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March- March was a busy month. We had lots of

meetings on the expectations of the senior
endeavor we also had a few assignments we
needed to do. We had to set up our Twitter and our
weebly and embed our twitter on our website. I
worked on my statement of intent and committee
proposal this month. I was also able to contact my
possible mentor and set up a time to meet and talk
about it a little bit.

April- April I went and had my rst meeting with a

possible mentor. We talked a little bit on what I
would all need and when I would want to do my
hours. This month I also worked on getting my
Advisor-Student agreement nished and put on my
website. I also made some nal corrections to my
statement of intent and committee proposal before
uploading them to my website to.

May- May we had a few meetings with our steering

committee talking about our senior projects before
spring break. I also got ahold of another possible
mentor and discussed the criteria for the internship
over the phone and this mentor would work a lot
better with my schedule then the rst mentor I
talked to.

June- June was a slow month not to much went on

all I did was do a little planning.

July- I got ahold of my mentor again and set up a

time to meet and discuss a little bit more about my
internship criteria. We set up a time I could start my
internship. I also started my internship this month. I
was able to get a feel for working on tractors and
was able to do some hand on work on a Johndeere

August- August I nished all my 75 hours I needed

for my internship. We worked on a lot of stu this
month between exhaust, hydraulics, inspections,
preventive maintenance, putting together equipment
for eld and a lot of other stu . I updated my
website and added a few more things to it like me
event page, updated my statement of intent, added
my mentor page. I attended my event at prairie
village and talked to some people there about there
tractors they had there. I wrote up a report on my
event and added that to my website to.

September- September i went and got my log of
hours signed o by my mentor and uploaded them
to my website. I also got a picture of me and my
mentor and a bio put up on my mentor page to.

October- October we began to start talking about

our research paper and getting the criteria on all we
needed to do for that.

November- In November we began writing our

research papers and working on our cover page,
outline, rough draft, abstract and bibliography.

December- We made the last touches to our

research paper we worked on making our cover
letters. We also had meeting on the deadlines that
where coming up for the end of this semester and
the end of next semester also worked on our self
evaluations too.

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