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Exprimarea opiniei in limba engleza

Formal ways of expressing opinion, characteristic of written English:

In my view ...,  from my point of view...,  in my opinion...
From my view point I believe that the company achieved its target for 2010.
In my opinion he did what he could to save the situation.
Din punctul meu de vedere compania si-a realizat scopul pentru 2010.
Dupa parerea mea el a facut tot posibilul sa salveze situatia.

Less formal equivalents more characteristic of spoken English include the

to my mind ...,  I reckon ..., I feel..., if you ask me..., to be honest (with you) ...,  as
far as I'm concerned ...
If you ask me I do not approve that kind of behavior.
As far as I'm concerned my job is done.
Dupa mine, nu sunt de acord cu acest tip de comportament.
In ceea ce ma priveste eu mi-am facut treaba.

If one is required to write an essay in which one has to express an opinion use the
I think that…     It seems to me that…       I do not believe that…         I do not
agree that… (Pentru scrierea unui eseu pentru exprimarea opiniei putem folosi
alternativele : Eu cred ca ……Mi se pare ca…..Nu cred ca …..Nu sunt de acord cu
It seems to me that a mistake has been made, the accounts are still empty.
I do not believe that they are supposed to raise the prices in order to survive on the
Mi se pare ca s-a facut o greseala, conturile sunt inca goale.
Nu cred ca ei ar trebui sa cresca preturile pentru a supravietui pe piata.

Making concessions:  Of course, some people argue…   While…     Admittedly…

Of course, some people argue that is better to start the campaign right now.
Admittedly, your product is expensive but maybe if we negotiate we can reach an

Exprimarea concesiei : Bineinteles, unii cred ca ….In timp ce….    Dupa cum se

Bineinteles, unii cred ca ar fi mai bine sa incepem campania acum.
Dupa cum se stie, produsul dumneavoastra e scump dar poate daca negociem
ajungem la o intelegere.     

Clarifying an opinion: By this I mean…        Here I'm referring to…               To be

more precise…                 That is to say…( Pentru a clarifica o parere : Prin asta,
vreau sa spun….   Si aici ma refer la…       Mai precis…            Adica..)

That is to say they left without saying goodbye.

To be more precise we are interested in the outcome of this discussion.
Adica, au plecat fara sa isi ia la revedere.
Mai precis, pe noi ne intereseaza rezultatul discutiei.
Agreeing with an opinion: Of course… You are absolutely right….   I couldn't
agree more…   Exactly…      That’s true…        I agree with you entirely…. That
is just what I was thinking…( Aprobarea unei pareri : Bineinteles…..     Ai
dreptate..       Sunt de acord…        Exact…  
E adevarat…Sunt de acord cu tine in totalitate…      Exact la asta ma gandeam si
You are absolutely right; Sam is the one who should receive the prize.
I agree with you entirely, the best way to succeed is to promote the products on
other markets.
Ai perfecta dreptate, Sam e cel care ar trebui sa primeasca premiul.
Sunt complet de acord cu dumneavoastra cea mai buna cale spre success e
promovarea produselor pe alte piete.

Disagreeing with an opinion: I don’t agree with you…    However…      On the
contrary…    I’m sorry to disagree with you, but…   Yes, but don’t you think….      
I’m afraid I have to disagree (Nu sunt de accord cu tine…..Totusi…  
Dimpotriva…     Imi pare rau ca nu sunt de acord, dar…         Da, dar nu crezi ca…    
Ma tem ca nu sunt de acord.)
However, it was not supposed to end like this.
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you; the students are not ready yet for a final test.
I am not tired; on the contrary I am eager to start working on the project.
Totusi, nu trebuia sa se termine asa.
Ma tem ca nu sunt de acord cu dumneavoastra, studentii nu sunt pregatiti pentru
testul final.
Nu sunt obosita, dimpotriva sunt nerabdatoare sa incep munca la proiect.

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