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10.1 Introduction
10.2 Components of the Crane System
10.3 Forces
10.3.1 Vertical Forces
10.3.2 Horizontal Forces
10.3.3 Fatigue Effect
10.4 Impact Factor
10.5 Specifications
10.6 Forms of Gantry Girders
10.7 Crane Columns
10.8 Preliminary Choice
10.9 Design Procedure
10.10 Design Examples
' ummary

Answers to SAQs

Gantry girders are provided in industrial buildings to support overhead cranes for
the transportation and lifting of heavy load. These cranes may be manually (hand)
operated overhead travelling cranes (MOT) or electrically operated overhead
travelling (EOT) cranes. A typical airangement of gantry girder is shown in

I Figure 10.1.

This unit will help you to get on overall idea about the design of gantry girders.
M o r e studying the design procedure it is of prime importance to know the loads
acting. The unit also helps you to calculate maximum bending moment and shear
force in the gantry girders. The unit will also help you in choosing different
sections and the design of connections.

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
understand the behaviour of gantry girders,
compute different loads acting on the gantry girder,
'compute the maximum bending moment and maximum shearforce in the
choose suitable cross-sections for gantry girders, and
design suitable connections.
Steel Structures

I= Gantry Girder
! Hoist

C.G. line of Gantry
girder f1

Span of
1 I
i Crab Girders Crab
Girder Irhbel b a s 3
I w-

Column ,

Figure 10.1
- -


The following are the main components of crane system
a) Hoist
b) Crane crab or trolley
c) Crane truss or crane girder (also 'crab girder' or 'crane bridge')
d) Gantry Girder
Hoist is used for lifting loads.
If consists of a book on a puphy system for vertical moment of the load. The
trolley or crab can move in a transverse direction over a crane bridge consisting
of crane trusses placed at a fixed distance, (wheel base).
The crane bridge mountain wheels moves longitudinally as a whole on rails
provided at the ends. The rails on either side of the bridge rest on Gantry Girders. The
crane rails are fastened to gantry girder to avoid creeping and crowding of rails.
Stops are provided at the end to prevent the crab from going over the girder. Some
clearance is provided between the centre of the gantry girder and the crane to
avoid damage due to cross travel.
Gantry girders over which crane rails are carried are themselves supported on Gantry Girders
columns at regular intervals. The gantry girders are laterally unsupported beams,
generally of composite section.


Forma of Gantry Girders

Figure 10.2

Gantry girder undergoes unsymmetrical bending due to the following forces:

Figure 10.3: Loads Acting on Gantry Girder

a) Vertical reaction from the loads on the crane girder

b) Longitudinal forces due to starting or stopping of the crane.
c) Lateral force due to starting or stopping of the crab.
d) Fatigue effects
e) Impact effect
10.3.1 Vertical Forces
Vertical forces acting on the gantry girder are the vertical reaction from the crane
girder and self weight of the gantry girder. Slap for the calculation of vertical
reaction, we must know maximum wheel load is necessary. The maximum wheel
load is due to the weight of the crane girder, the crab and the crane capacity and
occurs when the crab is nearest to the gantry girder. The effect of impact has also
to be included.
10.3.2 Horizontal Forces
Horizontal forces are of two types:
a) Longitudinal Forces are those which act parallel to the gantry girder.
b) Lateral Forces are those which act in a direction perpendicular to the gantry girder.
a) Longitudinal Forces
These are caused due to the starting/stopping or acceleration/deceleration of the
crane. These produce thrust along the longitudinal direction of the gantry girder.
These are transferred at the rail level. Therefore, the gantry girders are subjected to
moments due to these forces.
Steel ~ t r u c t w s b) Lateral Forces

These are caused due to the starting/stopping or accelerationldeceleration of the

crab. These produce thrust normal to the Gantry Girder. These produce bending
moment in the girder in a horizontal plane.
10.3.3 Fatigue Effect
The Gantry Girders are subjected to fatigue effects and the allowable stresses are
controlled byIS: 807. IS: 1024-1979 gives the allowable stresses, which are

minimum stress k)
controlled by the number of repetitions, the ratio of the maximum stress to the
and the stress concentration. Normally, light and medium

duty cranes are not designed for fatique if the number of load cycles is less than
6 x lo5. For heavy duty cranes the relevant IS codes.


Because of quick action of the gantry girder the loads transferred are momentary.
Due to these the stresses produced are more than those caused by the gradually
applied load or static load. To allow for this, a suitable impact factor is introduced.
As per IS:875-1964 additional loads listed in Table 10.1 should be considered
when structures are subjected to impact loads in addition to liveloads.
Table 10.1: Additional Loads for Structures Subjected to Impact Loads
Type of Load Additional Load
1) Vertical Force transferred
to the rails:
a) For EOT cranes 25% of maximum static wheel load
b) For MOT cranes 10% of maximum static wheel load
2) Horizontal forces transverse to
the rails (Lateral Forces):
a) For EOT cranes 10% of the weight of the crab and
weight lifted on the crane.
b) For MOT cranes 5% of the weight of the crab and
weight lifted on the crane.
3) Horizontal Forces along 4% of the static wheel loads.
the rails (Longitudinal forces)

1) As per IS:800-1984 (clause, the load combination shall be as follows:

a) Vertical forces with full impact from one crane or two cranes in case of
tandum operation together with vertical forces, without impact from as
many loaded cranes as may be positioned for maximum effect, along
with the maximum horizontal thrust from one crane only or two cranes
in case of tandum operation.
b) For multibay multicrane girders loads specified in (a) above subject to
consideration of cranes in maximum of any two boys of the building.

c) The longitudinal thrust on a cranetract rail shall be considered for a

maximum of two loaded cranes on the track.

d) Lateral thrust and the longitudinal thrust acting respectively across and
along the crane rail shall not be assumed to act simultaneously. The
effect of botn the forces shall be investigated separately.
Gantry Girders
e) Gantry girders supporting bumper shall be checked for bumper impact loads.

2) As per IS: 800-1984 (clause 3.9.3) the permissible stresses are to be increased
by 10% which considering the simultaneous effects of vertical and horizontal
surge loads for the combination given above.

3) As per IS: 800-1984 (clause 3.13.1) for Gantry Girders the limiting vertical
deflection under dead and imposed loads shall not exceed the following values:
a) For MOT cranes ............
b) For EOT cranes upto 500 kN ............. --
c) For EOT cranes over 500 kN .............. -1000

d) For charging car etc ........ 600
where, L = span of crane runaway girder (gantry girder)


The various forms of gantry girders are given in Figure 10.4 for reference.
Steel Structures
The design of crane columns is governed by the vertical reaction, roof load and
wind load. The typical sections are shown in Figure 10.4.
A crane girder may fall in any one of the following categories depending upon the
crane-lad carried:
a) Light duty crane girder (Figure 10.5(a) & (b)) with light rails.
b) Medium duty crane girders with standard rails. (Figure 10.5 (c) & (d))
C) Heavy duty crane girdem with heavy rails (Figure 10.5 (e))


" d



++ +
r ,

Figure 10.5

As the compression flange of the crane girder is generally unsupported between

columns larger compressive stresses develop to due elastic instability hence the top
flage has to be reforced by using additional plates or channels. These are shown is
Figure 10.5. Thus the section does not remain bi-symmetric i.e. symmetric both
along the XX and YY axes, but becomes manosymmetric about vertical YY axis only.
Let A,, I, be the area and moment of inertia of the primary I-section and A, the
area of an additional compression flange plate.
Gantry Girders

T I E ~ L ~ E

Figure 10.5
Taking moments about the I-section axis XX we have (ignoring small thickness of
the plate etc.)

' A c mCo AP
giving the eccentricity e = 4-= - where m = -
Ap+Ao 1 + m ' A,

It can be easily seen that C1= Co - e = -


The moment of inertia of the compound section

:. section modulus (upper fibres), Z1 = - = Zo (1 + m) + A o (mCo)
and section modulus (lower fibres), Z2 = -= Zo
1 2m)
1 + 2m)
For I sections substituting the approximate values
zo= A0
- and 2 2
We have Z1 = Zo + - A Co
3 P

where, Do = 2C0

These equations will also give close approximation for the other shapes also.


The preliminary choice of the gantry girder depends upon the crane capacity, span
of the gantry girder etc.
Steel Structures Table 10.2: Preliminary Choice for Different Conditions
Choice Condition
1) I-Section For MOT cranes
2) I-Section with plates/channels For spans upto 8 m and for 150 kN cranes
3) Plate girder For large spans or for moderare sp:\ns with
heavy cranes
4) Box Section For large spans with heavy cranes

Typical crane data for some common type of cranes are given in Table 10.3, v, l ! l i I i
may be referred to for preliminary estimates of dead loads etc.
Table 10.3: Crane Data
Crane Auxi- Span Wheel Minimum Weight Weight Static Crane Rail Rail
capa- liary (M) base hook of of wheel rail weight base
city weight (m) distance crane trolley load head kN/m with
(kN) (kN) of mind bridge (kN) (kN) width (mm)
load (m) (kN) (mm)
- 10.5-22.5 4.8 0.65 157 16 75 CR50
(25.5-3 1.5) (5.3)

Assumption: The lateral load is resisted entirely by the compression flange.

Step I : Calculate the Maximum Wheel h a d
This occurs when the crab is closest to the gantry girder. The maximum
wheel load will be half the reaction as there two wheels to the crab. Add the
impact load.
Step 2: Calculate the Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Forces (M,):

This is the sum of the bending moments due to wheel load, impact load and
dead load. The dead load bending moment [ M I
is calculated by
assuming the dead load which is to be checked later on. The bending moment
(M2) due to wheel load is absolutely maximum, when the resultant and the
load. under which the bending moment is maximum, are equidistant from the
mid-span (see Figure 10.6(a) & (b)).
Step 3: Calculate the Maximum Shear Force (V,):
This is the sum of the shear forces due to wheel load, impact load and dead
load. The shear force due to wheel load is maximum, when one of the wheel
loads is at the support (see Figure 10.6(c) ).
Gantry Girders

(a) M,,, af D 1%<0,586)

aGk ~ /-
2 -I-.-
- -I

Figure 10.6 : Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Loads

Step 4: Calculate Required:

where, (Jbc = 0.66 fy

fy is the yield strength of the steel. For trial section the value of (Jbc is kept
1 2
between - and - of this value i.e. between 0.33 fy and 0.44 4..
2 3
Step 5: Calculate Ixx and I y y
Calculate I, and Iyy for trial section and I for compression flange Z,, Z2 for
trial section and I,, for trial and compression flange (Icy)
Step 6: Calculate ~ ( h c x . c a oand (J(br.r.cao

where, ZI and Z2 are the section moduli as calculated in step 5 above.

Note: u,,~,,,, 1.1 x 0.664. The permissible bending stress otherwise

redesign the section.

Step 7: Lateral Forces Analysis

Calculate the lateral forces on the girder.

Calculate the maximum bending moment ( M y ) and maximum shear force (V,,)
This is proportional to M, and Vx as the wheel load positions for maximum is
same as in steps 2 and 3.
Step 8: Calculate (T(bcy,cao

-- MY
- zYy of cornp. flange x
where, b = width of compression flange
Step 9: Calculate o~~~.~~,~~~~,~~~~~) from Tables in Unit 6 (IS: 800 Table 6.1)

Step 10: As the bending is biaxial check for stresses by adding bending stresses
calculated in steps 6 and 8.

Step 11: If the above condition is not satisfied redesign the section.
Step 12: Calculate the longitudinal force and check the stresses
Step 13.. Check for Shear
Step 14: Check for Diagonal buckling
Step 15: Check for Deflection
Step 16: Design the Connections.

1) What is the use of gantry girders ?
2) Are gantry girders manually operated ?
3) What are the components of a crane system ?
4) What are the different types of vertical forces acting on gantry girder ?
5) Write the different horizontal forces acting on gantry girders.

6) What is the effect of vertical forces acting on a gantry girder ?

7) What is the effect of horizontal forces acting on a gantry girder ?

8) What is the additional horizontal lateral force that can be taken in the
design of crane girder ?
9) What is the additional vertical force that can be considered in the design
of crane girders ?


Example 10.1
A hand operated 50 kN overhead crane is provided in a workshop. The details are
given below:
i) Centre to centre between gantry girders = 16 m
ii) Span of the gantry girder = 6 m
iii) Weight of the crane = 40 kN
Gantry Girders

iv) Wheel spacing = 3 m

v) Weight of the crab = 10 kN
vi) Maximum edge distance = 1 m
Design a simply supported gantry girder, assuming the flange is laterally supported.


40 kN/m (Total udlj

RL = 76.25 kN RR = 23.75 kN
Figure 10.7

1) Maximum Wheel Load

Refer to Figure 10.7 for calculating maximum reactinn.
Taking moments about 'R'
ZMR = 0

RL 76.25
:. Maximum wheel load W = - = -
2 2
= 38.125 kN
2) Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Loads
y 1 kN/m

Figure 10.8

Assume self weight of girder, rail section etc.

W L ~
BM due to deadload M,= - (See Figure 10.8)

From Figure 10.9, x = -- = 0.75 m

Figure 10.9

For absolute maximum bending moment the load and the resultant are the
equidistant from mid-span (Figures 10.9 and 10.10).
RA = 28.59 kN
Figure 10.10

Taking moments about B, CMB = 0

RA x 6 - 38.125 x 0.75 - 38.125 x 3.75 = 0
.. R A = 28.59 kN
Maximum BM will be below wheel load at U , M2 = RA x 2.25
= 28.59 x 2.25
= 64.32 kNm
Impact load = 10% of maximtim static wheel load
:. Maximum BM due to impact, M3 = 10% of M2
= 6.43 kN-m

3) Maximum Shear Force (V,) Due to Vertical Loads

Shear force due to self weight, V - -

For maximum shear force due to wheel loads, one of the wheel loads is at the
38.125 kN

RA = 28.59 kN
Figure 10.11

Taking moments about B. CMB = 0

:. R , = 57.19 kN
:. Maximum shear force due to wheel loads,
V 2 = R2 = 57.19 kN
Impact load = 10% of maximum wheel load
.: Maximum shear force due to impact,
4) Calculate Zrequired
Assuming yield strength of steel fy = 250 MPa
obC= 0.66 fy = 0.66 x 250 = 165 ~ / r n m ~

= 456 x lo3 mm3

5) From steel tables, try for ISMB 350 @ 524 Nlm

Zxx = 778.9 x lo3 mm3

= 13630.3 x lo4 mm4

I,, = 537.7 x lo4 mm4

Due to symmentry
ob,, = obcXca,
= 96.6 ~ / m r n< ~1.1 x 0.66 fy (O.K.)
7) Lateral Load Analysis
Lateral load = 5% of (the weight of the trolley + weight lifted by the crane)

For one wheel, the lateral load = -- 0.75 kN (': there being four wheels)
The maximum bending moments and shear force can be calculated by
proportion method :
Lateral load
My=M x
Q Maximum wheel load

Lateral load
v,= v2x Maximum wheel load
Steel Structures
8) Maximum Compressive Stress ( o ~ ~ Due
. ~ ,to) Lateral Loads

MY h[ = Ily of comp. flange 2

= 32.9 ~ / m m ~
9) Check for Bending Stresses
Permissible bending stress in a rolled steel section:
Gbcx.per - Obcy.per = 0.66 fy
= 0.66 x 250
= 165 ~ / r n m ~

= 0.71 < 1 (O.K.)

10) Longitudinal .Loads
Longitudinal load = 5% of maximum static wheel load


ISMB 350

Figure 10.12

Let us assume the height of the rail = 75 mm

P = 1.9 kN
Eccentricity about XX axis, e = -+ 75
= 250 mm
A = 6671 mm2
Zxx = 778.9 x lo3 mm3
Moment about the centroidal axis. M = P.e
= 1.9 x 250
= 475 kN-mm
= 475 x lo3
Maximum compressive stress = - + -
A Zxx
Gantry Girders

< 1.1 x0.60f, (1.1 ~ 0 . 250=

6 ~ 165 ~ / r n m ~O.K.)

11) Check for Shear

Average shear stress, ,~

,z, =
dt w

where, t , = web thickness = 8.1 mm

- 65.9 x lo3 = 23.24 N/mm 2 < 1.1 T,,,,~,,.(O.K.)

350 x 8.1
12) Check for Deflection
Maximum allowable deflection = -
For maximum deflection, the wheel loads should be placed symmetrically
38.125 kN 38.125 kN

Figure 10.13

about the mid-span.

M = 38.125 x 1.5 = 57.19 kN.m
By observing the Figure 10.13(b) the conjugate beam is symmetrically loaded

.: Rc = R - -1 x Total load

.: Deflection at mid-span
= Bending moment at mid-span of the conjugate beam
:. Safe in deflection
:. Use ISMB 350 @ 524 Nlm
Example 10.2
Two electrically operated overhead travelling cranes are to be used in a bay
of an industrial building. Design the gantry girder for the following data:
i) Crane capacity = 200 kN
ii) Bay width = 18 m
iii) Spacing of columns = 4 m
iv) Weight of each crane and crab = 200 kN
v) Minimum approach of crane hook = I m
vi) Wheel base = 3.5 m
vii) Minimum distance between cranes =1.6 m
viii) Weight of trolley = 50 kN
Assume any suitable missing data.
1) Maximum Static Wheel Load (W)(see Figure 10.14)

Figure 10.14 : Maximum Reaction (Rz) Due to Wheel Loads

Taking moments about D


:. Maximum static wheel load, W = - . RL

2) Maximum Bending Moment (M,) Due to Vertical Loads(see Figure 10.15)

Assume self weight as 2 kN/m
Maximum Bending moment due to dead loads,
Gantry Girders

Figure 10.15

Since these focus loads are same and acting in the downward direction, the
Resultant R should pass through the symmetrical axis(see Figure 10.16). To

Figure 10.16

calculate the absolute maximum bending moment, tlle maximum bending

moments under each load is to be calculated and through, the maximum of
maximum bending moments gives the absolute maximum bending moment.
In this type of loading only two cases have to be considered because of
symmetry of loading.
Case (1):Maximum BM Under the Extreme Left Load

The distance between the load and mid-span, x = 3'5+0.8 = 2.15 but the
available distance is only 2 m. So, this case is not considered as the load is
not on the span.
Case (2): Maximum BM Under the Load Left of the Resultant(FigurelO.17)
,156kN , 156, kN

Figure 10.17

Taking moment about B


Maximum Bending moment due to wheel loads

M2 = 124.8 x 1.6 = 199.68 kN.m= N 200 kN.m
Impact load = 25% of maximum wheel load
:. Additional moment, M3 = 25% of M2
Steel Structures .'. Mx=Ml+M2+M3
= 254 kN.m
3) Maximum Shear Force (Vx)Due to Vertical Loads(see Figure 10.18)
Maximum shear force due to deadload V1

Figure 10.18(a)

Maximum Shear Force Due to Wheel Loads (see Figure 10.18)

Case (1)
Taking moments about B

156 kN 156 kN

Figure 10.18(b)

Taking moments about B, ZMB = 0

= 250 kN
:. Maximum shear force due to wheel loads
V2 = 250 kN
Impact load = 25% of maximum wheel load
:. Additional shear force, V3 = 25% of V2
Add additional 40% for reduction of permissible stress

Let us try a compound section with ISWB 500 @ 952 Nlm and ISLC 300
@ 331 N/m(see Figure 10.19)
Froperties of the sections are
Beam Section (ISWB : 500) Channel Section (ISLC : 300)
A 12, 122 mm2 4, 211 mm2
Tf 14.7 mm 11.6 mm
tw 9.2 mm 6.7 mm
B 250 mm 100 mm
Ixx 52290.9 x lo4 mm4 6047.9 x lo4 mm4
1, 2987.8 x lo4 mm4 346 x lo4 mm4
C, - 25.5 mm

Figure 10.19

Distance of' centroidal axis from the top fibre, yl

= 197mm

y2 = 500 + 6.7 - 197 = 309.7 mm

Ixx = I , of beamf+I,, of channel

+ [346 x lo4+ 421 1 (197 - 25.5)2]

= 69342.7 x lo4mm4
I y y = I y y of beam + I, of channel

= 2987.8 x lo4+ 6047.9 x lo4

= 9035.7 x lo4mm4
I y y of compression flange

- 1197 - 6.7) x I y y of beam + Ixx of channel

-- (197x 2987.8 x lo4+ 6047.9 x lo4
(Hence OK)
Lateral Load Analysis
Lateral load = 10% x (weight of trolley + crane capacity)

There being four wheels, the lateral load per wheel

The maximum bending moment and shear force are calculated by proportion
Lateral force
M y = M2 Wheel load

Lateral force
V y = M2 Wheel load

X X' = l y of cornp. flange

Calculation of obcxqer
Total area of both flanges at
the point of least BM
= 1.0
= Total area of both flanges at
the point of greatest BM
From Table 6.3 of IS : 800 - 1984, for y! = 1.O, K = 1.0
I,, of compression flange
0 = (at the point of maximum BM)
- 7185.1 x lo4 = 0.80
9 0 3 5 . 7 ~lo4
From Table 6.4 of IS : 800 - 1984 for w = 0.80, k, = 0.30

From Table 6.5 of IS : 800 - 1984

On interpolation we get following values for - = 24 and - = 54
T rY

:. f,,= 2040 ~ / m m ~
From Table 6.2 of IS: 800 - 1984 for& = 250 ~ / m m ~

2200 160
By interpolation, for, 2040 159.25
11) Check for Stresses

= 0.5 < 1.0 (Hence OK)

12) Longitudinal Force
Longitudinal force = 5% of static wheel load

Let us assume the height of rail section = 75 mm

P = 7.8 kN
156 kN 156,kN

Figure 10.20

Eccentricity of the load from x-axis = 197 + 75 = 272 mm

Moment, M = P.e
= 7.8 x 272
= 2121.6 kN-mm
= 2121.6 x lo3

Maximum compressive stress = - + -

= 1.08 N/mm2 c< 1.1 x 0.6 fy (165 N/mm2) (Hence OK)

13) Check for Shear

, , , ,z
Allowable shear stress = 0.4 f ,
= 0.4 x 258 = 100 ~ / m m ~

Average shear stress in the web of the

[$Jfor 1-beam only

Gantry Girders

Average shear stress in the web of the channel

I'[ = for channel only

= 4.9 N/mm c 1.1 x z ~(OK) ~ , ~ ~ ~
14) Check of Deflection
L 4000
Maximum allowable deflection = - =- = 5.33 mm
750 750

For maximum deflection, the loads should be placed symmetrically with

respect to the mid-span.
Case (1)
BM under load = 154 (2 - 1.75) = 39 kN-m
Case (2)
Max. BM = M = 156 x (2- 0.8) = 187.2 kN-m
Take M = 187.2 kN-m(case 2)


Figure 10.21

Since the onjugate beam is symmetrically loaded then reactions will be half
the total oad
Rc = RD = - (Total load)
Maximum deflection at,mid-span
= BM at mid-span for conjugate beam

-- 329.5 x 1012
(2 x l d ) x (69343 x lo4)
= 2.38 mm < 5.33 mm (O.K.)
15) Design of Connections
Shear flow = shear force per mm length

316.5 x lo3)x 722186.5 = 329.6,mm

Shear flow = F, = (
69343 x lo4

Figure 10.22

a) Design of Rivets (Figure 10.23(b))

Let us adopt 20 mm @ power driven shop rivets
Strength of rivets in single shear

Strength of rivets in bearing

:. Rivet value = R = 36.3 kN

R 36.3 x lo3
Pitch of Rivets required = -= = 110.2 mm
F, 329.6
Maximum allowable pitch = 12r or 200 mm whichever is less
12t = 12 x 6.7 = 80.4 mm
. Maximum allowable pitch = 80.4 mm
:. Provide 20 mm 4 P.D.S. rivets at a staggered pitch of 80 mm clc
b) Design of Welds(Figure 10.23(a))
Strength of filletweld per mm length
= 2 (0.7 x S) x 1 x 108
= 2 x75.6 S Nlmm = 151.2 S Nlmm
Min. size of weld = 5 mm
Strength of fillet weld = shear force per mm length
151.Z = 329.6

Provide 5 mm size weld minimum size on both sides throughout

ISWB 500
Figure 10.23

Example 10.3
Design a gantry girder to be used in an industrial building 16 m wide bay
carrying on electric overhead travelling crane for the following data:
i) Crane capacity = 150 kN
ii) Self weight of crane girder (excluding trolley) = 160 kN.
iii) Self weight of trolley, electric motor, hook, etc = 50 kN.
iv) Approximate minimum approach of hook = 1.2 m
v) Wheel base = 3.5 m
vi) Clc distance between gantry rail = 3.5 m
vii) Clc distance between columns = 8.0-m
viii) Self weight of rails = 300 Nlm.

ix) Height of rail section = 75 mm.

1) Maximum wheel load:
(150 + 50) = 200 kN
160 kN (Total udl)

Figure 10.24

Taking moments about R, M R= 0

Steel Structures 1
:. Maximum wheel load, W = -. RL
= - x 265= 132.5kN
Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Loads (M,)(Figure 2.25)
Assume the self weight of the girder = 2 kNIm

Figure 10.25

Maximum bending moment due dead load,

Figure 10.26(a)

For absolute maximum bending moment the load and the resultant should
be equidistant from the mid-span (Filgure 10.26).

Figure 10.26(b)

Taking moments about B, E Mb = 0

Maximum bending moment due to wheel load, M2

Additional load = 25% of maximum static wheel load

Moment due to additional load,

Maximum Shear Force (V,) Due to Vertical Loads Gantry Girders

Maximum shear force due to self weight,

For maximum shear force due to wheel load, one of the wheel loads is
at the support.

Figure 10.27

Taking moments about point B, T, M B= 0

Additional load = 25% of maximum static. wheel load.

Maximum shear force due to additional load,

Z required:

Try for ISWB 600 @ 1337 N/m and ISMC 300 @ 358 N/m(Figure
Properties of the sections one:
I - Section (ISWB-600) Channel Section (ISMC-300)
A 17038 mm2 4564 mm2

Tf 21.3 mm 13.6 mm
tw 11.2 mm 7.6 mm.
B 250 mm 90 mm.
Steel Structures (c) Stress due to lateral loads.

77.23 Wmm2

Y, = 247.59 mm
ISMC 300
ISWB 600
Y2 = 360.01 mm Tension

(a) (b) Stress due to vertical loads

Figure 10.28

6) Stresses due the lateral loads

Distance of centroidal axis from the top

Fibre yl= \
(17038 + 4564)
= 247.59 mm.
y2 = 600 + 7.6 - 247.59 = 360.01 mm.
Im = Ixx of beam + I,, of channel
106198x10~+ 17038 x (307.6- 24.7.59)
+ [310.8 x lo4+ 4564 x (247.59- 23.6)2]

= 135 543 x lo4 mm4

I,, = I,, of beam + Ixx of channel

Iw of compression flange

- (247.59 - 7.6) x I,, of beam + Ixx of channel


< 111 x 0.66f, (OK)

I 8) Lateral Load Gantry Girde~s

Lateral load = 10% of weight of Crab and Crane Capacity

Lateral load on each wheel = -= 5 kN ('.' there being four wheels)
Maximum bending moment and shear force can be calculated by
lateral force
wheel load

vy= v, X lateral force

wheel load

= 207 x ---- - 15.62 kN.


9, C
' = I,, of comp. flange

= 22.22 ~/mrn*.
10) Calculation of obcx,per
and obcy,per.
a,,,,,, = 0.664 = 0.66 x 250
= 165 N mm2
Total area of both flanges at the point of least B M
Total area of both flanges at the point of greatest B M = 1.0
From Table 6.3 of IS: 800 - 1984,
for Y = 1.0, k, = 1.0.
M. I. of conlpression flange about yy-axis
0= --
M. I. of built-up section aboutyy-axis
(at the point of maximum B.M)

From table 6.4. of IS : 800 - 1984,

for w = 0.75, k2 = 0.25

11065.1 x lo4
Y = '(17038 + 4564) = 71.57 mm.
L = 8.0 m = 8000 mm.
Steel Structures

From Table 6.5 of IS: 800 - 1984,

We can adopt any values.

Let us adopt Y = 212 N/mm
X = 331.3 N/mm2
C, = yl = 247.59 mm

CZ= yz = 360.0 1 mm.

= 558.79 N/mm2
I = 559 ~ / m m *
t = 11.2 = 2.6 > 2.0
:. fcb = 559 N/mm2
From Table 6.2 of IS: 800-1984, for f, = 250 ~ / m m ~
Gantry Girders
fcb Obcx, per

540 134 Obcx, per - 134.45 N/mm2

560 135

11) Check for Stresses

= 0.64 < 1 (:. OK)

12) Longitudinal Force (Figure 10.29)
Longitudinal force, P = 5% of Maximum static wheel load

Figure 10.29

Eccentricity of the load from the x-axls

= 247.59 + 75
= 342.59 mm.
Moment about x-axis, M = P.e
= 6.625 x 342.59
= 2137.2 kN-mm.
= 2137.2 x lo3 N-mm.
Maximum compressive stress

= 0 . 8 N / m m 2 < 1.1 x 0.6fy (:. OK)

13) Check of Shear

Z ~ aper
, = 0.4 fy'= 0.4 x 250 = 100 N/mm2
Average shear stress in the wpb of the beam

- v, - .-268x103
- -. -
dt, 600 x 11.2

= 39.89 N/mm2

< 1.1 ><' ~ wper

, !OK)
Average shear stress in the web oi" the channel

-- VY
(dt,) of Channel

- 15-62 03 - - 6-84N/mm' (:. OK)

300 x 7.6

14) Check for Deflection [Figure 10.30)

L 8000
Maximum allowable deflection = ---- = ---- = 10.3 mm.
750 750
For maximum deflection, the wheel loads are to be placed symmetrically
with the mid-span.

!b) Conjugate Beam

Figure 10.30

By observing the Figure 10.30 (b), the onj jug ate beam is symmetrically
1 x Total load
:. Rc = RD = -

:. Maximum deflection at mid-span

= BM at mid-span for the conjugate beam
= 7.87 mm. < 10.7 mm. (OK)
Design of Connections
Shear flow, Fh =

Figure 10.31(a)

Design of Rivets
Let us provide 20 mm diameter power driven shop rivets.
Strength of rivets in single shear

Strength of rivets in bearing

:. Rivet value, R = 36.3 kN.

R 36.3~ lo3
Pitch required = - =
Fh 202.1

= 179.6 mm.

Maximum allowable pitch = 12t or

200 mm, whichever is less.
12 t = 12 x 7.6 = 91.2 mm.
Provide 200 mm Q PDS rivets at a staggered
nitch of 90 mm C/C Figure 10.31(b)
Minimum size of weld = 5 mm.
Strength of weld per mm length = 2 x (0.75 x 1) x 108 N/mm.
It should be equal to shear flow
:. 2 x (0.75 x 1) x 108 = 202.1

pro\ ide 5 mm fillet weld on both sides.

Example 10.4
Design a gantry girder for two electrically operated overhead travel1ing c
of capacity 500 kN working at tandem in a bay of width 25 m.
i) The self weight of crane girder excluding crab = 200 kN.
ii) The weight of the crab = 50 kN
iii) The columns are spaced at 10 m clc
iv) The base of the wheel = 3.5 m
v) The minimum distance between the cranes = 2 m.

vi) The minimum appioach of the hook = 1.2 m.

vii) The height of the rail section = 75 mm
Assume any suitable data.

1) Maximum Static Wheel Load (W)(Figure 10.32)

Takink-homents about R, C MR = 0

+ 50)
12m -4(500
= 550 k~ 1 200 kN (Total load)

Figure 1032

. Maximum wheel load, W = - . RL
Gantry Girders
2) Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Loads (M, gure 10.33)
Assume self weight = 3 kNIrn.

-k 10m 4-
Figure 10.33

Maximum bending moment due to dead loads,

tw -4
x x i

Figure 10.34
Case (1): BM under Extreme Left Load (Figure 10.34)

Figure 10.35

Taking moments about B, Z Mg = O(Figure 10.35)

Max. BM under the load = 397.8 x (5 - 2.25)

= 1094 kN/m
Case (2): BM under Left Load(Figure 10.36)

Taking moments about B, C MB= 0

Figure 10.36
Steel Structures . RA = 56 1.6 kN.
Max. BM under load = 56 1.6 x 4.5 - 3 12 x 3.5
= 1435.2 kN-m.
Maximum bending moment due to wheel load,

Additional load = 25% of maximum static wheel load

. Additional moment, M, = 25% of M ,

= 358.8 kN-m
. M,= Ml+M2+M3
= 37.5 + 1435.2 + 358.8
= 1831.5 kN-m
3) Maximum Shear Force (V,) Due to Vertical Loads (Figure 10.37)

Maximum shear force due to dead load, V , =---
- -----
3x10 -
15 kN

312 kN 312 kN 312 kN 312 kN

3.5 ~n 2 ~n 3.5 m
10 rn

Figure 10.37

Taking moments about B, X MB = 0

Maximum shear force due to wheel loads, V2

Additional load = 25% of maximum wheel load. Additional shear force,
V , = 25% of V,

4) Section modulus required (Zreguired)

Here, Z required is very high, so let us provide a plate girder as shown in

5) Plate Girder Design Gantry Girders

a) Economical depth, d = 5.5

1831.5 x lo6
= 1 226.8 rnrn.
= 5.5 0.66 x 250
Let us adopt 1200 rnrn depth for web plate.
b) Thickness of web plate T,, = 0 . 4 4 = 0.4 x 250 = 100 Nlrnrn2

' A
T~~ = -(for efficient design)

.. t, = 7.27 rnm
Adopt thickness of web plate as 12 rnrn.

c) Net area of flange required.

d) Let us choose 2YSA 150 x 150 x 15 mm angles and flange plate

500 x 10 rnrn for tension flange.
800 x 10 m m

ISA 150 x150 x 10 m m

t 500 x 10 m m
Figure 10.38

Choose 4 ISA 150 x 150 x 15 mm angles and flange plate 800 x

10 rnrn for compression flange. Choose the section as shown in
Figure 10.39.
e) For Angle Section
Cxx = C,, = 42.6 rnrn.

Ixx = I,, = 896.8 x lo4 rnrn4

Provide a gap of 6 rnrn between the flange plate and web plate
Distance of centroidal axis from the top fibre,
Steel Structures

yl = 483.6
---- --
---- --
10 rnrn

1200 rnm
y~ = 748.4 rnrn

Figure 10.39

= 483.6 mm.
= 65.12 N/mrn2
Gross area of tension flange (Figure 10.40j
= Area of .flange plate +- area of angle + area of web portion.
= (500 x 10) + (2 x 4278) + (150 - 6) x 10
= 14 996 mm2
15 rnmw+++ 15 mm
Let us adopt 22 mm diameter P I.
power driven shop rivets. n
Deduction of area for rivets
= 2 x 23.5 x (10 + 15)
+ 23.5 x (15 + 10 + 15)
Figure 10.40

:. Net area of tension flange

= Gross area - deduction for holes
= 14996 - 2115
= 12881 mm2

. oblx,ca = (2 x y2)
Gross area
[NC;x) of tension flange

1831.5 x lo6
1.36 x loL0

= 117.32~ / m m ~
) [la)
< 1 . 1 ~ 0 . 6 6 f y ( = 1 8 1 . 5 ~ / m m ~(OK)

6) Lateral Loads
Lateral load = 10% of (Wt of trolley + Crane Capacity)

Therebeing four wheels, lateral load for each

wheel = -= 13.75 kN.
The maximum bending moment and shear face due to lateral loads can
be calculated by proportion.
lateral load
M -M
wheel load

lateral load
V y = V2 wheel load
Figure 10.41: Compression Flange of Plate Girder

7) Calculation of obcxand obay(Figure 10.41)

I,, of compression flange

o 3 i + lox-
=[(483.6-10-6)x-- l12

Total area of both flanges the point of least LBM

y= = 1.0
total area of both flanges at the point of greatest BM
From Table 6.3 of IS: 800 - 1984,
for Y = l.O,kl= 1.0

I,, of compression flange

I,, of total section

From Table 6.4 of IS : 800 - 1984,

for w = 0.9, k2 = 0.40

,. = 2d. E T= G 3 -= 184.03mm.
Y A 50 668

Area of compression flange

width of flange
Table 6.5 of IS: 800 - 1984

Table 6.2 of IS = 800-1984

1 fcb I Obc

8) Check for Bending Stresses

= < 1.0 (Hence, OK)


Steel Structures 9) Longitudinal Force

Longitudinal force P = 5% of static wheel load

- x 312
= 15.6 kN.
Assume the height\'of rail section = 75mm.
Eccentricity of load about x-x-axis,
e = 483.6 + 75
= 558.6 mm
Moment due to eccentricity, M = P.e
= 15.6 x 558.6
= 8714.16 kN-mm
= 87 14.16 x lo3 N-mm.
Maximum compressive stress
= -+-
A Zx

- 1 5 . 6 lo3
+ 8714.16~lo3
-- .6 = 0.62
50 668 (1.36 x 10")

= 1.1 x 0.6& (165 N/mm2) Safe)


10) Check of Shear

Permissible shear stress, T,, = 0.46,

= 0.4 x 250 = 100 ~ l r n r n '

Average shear stress in the web

- "X - 873 lo3 = 72.75 N/rnm2

Area 2 web - 1200 x 10
< 1.1 x T , ,I 110 N/rnrn2 (;. OK)

Average shear stress in the compression flange

- VY -
Area of top flange plate

- 30.25 x lo3
800 x 10

=3.6N/mm2< 1.1XT,, (:. OK)

11) Check for Deflection

Maximum allowable deflection = -

- loooO- 13.33 rnm
BM at 0.5 m from A Gantry Girders

I I+ 1 m ~ l m - N I
- N 10- m
(a) Loaded Beam

(b) Conjugate Beam

Figure 10.42

BM at 4 m from A

For maximum deflection due to wheel loads, the loads should be placed
symmetrically about the mid span.
By observing the conjugate beam, it is symmetrically loaded.
.: Rc = RD = - [Total load]

Deflection @ BM at E for conjugate beam

- 142155 x 1012
=: 2.099 mm < 13.33 mm Hence, (OK)
(2 x lo5) (1.36x '01 )
I Steel Structur-2 12) Design of Connection
Shear flow = Shear force mrn length

= Vx = 878 kN.
I = lxx = 1.36 x 10'' mm4
Ref. Figure 10.62,

(873 x lo3 ) (7516.44 x 10)

Shear flow Fl, =
(1.36 x 10" )

a) Design of Rivets
Let us use 22 mm Q power drivrn shop rivets.
Strength of rivets in single shear

Strength of rivets on bearing

:. Rivet value, R = 43.36 kN.

Pitch of rivets required = -

Maximum allowable pitch = 12t or 200 mm which is less

= 1 2 x 10= 120mm

.. Adopt 22 mm Q PDS (pow<r driven rivets @ 80 mm c/c

b) Design of Welds
Strength of fillet weld per mm length
= 2(0.7S) x 1 x 108

= 151.2 S N/mm
Min. size of weld'= 5 mm
Strength of fillet weld = shear force/rnm
151.2 S = 482.5
.. S = 3.2 mrn
Provide 5 mm size weld
1) What is the permissible increase in allowable stress in the design of
crane girders as per IS ?
As per IS, what is the allowable deflections for MOT cranes ?
As per IS, what is the allowable deflection for EOT cranes of capacity
more than 500 kN ?
Draw the different forins of gantry girders.
Draw the different forms of columns that can be used for gantry girders.
What is the suitable section for gantry girders used for MOT cranes ?
What is the suitable section for gantry girders used for heavy cranes
with large spans ?
How can you calculate the maximum wheel load for a crane girder ?
A hand-operated 50 kN overhead crane is provided in a workshop. The
details are given below:
i) Longitudinal spacing of colunins = 6 m

ii) Centre to centre spacing of gantry girders = 16 ni

iii) Spacing of wheels = 3 m

iv) Minimum edge distance = lm

v) Weight of crane girder = 40 kN

vi) Weight of the trolley = 10 kN
Design the gantry girder.
A gantry girder is composed of ISMB 550 @ 1037 N/m and ISMC 300
@ 358 N/m placed on the top of the beam with its flange down. Calculate
the maximum flange and web stresses in the girder section for the .
following details:

i) Effective span of the gantry girder = 8 ni

ii) Effective span of the crane girder between centres of gantry rails
= 18 m.
iii) Distance between the pair of carriage wheel = 3.5 m.

iv) Capacity of overhead crane = 150 kN

v) Total weight of crane girder excluding crab = 180 kN.

vi) Weight of crab = 50 kN

vii) Closest position for hook from the centre of gantry rails = 1 m
viii) Weight of gantry girder inclusive of rail = 2 kN/m.
1 0 1 1 SUMMARY
This unit provides you same basic information regarding the design of gantry girders.
The following aspects are studied:
i) Purpose of gantry girder,
ii) Types of'gantry girder,
iii) Types of columns used for gantry girder,
iv) Types of loads acting on the gantry girder,
v) Design methodology for gantry girder,
vi) Design of connections for gantry girder,
vii) IS code specifications regarding gantry girders,
ix) Checking the safety of gantry girder provided.
- --


I) Refer Section 10.1
2) Refer Section 10.1
3) Refer Section 10.2
4) Refer Section 1(1,3.1
5) Refer Section 10.3.2
6) Refer Section 10.3.1
7) Refer Section 10.3.2
8) Refer Section 10.4
9) Refer Section 10.4

1) Refer Section 10.5
2) Refer Section 10.5
3) Refer Section 10.5
4) Refer Section 10.6
5) Refer Section 10.7
6) Refer Section 10.8
7) Refer Section 10.8
8) Refer Section 10.9

9) This problem is similar to the problem of example 10.1 except that the
girder is laterally unsupported.
i) Maximum wheel load = 38.125 kN.
' i ' r
ii) M x = 75.25 kN-m.
iii) Vx = 65.9 kN
iv) Z,, = 456 x lo3mm3
Try for ISMB 350 @ 524 Nlm
Gantry Girders
= 96.6 N/mm2 < 1.1 x 0.6615. (OK)

obey,per -
- 165 N/rnm2
vii) Light Calculation of ob, , Permissible

From Table 6.1 B of IS : 800 - 1984

= 1.33 > 1.0 (Not safe)

.. Try for higher section.
Let us try for ISMB 600

Steel Structures
From Table 6.1 B of IS: 800 - 1984

obchd = (lyyof cpo.: flange) ~[f)

Obey. cul
obcx, cal
1.1 X obcx, per 1 obey. per

= 0.29 < 1.0 (OK)

ix) Longitudinal comp. stress

= 712.5 x lo3 Nmm.

1.9 x lo3 712.5 x lo3

Longitudinal compressive stress =

15600 3060 x 1o3

= 0.35 N/rnm2 < 1.1 x 0.6fy (OK)

- - -

X) Check for Shear Gantry Girders

' v u , per = 0.4fy = 0.4 x 250

= 100 N I mm2
Vx lo3
'va~ca' - dtw - 600 x 12

< 1 1X
xi) Check for Deflection
Maximum allowable deflection = 12 mm

Actual deflection = --235.89 1012


= 1.28 mm < 12 mm. (OK)

Hence use ISMB 600 as gantry girder section

Figure 10.43: Section of Gantry Girder

10) i) Maximum wheel load:

(150+50) = 200 kN 180 kN (Total load)


Figure 10.44(a)

Taking moments about R, CMR = 0

RL 279
Maximum wheel load, W = -= --
2 2

ii) Maximum Bending Moment Due to Vertical Loads (Mx) (Figure 10.45)

Figure 10.44(b)
Maximum BM due to dead load, M - --
w L3
I- 8

- 82 16 kNm.

Figure 10.45

For absolute maximum bending moment, the load and the resultant
are equidistant from the mid-span (Figure 10.45) .

-p 4 m ------Ht---- 4 mY- - -
Figure 10.46

Taking moments about B, C. MB = O(Figure 10.46)

Maximum BM, M2 = 109.375 x (4 - 0.875) = 341.8 kN-m.

Additional load = 25% of maximum static shear load
Additional moment, M3
= 25% of M2

= 16 + 341.8 + 85.5
= 443.3 kNm.
iii) Maximum Shear Force Due to Vertical Loads (Vx)
Maximum shear force due to dead load, V ,

For maximum shear force, one of the wheel loads should be at the
Gantry Girders

Figure 10.47

Taking moments about B, ZMB = 0

.. RA = 218.75 kN.
Maximum shear force due to wheel loads,
V2 = R2 = 218.75 kN
Additional load = 25% of Maximum static wheel load
Additional SF,
V3 = 25% of V2

= 54.69 kN.
.. v, = v, + v2+ v,
= 8 + 218.75 + 54.69
28 1.44 kN.
iv) Lateral Force Analysis
Lateral force = 10 % if (the weight of trolley + weight lifted on the

Since there being four wheels, lateral force per each wheel

The maxinlum bending moment and shear force can be calculate

by proportion.
lateral force
M y = Mzx
wheel load

vy= v2x lateral force

wheel load

v) Calculation of Zxx and Zyy
Select a beam ISMB - 550 with a channel section ISMC - 300
added as compression flange member as shown in Figure 10.48.
Steel Structures

Figure 10.48 1
Properties of the sections are:
Beam (ISMB:550) Channel (ISMC:300)

Distance of c.g. from the top fibre,

-"I -
(13 211 + 4564)
= 216 mm.

y, = 550 + 7.6- 216 = 341.6 mm.

I,, = I,, of beam + Ivvof Channel

lyy of compression flang (Figure 10.49)

x I y y of beam + IXx of channel
= 21;;;'6)

= 7057.1 x lo4 mm4

vi) Flange Stresses (see Figure 10.49(a)

Gantry Girders

- MY
- I,, of Comp. flange x x
o ~ ~ ~C Cv ~ ,I

216 rnrn

341.6 rnm

172 Pl/rnm2
Figure 10.49(a)

Shear Stresses

II 216 mrn

Figure 10.4wb)

Maximum shear stress occurs at the neutral axis i.e. the centroidal
A 7 = A y (for channel + for flange of beam
+ for the portion of web
= 4566.4 (216 - 23.6) - for channel
- for flange of beam

+ -21 (216 - 76 - 19.3)~x 11.2 - for web position of beam.

Maximum shear stress, z =
Steel Structures viii) Results

Max. tensile flange stress = 172 N/mm2-

cal + obey,
Max. compressive stress = obcx, cal

= 109 + 25.93 = 134.93 N/mm2

Max. shear stress = 51.63 N/mm2

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