do not have a speed reduction walking through them. So put them right next to eachother to save room!

Canteen Floor Planning

If you are building for practical purposes you only need 1 table to make it a canteen, the prisoners will eat off benches. saves lots of space
Try to leave lanes 1 square wide to ensure fast travel, benches are "solid" objects and will effect characters speed.
Put "Serving Tables" as close to the kitchen for better food output
**All of these are suggested amounts and you should make changes according to your prison
**Laundry rooms are very hard to test so feed back is appreciated

I suggest multiple smaller rooms instead of big ones to help with logistics
The walking time prisoners have to do greatly effects their effective working power, so spread them around and be smart about it.
Survey Link
Room size affectes amount of workers. Ratio is 4 squares to 1 worker.
Enter Prisoner Count 200 The max # of workers that can work in one room are 20, however i suggest never making a room this size
Unless it is a workshop

Laundry Room Laundry Floor Planning

Item Total Needed # Per Room Item Item Square Size Squares Needed
Baskets 13 6 Baskets 1 13
Ironing Boards 6 3 Ironing Boards 3 19
Machines 4 2 Machines 1 5
Working Prisoners 13 6 Working Prisoners 4 50
Janitors 2 1 Total Squares required 50
Total Squares per room 25
# Rooms to build 2.0 <--- Suggested Amount
**I suggest 6 workers per room

Cleaning Cupboard Cleaning Cupboard Floor Planning

Item # Needed # Per Room Cleaning cupboard size is only affected by # of workers
Working Prisoners 20 8 Item Item Square Size Squares Needed
Working Prisoners 4 80
Total Squares required 80
Total Squares per room 28
# Rooms to build 2.9 <--- Suggested Amount
**I suggest around 8 workers per room
** There is no point from my testing to use forestry or carpenter tables, you can produce much more income through saws and presses
** Do not base it off prison size, determine how many workers you want to have in a workshop, and how many workshops you want and plan accordingly
** Results will vary between prisons and different logistics

Enter Workers 7 Total work hours 8 <--- Per day

Item # Needed Approx. Profits

Work Saw 2 $848
Work Press 4
Tables 2
Survey Link
Workshop floor planning

Squares needed 84 <--- This is the "area" INSIDE the walls, walls are not included
** Results will vary between each prison**
** All numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number
low med high
prisoners fed 30 20 11 cost quantity cost variety
low $1.00 q*2-q
cookers cookers / 30 cookers / 20 cookers / 11 med $2.00 q*6-q
cooks cooks = cookers + 2 cooks = cookers + 2 cooks = cookers + 2 high $3.00 q*10-q
sinks serving tables + 1 serving tables + 1 serving tables + 1
table 1 is only need... Or you can do pris / 8
benches pris / 4 pris / 4 pris / 4
serving tables pris / 40 pris / 40 pris / 40

Determind by variety lvl

fridges low med high
cookers * 1.3 cookers * 1.7 cookers * 2.0

Laundry Test results

items equation results
prisoners 100
basket pris / 16 6
iron boards baskets / 2 3 Cleaning Cupboard
machines baskets / 3 2
working prisoners equal to baskets 6 pris / 10
janitors pris / 100 1
** suggest no more than 8 workers for cleaning
** Suggest no more than 6 works for laundry

Workshop stats
work saws workers/3.3
Work press work saws*2
tables equal too saws
squares needed workers*12
profits hours*25*press
Timestamp How many estimated prisons
you used
do you
you rate the PADo
you have feedback or suggestions for the Calc.
1/7/2016 18:57:02 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
1/7/2016 20:23:46 4 Kitchen 9
1/7/2016 21:10:21 7 Kitchen, Workshop 9 None total entries 465
1/7/2016 22:31:55 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
10 total prisons 65570
1/8/2016 5:12:02 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
10 No - pls check out btw. score 8
1/8/2016 5:37:40 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 A nice ui is useful Kitchen Laundry/cleaning Workshop
1/8/2016 8:37:28 3 Kitchen 9 442 320 268
1/8/2016 8:55:21 8 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 95.05% 68.82% 57.63%
1/8/2016 10:56:43 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/8/2016 13:59:22 60 Kitchen 6 What is the calc?
1/9/2016 4:13:27 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/9/2016 4:16:38 7 Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/9/2016 11:26:23 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/9/2016 14:17:15 1 Kitchen 10
1/9/2016 19:54:12 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
10 I would like to see how many solitary cells I should have based on the number of prisoners.
Some formulas were broken, i.e. squares need.
1/10/2016 1:37:42 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Possibly a clearer explanation for beginners.
1/10/2016 14:27:31 520 Kitchen 5
1/10/2016 21:02:13 5000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/11/2016 5:12:57 1 Kitchen, Workshop 8
1/11/2016 6:26:18 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 include tables in the canteen count
1/11/2016 8:31:30 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/11/2016 10:17:15 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
1/11/2016 12:18:11 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 MOAR
1/11/2016 12:52:14 1000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
1/11/2016 16:22:49 650 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/12/2016 2:58:09 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
1/12/2016 17:09:55 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
7 There's a few typos around. Some cells aren't rounded correctly.
1/12/2016 18:35:10 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/12/2016 18:54:55 166 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
1/12/2016 19:51:44 421 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/13/2016 5:56:28 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 Kitchen calculator seems to be under "ideal circumstances" - ie kitchen next to deliveries. In real life playing, I seem to have to add 1 chef to the number. (no idea if this breaks down further with multiple kitchens - no riots, but not everybody gets fed at every meal). It also breaks down at ridiculously low numbers (1 prisoner) - I used it for my PC canteen, and it told me i needed 0 equipment. Clearly this isn't true.
1/13/2016 9:19:44 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/13/2016 10:40:34 4 Kitchen 8
1/13/2016 21:29:51 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/13/2016 23:53:44 170 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7 Calculations for the shop (if possible)
1/14/2016 0:11:39 500 Laundry/cleaning 3
1/14/2016 3:42:54 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/15/2016 11:32:16 2 Laundry/cleaning 8
1/15/2016 13:18:25 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
1/15/2016 17:29:06 200 Kitchen 6
1/15/2016 17:50:04 3 Kitchen 10
1/15/2016 19:24:58 80 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 5
1/16/2016 5:11:08 1 Laundry/cleaning 10 no
1/16/2016 20:41:53 8 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/17/2016 5:14:22 200 Kitchen 5
1/17/2016 8:02:03 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 gj
1/17/2016 10:10:12 1 Kitchen 10 Its great
1/18/2016 13:16:42 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
updated version for 1.2?
1/18/2016 15:22:45 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/18/2016 17:16:25 5 Kitchen, Cell Grading 10
1/19/2016 6:19:21 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/19/2016 7:15:09 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 It was kinda hard to understand everything at first. It's like you expected people to know what they were doing if they were ever going to use the sheet
1/19/2016 10:09:29 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 2
1/20/2016 9:01:07 1 Kitchen 1
1/20/2016 21:53:53 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/21/2016 2:24:30 3 Kitchen 9 pics of tits
1/21/2016 9:36:55 180 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/21/2016 10:26:58 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 Good
1/21/2016 12:13:56 1 Kitchen 7
1/21/2016 12:15:07 1 Kitchen 7
1/21/2016 14:05:34 30 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/21/2016 15:22:05 1 Kitchen, Cell Grading 10 It would be useful to calculate the guards per prisoner.
1/21/2016 22:44:22 1 Kitchen 10
1/22/2016 4:29:53 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/22/2016 7:55:09 900 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 +2 point if the user interface was more eye catching and not so white.
1/22/2016 23:17:09 1 Kitchen 8
1/23/2016 6:51:17 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
5 Needs updating. Please run the tests again using the latest version of PA. I think the ratios are now not quite right.
1/23/2016 16:34:06 4 Kitchen 9 No
1/23/2016 16:35:21 425 Kitchen 10
1/23/2016 21:48:37 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
9.5 Not rlly. Very nice calculator overall :)
1/24/2016 7:42:39 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/24/2016 11:28:13 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/24/2016 22:45:12 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7.5
1/24/2016 22:54:14 5 Kitchen, Cell Grading, Workshop 9 ensure up to date and list "updated for vs. x.xx" pls. great calc tool thanks
1/24/2016 23:54:28 3 Workshop 5
1/25/2016 12:00:29 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/25/2016 20:48:07 1 Kitchen 9
1/25/2016 23:22:06 1 Laundry/cleaning 8
Regarding Cell Grading, I rate showers much higher because they take up no space. It can be placed right next to the door, and prisoners can walk under it. This allows 2x2 Grade 1 cells. Showers in the cells also save travel time and space with communal showers.

1/26/2016 6:33:03 8 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 In workshops, I found a 2:1 press-to-saw ratio results in a buildup of unprocessed lumber from forestry & carpentry. I need more saws.
1/28/2016 8:13:27 917 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/28/2016 8:43:00 1 Kitchen 8 no
1/29/2016 13:00:23 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
1/29/2016 14:02:05 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/29/2016 14:57:54 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/29/2016 16:30:37 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/30/2016 5:50:48 700 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/30/2016 8:40:55 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
1/30/2016 9:20:24 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1/30/2016 15:37:45 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
6 d
1/30/2016 18:11:27 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 6
1/31/2016 6:21:42 2 Laundry/cleaning 10
1/31/2016 9:48:32 1 Kitchen 10
1/31/2016 10:14:20 15 Kitchen 8
1/31/2016 16:41:17 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
1/31/2016 19:06:14 5 Kitchen, Workshop 9
2/1/2016 16:23:13 60 Kitchen 2
Timestamp How many estimated prisons
you used
do you
you rate the PADo
you have feedback or suggestions for the Calc.
2/1/2016 23:03:31 17 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
10 Your wildest dreams... Too literal?
2/2/2016 2:09:36 140 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/2/2016 8:48:48 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/2/2016 11:30:52 1 Laundry/cleaning 5
2/2/2016 11:37:53 3 Laundry/cleaning 10 ergt
2/2/2016 14:51:08 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/3/2016 10:21:17 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
1 dont know yet
2/3/2016 12:26:17 250 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/4/2016 8:21:24 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 Thank you for making the calculator. ^^
2/4/2016 8:21:41 240 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7
2/4/2016 9:34:02 700 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/4/2016 10:14:21 40 Laundry/cleaning 10
2/4/2016 16:19:58 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/4/2016 19:07:48 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
0 ???
Biggest thing I would love to see is a breakdown of 100's or 50's count of prisoners to calculate high pop prisons' canteen and kitchen needs, high pop laundry usually ends up being maxed out per cell block (in my prisons at least, I just make it as big as possible to service one large cell block of 100+ prisoners).

Ex. 100 prisoners = 10 cookers, 30 fridges, 20 tables (random numbers)

2/4/2016 23:48:08 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 200 prisoners = 20 cookers, 40 fridges, 40 tables (if the values weren't linear)
2/5/2016 13:42:04 2 Kitchen, Workshop 10
2/5/2016 18:41:19 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9 got nothin to add, its a cool calculator as it is, u guys are great
2/5/2016 20:44:23 5 Cell Grading, Workshop 8 Is a bit hard to comprehend at first. "Not for dummies" :)
2/6/2016 12:31:39 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/6/2016 13:23:27 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/6/2016 19:46:22 150 Kitchen 10 more regular editing
2/7/2016 1:08:30 120 Kitchen 10 not now
2/7/2016 13:29:32 2 Kitchen 10
2/8/2016 3:46:18 20 Kitchen 10
2/9/2016 6:46:24 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 10
2/9/2016 7:47:34 2 Kitchen, Cell Grading 8
2/9/2016 12:40:25 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
0 Grading before I were even able to use it?!
2/9/2016 21:47:54 150 Kitchen, Workshop 10
2/10/2016 8:22:01 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
2/10/2016 14:02:34 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/10/2016 14:25:13 10 Kitchen, Workshop 7
2/10/2016 18:05:10 3 Kitchen 10
2/10/2016 21:52:40 1500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
2/11/2016 6:48:45 1 Kitchen 8
2/12/2016 22:49:37 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/12/2016 22:50:33 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 Good
2/13/2016 2:18:26 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
2/13/2016 4:07:02 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 updates for post release?
2/14/2016 14:37:31 500 Kitchen 10
2/14/2016 17:50:12 1 Kitchen 7
2/15/2016 7:17:58 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7
2/15/2016 11:00:15 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 10 Thank you! Made my life so much easier. Very well made.
2/15/2016 11:33:37 200 Kitchen 10
2/15/2016 19:26:05 1 Kitchen, Workshop 8
2/16/2016 11:12:08 8 Kitchen 9
2/16/2016 19:52:14 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
2/17/2016 3:38:16 48 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/17/2016 22:44:18 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/18/2016 0:16:32 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/19/2016 2:42:33 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/19/2016 20:19:24 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/21/2016 5:51:08 12 Kitchen 1
2/21/2016 8:43:06 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Maybe expanding on other aspects of the prisons (mail room, library etc.)
2/21/2016 13:58:48 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 I extended prison grading sheet in the total cell number area, giving percentages for the cell size along with with the number of cells of each size you need. adding the input of cell blocks, I made a small row use the cell size percentages to find how many cell blocks you will need for each cell size.
2/23/2016 15:47:13 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 10 Amazing work
2/25/2016 7:23:12 40 Kitchen 10
2/26/2016 21:12:02 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 UPDATE!
2/27/2016 4:28:05 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 6
2/27/2016 9:12:50 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 you don't say =/show how many hour prisoner work per day in your calculation in laundry cleaning.
2/28/2016 7:53:13 2 Kitchen, Workshop 8
2/28/2016 8:20:07 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/28/2016 9:14:26 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/28/2016 9:58:47 1 Kitchen 9 make everything in one
2/28/2016 11:49:30 306 Kitchen 10
2/28/2016 11:50:11 306 Kitchen 10
2/29/2016 23:02:22 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
2/29/2016 23:47:36 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/2/2016 0:12:55 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/2/2016 0:59:05 23 Workshop 8
3/2/2016 11:46:44 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/2/2016 12:28:07 100 Kitchen 10
3/2/2016 16:16:19 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 Your wildest dreams.
3/3/2016 18:28:34 1 Kitchen 5
3/4/2016 12:07:45 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
4 42554
3/5/2016 17:23:59 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
3/6/2016 0:57:18 12 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/7/2016 1:52:31 256 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
3/9/2016 1:55:05 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
3/9/2016 19:10:33 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
3/11/2016 15:22:02 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 Thanks for the great tool. Workshop suggestion of 2:1 press-to-saw ratio seems off to me on the current release: 6 saws, 12 presses, 20 workers, 6 tables, and even after a few hours of steady work, only about half the presses are in use.
3/12/2016 10:05:26 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
3/12/2016 21:01:16 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 I'd like calculators for more rooms please.
3/13/2016 18:16:32 20 Kitchen, Workshop 10 include table count for furnished prisons.
3/14/2016 7:36:02 1 Kitchen 10 keep up the good work
3/15/2016 20:47:42 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/17/2016 16:14:34 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/18/2016 13:05:06 30 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/20/2016 10:57:30 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/20/2016 16:39:35 1 Kitchen 7 Your "squares needed" calculator isn't working because the values being used haven't been rounded. Adding ROUND() around the IF() statements will fix this quickly; pretty much anything that is being divided will cause this problem eventually.
3/22/2016 15:49:55 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/23/2016 5:36:34 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7
3/24/2016 20:52:45 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
3/25/2016 13:36:57 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/25/2016 15:54:03 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7
3/26/2016 7:35:46 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
3/26/2016 10:34:24 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/26/2016 12:51:33 250 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
Timestamp How many estimated prisons
you used
do you
you rate the PADo
you have feedback or suggestions for the Calc.
3/27/2016 11:31:21 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Dorm calc
3/28/2016 12:46:47 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
8 The spreadsheet formulas could use a little polishing here and there, for example the calculation for # of benches just divides the # of prisoners by 4 per bench. I'd want the result to be rounded up since there's no such thing as half a table and leaving that part out of the results means I may end up a bench short. This is especially noticeable when a canteen serves a small group of prisoners (protective custody for example).
3/28/2016 18:36:17 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 8
3/29/2016 15:51:59 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/30/2016 13:59:39 1 Kitchen 10
3/30/2016 15:53:47 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/30/2016 21:10:09 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
3/31/2016 5:11:45 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
3/31/2016 10:05:22 6 Kitchen, Workshop 9
4/2/2016 15:46:27 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
For the kitchen sheet, i followed it and i had too many benches and not enough cookers. prisoners only take about 15 minuets to eat meaning you dont need as many benches, as well i tried to have no extra space in my kitchen and i had WAY too much congestion. but of course im playing with 4000 prisoners so its alot more easy to see the flaws on a larger scale. i suggest you do more testing and you adjust some of the amounts.

The reason i dont use the other sheets is because it doesn't let you set the amount of work hours. i have 11 work hours so i would have an overflow if i followed the sheet exactly. ive been able to run 1000 prisoners with 40 prisoners working laundry.

4/2/2016 16:52:48 4000 Kitchen 4 i hope this gives u guys something to think about.
4/3/2016 9:10:11 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
4/3/2016 16:16:55 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
4/4/2016 14:33:22 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
4/5/2016 15:10:33 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7
4/6/2016 9:32:15 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
4/6/2016 19:10:34 10 Kitchen 7
4/7/2016 16:55:20 5 Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop 9
4/7/2016 19:24:56 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
4/9/2016 0:58:36 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading 9 Need temperature.
4/9/2016 4:23:09 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
4/9/2016 21:50:04 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/9/2016 22:50:11 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
4/9/2016 23:51:57 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/10/2016 8:37:51 155 Kitchen 9
4/11/2016 11:35:31 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9.5 dormatory calculator
4/11/2016 12:54:01 14 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Cell Grading, Workshop
10 Thank you!
I THINK IT IS AWESOME. A improvement would be a Google app.
4/12/2016 12:02:08 1 Kitchen 8
4/13/2016 0:05:53 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
fill in
4/14/2016 2:15:45 300 Workshop 9
4/14/2016 4:32:34 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/14/2016 6:01:52 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Perfect
fill in
4/14/2016 13:43:07 1 Kitchen 9
4/14/2016 21:35:50 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 4
4/15/2016 4:48:39 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
4/15/2016 15:26:25 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
4/16/2016 1:06:11 20 Kitchen 10 .
4/17/2016 7:27:37 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 None so far. Thanks for keeping it updated
4/17/2016 15:09:52 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
4/22/2016 11:28:41 10000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 A++
4/22/2016 15:50:19 3 Kitchen 7
4/29/2016 13:54:24 284 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
5/1/2016 1:24:52 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
5/2/2016 10:10:14 150 Kitchen 9
5/2/2016 10:09:52 150 Kitchen 9
5/7/2016 10:13:15 630 Laundry/cleaning 10
5/9/2016 21:41:22 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 Please add Library/Mailroom sections. (I know you said that you don't have concrete findings, but estimations should do (at least for me.))
5/16/2016 4:10:21 1124 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
5/16/2016 12:23:46 150 Kitchen 8
5/19/2016 6:52:46 100 Laundry/cleaning 9
5/19/2016 10:51:07 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 The Calculator have a feature what calculate the number of advised guards for each prisoner for example 3 guards to 15 minsec 6 guards to 20 medsec and 9 guards to 30 maxsec.
5/23/2016 13:32:46 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
5/27/2016 13:58:29 400 Kitchen 8
5/29/2016 15:45:05 200 Kitchen, Workshop 9 I just think that this should have almsot everything about PA because the wiki page is just so useless. For example have the range of boilers or something. Which btw is 40-50
5/31/2016 23:23:32 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 1
6/4/2016 18:33:11 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/6/2016 10:22:12 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Fix typos, add calc for optimal layout of rooms (long term goal)
6/8/2016 15:31:55 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10 Just keep up the good work. Very reliable calculator and very helpful for a new player. Great job.
6/11/2016 7:35:06 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
6/13/2016 10:46:38 296 Kitchen, Workshop 9
6/15/2016 0:08:16 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 6 Good calculator to approximate my prison rooms need.
6/16/2016 4:23:04 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 A calculator for library, mail, and shop would be greatly appreciated. What happened to the room grading ratios?
6/16/2016 12:27:29 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
6/16/2016 16:59:26 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/16/2016 20:11:14 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
6/17/2016 13:49:32 1 Workshop 10
6/17/2016 18:17:21 1 Kitchen, Workshop 10 No
6/18/2016 1:20:55 6 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
6/18/2016 9:50:54 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
6/26/2016 1:34:04 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
6/27/2016 5:58:11 1 Kitchen 10
6/28/2016 18:04:52 100 Kitchen 10
6/29/2016 22:30:37 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
6/30/2016 10:13:33 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/30/2016 11:41:02 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
6/30/2016 12:50:05 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 nihil
7/2/2016 19:56:52 168 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Is it possible to calculate visitation or CCTV moniters required for X amount of cameras? Thank you for using your time to make my day easier! Keep up the good work!
7/3/2016 11:09:00 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 5
7/4/2016 10:19:23 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
7/4/2016 13:00:17 80 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
7/4/2016 16:57:50 1 Kitchen 8
7/5/2016 15:29:09 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 I'll be using it more, it's nice :)
7/5/2016 20:58:24 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 5
7/8/2016 3:47:59 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
7/9/2016 23:58:18 1 Kitchen 10 nope
7/11/2016 2:43:02 180 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
7/11/2016 11:08:49 240 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7 Why should I only use 8 people per cleaning closet?
7/14/2016 9:12:20 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 Nice sheet, thanks
7/20/2016 8:26:09 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 pls add wardens
7/20/2016 9:33:24 128 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 the workshop area calculator seems off. 192 squares seems a bit too much for 16 prisoners
7/21/2016 16:50:15 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 no, its perfect so far
7/22/2016 13:22:02 55 Kitchen 1
7/25/2016 16:56:29 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
Timestamp How many estimated prisons
you used
do you
you rate the PADo
you have feedback or suggestions for the Calc.
7/26/2016 16:27:33 1200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
7/26/2016 20:53:24 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10 Perhaps add parole rooms? And global prison pop variable?
7/29/2016 6:17:17 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
8/5/2016 8:11:58 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
8/10/2016 3:13:43 10 Laundry/cleaning 10
8/13/2016 6:07:59 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
8/14/2016 23:44:04 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
8/20/2016 3:28:51 50 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 no
8/21/2016 13:22:21 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
8/24/2016 17:40:26 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Make it easier to understand
8/25/2016 22:17:38 1 Kitchen 10
8/26/2016 14:24:12 423 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
8/29/2016 15:48:39 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Better UI
9/1/2016 10:29:00 7 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
9/2/2016 4:36:56 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
9/4/2016 15:25:40 130 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
9/4/2016 19:16:03 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
9/17/2016 9:03:04 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
9/22/2016 14:08:59 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
9/23/2016 12:45:52 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 0
9/26/2016 19:12:02 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 7 Update the calc, to version 2.0
10/2/2016 9:15:08 197 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 A Number file that work. Imported xlxs don't make the drop down menu work.
10/4/2016 1:29:28 100 Workshop 9
10/4/2016 3:49:04 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 A bit more visual formatting and some spellcheck would be nice, but otherwise it is awesome.
10/8/2016 0:45:02 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
10/8/2016 11:16:12 140 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
10/8/2016 13:05:05 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
10/8/2016 15:12:38 2 Kitchen 9
10/12/2016 9:01:35 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Nah it is good
10/17/2016 23:42:16 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
10/21/2016 19:11:28 500 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
10/22/2016 9:40:47 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
10/24/2016 16:21:30 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Thank you, this has helped me so much. Could you do a common room or cell block efficiency sheet?
10/26/2016 8:12:28 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
10/29/2016 8:20:53 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 You could include what rooms are best positioned in relation to other areas but other than that it's been very useful so thank you!
10/30/2016 23:16:44 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9 no
10/31/2016 6:29:30 2 Kitchen 7
11/2/2016 5:38:29 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 Some layout/design help?
11/3/2016 5:25:49 30 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Maybe more security, e.g. how many monitors to cameras etc
11/5/2016 18:09:53 2 Kitchen, Workshop 10
11/6/2016 17:48:37 0 Kitchen 10
11/12/2016 18:36:12 30 Kitchen 10
11/12/2016 19:40:00 1 Kitchen, Workshop 10
11/14/2016 13:55:46 60 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 5
11/14/2016 16:20:33 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 A sheet for Mailroom/ Visitation would be awesome.
11/19/2016 19:19:47 8 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
11/29/2016 3:55:13 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
12/6/2016 5:29:14 700 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
12/8/2016 5:56:27 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
12/8/2016 6:47:12 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
12/8/2016 6:47:25 8 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
12/9/2016 19:40:17 50 Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
12/11/2016 14:34:54 12 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 You could possibly expand it into a site, rendering it more effective for all devices and just plain more easier.
12/16/2016 7:09:38 990 Kitchen 8
12/25/2016 18:17:37 40 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
12/26/2016 9:49:13 7 Kitchen, Workshop 8
12/28/2016 6:27:45 10 Kitchen 10 Advertise more or somethin
12/29/2016 14:15:40
12/29/2016 20:00:07 0 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 3
12/30/2016 1:25:18 56 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
12/30/2016 16:55:15 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/1/2017 7:30:19 120 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
1/1/2017 22:49:04 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/2/2017 11:11:59 2 Kitchen 2 the kitchen calc calcs for me to few of cookers
1/3/2017 4:44:40 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/3/2017 10:49:26 1 Kitchen 0
1/4/2017 0:22:05 1 Kitchen 5 Shower calc (shower heads)
1/4/2017 10:43:24 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 Workshop would needs improvement. The maximum workers seem to be 20 in one room. Also, not sure why it needs 6 work press for 3 work saw since (based on wiki) 3 work saw create 360 plates in 180 seconds and 4 work press process these 360 plates in the same amount of time.
1/5/2017 7:46:39 4 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/6/2017 17:21:22 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 5
1/12/2017 19:39:28 80 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/13/2017 15:38:20 256 Kitchen, Workshop 10
1/17/2017 10:26:22 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
1/17/2017 22:11:49 7 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
1/18/2017 23:33:02 1 Kitchen 8
1/19/2017 9:24:02 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7
1/20/2017 19:04:35 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/21/2017 12:54:37 1 Kitchen 8
1/29/2017 12:06:09 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
1/30/2017 3:20:16 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9.3 Make a html form to make it easier.
1/30/2017 13:17:01 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Thanks
1/30/2017 23:34:41 12 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9 While not specifically for the calculator itself, I think these formulas should be incorporated into a functional mod so that it can be used in game without needing to Alt-Tab out :D
1/31/2017 15:03:26 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
2/2/2017 13:23:38 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
2/2/2017 14:45:17 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
2/9/2017 11:23:26 50 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
2/11/2017 17:31:41 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 Nope. Love it :D
2/13/2017 11:27:23 20 Kitchen 1
2/14/2017 12:59:57 40 Kitchen 10
2/21/2017 8:46:54 200 Kitchen 10
2/23/2017 3:01:33 300 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 how many guards u need in your prison calc :p
2/27/2017 17:26:51 1 Kitchen 8
2/27/2017 22:05:49 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 Add a shop calc.
3/2/2017 20:25:32 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 This is pretty awesome, but i wish there was a way around the whole "build 1.6 laundry rooms" ... :) Or at least, some advice for what to do in those circumstances: round up and make 2, make 1, but make it a bit bigger, make 2 smaller ones... etc. :)
Timestamp How many estimated prisons
you used
do you
you rate the PADo
you have feedback or suggestions for the Calc.
3/3/2017 6:09:50 800 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/5/2017 13:46:47 480 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
3/6/2017 16:26:35 250 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
3/16/2017 13:03:28 1000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 EASIER TO SWITCH
3/18/2017 9:04:33 233 Kitchen 8
3/19/2017 3:37:28 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/22/2017 13:00:21 50 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
3/24/2017 7:45:23 100 Kitchen 1
3/27/2017 21:53:16 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
4/1/2017 9:07:49 680 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8 no
4/1/2017 15:36:01 120 Kitchen 10
4/6/2017 14:31:24 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/8/2017 0:57:51 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/8/2017 10:42:24 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/9/2017 5:02:00 1000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/17/2017 9:36:56 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/19/2017 20:13:51 400 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
4/21/2017 13:34:46 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 More features
4/26/2017 13:55:56 1 Kitchen 1
4/27/2017 16:06:15 375 Kitchen 8 Nope.
4/29/2017 11:40:39 2 Kitchen 8.5
4/29/2017 22:58:46 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 5 none
4/30/2017 18:05:24 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
5/1/2017 17:27:04 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 No feedback, just wanted to say thank you for making such a great Calculator
5/3/2017 7:30:58 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
5/5/2017 12:57:44 34 Kitchen 5
5/6/2017 11:54:28 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
5/9/2017 15:09:28 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
5/10/2017 4:24:18 1 Kitchen 5
5/10/2017 13:28:38 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
5/12/2017 16:33:11 40 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9 More features
5/13/2017 11:07:39 12 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
5/18/2017 12:26:08 220 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
5/20/2017 8:12:05 3 Kitchen 7
5/21/2017 14:46:40 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
5/26/2017 14:25:55 500 Kitchen 9
5/26/2017 22:07:29 30 Kitchen 7 for amount of 8 prisoners - the kitchen suggestion is wrong. (2 sinks??, 3 cooks.. etc.. somthing is wrong)
6/1/2017 14:55:24 1 Laundry/cleaning 2 i dont get it
6/6/2017 22:32:14 96 Kitchen 10
6/8/2017 8:05:27 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/8/2017 12:20:41 90 Kitchen 10
6/8/2017 13:21:06 1 Kitchen 10
6/13/2017 7:47:35 816 Kitchen 10
6/14/2017 6:40:12 60 Kitchen 7
6/14/2017 16:00:27 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
6/18/2017 19:19:53 1 Workshop 8
6/20/2017 17:16:26 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 No A+
6/23/2017 7:33:24 200 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/23/2017 13:14:30 1000 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 1
6/25/2017 9:04:19 48 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/25/2017 17:03:18 40 Kitchen 10
6/26/2017 19:24:12 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 nice job
6/26/2017 19:36:06 40 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10
6/28/2017 5:35:25 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
6/29/2017 1:17:09 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 havent tried yet
6/29/2017 17:22:44 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10 Explanation of how the math works.
7/2/2017 17:13:36 50 Kitchen 7 No
7/3/2017 15:14:11 100 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9.5 This was great! Thank you!
7/4/2017 10:50:50 600 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9.5
7/4/2017 16:46:52 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
7/4/2017 17:16:45 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 7 Workshop calculator is off: I make much more money than what is shown, and that's with using carpentry
7/5/2017 10:55:41 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9 I wont say much since i have no clue how the spreadsheets work but there seem to be some rounding issues in workshop and laundry/cleaning so that might be fixable.
7/6/2017 12:12:20 125 Kitchen 9 it works really wel
7/8/2017 4:05:57 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
7/8/2017 18:24:18 10 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 10 You The Best
7/8/2017 21:31:34 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8 While the suggested worker count for cleaning and laundry rooms is nice, there is no option to change the worker count, making the calculator less useful for figuring out what I need for larger or smaller rooms.
7/11/2017 0:00:58 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 9
7/14/2017 6:23:51 3 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
7/15/2017 17:48:31 150 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
7/15/2017 19:19:51 1000 Kitchen 8.5
7/19/2017 18:06:06 1 Kitchen 10
7/21/2017 12:20:30 2 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
7/21/2017 18:21:45 750 Kitchen 10 No but thank you very much this was very usefull.
7/21/2017 21:55:01 468 Kitchen 10
7/21/2017 21:59:02 479 Kitchen, Workshop 9 Should have time to pay off workshop.
7/28/2017 7:24:36 36 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
7/28/2017 8:25:46 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
7/29/2017 18:44:54 20 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 8
7/30/2017 4:33:06 1 Kitchen 10
7/31/2017 1:01:01 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
8/1/2017 5:45:27 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 9
8/1/2017 16:18:35 27 Kitchen 10
8/2/2017 12:55:01 5 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning 8
8/2/2017 16:28:42 900 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10
8/6/2017 22:15:33 1 Kitchen, Laundry/cleaning, Workshop 10

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