K2Vital Product - Working Standard Sample: Batch

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Document ID COA-GEN-406
Version No.:03 Validity: 3 years
K2VITAL® PRODUCT - WORKING STANDARD SAMPLE Verified:18.09.2019/AKB Approved:18.09.2019/SNO

BATCH: KC-MCT1%-20-05 Reference:


Product Number: KB 6-100-WS

Date of Production: February 2020
Expiry Date: February 2023
CAS No. for MK-7 2124-57-4 Country of Origin: Norway
Storage: Room temperature, protected from light, excessive heat and moisture in sealed original packaging.
MK-7 Carrier: Medium chain triglyceride oil
Packaging: Aluminium bottles

Test Specification Reference Method Result

Appearance Clear, yellow oil Visual Conforms

Identification To match MK-7 reference standard profile HPLC/USP41-NF36 Conforms

MK-7 Preparation
Total all-trans vitamin K2 MK-7 >1.00 % HPLC/USP41-NF36 1.05 %
MK-7 preparation

Sample to be used for testing (working standard) for menaquinone-7 (MK-7) purposes only.

MK-7 is sensitive to light in solution and thus light exposure should be avoided at all times.

Anne Kristin Bakkestuen

Anne Kristin Digitally signed by Anne Kristin

Research Scientist/QC
Bakkestuen Date: 2020.05.25 08:43:22 +02'00'

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Kappa Bioscience AS
Head Office I Silurveien 2 I Building B I 0380 Oslo I Norway I Office +47 2108 0680
info@kappabio.com I www.k2vital.com I www.kappabio.com

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