Comparative Analysis of A Transfer Field Machine and An Induction Machine

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Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba




Electrical Engineering Department


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A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of Master of Engineering

Degree (M.Eng) in Electrical Engineering


Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba


Electrical Engineering Department

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

October, 2015









Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba Signature---------------- Date----------


Engr. Prof. L. U. Anih Signature---------------- Date----------


Engr. Prof. S. N. Ndubuisi Signature--------------- Date----------

(External Examiner)

Engr. Prof. E. C. Ejiogu Signature--------------- Date----------

(Head of department)

Engr. Prof. E. S. Obe Signature-------------- Date----------

(Chairman, Faculty
Postgraduate Committee)


I, Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba do hereby declare that this thesis work is original

work of mine and has not been submitted for any degree in any university or

institution to the best of my knowledge.

---------------------------------- --------------------------------

Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba Date



Eleanya Michael Ndimlauba, a postgraduate student in the department of

Electrical Engineering and with the registration number of PG/M.ENG/09/52208,

has satisfactorily completed the requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Engineering (M. Eng) in Electrical Engineering.

The work embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted in part or

full for any other diploma or degree of this University or any other University to

the best of our knowledge.

------------------------------ --------------------------------

Engr. Prof. L. U. Anih Engr. Prof. S.N. Ndubuisi

(Supervisor) (External Examiner)

------------------------------ ---------------------------------

Engr. Prof. E.C. Ejiogu Engr. Prof. E.S. Obe

(Head of Department) (Chairman, Faculty

Postgraduate Committee)


This thesis is dedicated to the Almighty God and to all men of goodwill.


I cannot thank the Almighty God enough for giving me the inspiration to embark

upon this programme. To my thesis supervisor, Engr. Prof. L. U. Anih, I am

extending my inadequate acknowledgement of appreciation for your sincere

advice which propelled me to start the programme and for your great guidance

which contributed immensely to the actualization of this work. I also want to

appreciate Engr. Prof. T. C. Madueme for his motivational talk to me when I

visited him at the commencement of this programme in company of Engr. Prof. H.

C. Inyiama of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe

University Awka. Worthy of note is also the contribution of the following:- the

present Head of Department Engr. Prof. E. C. Ejiogu, Engr. Prof. M. U. Agu,

Engr. Dr. B. O Anyaka and the entire academic and non academic staff of the

Department towards the successful completion of this programme. I am very

appreciative of the great assistance offered to me by Engr.Prof S. E. Obe , Engr.

B. U. Akuru and Engr. C. J. Nnonyelu in the Matlab simulation of this

work. Many thanks to Miss Florence Chiebonam Ngene for doing most of the

typing and general organization of this thesis.

Finally, I am completely indebted to my dear wife Mrs Catherine Chika Eleanya

and lovely children Chinaelo, Ifesinachi and Onyedikachi for being there for me,

giving me the strength and motivation for this work.



This work presents a comparative analysis of a transfer field

machine (TFM) and a polyp-phase induction machine (IM) . Although
the two machines belong to two different classes of machine and quite
different in physical configuration , yet both display similar torque – Slip
characteristics. However , the synchronous speed of the transfer field
machine is ωo /2 ,that is , one -half that of the induction machine. In
their principle of operation , the induced electromotive force ( e. m. f ) as
well as the frequency of this induced e. m. f in both the auxiliary
winding of the transfer field machine and the rotor of an induction
machine , is proportional to slip. The self inductance matrix of the two
machines are derived and both shown to be independent of the rotor
angular position. However , the mutual coupling inductance in both cases
are dependent on rotor angular position. For the transfer field machine ,
in addition to rotor angle dependence, it also depends on the difference
between the direct - and quadrature- axes reactances. Consequently, the
machine produces reluctance torque as a result of the rotor pole –axis
trying to align with the axis of the maximum flux. But that of induction
machine is by alignment of fields , that is , the rotating magnetic field of
the rotor trying to catch up with that of the stator. Under steady-state
performance, the transfer field machine exhibited a lower pull out and
starting torque as well as lower efficiency than the induction machine. In
dynamic mode , the torque versus speed characteristic of both machines are
very identical which is akin to what obtains in the steady – state simulation.
Also the starting current of the transfer field machine is not high – a
feature that makes it possible for the transfer field machine to tolerate a
longer starting time without any major disturbance to the supply unlike the
induction machine.


Title page ii

Declaration iii

Certification iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgement vi

Abstract vii

Table of contents viii

List of symbols and Abbreviations xi

List of figures xv

List of Tables xvii


1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Problem Statement 3

1.2 Aims and Objectives 3

1.3 Significance of the Study 4

1.4 Methodology 4

1.5 Thesis Organization 4


Literature review 6


3.1 Comparative analysis of physical configuration and principle of

operation 12

3.1.1 Transfer Field Machine (TFM) 12

3.1.2 Induction Machine (IM) 19

x Induced rotor voltage 22 Rotor Current and Field 24

3.2 Synchronous operation 28

3.2.1 Transfer Field Machine 28

3.2.2 Induction Machine (IM) 29

3.3 The inductance matrix and transformation of stator quantities to

arbitrary qdo reference frame 30

3.3.1 Transfer Field Machine (TFM) 30 The inductance matrix 30 Transforming of stator quantities to arbitrary q-d-o reference frame 35

3.3.2 Induction Machine (IM) 38 The Inductance matrix 38 Transformation to arbitrary q-d-o reference frame 42

3.4 Steady – state analysis 48

3.4.1 Transfer field Machine (TFM) 48

3.4.2 Induction Machine (IM) 52

3.5 Dynamic state analysis 57

3.5.1 Transfer Field Machine (TFM) 57

3.5.2 Induction Machine (IM) 61


4.1 Steady – state simulation and results 66

4.1.1 Transfer field machine (TFM) 66

4.1.2 Induction machine (IM) 69

4.2 Dynamic – state simulation and results 74

4.2.1 Transfer field machine (TFM) 74


4.2.2 Induction machine (IM) 79


5.1 Discussion of the analysis and simulations 86

5.2 Conclusions 88

5.3 Recommendation 88

References 89

Appendix 91


TFM = Transfer field machine

ωo = Supply (source) frequency for TFM

ω = Auxiliary winding (rotor) speed for TFM

Pe = Pemeance distribution in the auxiliary winding (rotor) of TFM

mo = excitation mmf

m\c1 = machine 1 of TFM

m\c2 = machine 2 of TFM

B1 = Flux density distribution in m\c1 of TFM

B₂ = Flux density distribution in m\c2 of TFM

M1 = Magnetizing mmf in m\c1 of TFM

M₂ = Magnetizing mmf in m\c2 of TFM

eo (e2)= Induced emf in the main/auxiliary windings of TFM

I1 (IA) = Current in the main winding of TFM

I2 (Ia) = Current in the auxiliary winding of TFM

S = slip

Ф = Impedance angle

б (λ) = Arbitrary phase angles

P = derivative (d/dt)

λ = Flux linkage

VABC = main winding phase voltage in abc frame

VQDO = main winding phase voltage in qdo frame

Vabc = Auxiliary winding phase voltage in abc frame

Vqdo = Auxiliary winding phase voltage in qdo frame

Lxx = self inductance of the main winding of TFM


Lyy = self inductance of the auxiliary winding of TFM

Lxy = mutual inductance between the main and auxiliary windings of TFM

V1 = Primary supply voltage for TFM

λQDO = Main winding flux linkage in qdo reference for TFM

λqdo = Auxiliary winding flux linkage in qdo reference for TFM

Kx = Transformation from ABC to QDO in TFM

(Kx)-1 = Inverse transformation

Ky = Transformation from abc to qdo in TFM

(Ky)-1 = Inverse transformation

θr = rotor angle position

ß = speed of rotation of arbitrary reference frame for TFM

rA = resistance of the main winding of TFM

ra = resistance of the auxiliary winding of TFM

r = sum of resistance of the main or auxiliary windings in both halves of


Z = Input impedance for TFM

IM = Induction machine

ns = Synchronous speed in rpm

ω = Synchronous speed in rad/sec

Pn = Number of poles

fe = Supply frequency in Hz for IM

ωe = Supply frequency in rad/sec for IM

ωsl (sωe) = Slip frequency in rad/sec

Bs = Stator flux density for IM

L = Conductor length

u = Conductor velocity in m/s


ωr = Rotor speed in rad/sec

Br = Rotor flux density for IM

e = Rotor induced voltage for IM

LLs = Stator leakage inductance for IM

Lms = Stator magnetizing inductance for IM

LLr = Rotor leakage inductance for IM

Lmr = Rotor magnetizing inductance

Lsr = mutual inductance between the stator and rotor windings

rs = Stator resistance for IM

rr! = Rotor resistance for IM

λsabc = Stator flux linkages in abc variables

λsqdo = Stator flux linkages in qdo variable

λrabc = Rotor flux linkages in abc variables

λrqdo = rotor flux linkages in qdo variables

Tmax = Maximum torque

[Tabc] = Transformation from abc to qdo variables

[Tabc]-1 = Inverse transformation

ω! = speed of rotation of the arbitrary reference frame

Фm = arbitrary phase angle in mechanical angle

Фe = arbitrary phase angle in electrical angle

RR = Constant resistance of the rotor conductor

LR = Constant inductance of the rotor conductor

Ns = Stator turns

Nr = Rotor turns

Vth = Thevenin’s equivalent voltage

Zth = Thevenin’s equivalent impedance


J = moment of inertia of motor

TL = load torque

Te = electromagnetic torque

B = Friction coefficient of the load and motor

ωm = mechanical rotor speed.



Figure Title Page

1.0 Diagram of the stator circuit connections for the half-speed synchronous

motor 7

1.1 Ferrari’s Induction motor (1885) 10

1.2 Tesla’s Induction Motor (1886) 10

3.0 Connection diagram for a Transfer Field Machine (TFM) 13

3.1 Induced Voltage, eo, e2 in the main and auxiliary windings 16

3.2 Two-pole, 3-phase, Star-connected, symmetrical induction

machine 20

3.3 Image of a rotating mmf wave 22

3.4 Stator Phasor observed from stator and rotor 25

3.5 Phasors for rotor induced voltage, current and flux density at

low slip 25

3.6 Phasors for rotor induced voltage, current and flux density at

high slip 26

3.7 Steady-state equivalent circuit of the Transfer Field Machine

(TFM) 50

3.8 Steady-state Circuit of the TFM when the auxiliary winding is

short-circuited 50

3.9 Per phase equivalent circuit of an IM 54

3.10 Per Phase equivalent circuit of an IM with the rotor short

circuited 54

3.11 Per Phase equivalent circuits of an IM which accommodates

I2r loss 55

3.12 Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of an IM 55

3.13 Dynamic equivalent circuit of a TFM 59

3.14 Dynamic equivalent circuit for a 3-phase symmetrical induction

machine in an arbitrary reference frame. 63

4.1 Steady-state torque vs speed curve for TFM 67

4.2 Efficiency Vs Slip plot for the Tfm 68

4.3 Steady state torque vs speed curve of an Im 70

4.4 Efficiency Vs Slip plot for the Im 71

4.5 The Electromagnetic torque, Te, against auxiliary winding (rotor)

speed for TFM 75

4.6 The Electromagnetic torque, Te, against time for TFM 76

4.7 Plotting of phase A Currents for main and auxiliary windings

of TFM 77

4.8 Auxiliary winding (rotor) speed, ω, against time for TFM 78

4.9 The electromagnetic torque, Te, against rotor speed for IM 80

4.10 The electromagnetic torque ,Te, against time for IM 81

4.11 Plotting of phase A currents for stator and rotor windings of IM 82

4.12 Rotor speed, ωr, against time for IM. 83



Table 4.1 Equivalent Circuit parameters for steady state simulation of

a typical TFM 66

Table 4.2 Equivalent Circuit parameter for steady state simulation of a

Typical IM 69

Table 4.3 Circuit Parameter Values for the dynamic simulation of the

TFM 74

Table 4.4 Circuit Parameter values and constants for the dynamic

Simulation of the IM 79



The theory of induction machine is old and well known. An induction machine

consists essentially of two major parts, the stator and the rotor. When an a.c

voltage is impressed on the terminals of the stator windings, a rotating magnetic

field is set up. This rotating magnetic field produces an electromotive force

(e.m.f) in the rotor by electromagnetic induction (transformer action) which in

turn, circulate current in the rotor usually short-circuited. This current circulating

in the short-circuited rotor, produces a rotating magnetic field which now interact

with the rotating magnetic field already established in the stator. This interaction

produces a torque which is responsible for the rotation of the machine.

Induction machine is also known as the asynchronous machine which derives

from the fact that the rotor magnetic field is always lagging the stator magnetic

field. The difference is called the slip, and it is a fundamental characteristic in the

operation of an induction machine. An induction machine when it operates

below synchronous speed, is a motor while it is a generator when it operates

above the synchronous speed. In fact induction machines are mostly used as


The induction motor is used in a wide variety of applications as a means of

converting electric power to mechanical work. It is without doubt, the workhorse

of the electric power industry. Pump, steal mill and hoist drives are but few

applications of large multiphase induction motors. On a smaller scale, the single-

phase servo motor is used extensively in position-follow-up control systems and

single – phase induction motors are widely used in household appliances as well

as hand and bench tools [1]. The transfer-field (TF) machine is structurally

basically a reluctance machine. It differs however from the simple reluctance

machine in two important respects namely:-

(a) it has two sets of windings instead of one

(b) each winding has a synchronous reactance which is independent of

rotor position whereas the winding reactance of a single reluctance

machine varies cyclically [2].

The TF machine configuration has two stator windings in each machine element

known as main and auxiliary windings. The main windings are connected in

series while the auxiliary windings are connected in series but transposed between

the two machine sections. There are no windings on the rotors of either of the

composite machines. This machine induces negative sequence emfs of frequency

(2S – 1) ωo in the auxiliary windings which will in turn circulate a current

excluded from the supply.

The interaction of the main and auxiliary winding magnetomotive forces (mmfs),

will produce an interference wave with beat frequency, ω which is equal to the

rotor frequency. Hence a reluctance torque is developed in the rotor as a result of

it’s interaction with the interference wave and this causes the rotor and hence the

machine to rotate (turn).

And so a transfer-field machine is an energy converter and like the induction

machine, is asynchronous and self starting. The transfer – field machine is very

useful in control systems, electrical gear, low speed drives etc. Again it’s

auxiliary winding terminals which will act as the rotor conductors in normal

induction machine is available without requiring slip rings or current collection


gears. It can also be used to supply a d.c load through rectifiers, a function

which has not been performed satisfactorily by induction motors because the

output waveforms of induction motors tends to be increasingly distorted as the

load current increases. Also it is capable of survival in a harsh environment.

In this thesis work, a comparative analysis of the transfer-field machine (TFM)

and induction machine (IM) is carried out. The comparative analysis is focused

on; principle of operation, synchronous operation, inductance matrix, steady state

and dynamic state performance.

Comparative analysis is defined as the item by item comparison of two or more

comparable alternatives, processes, products, qualifications, sets of data, systems

or the like [3]. There are two basic ways of organizing a comparative analysis

namely text-by-text and point-by-point. Assuming you are comparing A and B, in

text-by-text method, you discuss all of A, then all of B and then conclude

(compare). In point-by-point method, you alternate points about A with

comparable points about B [4]. In this thesis work, the text-by-text approach is


1.1 Problem Statement:

The transfer-field machine (TFM) is a machine without a rotor winding

and without any switching to the rotor but yet has a torque – slip characteristic

very similar to that of an induction motor (IM). Also like an induction motor, it is

self starting.

1.2 Aims and Objectives:

The main objective of this thesis work is to carry out a study that will help

to establish why the transfer-field machine – a machine without rotor windings


could exhibit induction motor characteristics even though the two machines are

very different in physical configuration.

1.3 Significance of the Study:

This study will complement other studies on this phenomenon of a

machine without rotor windings exhibiting induction motor characteristics. And

by the time a comprehensive study is completed about this machine, there will be

a greater prospects of designing and constructing a more robust transfer-field

machine that will, without doubt, augment the role of induction motor as the

workhorse of electric power industry.

1.4 Methodology

The physical configuration and principle of operation of the two machine is

studied in detail and compared. Their modes of synchronous operation were

discussed. The mutual inductance between the main and auxiliary windings for

TFM; and between the stator and rotor windings for IM were determined and

after, transformed into the qdo reference frame. The torque-slip characteristics of

the two machines were plotted in steady-state mode with a matlab program. In

dynamic mode, necessary plots such as torque-speed, rotor (auxiliary winding)

speed, phase currents, were plotted using matlab/simulink. Every feature of each

machine compared is regarded as a text and so using the text-by-text approach, for

every feature picked for comparison, all is said of that feature for TFM and then

for IM and finally concluded.

1.5 Thesis Organisation

Chapter 1: This chapter is the introduction. It covers the brief working

principles of induction machine and transfer-field machine, problem statement of


the thesis work, aims and objectives of the thesis work, significance of the study

and methodology.

Chapter 2: This chapter entitled literature review, covers the original concepts

of the two machines being compared and their subsequent developments

(improvements) up to the time of this thesis work.

Chapter 3: In this chapter, the comparative analysis is carried out and it covers

the physical configuration and principle of operation, synchronous operation, the

inductance matrix, steady-state and dynamic-state performance.

Chapter 4: This chapter provides the conclusion of the work and suggestions

for further studies of this thesis work.




The transfer field machine (TFM) though an asynchronous machine, its

performance is that of an induction machine operating at half the synchronous

speed. The stable operation of such a machine at half the normal speed by means

of unbalanced impedance in the secondary circuit could be credited to Gorges H

[5]. Although the possibility of a reasonable efficient half-speed operation is an

attractive one, the method did not receive industrial acceptance because of some

disadvantages of the work which include the injection of low frequency current

(2S – 1)ω0 into the supply system, excessive vibration and noise, poor output

power, poor power factor and magnetic saturation leading to high currents.

Schenfer [6] was one of the first to attempt to improve the half-speed machine and

used it as an industrial drive and described a means of synchronizing the

machine by providing a second stator winding and energizing it with direct

current. With this method, the slowly rotating field at a frequency (1 – 2S)ω0

which would ordinarily be present is fixed in space when the direct-current field is

super imposed, and, as a consequence, the rotor is constrained to run at s = 0.5

(i.e; at exactly half speed). Nevertheless, there were disadvantages attached to the

scheme suggested by Schenfer.

In the view of authors [7], what the schemes of [5], [6] and others of similar

nature have in common is an asymmetrically connected rotor circuit on a

symmetrical cylindrical rotor which results in lack of symmetry however secured

the schemes may be and went on to posit that an equivalent effect is obtained by

using a salient-pole rotor. And so the authors [7], improved schenfer’s scheme by

adopting a machine for synchronous operation using a single stator winding to


carry both ac and dc currents. The diagram of the stator circuit connections for

the half-speed synchronous motor is as shown in figure 1.0

AC nce
Supply DC e fere
R s
Lines Source Axi


Fig 1,0: Diagram of the stator circuit connections for the half-speed

synchronous motor.

In this scheme, when the rotor is running at exactly half the synchronous speed,
0 , the mmf produced by the 3-phase currents in the stator winding of the

machine, will rotate with angular velocity, ωo/2 with respect to the rotor. The

rotor in turn is moving with angular velocity, ωo/2 with respect to the direct-

current mmf. The direct-axis rotor flux will thus be the resultant of two

components, each of angular frequency, ωo/2, one arising from the a.c system and

the other from the d.c system. The phase of the resultant rotor flux clearly

depends on the position of the rotor relative to the separate mmf’s and will change

as the rotor is retarded as it will be for example, on load.

In the schemes so far described, the asymmetry in the secondary circuit was

brought about by electrical asymmetry, that is, unbalanced impedance. And like

in the view of authors [7], this electrical asymmetry can also be brought about by

using salient pole rotors which are magnetically anisotropic, that is, the reluctance

to passage of magnetic flux along one axis is a maximum and at right angle to this

direction (i.e at electrical radians), the reluctance will be zero.

Broadway et al [8], developed a configuration, which improved the industrial

acceptance of the half-speed machine by coupling two machine elements

mechanically together and appropriately connecting their windings in parallel to

the supply. The scheme combined both electrical and magnetic asymmetry in the

secondary. The d-axes of the machine elements could be co-phasal in space while

their stator windings are electrical radians out of phase or vice versa. This

configuration induces negative sequence emfs during a synchronous operation

which are in anti-phase in the stator windings and thus produce circulating current

of frequency (2s -1)ω0 in the local loop formed by the stator windings and

excluded from the supply system. With this configuration, the vibration and noise

associated with one machine element operating alone are eliminated. The

machine could be operated in the synchronous mode with d.c excitation at ωo/2.

Broadway’s machine combining both electrical and magnetic asymmetry was able

to produce an output characteristic in both synchronous and asynchronous modes

comparable to their conventional equivalents. In fact a machine of comparable

size but operating only on magnetic asymmetry will produce less power or torque

than the broadway’s version due to high leakage reactance of such a machine.

Agu [9], evolved a new configuration of a two-element machine popularly known

as the transfer-field machine. In this configuration, there are two stator windings

in each machine element popularly known as main and auxiliary windings. The

main windings are connected in series while the auxiliary windings are also

connected in series but transposed between the two machine sections. In addition

the d-axis of their anisotropic rotors is displaced electrical radians in space. In


this machine, there are no windings on the rotors of either of the composite

machines. The configuration induce negative sequence emfs of frequency, (2S –

1)ω0 in the auxiliary windings which will in turn circulate a current excluded from

the supply. The auxiliary windings may also carry the required d.c currents for

synchronous operation at ωo. This machine provided a complete electrical

isolation from the main winding carrying a frequency of ωo and the auxiliary

winding carrying a current of frequency (2s - 1)ω0. The contribution of the net

torque of the machine by the constituent machine elements was studied by authors

[10]. The dynamic performance of the two element machine was carried out by

authors [11] and the steady state performance was deduced directly from the

dynamic model. Induction machine on the other hand, is a well known machine

with a long history of invention. The basic principles of electromagnetic

induction were discovered in the early 19th century by Oersted, Gauss and


By 1820, Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Marie Ampere had discovered that an

electric current produces a magnetic field. Michael Faraday discovered the

electromagnetic induction law around 1831 and Maxwell formulated the laws of

electricity (or Maxwell’s equations) around 1860. This discovery and

formulation, led to the invention of the induction machine generally credited to

two persons namely Galileo Ferraris (1885) and Nicola Tesla (1886) [12]. Their

induction machines are as shown in figure 1.1 and figure 1.2 respectively.


Fig 1.1: Ferrari’s Induction motor (1885)


Fig 1.2: Tesla’s induction motor (1886)

Both motors have been supplied from a two-phase a.c power source and thus

contained two phase concentrated coil windings 1 – 1I and 2 – 2I on the

ferromagnetic stator core. In Ferrari,s patent, the rotor was made of a copper

cylinder while in the Tesla’s patent, the rotor was made of a ferromagnetic

cylinder provided with a short-circuited winding [13].

Though the contemporary induction motors have more elaborated topologies and

their performance is much better, the principle has remained basically the same.

The three-phase a.c power grid capable of delivering energy at a distance to

induction motors and other consumers has been put forward by Dolivo –

Dobrovolsky around 1880. In 1889 , Dolivo-Dobrovolsky invented the

induction motor with the wound rotor and subsequently the cage rotor in a

topology very similar to that used today. He also invented the double-cage rotor

[12]. Around 1900, the induction motor was ready for wide industrial use and

before 1910, in Europe, locomotives provided with induction motor propulsion


were capable of delivering a speed of 200km/h [14]. Around 1935, IGBT

(insulated gate bipolar transistor) PWM (pulse width modulation) inverter was

provided for efficient frequency changers and this promoted the induction motor

spectacular comeback in variable speed drives with applications in all industries


The induction motor is self-starting as the torque at zero rotor speed is non zero.

Induction motors are in general supplied from single-phase or three-phase a.c

power grids.



3.1 Physical Configuration and Principle of Operation:

3.1.1 Transfer Field Machine (TFM):

The transfer field machine (TFM) comprises a two stack machine in which

the rotor is made up of two identical equal halves whose pole axes are π/2 radians

out of phase in space. They are housed in their respective induction motor type

stators. There are no windings in the rotor. The stator has two physically

insolated but magnetically coupled identical windings known as the main and

auxiliary windings. The axes of the main windings are the same in both halves of

the machine whereas the axes of the auxiliary windings are transposed in passing

from one half of the machine to the other. Both sets of winding are distributed in

the stator slots and occupy the same slots for perfect coupling and have the same

number of poles. The two sets of winding of the transfer field machine are

essentially similar and may be connected in parallel which will of course double

its output.

The schematic diagram of a transfer field machine (TFM) is as illustrated

in figure 3.0 below:

Machine 1 Machine 2



Fig.3.0: Connection diagram for a transfer field machine (TFM){Source: [11]}

In its operation, when the main winding of machine 1 is connected to an a.c

supply voltage, V1 with the auxiliary windings open circuited, it draws a

magnetizing current, I1, at a supply or source frequency, ω 0 . And this

magnetizing current produces an mmf distribution on both elements of the

machine (i.e m/c1 and m/c2). Let this magnetizing mmf in machine 1 be given by;

m1 = Mo cos (x – ω 0 t) (3.1)


ω0 = supply (source) frequency.

Mo =excitation mmf

The permeance distribution in the rotor is given by;

Pe= a + b cos 2 (x – ω t) .(3.2)

Where; ω is the rotor speed.

The flux density distribution in machine 1 due to excitation mmf, mo, is

given by;

B1 = m1Pe = Mo cos (x – ω ot) [a + bcos2 (x- ω t)] (3.3)

B1 = aMocos (x – ω ot) + Mobcos (x – ω ot) cos 2(x – ω t) (3.4)

Simplification of equation (3.4), gives that;

B1 = aMocos (x – ω ot) + Mob {½ [cos {x+ ( ω o – 2 ω )t}]+

½ [cos {3x – ( ω o + 2 ω )t}]} (3.5)

3rd space harmonics

This flux density rotates in the positive anti-clockwise direction.

On the second half of the machine (i.e machine 2), the magnetizing mmf is;

m2 = Mocos (x- ω ot) (3.6)

and the permanence distribution of the air gap of the rotor is given by;

Pe = a + b cos 2 (x – ω t – 900)

= a + b cos {( 2x – 2 ω t) – 1800}

The simplification of the above expression, gives;

Pe = a - b cos(2x – 2 ω t) (3.7)

Comparing equations (3.2) and (3.7), it is deduced that flux density distribution in

machine 2 is;

B2 = Mocos (x - ω ot){a – b cos2 (x – ω t)}

= aMocos (x - ω ot) – Mobcos ( x – ω ot) cos2 (x – ω t)

B2 = aMocos (x – ω ot) – Mob {½ [cos {x+( ω o – 2 ω )t}] +

½ [cos {3x – ( ω o + 2 ω ) t}]} .(3.8)

3rd space harmonics

In both equations (3.5) and (3.8), the third space harmonics are eliminated

because the machine is star-connected.

As depicted from equations (3.5) and (3.8), the flux densities for machine 1 and

machine 2 with the third harmonics neglected are given by;

B1 = aMocos (x – ω ot) + Mob cos {x + ( ω o – 2 ω )t} (3.9)

eo e2

B2 = aMo cos(x – ω ot) – Mob cos {x + ( ω o – 2 ω )t} (3.10)

eo e2

The first components of equations (3.9) and (3.10), will induce emfs, eo, in the

main windings which is additive and tend to oppose the voltage supply. The emfs

they induce in the auxiliary windings cancel out. These emfs are equal in

magnitude and in time phase.

The second components of equations (3.9) and (3.10), will induce voltages, e2, in

the main windings which are equal and opposite and in consequence, cancel each

other (anti phase). However in the auxiliary winding, these induced voltages, e2,

will add up because of the transposition of the auxiliary windings. This is as

illustrated in figure 3.1.


I1 I2

e0 e2 Machine 1
e2 e0 -

e2 e0 e0 e2 Machine 2

Fig. 3.1: Induced voltages, eo, e2 in the main and auxiliary windings.

The average flux density linking the main winding is obtained by addition of

equations (3.9) and (3.10) and is given by;

Bav(main) =1/2 (B1 + B2) = aMocos (x – ω ot) (3.11)

And this average flux density, Bav(main), produces an induced voltage of

magnitude 2eo.

The average flux density in the auxiliary winding is obtained by subtracting

equation (3.10) from Eqn (3.9) and this gives;

Bav(aux.) = B1 – B2 = Mob cos {x + ( ω o – 2 ω )t} (3.12)

The frequency of the induced voltages and currents in the auxiliary winding rotate

in opposite direction to the magnetizing mmf; and this frequency is given by ( ω o

– 2 ω ).

ω0 − ω
But = s

This implies that ω = ω o (1 – s)

Therefore the induced emf in the auxiliary winding may be expressed as;

e2 = Mobcos [x + { ω ot – 2[ ω o(1 – s)]t}]

= Mobcos [x + ω ot – 2 ω ot + 2 ω ost]

= Mobcos [x- ω o t + 2ω o st ]

e2 = Mobcos [x + (2s – 1) ω ot] (3.13)

This induced emf in the auxiliary winding will circulate current in the auxiliary

winding circuit when it is short circuited and this current is given by:

I2 = e2
R + j (2s - 1) ω oL

I2 = e2
R + j ( ω o -2 ω ) L

( − 2)

+ ( − 2)

Let the impedance angle be φ




(ω0 − 2ω )L
Where φ = tan-1 R (3.15)

The current, I2, produces mmf distribution which may be expressed as;

m2 = ± M2 cos {x + ( ω o-2 ω )t - λ} (3.16)

If the mmf distribution in machine 1 is given by;

B1/ = -M2 cos {x + (ω 0 − 2ω )t − λ }[a − b cos 2 ( x − ωt )], and in machine 2, it is;

B2/ = M2 cos {x + (ω 0 − 2ω )t + λ }[a − b cos 2 (x − ωt )] ,then the resultant mmf in

machine 1 is given by;

mmfR1=M1cos(x- ω ot- σ )+ M2 cos {x + ( ω o-2 ω )t- λ } (3.17)


But M1 = ± M2 in magnitude at equilibrium. Therefore the resultant mmf in

machine 1 is;

mmfRM/C 1 = M2 cos (x- ω ot - σ )+M2 cos {x+(ωo-2 ω )t- λ }

= M2 cos (x- ω ot - σ )+M2 cos {x + ωo t - 2ωt - λ }

Now letting C = x + ω ot - 2 ω t - λ and D = x - ω ot - σ and applying the

trigonometrical expression that cos C + cos D = 2 cos cos , gives
2 2

the final value of mmfRM\C1 as;

cos (* − ) + ( )cos{x-ωt-(

& +, +!,

mmfRM/C 1 = )} (3.18)

Equation (3.18) is an mmf wave rotating at the speed of the rotor ,ω, but
& +,

amplitude modulated by cos{(ωo-ω)t + }

The resultant mmf in machine 2 is given by the expression;

mmfRM/C 2 = M2 cos(x- ω ot- σ )-M2cos{x+( ω o-2 ω )t- λ }

= M2 cos(x- ω ot- σ )-M2cos(x+ ω ot-2 ω t- λ )

In a similar manner as before, applying the trigonometrical expression that cosD –

cosC = 2Sin sin into the above expression for mmfRM\C2 and
2 2

simplifying, gives the final value of mmfRM\C2 as;

sin (* −  ) + ( )sin{x-ωt – (

& +, +!,

mmfRM\C 2 = )} (3.19)

Similarly ,equation (3.19) is an mmf wave rotating at the speed of the

& +,

rotor ,ω, but amplitude modulated by sin{(ωo-ω)t + }

Now the mmf produced by the primary (main) winding due to current, I1, is given


m1M/\C1 = m1M/\C2 = M1 cos (x - ω ot - σ )


Therefore the interaction of the main and auxiliary winding mmfs will produce a

reluctance torque which causes the transfer field machine to turn.

3.1.2: Induction Machine (IM):

The induction motor comprises a stator and a rotor mounted on bearings and

separated from the stator by air-gap. The stator consists of a magnetic core made

up of laminations carrying slot-embedded conductors which constitute the stator

windings. The rotor of induction motor is cylindrical and carries either

conducting bars short-circuited at both ends by end rings (squirrel cage rotor) or a

poly phase winding connected in a predetermined manner with terminals brought

out of slip rings for external connections and short circuited.

For its principle of operation, consider a 2–pole, 3-phase, star-connected,

symmetrical induction machine shown in figure 3.2.



bs axis
br axis a rI

b rI ar axis
as axis
br I crI

bs ar

/01 /23
cs axis
cr axis

r1 v21
N1 r3 v23 N3
v01 v03

N1 N3
v1 v3
/1 r1 r3
+ +

Fig.3.2: Two-pole, 3-phase, star-connected, symmetrical induction


The basic idea behind the operation of an induction machine is quite simple. In

this thesis, qualitative description of the principles of operation is adopted. A

poly phase induction machine such as the one provided in figure (3.2), consists

essentially of two major parts namely the stator and the rotor. When the three

phase stator winding is excited with a.c voltage, currents flow in the stator

winding setting up a rotating mmf and flux density. This stator flux density

rotates at synchronous speed given as;

120 f e
ns = rpm (3.20)

ns= Synchronous speed in revolution per minute (rpm).

fe= Supply frequency in Hertz

pn= Number of poles.

This rotating field established in the stator winding induces an emf in the rotor

winding by transformer action and this induced voltage will cause current to

circulate in the rotor winding if it is short-circuited. This current flowing in the

short-circuited rotor produces magnetic field in the rotor and this rotor magnetic

field acts to oppose the stator magnetic field and also rotates at synchronous

speed. It is the interaction of these two magnetic fields rotating at constant speed

that produces a torque which is responsible for the rotation of the rotor [1].

The rotor flux density will lag the stator flux density (flux density lags current by

900 electrically), therefore the torque will be in the same direction as rotation of

the magnetic fields.

This torque induced, accelerates the rotor until synchronous speed is reached at

which time there is no relative motion between the conductors and the stator flux

density. At this instant, the relative velocity between the stator and the rotor is

zero and consequently the induced voltage, rotor currents and flux density fall to

zero and the torque is also zero.

22 Induced Rotor Voltage:

From the fundamental theory on rotating fields, passing balanced three-phase

currents through a balanced three-phase winding can produce a rotating mmf

wave. Speed of rotation is set by supply frequency and the number of poles in the

machine. In an induction machine, the air-gap of the machine is designed to be

constant, therefore the rotating mmf will produce a rotating flux density. The

stator flux density can be defined in terms of either mechanical or electrical

quantities as [15];

Bs cos  (θ m + φm − ω st ) = Bs cos [(θ e + φe − ω et )]

Bs = (3.21)
2 

In the above equation, φ m and φ e are arbitrary phase angles in mechanical and

electrical angles respectively. They are normally set to zero. θ is the location at

which the flux density waveform is observed. At a given location, the flux

density varies sinusoidally with time and at a given time, it varies sinusoidally

with location. To understand how an induction machine works, we need to

consider the flux density seen by a conductor on the rotor.


6 θ =0

Fig.3.3: Image of a rotating mmf wave.


In the image of a rotating mmf wave shown above, there is a rotor conductor at

position θ m = 6. If the rotor is stationary, then the rotor will observe the stator

flux density as [15];

Bs = Bs cos  n (α − ω s t )
 2 

However, if the rotor is rotating at mechanical speed, ω m , the location of the

conductor becomes;

θ m = α + ωmt (3.23)

and the flux density seen by the conductor is given by;

 pn
Bs = Bs cos  {α + (ω m − ω s )t}
 2 

 pn
= Bs cos  (α − sω s t )
 2 

 pn p 
= Bs cos  α − n sw s t 
 2 2 

Bs = Bs cos   p 
α − sω e t  = B s cos  n α − ω sl t  (3.24)
 2   2 


Pn = number of poles

ωe = supply frequency in rads-1

ωsl = sωe = slip frequency in rads-1

Now the voltage induced in a conductor of length, l, moving with velocity, U,

perpendicular to a magnetic field is given by [16];

e = Blu (3.25)

and the relative velocity of the conductor through the magnetic field is given by;

U = rωsl = srωe (3.26)


Therefore the voltage induced in the rotor conductor is obtained by substituting

equations (3.24) and (3.26) into equation (3.25) which gives;

p 
e = srlωeBs cos  n α − swe t  (3.27)
 2 


r is the radius of the rotor conductor Rotor Current and Field

Without knowing the full details of the rotor circuit, we can make some

assumptions about the circuit to enable us to understand the behavior of the

induction machine. The assumption is that the rotor conductor is part of a circuit

with constant resistance RR and inductance, LR [15].

Now if the slip is low (s → 0), then the reactance associated with the inductance

will be negligible and is given by the expression;

XR = sωeLR . (3.28)

In this case, though induced voltage is small, the induced current may be

significant since the conductors are short – circuited, and so, RR is low. Also the

currents will be approximately in phase with the induced voltage. If the slip is

high (s → 1), then the rotor reactance will be significant and due to the increase in

induced voltage, rotor currents will be high but will lag the induced voltage

significantly due to the inductance of the rotor [17].

The flux density produced by a set of a.c. currents rotates at a speed given by;

120 f e
ns = rpm (3.29)

In the case of rotor currents, equation (3.29), gives the speed of rotation

relative to the conductors. However the actual speed of rotation of the flux

density will be given by;

ωr = ωs (1 − s ) rad/sec (3.30)

That is, the rotor magnetic field rotates at synchronous speed.

We can get an understanding of the relative position of the rotor and stator fields

by drawing phasor diagrams. The phasor diagram of the stator flux density can

be drawn from either a stator reference frame where it rotates at electrical speed,

ωe or from the rotor reference frame, where it rotates at electrical speed sωe

Bs Bs

(a) Stator phasor observed from stator (b) Stator phasor observed from rotor
Fig.3.4: Stator phasor observed from stator and rotor

We first consider the case where slip, S, is low. In this case, induced current lags

induced voltage slightly while the rotor flux density is almost 900 electrically

behind the stator flux density. This is as illustrated in figure 3.5.

e e

1  1  
(a) (b) (c)
Rotor induced Rotor current at low Flux density phasors
BR observed from rotor at
voltage at low slip slip
low slip.

Fig. 3.5: Phasors for rotor induced voltage, current and flux density at low slip

From figure (3.5), it is seen that at low slips, the angle between the flux density

phasors is close to 900 and from τ= KiBR x Bs, it is very clear that the torque will

be approximately proportional to induced voltage and therefore proportional to

slip. Now when the slip is very high (i.e.; close to 1.0), mechanical speed is close

to zero. In this case, rotor current lags induced voltage and the angle between

rotor and stator flux densities is much greater. This is as illustrated in figure 3.6.

e Bs

1  1 


(c)Flux density phasors /
(a) Rotor induced (b) Rotor current at
voltage at high slip high slip observed from rotor at
high slip.

Fig.3.6: Phasors for rotor induced voltage, current and flux density at high slip

From the torque equation, even though the magnitude of the induced currents is

higher and the rotor flux density phasor has a high magnitude, torque will not

necessarily be higher than it is at low slips [17].


From the physical configuration and principle of operation of the two machines

considered, one can conclude that;

1. The TFM and IM have physical configuration that greatly differed as

clearly illustrated by figures (3.0) and (3.2). From the physical

configuration, it is seen that;


(a) For the TFM, the stator and rotor are arranged in two identical

coupled halves while for the IM, both stator and rotor are mounted

on bearings and separated from each other by air-gap.

(b) For the TFM, the rotor has no conductor windings and the pole axes

of the two rotor halves are mutually in space quadrature while the

rotor of an IM, has conductor windings.

2. From equation (3.13), the induced voltage in the auxiliary winding of TFM

is given as;

e2 = Mob cos {x + (2s-1)ωot}

while from equation (3.27), the induced voltage in the rotor of Im is given


p 
e = srlωeBs cos  α − sωe t 
2 

Hence it is seen from either of the equations, that the induced voltage in

both the auxiliary winding of TFM and rotor of IM, is proportional to slip

3. From the same equations for the induced voltage in the auxiliary winding

of TFM and rotor of IM, it is also clear that the frequency of the induced

voltage is proportional to slip.

4. The stator (main winding) of TFM operates at a supply (source) frequency

of fo in Hz (ωo in rad s-1) while the stator of IM operates at a supply

(source) frequency of fe in Hz (ωe in rad s-1).

5. The auxiliary winding (rotor) of TFM operates at a frequency of (2s-1)fo in

Hz [(2s-1)ωo in rad s-1] while the rotor of IM operates at a frequency of sfe

in Hz (sωe in rad s-1).


6. Even though the TFM does not have rotor windings , it is obvious

that the auxiliary winding is playing the role of the rotor winding

compared to an IM

3.2: Synchronous Operation

3.2.1: Transfer Field Machine (TFM).

The transfer field machine (TFM) though an asynchronous machine like the

induction machine (IM), has synchronous operations at two speeds namely ω =

ωo/2 and ω = ωo.

(a) Synchronous operation at ω = ωo/2

The frequency of the induced current in the auxiliary winding is given by

(ωo - 2ω) or [(2s-1)ωo]. When the rotor runs at half the source frequency

that is at ω = ωo/2 or when the slip, s, is 1/2, the frequency will be zero and

equation (3.11) will be stationary. Now since the magnitude of the induced

emf is proportional to the frequency buttressed by equation (3.13), it then

implies that at ω = ωo/2 or s = ½, there will be no induced voltage and

current in the auxiliary winding and the consequence is that the torque will

be zero.

However if direct current is applied to the auxiliary winding to produce a

d.c. field at this speed (i.e; ω = ωo/2), the Tfm will operate at the

synchronous speed ωo [9]. This is because with direct current excitation of

the auxiliary winding, its mmf will be stationary. Nevertheless, as the rotor

rotates at ω = ωo/2 and the applied field rotates at ωo, it will be observed

that although the d.c excitation field is stationary, it moves with the speed -

ωo/2 relative to the auxiliary winding while the main winding moves with

the speed +ωo/2 relative to the auxiliary winding. Hence a torque is


developed whose direction depends upon the direction of the mmf


(b) Synchronous Operation at ω = ωo:

When the rotor is brought up to synchronous speed of the applied field, ωo,

by an auxiliary with the main and auxiliary windings of the Tfm connected

to the supply, the two windings will draw equal currents and produce mmfs

M1 and M2. At this instant, equations (3.11) and (3.12), will have the same

frequency and rotate in the same direction. The mmfs will support each

other in machine 1 halve and neutralize each other in machine 2 halve

because of the transposition of the auxiliary winding. Hence torque will be

developed in machine 1 halve and machine 2 halve having zero net flux,

will be idling. In this mode, the motor will operate as a synchronous

machine utilizing one side (i.e; either machine 1 or machine 2) of the

coupled transfer field machine.

3.2.2: Induction Machine (IM)

Induction machine (IM) as an asynchronous machine , is capable of

synchronous operation if the rotor is brought up to synchronous speed ,ωs

and a dc field is applied to the rotor through slip rings.


The Tfm as an asynchronous machine, has two modes of synchronous operation


(1) When the rotor speed, ω is half the synchronous speed, ωo (i.e.; ω = ωo/2)

and the auxiliary winding is excited with direct current.


(2) When the rotor speed, ω is equal to the synchronous speed, ωo in which

case the TFM will operate as a synchronous machine in one machine half

of the two-element machine.

The IM on the other hand as an asynchronous machine , has only one

mode of synchronous operation as earlier stated.

3.3: The inductance matrix and transformation of stator quantities to

arbitrary q-d-o reference frame:

3.3.1: Transfer field machine (TFM): The inductance matrix:

The rotor of a TFM is of salient poles without conductors and as a result, its mmfs

are always directed along the d- and q- axes. Also the direction of the resultant

mmf of the stator windings relative to d- and q- axes will vary with the power

factor. A common approach to handling the magnetic effect of the stators

resultant mmf is to 3 1789 / 87: ℎ < − < = − > 1.

Let us consider the magnetic effect of a current flowing in one phase and let this

phase be denoted by “a”. Hence the resolved components of the a-phase mmf, Fa,

will produce the flux components;

φd = @ A Fa sin θ r

φq = @ B Fa cos θ r (3.31)

Along the d- and q-axes respectively.

Where; Pe = pemeance.

The flux linkage of these resolved components with the a-phase winding is;

λ aa=Ns (φ d Sin θ r + φ q cos θ r ) .(3.32)

substituting equation (3.31) into equation (3.32), will yield [19];


λ aa = Ns Fa (@ A 45 ! CDB E*F  GH )

λ aa = Ns Fa I − 271245 N


In a similar manner, the linkage of the flux components, φd and φ q by the b-phase

winding that is ahead may be written as [19];

λba = Ns Fa O@A 1/45 sinP45 − 2Q3S + @ B 27145 271P45 − 2Q3S T

∴ λba = Ns Fa U D D
− D D
2712  θ r − W
 2π 
 3 

We can deduce based on the functional relationship of λ aa with the rotor angle, θ r

, that the self inductance of the stator a-phase winding, excluding the leakage

inductance, has the form;

Laa = Lo – Lmscos 2 θ r (3.35)


Lmd + Lmq Lmd − Lmq

Lo = and Lms =
2 2

The self inductances of the b- and c- phases, Lbb and Lcc, are similar to that of Laa

2π 2π
but with θ r replaced by ( θ r - ) and ( θ r + ) respectively.
3 3

Similarly, it can be deduced from equation (3.34) that the mutual inductance

between the a-and b-phases of the stator is of the form;

− Lo  2π 
Lab = Lba = − L ms Cos 2  θ r −  (3.36)
2  3 

Again the mutual inductances Lbc and Lac can be obtained by replacing θ r with

 2π   2π 
θ r −  and  θ r +  respectively.
 3   3 

For this analysis, the upper subscripts – A,B,C will be associated with the

parameters of the main windings while the lower case subscripts – a,b,c will be

associated with the auxiliary windings.

For a three-phase machine like the Tfm, the voltage equation for the stator

winding is [1];


Vabc = rabciabc + Pλabc (3.26)


P =

λ = flux linkage

rABC = diag ([rA rB rC ])

rabc = diag ([ra rb rc ])

The flux linkages in stator reference frame are expressed as;

λ ABC   L xx L xy  i ABC 
λ  =  L L  i  (3.38)
 abc   yx yy   abc 


Lxx = self inductance for main windings of Tfm

Lyy = self inductance for auxiliary windings of Tfm

Lxy=Lyx=mutual inductance between main and auxiliary windings

The inductance matrices terms Lxx, Lxy, Lyx and Lyy are obtained from inductance

sub matrices L11 , L12 , L21 and L22 for machine 1 and machine 2.

Now for machine 1, the self inductance sub matrix for the main winding is;

m / c1
L11 =

 L1 s + L o − L ms cos 2θ r − 1 L o − L ms cos 2  θ r − π  − L o − L ms cos 2 θ r + π 
2  3 2
 
 − 1 L − L cos 2 θ − π
 2 0 ms r( 3
) 
L ls + L o − L ms cos 2  θ r −

2π 

L o − L ms cos 2θ r

 (3.39)
 
 − 1 L − L cos 2 θ + π
 2 o ms r ( 3
) 1
− L o − L ms cos 2θ r
L ls + L o − L ms cos 2 θ r + 2π

 )

For machine 2, the Self inductance sub matrix for the main winding is;
m/ c2
L11 =

 L1s + Lo + Lms cos2θ r − 1 Lo + Lms cos2θr − π 
2  3
− Lo + Lms cos2 θr + π 
2 3

( )
 
( )
− 1 L + L cos2 θ − π  2π  1 
 2 0 ms Lls + Lo + Lms cos2 θ r −  − Lo + Lms cos2θ r 
r 3  3  2
 
− 1 L + L cos2 θ + π
 2 o ms r ( 3
) 1
− Lo + Lms cos2θr
Lls + Lo + Lms cos2 θr + 2π

( )
The self inductance, Lxx, for the main winding of TF machine is obtained by adding the

self inductance sub matrix, L11 of machine 1 and the self inductance sub matrix, L11 of

machine 2. And this addition will yield;

 2 Lls + 2 Lo − Lo − Lo 
 
Lxx =  − Lo 2 Lls + 2 Lo − Lo  .(3.41)
 − Lo − Lo 2 Lls + 2 Lo 

Lls = Leakage inductance of main winding (stator winding)

Lmd + Lmq
Lo = (3.42)
Substituting equation (3.42) into equation (3.41), gives;

 2 L1s + L md + L mq −1
(L md + L mq ) −
(Lmd + Lmq ) 

 
L xx =  − (L md + L mq ) − (L md + L mq )
1 1 . (3.43)(a)
2 Lls + L md + L mq
 2 2 
 1 
 − (L md + L mq ) −
(Lmd + Lmq ) 2 L ls + L md + L mq 
 2 2 

From equation (3.41), it is very evident that the self inductance, Lxx , of the main

winding, is the sum of self and mutual inductances of machine 1 and machine 2

respectively. The mutual inductance between the main and auxiliary winding, L xy , is

obtained by adding the mutual inductance sub matrix, L12 for machine 1 to the mutual

inductance sub matrix, L12 for machine 2. These mutual inductance sub matrices are;

 L1 s + L o − L ms cos 2θ r − 1 L o − L ms (2θ r − α ) − 1 L o − L ms cos (2θ r + α )

 2 2 
M / C1
L12 =  − 1 L o − L ms cos (2θ r − α ) L ls + L o − L ms cos (2θ r + α ) − 1 L o − L ms cos 2θ r  (3.43)(b)
 2 2 
 − 1 L − L cos (2θ + α ) − 1 L o − L ms cos 2θ r L ls + L o − L ms cos (2θ r − α )
 2 o ms r 2 

 L1 s + L o + L ms cos 2θ r − 1 L o + L ms (2θ r − α ) − 1 L o + L ms cos (2θ r + α ) 

 2 2 
M /C2
L12 =  − 1 L o + L ms cos (2θ r − α ) L ls + L o + L ms cos (2θ r + α ) − 1 L o + L ms cos 2θ r  (3.43)(c)
 2 2 
 − 1 L + L cos (2θ + α ) − 1 L o + L ms cos 2θ r L ls + L o + L ms cos (2θ r − α ) 
 2 o ms r 2 

Therefore the mutual inductance between the main and auxiliary winding, Lxy, taken into
account the transposition of the auxiliary winding, is;
 − 2 L ms cos 2θ r − 2 L ms cos (2θ r − α ) − 2 L ms cos (2θ r + α )
 
L xy = L + xL =  − 2 L ms cos (2θ r − α ) − 2 L ms cos (2θ r + α ) − 2 L ms cos 2θ r
M / C1 M /C 2
12 12 
 − 2 L ms cos (2θ r + α ) − 2 L ms cos 2θ r − 2 L ms cos (2θ r − α ) 

Taking out a common factor − 2 Lms , L xy becomes;

 cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α ) cos (2θ r + α )

L xy = − 2 L ms  cos (2θ − α ) cos (2θ + α ) cos 2θ r 
 r r 
 cos (2θ r + α ) cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α )

Lmd − Lmq
But Lms =

L − L 
Hence − 2 Lms = − 2 md mq  = Lmq − Lmd and if this is substituted into the
 2 
expression for L xy , we have that;

 cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α ) cos (2θ r + α )

L xy = L mq − L md  cos (2θ − α ) cos (2θ r + α ) cos 2θ r 
 r  (3.44)
 cos (2θ r + α ) cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α )

where; α = 2π 3 (1200 )

Now because the main and auxiliary windings in both machine 1 and machine 2
are identical in nature, it is clear to assume in this work that L xx = L yy and L xy = L yx . Transforming of stator quantities to arbitrary q-d-o reference


The rotor of the TF machine is salient pole without winding conductors and as a

result, its mmfs are always directed along the d- and q-axes. The consequence of

this is that the qdo transformations can only be applied to the stator quantities.

The main purpose of this transformation is to obtain constant inductances whose

values will not depend on the rotor position which is evident from equation (3.44).

(1) Voltage equations in qdo reference frame:

For a three-phase machine like the Tfm, the voltage equation for the stator

winding is;

V ABC = rABC i ABC + pλ ABC

Vabc = rabc iabc + pλabc


P = d

λ = Flux linkage

rABC = diag ([rA rB rC ])

rabc = diag ([ra rb rc ])

applying the Tqdo (θr) to equation (3.45), gives [1];


(θ r )I QDO + TQDO (θ r )Ρ TQDO
λQDO .(3.46)


  2π   2π  
 cos θ r cos  θ r −  cos  θ r + 
3 
  3   
  2π   2π  
(i) TQDO (θ r ) = 2  Sin θ r sin  θ r −  sin  θ r + 
3  3   3 
1 1 1 
 
2 2 2 

 
 cos θ Sin θ r 1
 r

(θ r ) =  cos  θ r − 2π  2π 
(ii)    
TQDO sin  θ r −  1
  3   3  
  2π   2π  
 cos  θ r +  sin  θ r +  1
  3   3  

(iii) P=
Substituting the above expressions into equation (3.46) and solving, gives the
voltage equations for the main winding as;

VQ = riQ + ωλ D + pλQ
V D = ri D − ωλ Q + pλ D (3.47)
VO = riO + pλO

While the voltage equations for the auxiliary windings become;

Vq = riq − (ω o − 2ω )λd + pλ q
Vd = rid + (ω o − 2ω )λ q + pλd .(3.48)
Vo = rio + pλo

(2) Flux linkage equation in qdo reference:

The flux linkage equation (equation 3.38) is rewritten in d-q-o frame as;

 λQ λD λO ] [
 K x Lxx ( K x ) −1 K x Lxy ( K y ) −1   I Q I D I O 
 = 

 λq λd ] [ ] 
λo   K y L yx ( K x ) −1 K y L yy ( K y ) −1   I q I d I o 

 
 cos θ cos (θ − α ) cos (θ + α )
2 
K x =  sin θ sin (θ − α ) sin( θ + α )  (3.50)
3 
1 1 1
 
2 2 2 

 cos θ sin θ 1
(K x ) =  cos (θ − α ) sin (θ − α ) 1
 cos (θ + α ) sin (θ + α ) 1

 
 cos β cos (β − α ) cos (β + α ) .(3.52)
2  
K = sin β sin (β − α ) sin (β + α ) 
3 

1 1 1 
 
2 2 2 

 cos β sin β 1
(K ) y
=  cos (β − α ) sin (β − α ) 1  (3.53)
 cos (β + α ) sin (β + α ) 1 

From equation (3.44) through equation (3.53);

α =

β = Speed of rotation of arbitrary reference frame.

θ r = Angular rotor position

T = Matrix transpose

Substituting equations (3.50 – 3.53) back into equation (3.49), the flux linkage

equations can now be expressed as;


λ Q = (2 L l + L mq + L md )I Q − (l md − L mq )I q

λ D = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I D + (l md − Lmq )I d

λO = 2 LI I O .3.54 (a)

λq = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I q − (lmd − Lmq )I Q

λd = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I d + (lmd − Lmq )I D
λo = 2 Li I o

To obtain a complete inductance matrix for the main and auxiliary windings of a

Tfm in qdo reference, equation 3.54(a) is rewritten as;

λQ  2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd 0 0 − (Lmd − Lmq ) 0 0  I Q 

   0 .2 LL + Lmq + Lmd Lmd − Lmq

0   I D 
λ D   0 0
λO   0 0 2 LL 0 0 0  I O 
 =  
λq  − (Lmd − Lmq ) 0 0 2 LL + Lmq + Lmd 0 0  I q 
    
λ d   0 Lmd − Lmq 0 0 2 LL + Lmq + Lmd 0  I d 
λo   0 0 0 0 0 2 LL   I o 

3.54 (b)

3.3.2: Induction machine (IM) The inductance matrix

The winding arrangement of a 2 – pole, 3-phase, star-connected symmetrical

induction machine is as shown in figure (3.2). The stator windings are identical

with equivalent turns, Ns and resistance, rs. The rotor windings which may be

wound or forged as a squirrel cage windings can also be approximated as identical

windings with equivalent turns, Nr and resistance rr. The air gap of an induction

machine is uniform and the stator and rotor windings may be approximated as

having a sinusoidally distributed windings.


The stator inductance, Ls, is given as;

 LLs + LA − LB cos 2θ r 2
− 1 LA − LB cos 2 θ r − π
) (
− LA − LB cos 2 θ r + π
2 3
) 

 
 2
Ls = − LA − LB cos 2 θ r − π
) (
LLs + LA − LB cos 2 θ r − 2π
) − LA − LB cos 2(θ r + π )
 [20]. ..(3.55)

 1 
 2
− LA − LB cos 2 θ r + π
) − LA − LB cos 2(θ r + π )
LLs + LA − LB cos 2 θ r + 2π
) 


Las as = LLs + LA – LB Cos 2θr (3.56)

Lbs bs = LLs + LA – LB Cos2 θ r − 2π 3 ( ) . (3.57)

Lcs cs = LLs + LA – LB Cos2 θ r + 2π 3 ( ) . (3.58)

Las bs = -½LA – LB Cos2 θ r − π 3 ( ) (3.59)

Las cs = -½LA – LB Cos2 θ r + π 3 ( ) . (3.60)

Lbs cs =- ½LA – LB Cos2 (θ r + π ) . (3.61)

From equation (3.55), it is very evident that all stator self inductances are equal

(that is; Lasas = Lbsbs = Lcscs with;

Lasas = LLs + Lms (3.62)


LLs = stator leakage inductance

Lms = stator magnetizing inductance

The stator magnetizing inductance, Lms, corresponds to LA in equation (3.56)

through equation (3.58) and is mathematically expressed as;

 N  πµ orl

Lms =  s  . (3.63)
 2  g


Ns = stator equivalent turns


µo = permeability of free space

r = stator resistance

L = stator winding length

g = length of uniform airgap

Like the stator self inductances, the stator-to-stator mutual inductances are also

equal. This implies that;

Lasbs = Lascs = Lbscs = -1/2Lms (3.64)

and this corresponds to -1/2LA in equation (3.59) though equation (3.61) with LB =

o. consequently, equation (3.55) is now rewritten as;

 1 1 
 L Ls + L ms −
L ms −
L ms 
 
1 1
L s =  − ms L Ls + L ms − L ms  (3.65)
 2 2 
 1 1 
 − ms − L ms L Ls + L ms 
 2 2 

In a similar manner, the rotor inductance matrix is obtained as;

 1 1 
 L Lr + L mr −
L mr −
L mr 
 
1 1
L r =  − Lmr L Lr + L mr − L mr  (3.66)
 2 2 
 1 1 
 − ms − L mr L Lr + L mr 
 2 2 

Whereas in stator, the rotor self inductances are equal, that is;
Larar = Lbrbr = Lcrcr = LLr + Lmr (3.67)

The rotor magnetizing inductance, Lmr, is given as;

πµ orl

Lmr =  s 
 2  g

The rotor-to-rotor mutual inductances are equal and expressed as;

Larbr = Larcr = Lbrcr = -1/2Lmr (3.69)


The mutual inductances between the stator and the rotor windings are obtained as


(i) The mutual inductances Lasar, Lbsbr and Lcscr are equal; and is given by the


Lasar = Lbsbr = Lcscr = Lsrcosθr (3.70)

(ii) The mutual inductances Lasbr, Lbscr and Lcsar are equal; and is

given by the expression; Lasbr = Lbscr = Lcsar = Lsrcos θ r + 2π 3 .(3.71) )
(iii) The mutual inductances Lascr Lbsar and Lcsbr are equal; and is given by the


Lascr = Lbsar = Lcsbr = Lsrcos θ r − 2π 3 ( ) (3.72)

Equation (3.70) through equation (3.72), gives one expression for the

mutual inductance between the stator and the rotor windings of an

induction machine expressed as;

  2π   2π 
 cos θ r cos  θ r +  cos  θ r − 
  3   3 
  2π   2 π  (3.73)
L sr = L sr  cos  θ r −  cos θ r cos  θ r + 
  3   3 
  2π   2π  
 cos  θ r +  cos  θ r −  cos θ r 
  3   3  

The Lsr on the right hand side of equation (3.73) represents the amplitude

of the mutual inductances between the stator and rotor windings and is

given by the expression;

X X Z[ H\
Lsr = ( Y) ( H)

42 Transformation to arbitrary q-d-o reference frame.

The voltage equations in machine variables for the stator and the rotor of a star –

connected symmetrical Im shown in figure 3.2 are expressed as follows;

Vas = iasrs + Pλas

Vbs = ibsrs + Pλbs (3.75)

Vcs = icsrs + Pλcs

Rotor voltage equations:

Var = iarrr + Pλar

Vbr = ibrrr + Pλbr (3.76)

Vcr = icrrr + Pλcr

In both equations, P = d/dt, the S subscripts denotes variables and parameters

associated with the stator circuits and the r subscripts denotes variables and

parameters associated with the rotor circuits. Both rs and rr are diagonal matrices

each with equal non zero elements [1]

For a magnetically linear system, the flux linkages can be expressed as;

λabc   Labc Labc  isabc 

 abc  =  zbc
s ss sr
  abc  wb.turn .(3.77)
λr   Lrs Labc
rr  ir 

For an idealized inductance machine, six first order differential equations are used

to describe the machine, one differential equation for each machine winding. The

stator-to-rotor coupling terms are functions of rotor position and hence when the

rotor rotates, the coupling terms vary with time [20].

In the analysis of Im, it is also desirable to transform the abc variables with the

symmetrical rotor windings to the arbitrary qdo reference frame [1].


And the transformation equation from the abc quantities to the qdo reference

frame is given by [ 20];

 fq   fa 
 
[ ]
 
 f d  = Tqdo (θ )  f b  .(3.78)
 fo   f c 
 

Where the variable, f, can be the phase voltages, currents or flux linkages of the


  2π   2π 
cos θ cosθ −  cosθ + 
3 
  3   
2π  2π  
[ ]
2 
Tqdo (θ ) = sin θ

sin θ −

 sin θ +  .(3.79)
3   3   3 
 1 1 1 
 2 2 2 
 
and the inverse of equation (3.79) is;
 
cos θ sin θ 1
 
2π  2π
[T ]qdo
−1  
= sin  θ − 

sin  θ −

1 (3.80)
  3   3  
  2π   2π  
cos θ +  sin  θ +  1
  3   3  

Voltage equations in qdo reference frame

From equation (3.75), the stator winding abc voltage equations can be expressed


V sabc = rsabc i sabc + P λ abc


where; P = d dt

Applying the transformation, [Tqdo (θ )], to equation (3.81), yields;

[ ] [
Vsqdo = Tqdo (θ ) rsabc Tqdo (θ ) ] [i ]+ [T (θ )]P[T (θ )] [λ ]
−1 qdo
s qdo qdo
−1 qdo

Equation (3.82) can be simplified to;

o 1 0
V s
=r s
qdo qdo
is + Pλ qdo
s + ω − 1 0 0 λqdo

0 0 0


1 0 0

= rs 0 0; P = ; ω =
qdo d
rs 1
dt dt
0 0 1 

In a similar manner, the rotor quantities must be transformed into the same qdo

frame. Now the transformation angle for the rotor phase quantities is (θ − θ r ) .

And so when the transformation, Tqdo (θ − θ r ) , is applied to the rotor voltage

equation in the same manner as the stator, we have;

0 1 0
V r
=r r
qdo qdo
r i + Pλ qdo
r + (ω − ω r )− 1 1 0 λqdo
r (3.84)
0 0 0

Flux linkage in qdo reference frame:

From equation (3.77), the stator and rotor flux linkages are given as;

λ abc
s = Labc abc
ss i s + Labc abc
sr i r .(3.85)

λ abc
r = Labc abc
rs i s + Labc abc
rr i r

The stator flux linkages in qdo reference form are obtained by applying Tqdo (θ ) to

equation (3.85) to give;

s = [Tqdo (θ )][Labc abc
ss is sr ir ]
+ Labc abc

= Tqdo (θ )Labc
ss Tqdo (θ )is
−1 qdo
+ Tqdo (θ )Labc
sr Tqdo (θ )ir
−1 qdo

Equation (3.87) simplifies to [20];


 3  3 
 Lls + 2 Lss 0 0   2 Lsr 0 0
λ qs   
 qsi    iqr 
    i  + 0  
0  idr  [20]
3 3
λ ds  =  0 Lis + Lss 0
2   ds   2

λ os    ios  0 i 
 
 0 0 Lls   0 0  or 
   

In a similar manner, if the transformation, Tqdo (θ − θ r ) is applied to equation

(3.86), the rotor qdo flux linkage becomes;

= [Tqdo (θ − θ r )]Labc
rs [Tqdo (θ − θ r )] i s + [Tqdo (θ − θ r )]Labc
rr [Tqdo (θ − θ r )] ir
−1 qdo −1 qdo
r (3.89)

Equation (3.89) simplifies to;

3   3 
 Lsr 0 0  Llr + 2 Lrr 0 0 
λ qr   2 
 qs i    i qr 
   3     3  
λ dr  = 0 Lsr 0 ids  + 0 Llr + Lrr 0  i dr  (3.90)
2   2 
λor    ios   i 
 
0 0 0  
 0 0 Llr   or 
   

Merging equations (3.88) and (3.90), gives the stator and rotor flux linkage
equations in qdo reference frame as depicted in equation (3.91).

λqs   Lls + Lm 0 0 Lm 0 0  iqs 

    
λds   0 Lis + Lm 0 0 Lm 0  ids 
λos   0 0 Lis 0 0 0  ios 
 1 =  1  (3.91)
λqr   Lm 0 0 L + Lm 0
lr 0  iqr 
 1    1 
λdr   0 Lm 0 0 L1lr + Lm 0  idr 
λ1   0 0 0 0 0 L1lr  ior1 
 or  

In equation (3.91), the primed quantities are rotor values referred to the stator side
and are related thus;
Ns N
λ1qr = λqr ; λ1dr = s λdr . (3.92)
Nr Nr

Nr Nr
iqr = iqr ; 1
idr = idr (3.93)
Ns Ns

Also from equation (3.91), Lm is the magnetizing inductance on the stator side and
has the expression;
3 3 Nr 3 Ns
Lm = L ss = Lsr = Lrr . (3.94)
2 2 Ns 2 Nr

1. The mutual inductance between the main winding and auxiliary winding of
a Tfm, Lxy, given by equation (3.44) like that of the mutual inductance
between the stator and rotor windings of an Im, Lsr, given by equation
(3.73), is completely dependent on rotor position which varies with time.
These equations are repeated here for convenience.

cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α ) cos (2θ r + α )

Lxy = (Lmq − Lmd )cos (2θ r − α ) cos (2θ r + α ) cos 2θ r 

cos (2θ r + α ) cos 2θ r cos (2θ r − α )

  2π   2π  
cosθ r cosθ r +  cosθ r − 
3  
  3  
  2π   2π 
Lsr = Lsr cosθ r −  cosθ r cosθ r + 
  3   3 
  2π   2π  
cosθ r +  cosθ r −  cosθ r 
  3   3  

2. The expression for the mutual inductance between the main

winding and the auxiliarywinding of the transfer field machine more

than anything else, validates the earlier claim under principle of

operation that the torque developed in the TF machine is a

reluctance torque. From the expression , it is seen that the developed

torque is as a result of reluctance offered to the magnetic flux

paths along the machine axes. Along one axis, this reluctance is a

minimum or zero but along the other axis that is 90o out of

phase ,it is maximum.


3. After transformation into the qdo reference frame, the inductances of a Tfm

which is very evident from the flux linkage equations of the main and

auxiliary windings of a Tfm given by equation 3.54 (b) does not depend on

rotor position any more. This is also true of the inductances of an Im after

transformation into the qdo reference frame. This is seen in equation

(3.91) which expresses the stator and rotor flux linkage equations of an Im

in qdo reference frame.

λQ  2Ll + Lmq + Lmd 0 0 −(Lmd − Lmq ) 0 0 IQ 

   0 .2LL + Lmq + Lmd 0 Lmd − Lmq

0 I D 
λD   0
λO   0 0 2LL 0 0 0 IO 
 =  
λq  − (Lmd − Lmq ) 0 0 2LL + Lmq + Lmd 0 0 I q  3.54 (b)
    
λd   0 Lmd − Lmq 0 0 2LL + Lmq + Lmd 0I d 
λo   0 0 0 0 0 2LL I o 

λqs   Lls + Lm 0 0 Lm 0 0  iqs 

    
λds   0 Lis + Lm 0 0 Lm 0  ids 
λos   0 0 Lis 0 0 0  ios 
 1 =  1  (3.91)
λqr   Lm 0 0 L + Lm 0
lr 0  iqr 
 1    1 
λdr   0 Lm 0 0 L1lr + Lm 0  idr 
λ1   0 0 0 0 0 L1lr  ior1 
 or  

3.4 Steady - state analysis :

3.4.1 Transfer field machine (Tfm)

In steady state operation, the derivative terms in the voltage equations become

zero. And so when all the derivative terms in equations (3.47) and (3.48) are set

equal to zero, the steady state performance equations for the transfer field

machine (Tfm) are derived. The relationship that exist between the q-axis and

d=axis variable is given by [11];

FD = jFQ (main winding circuit)

} .(3.95)
Fd = − jf q (auxiliary winding circuit)

where F may be voltage, current or flux linkage. Now if the D-axis is made to

coincide with the A-phase, then VD in the main winding from equation (3.47)

without the derivative expression becomes;

VD = riD - ωλ Q (3.96)

But λ Q = -j λ D and substituting back into equation (3.96), gives;

VD = riD + jωλD (3.97)

From the flux linkage equations, λ D is given as;

λD = (2LL + Lmq + Lmd) ID + (Lmd – Lmq) Id

= 2LLID + LmqID + LmdID + LmdId - LmqId

∴ λ D = 2(LL + Lmq) ID + (Lmd – Lmq) (ID + Id) (3.98)

Substituting equation (3.98) into equation (3.97), we have;

vD = riD + j ω [2 (L L + L mq )I D + (L md − L mq )(I D + I d )]

⇒ vD = riD + j2 (xL + Xmq) ID + j(Xmd – Xmq) (ID + Id) .(3.99)

Now the d-axis is aligned to the A – phase, hence;

VD = VA; ID = IA and Id = Ia

And consequent upon this, equation (3.99) can be rewritten as;


VA = rI A + j2(XL + Xmq) IA + j (Xmd – Xmq)(IA + Ia)

Putting XL + Xmq = Xq, the above expression becomes;

VA = (r + j2Xq) IA + j (Xmd – Xmq)(IA + Ia) (3.100)

Similarly for the auxiliary winding, we have;

Vd = rid + ( ω O − 2ω )λ q (3.101)

But λ q = j λ d and substituting back into equation (3.101) yields;

Vd = rid + j( ωO − 2ω )λd

ωo − ω
Now ωo − 2ω = ωo (2s-1) where s = Slip =

∴ Vd = rid + jωo (2s – 1) λ d

Vd r
⇒ = i + jω o λ d (3.102)
(2 s − 1) (2 s − 1) d

But from the flux linkage equations;

λd = (2LL + Lmq + Lmd)Id + (Lmd - Lmq)ID

= 2LLId + LmqId + LmdId + LmdID - LmqID

= 2LLId + LmqId – LmqId + LmdId + LmdId + LmdID - LmqID

= 2(LL + Lmq)Id – Lmq (Id + ID) + Lmd (Id + ID)

∴ λ d = 2(LL+Lmq)Id + (Lmd – Lmq)(ID + Id) (3.103)

Therefore substituting equation (3.103) into equation (3.102) gives;

(2 s − 1) (2 s − 1) d
i + jω o 2(LL + Lmq )I d + (Lmd − Lmq )(I D + I d ) ]

I + j 2(X L + x mq )I d + j (X md − X mq )(I D + I d )
Vd r
(2 s − 1) (2 s − 1) d
But XL + Xmq = Xq as already expressed and because of the alignment, Vd = Va, Id

= Ia, ID = IA and substituting back into the above expression, gives;


Va r
= I a + j 2 X q I a + j ( X md − X mq )( I D + I a )
( 2 s − 1) ( 2 s − 1)

Va  r 
∴ = + j 2 X q  I a + j ( X md − X mq )( I A + I a ) (3.104)
(2s − 1)  (2s − 1) 

Equations (3.100) and (3.104) are used to develop the steady state equivalent

circuit of the transfer field machine which is as shown in figure (3.7).

J2xq J2xq
IA r ( 2 s − 1) Ia
+ +
J(xmd-xmq) ( 2 s − 1)

- -
Fig.3.7: Steady - state equivalent circuit of the transfer field machine
(TFM). -

Now when the auxiliary winding of the machine is short-circuited, the steady state
equivalent circuit reduces to that of figure 3.8.

J2xq J2xq r
IA r Ia
 1− s 
VA 2r  
j(xmd-xmq)  (2s − 1) 

Fig.3.8: Steady - state equivalent circuit of the TFM when the auxiliary
winding is short-circuited.
Now the input impedance looking through the open terminals of figure 3.8 is

calculated thus;

1− s 
r + j2xq + 2r  
 2s − 1 

r (2 s − 1) + j 2 xq (2 s − 1) + 2 r (1 − s )
2s − 1

r + j 4 sx q − j 2 xq
2s − 1

And this series resistance is in parallel with j(Xmd – Xmq) which gives;

 r + j 4 sxq − j 2 xq 
 {jxmd − xmq }
 2s − 1 

 r + j 4 sxq − j 2 xq 
  + {j (xmd − xmq )}
 2s − 1 

Simplification of the numerator of the above expression, gives;

{x − xmd }2 xq − j
 r 

2s − 1

while that of the denominator gives;

+ j (2 xq + xmd − xmq )
2s − 1

Hence the input impedance, Z, is;

− xmd }2 xq − j
 r 

2 s − 1
Z = r+j2xq+  (3.105)
 r 
 + j (2 xq + xmd − xmq )
 2s − 1 

The current in the auxiliary winding, Ia, is given by;

− j (xmd − xmq )I A
Ia = (3.106)
+ j (2 xq + xmd − xmq )
(2s − 1)
Where IA = , the current in the main winding.

Electromagnetic torque, Te, of a TFM.

The steady state electromagnetic toque, Te, is given as;

(1 − s )
3 Ia
Te = x 2r
ω (2 s − 1)

2 r (1 − s )
3 Ia
= x
ω o (1 − s ) 2s − 1

6 Ia 2 r
∴Te = (3.107)
ωo (2s − 1)

3.4.2: Induction Machine (Im):

Referring to equation (3.83) earlier expressed as;

o 1 0
V s
qdo qdo
is + Pλ qdo
s + ω − 1 0 0 λqdo

0 0 0

1 0 0
and substituting r s
= rs 0 1 0 , gives;
0 0 1 

Vqs  rs 0 0  iqs  λqs  0 ω 0 λqs 

         
Vds  = 0 rs 0  ids  + P λds  + − ω 0 0 λds  (3.108)
Vos  0 0 rs  ios  λos  0 0 0 λos 
   

Equation (3.108) implies that;

Vqs = rs iqs + Pλqs + ωλ ds

Vds = rs ids + Pλds − ωλ qs (3.109)
Vos = rs ios + Pλos

Also considering equation (3.84) in a similar manner, gives;

Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ Pλ1qr + (ω − ω r )λ1dr
Vdr1 = rr1idr
+ Pλ1dr − (ω − ω r )λ1qr .(3.110)
Vor1 = rr1ior1 + Pλ1or

For steady state analysis, the derivative expression (i.e; P = d dt ) is set equal to

zero and when this is applied to the stator and rotor voltage equations of equations

(3.109) and (3.110) for the q-axis, we have;


V qs = rs i qs + ωλ ds (3.111)

Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ (ω − ωr )λ1dr .(3.112)

Applying the transformation Fds = jf qs to the above equations since q and d are in

space quadrature, we have;

V qs = rs i qs + j ωλ qs (3.113)

Vqr1 = rr1iqr1 + j (ω − ωr )λ1qr (3.114)

From equation (3.91), the stator flux linkage along the q-axis, is;
λ qs = (L ls + L m )i qs + L m i qr

= L ls i qs + L m i qs + L m i qr

∴ λqs = Lisiqs + Lm iqs + iqr
) (3.115)

while the rotor flux linkage along the q-axis, is;

λ1qr = Lm iqs + (L1ir + Lm )iqr1

λ1qr = Lmiqs + L1Lr iqr1 + Lm iqr1

∴λ1qr = L1lr iqr

+ Lm iqs + iqr
) (3.116)

Substituting equation (3.115) back into equation (3.113), we have;

Vqs = rs iqs + jω Lls iqs + lm iqs + iqr
( )]
= rs iqs + jωLls iqs + jωLm iqs + iqr
( )
Vqs = rsiqs + jxL lsiqs + jxL m iqs + iqr1 ) .(3.117)

Now from equation (3.114), we have that;

Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ j (ω − ωr )λ1qr

⇒ Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ jsωλ1qr where s=slip

and substituting equation (3.116) into the above expression, gives;


Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ jsω L1lr iqr
+ Lm iqs + iqr
( )]
= r i + jsωL i + jsωLm iqs + iqr
1 1
r qr
1 1
lr qr
( )
Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ jsx1Llriqr
+ jsxL m iqs + iqr
( ) .(3.118)

Now if this q-axis is aligned with phase 1 a1 of the machine such that;

Vqs = Vas ; iqs = ias ;Vqr1 = Var1 and iqr

= iar
, then equation (3.117) becomes;

Vas = rsias + jxlsias + jxLm ias + iar

( ) .(3.119)

While equation (3.118) becomes;

V ar1 = rr1i ar
+ jsx 1Llr i ar
+ jsx Lm i as + i ar
( ) .(3.120)

Dividing equation (3.120) through by the slip, s, we have;

+ jx Lm (i as + iar )
Var1 rr1 1
= iar + jx L1 iar
1 1
s s lr

Equations (3.119) and (3.121) are used to draw the steady state equivalent circuit
of an induction machine shown in figure (3.9).

/ as
r r1
JxLs jx Lr1
rs S l ar1
+ +
(i as +i 1
ar ) V ar1
Vas S
- -
Fig.3.9: Per phase equivalent circuit of an Induction machine.

Now for an induction machine, the rotor windings are normally short circuited
and this implies that the rotor voltage, Var , is equal to zero. And so the per phase
equivalent circuit of figure 3.9 with the rotor short circuited, becomes;

/ as
jxLs jx Lr1 r r1
rs S l ar1
(i as + i ar1 )

Fig.3.10: Per phase equivalent circuit of an IM with the rotor short circuited.

But to account for the I 2 r loss in the rotor circuit, fig.(3.10) is redrawn as shown
in fig.(3.11).

JxLs jx Lr1
r s r r1 l ar1
(i as + i ar1 )
r r1
Vas (1 − s )

Fig.3.11: Per phase equivalent circuit of an IM which accommodates I 2r loss.

Electromagnetic torque, Te, of an IM

When Thevenin’s theory is applied to figure (3.11) looking into the figure from

left, we have that;

jx m
vth = xV as .(3.122)
rs + j ( xis + xm )

jx m (rs + jxls )
Z th = rth + jxth = .(3.123)
rs + j ( xm + xls )

vth is the Thevenin’s equivalent voltage.

Z th is the Thevenin’s equivalent impedance.

And the Thevenin’s equivalent is as shown in figure 3.12.

/ as
Jxth jx Lr1
rth r r1

r r1
Vth (1 − s )

Fig.3.12: Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of an IM.

From figure (3.12), it is seen that;

I as = (3.124)
 r 
( )
 rth +  + j xth + xlr1

 s

The mechanical power developed is given as the power dissipated in (1 − s )
which is given as;
P = 3I as2 (1 − s ) .(3.125)
Substituting equation (3.124) into equation (3.125), gives;
3Vth2 (1 − s )
P= s (3.126)
 r1 
 rth + r  + xth + xlr1

Hence the toque developed is;
Te = = .(3.127)
ωr ω s (1 − s )

Substituting equation (3.126) into equation (3.127), we have;

3Vth2 (1 − s )
Te = x s
ω s (1 − s )  2
rr1 
 rth +  + xth + xlr1
( )

3Pn s
Te = x (3.128)
2ω e  2
r1 
 rth + r  + xth + xlr1
( )2

Pn = number of poles
ωe = 2πfe = supply frequency in rad sec-1

Now maximum torque is developed when the variable resistor, , draws
maximum power from the source and that is when [20];
s max
= rth2 + xth + xlr1 ) 2

Substituting equation (3.129) into equation (3.128), gives that;


= n x
Vth2 rth2 + xth + xlr1( )

2ωe 
( ) ( )
1 2  2
 th
r + r 2
th + xth + xlr  + xth + xlr

 

= nx
Vth2 rth2 + xth + xlr1 )

th th th ( lr th )
4ωe r r 2 + x + x1 2 + r 2 + x + x1
th lr ( )

= n x
Vth2 rth2 + xth + xlr1 ( )

4ω e ( )
rth2 + xth + xlr1 rth + rth2 + xth + xlr1 
2 2
( )
 
3 pn Vth2
∴ Tmax = x (3.130)
4ωe r + r 2 + x + x1
th th th(lr ) 2

3.5: Dynamic State Analysis :

3.5.1: Transfer field machine (TFM)

The dynamic model considers the instantaneous effects of varying voltages and

currents, stator frequency and torque disturbance. For the transfer field machine

(TFM), all the relevant equations required for the dynamic state analysis have

been derived in section (3.3) while treating the inductance matrix and

transformation of stator quantities to arbitrary qdo reference frame. For this

analysis therefore, all these relevant equations will be repeated for the sake of

emphasis. The voltage equations for the main and auxiliary windings of a transfer

field machine are given by equation (3.47) and equation (3.48) respectively. The

two equations combine to give the complete voltage equations for the transfer

field machine in qdo reference frame as;


VQ = riQ + ωλ D + pλQ
VD = riD − ωλQ + pλD
VO = riO + pλO
Vq = riq − (ωo − 2ω )λd + pλq
Vd = rid + (ωo − 2ω ) λq + pλd
Vo = rio + pλo

Where r is the sum of resistances of the main or auxiliary windings in both halves.

The flux linkage equations for the transfer field machine in qdo reference frame is

given by equation (3.54) as;

λ Q = (2 L l + L mq + L md )I Q − (l md − L mq )I q
λ D = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I D + (l md − Lmq )I d
λO = 2 LI I O .(3.54)
λq = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I q − (lmd − Lmq )I Q
λd = (2 Ll + Lmq + Lmd )I d + (l md − Lmq )I D
λo = 2 Li I o

To derive the dynamic equivalent circuit for the Tfm, the flux linkage equations of

equation (3.54), can be written as;

λQ = 2(Ll + Lmd )I Q + (Lmq − Lmd )(I Q + I q )

λ D = 2(Ll + Lmq )I D + (Lmd − Lmq )(I D + I d )
λO = 2 Ll I O
λq = 2(Ll + Lmd )I q + (Lmq − Lmd )(I Q + I q )

λd = 2(Ll + Lmq )I d + (Lmd − Lmq )(I D + I d )

λO = 2 Ll I O

Based on equation (3.131) and (3.132), the dynamic equivalent circuit for the

transfer field machine is obtained as shown in figure (3.13).


ωλD 2(Ll +Lmd ) 2(Ll +Lmd ) ( o – 2" )^_

r r
+ IQ + + -
(I Q + Iq )
(L mq − Lmd )
- -
(a) q - axis

2(Ll +Lmq ) 2(Ll +Lmq ) (o – 2" )^`

ID r ωλ Q r Id
+ + + +
- -
(I D + I d )
(L md − Lmq )
- -
(b) d - axis

IO r r Io
+ +


- -
(c) O - axis
Fig. 3.13: Dynamic equivalent circuit of a transfer field machine (TFM)

Substituting equation (3.54) into equation (3.31), the voltage equation

VQ = {r + 2(LL + Lo )P}I Q + 2ω (LL + Lo )I D − (Lmd − Lmq )PI q + ω (Lmd − Lmq )I d
VD = − 2ω (Ll + Lo )I Q + {r + 2(LL + Lo )P}I D + ω (Lmd − Lmq )I q + (Lmd − Lmq )PI d
VO = (r + 2 LL P )I O
Vq = −(Lmd − Lmq )PI Q + (ωo − 2ω )(Lmd − Lmq )I D + {r + 2(LL + Lo )P}I q − 2(ωo − 2ω )(LL + Lo )I d
Vd = −(ωo − 2ω )(Lmd − Lmq )I Q + (Lmd − Lmq )PI D + 2(ωo − 2ω )(LL + Lo )I q + {r + 2(LL + Lo )P}I d
Vo = (r + 2 LL P )I o (3.133)

For a balanced voltage supply, the zero-sequence expressions are always zero

[21]. And so when the zero-sequence expressions are ignored, the voltage and

flux linkage equations will reduce to four system equations given as;

VQ  {r + 2(LL + Lo )P} 2ω (LL + Lo ) − (Lmd − Lmq )P ω (Lmd − Lmq ) IQ 
   − 2ω (L + L )
VD  =  L o {r + 2(LL + Lo )P} ω (Lmd − Lmq ) (Lmd − Lmq )P  
I D 
Vq   − (Lmd − Lmq )P (ω o − 2ω )(Lmd − Lmq ) {r + 2(LL + Lo )P} − 2(ω o − 2ω )(LL + Lo )   I q 
    
Vd   − (ω o − 2ω )(Lmd − Lmq ) (Lmd − Lmq )P 2(ω o − 2ω )(LL + Lo ){r + 2(LL + Lo )P}   I d 
While the flux linkage equations become;

⋋c 2(f + * ) g −Ph_ − h` S g c

⋋d 2(f + * ) l o
g i g P
i h_ −  h` kd n
a⋋ e = a g e (3.135)
` −P h_ − h` S 2(f + * ) g k ` n
⋋_ g Ph_ − h` S g 2(f + * ) j_ m

Lmq + Lmd
For both equations (3.134) and (3.135), Lo = . In qd-rotor reference
frame, ωo = ω and when this is substituted into equation (3.134), we have that;

V Q  {r + 2 (L L + L o )P } 2ω (L L + L o ) − (L md − L mq )P ω (L md − L mq )   I Q 
   − 2ω (L + L )
V D  =  L o {r + 2 (L L + L o )P } ω (L md − L mq ) (L md − L mq )P   I D 
V q   − (L md − L mq )P − ω (L md − L mq ) {r + 2 (L L + L o )P } 2ω (L L + L o ) I 
    q 
V d  ω (L md − L mq ) (L md − L mq )P − 2ω (L L + L o ){r + 2 (L L + L o )P }   I d 


The electromagnetic torque, Te, obtained from energy consideration has the

expression [11];
 I A   I a 
pn      ∂
Te =  K x  I B   
2  ∂θ r
[ ]
  
Lxy   K y  I b   (3.137)
   I 
  I C     c 

Where Pn is the number of poles. On reduction, equation (3.137), gives;

Te = Pn (Lmd − Lmq )(I Q I d − I q I D )


The electromechanical (rotor) dynamic equation is given as;

J = Te − TL (3.139)


J = moment of inertia of motor in kg-m2

TL = motor shaft load torque in N-m

ωm = mechanical rotor speed in rad s-1.

3.5.2: Induction machine (IM)

For the induction machine (IM), three particular cases of the generalized model in

arbitrary reference frames are of general interest and they include;

(i) Stator reference frame model

(ii) Rotor reference frame model

(iii) Synchronously rotating reference model.

The dynamic analysis of the TFM was carried out in the dq-rotor reference frame

and consequent upon this, the dynamic analysis of the induction machine (IM),

will adopt the dq-rotor reference frame.

As earlier derived in the steady state analysis {Eqns (3.109) & (3.110)} , the stator

and rotor voltage equations in the arbitrary reference frames are expressed as;

Vqs = rs iqs + Pλqs + ωλ ds

Vds = rs ids + Pλds − ωλ qs
Vos = rs ids + Pλos
… (3.140)
Vqr1 = rr1iqr
+ Pλ1qr + (ω − ω r )λ1dr
Vdr1 = rr1idr
+ Pλ1dr − (ω − ω r )λ1qr
Vor1 = rr ior + Pλor

While the stator and rotor flux linkages in the arbitrary reference frame are given


λqs = (LLs + Lm )iqs + Lm i qr1

λds = (LLs + Lm )ids + Lm i dr1
λ1qr = LLs ios
λ1qr = (L1Lr + Lm )iqr1 + Lm i qs
λ1dr = (L1Lr + Lm )idr1 + Lm i ds
λ1qr = LLr ior

With equations (3.140) and (3.141), the dynamic equivalent circuits of an

induction motor in the arbitrary reference frame is as shown in figure 3.14.


/ qs rs ^<1
L Ls XI Lr ( − 3)^r <3 I
r r /Iqr
( / qs + / qr )
+ +
+ - - +

v qs vIqr

- -
(a) q - axis

/ ds rs ^=1
L Ls XI Lr ( − 3)^r =3
rIr /Idr

( / ds + / dr )
+ - +

v ds vIdr

(b) d - axis

/71 31 3 r3 / r73
+ +

v71 XLs XILr vI73

- -
(c) Zero -sequence

Fig.3.14: Dynamic equivalent circuit for a 3-phase symmetrical induction

machine in an arbitrary reference frame.

Substituting the flux linkage values into the voltage equations, gives;
Vqs = (rs + Ls P )iqs + ωLs ids + Lm Pi qr
+ ωLm idr

Vds = ωLs iqs + (rs + Ls P )ids − ωLm iqr

+ Lm Pi dr

Vos = (rs + Lls P )ios

( )
Vqr1 = Lm Piqs + (ω − ω r )Lm ids + rr1 + L1r P iqr
+ (ω − ω r )L1r L1dr
Vdr1 = (ω − ω r )Lm iqs + Lm Piλs − (ω − ω r )L1r iqr
+ rr1 + L1r P idr
( )
Vor1 = rr1 + L1Lr p ior1

Where; L s = L Ls + L m & L1r = L1Lr + L m

From equation (3.141) through equation (3.142), one can observe that only

leakage inductances and phase resistances influence the zero-sequence voltages

and currents unlike in the dq component variables which are influenced by the self

and mutual inductances and phase resistances. Again in a balanced 3-phase

machine, the sum of the three-phase currents in zero which leads to a zero-

sequence current of zero value [21]. This therefore implies that the analysis can be

carried out with the voltage and flux linkage equations ignoring the zero-sequence

components. And when this is done, the flux linkage equation of (3.141) can be

rewritten as;

λqs  (Lls + Lm ) 0 Lm 0  iqs 

    
λds   0 ( Lis + Lm ) 0 Lm  ids 
λ1  =  L 0 (L1
+ Lm ) 0  iqr 1  (3.143)
 qr   m lr
 
λdr   0
Lm 0 ( )
L1lr + Lm  ior1 

While the voltage equations for the induction motor in the arbitrary reference

frame becomes;

Vqs  rs + Ls P ωLs Lm P ωLm  iqs 

    i 
Vds  − ωLs rs + Ls P −ωLm Lm P   ds 
V 1  =  L P (ω − ωr )Lm rr1 + L1r P (ω − ωr )Lr iqr 
1  1  .(3.144)
 qr   m 
Vdr1  − (ω − ω r )Lm Lm P −(ω − ω r )L1r rr1 + L1r P  idr
1 

In qd-rotor reference frame, ω=ωr and when this is substituted into equation
(3.144), we have that;

Vqs  rs + Ls P ωr Ls Lm P ωr Lm  iqs 

    
Vds  − ω r Ls rs + Ls P −ω r Lm Lm P  ids  .
V 1  =  L P O rr1 + L1r P O  1 
 qr   m  iqr 
Vdr1  O Lm P O rr1 + L1r P  i1 
 dr 

The transformation from abc to dqo variables is still the same and given as;

  2π   2π 
cosθ r cosθ r − 3  cosθ r + 3 
    

[Tabc ] = 2 sin θ r sin θ r − 2π  sinθ r + 2π  

 
3  3   3 
1 1 1 
 
2 2 2 

While its inverse is;

 
cos θ sin θ 1 
 r r

  2π   2π  
[Tabc ]−1 = cosθ r −  sin θ r −  1  .(3.147)
  3   3  
  2π   2π  
cosθ r +  sin θ r +  1
  3   3  

The electromagnetic torque for the dq-rotor reference is expressed as;

Pn Lm (iqs idr − ids iqr1 )

Te = 1

While the electromechanical (rotor) dynamic equation is given by;

dω m
Te = J + TL + Bω m [21] (3.149)


J = moment of inertia of motor

TL = load torque

B = friction coefficient of the load and motor

ωm = mechanical rotor speed.




The two machines have been analyzed exhaustively in chapter three.

In this chapter , simulation is carried out with the models developed .

4.1 Steady – state simulation and results

4.1.1 Transfer field machine (TFM)

With parameters shown in table 4.1 and making use of equation (3.105) through

equation (3.107), the torque-speed curve for the Tfm under steady state is

obtained and it is as shown in figure 4.1 ;while the matlab program for the

simulation is in appendix B.

Table 4.1: Equivalent circuit parameters for steady state simulation of TFM.

S/No. Circuit parameter Value

1. V 240v
2. Pn 4
3. rA 0.375Ω
4. ra 0.375Ω
5. r 0.75Ω
6. Xmd 15.71Ω
7. Xmq 2.50Ω
8. XL 2.25Ω



Torque N-m






1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

(a) Motoring Mode



Torque N-m






1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1


(b) Motoring and Generating Mode

Fig. 4.1: Steady State Torque – Slip Curve for TFM

Efficiency, η, of a TFM:

Using equations (3.105) and (3.106), the percent efficiency, η, for the transfer

field machine (TFM) neglecting friction, Windage and core losses is expressed as;
2r Iv
w x 100
s= 2s − 1 ×
1−s 1
+ Iy
) r + 2r Iv
w x

2r Iv
(1 − s) (100)
⇒s = (4.1)
+ Iy
(2 s − 1) r 2rIv
(1 − s)

A plot of efficiency vs slip for the transfer field machine is as shown in figure 4.2

while the mat lab program for the plotting is in appendix C.









1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5

Fig4.2: Efficiency V Slip plot for the Transfer field Machine


4.1.2 Induction machine (IM)

For a typical induction machine, the torque–speed characteristics curve is plotted

using equation (3.128) with parameters shown in table 4.2. The plotting is as

shown in figure 4.3; while the matlab program is appendix C.

Table 4.2: Equivalent circuit parameters for steady - state simulation of the IM.

Parameters Values

Vs 240V

Pn 4

rs 0.65 Ω

rr1 0.25 Ω

xm 26.15 Ω

xls 0.75 Ω

x 1lr 0.75 Ω






1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

(a) Motoring Mode










1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1

(b) Motoring and Generating Mode

Fig. 4.3: Steady State Torque – Slip Curve for Induction Machine (IM)

Efficiency, η, of an induction machine (IM)

For the induction machine, the percent efficiency, η, is given by;

P out P out
s= =
P in P in + ∑ Losses

Neglecting these losses and using equations (3.122), (3.124) and (3.126), the

percent efficiency for the IM, becomes;


( 1 − s) 1 100
s= s × ×

3V„… Ias 1
ˆr„… + ‰ + (X„… + X ‡†
‡ )

H 
ŒŽ H ( ‘) ( )
⇒ s = 
‡v’U“†”•! – ™ ! Pš”• ! š——– S W

A plot of efficiency vs slip for the induction machine is as shown in figure 4.4.
while the mat lab program for the plotting is in appendix E.











1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Fig. 4.4.: Efficiency Vs Slip plot for the induction machine


Performance Comparison:

The torque-Vs- slip characteristics of the TFM is as shown in figure 4.1. ,

while that of IM is as shown in figure 4.3.

For both machines, slip is chosen in place of auxiliary(rotor) speed because

it is non-dimensional and so is applicable to any motor frequency. Also for

both machines , the developed torque Vs slip characteristics is plotted

showing the motoring and generating regions of the machines operation. In

the motoring region, the developed torque is in the direction of rotation of

the rotor (auxiliary winding) while the generating region is above the

synchronous speed and the developed torque is opposite to the direction of

rotation of the rotor(auxiliary winding) [20].

1. For IM, at low slip ,that is, near the synchronous speed , the torque is

linear and is directly proportional to slip ; while at large values of

slip , the torque is approximately inversely proportional to slip. At

synchronous speed (i.e, when s=0), current and hence torque is zero. At

standstill (i.e; when s=1), the rotor speed is zero and at this operating

point, the torque produced is known as starting(standstill) torque. From

figure 4.3 , it is 1.35 N-m.

2. The TFM on the other hand, at half synchronous speed (i.e; ω =ωo/2),

produces a torque-slip characteristics very identical to that of IM at

full synchronous speed. Like the IM , at large values of slip, the

torque is approximately inversely proportional to slip. For the TFM,

current and hence torque is zero at half synchronous speed ( s=0.5) ;

while close to half synchronous speed, the torque is linear and

directly proportional to slip. Beyond the half synchronous speed and


up to the synchronous speed, the TFM produces a negative torque.

From figure 4.1, it has a starting torque of 0.3 N-m.

3. It is clearly seen from the plottings that the transfer field machine

(TFM) has a lower pullout and starting torque than the induction

machine (IM) . This is attributed to the higher leakage reactance of

the transfer field machine which is the sum of the normal leakage

reactance and quadrature axis reactance .

4. Efficiency versus slip plotting neglecting losses , showed that the

induction machine has a higher efficiency than the transfer field


4.2 Dynamic – state simulation and results

4.2.1 Transfer field machine (TFM)

Using equations (3.135), (3.136), (3.138), (3.139) and values for circuit

parameters as displayed in table 4.3, the dynamic simulation of the transfer field

machine (TFM) is carried out. The dynamic simulation plots for the TFM is as

shown in figure 4.5 through figure 4.8 while the MATLAB program is in

appendix F.

Table 4.3: Circuit parameter values for the dynamic simulation of the TFM.

S/No. Circuit parameter Value

1 V 220V
2 Pn 4
3 rA 3.0Ω
4 ra 3.0Ω
5 r 6.0Ω
6 Lmd 0.1333H
7 Lmq 0.0256H
8 LLs 0.0006H
9 J 0.00198kg-m2
10 TL O N-m

Electromagnetic Torque, Te, [N-m]



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Rotor Speed, ωr

Fig. 4.5: The electromagnetic torque, Te, against rotor speed for TFM

Electromagnetic Torque, Te, [N-m]




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time, [sec]

Fig. 4.6: The Electromagnetic Torque, Te, against time for Transfer field Machine (TFM)


, [A]

Main Winding current, I



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time, [sec]

(a) Phase A Main Winding Current, IA

Aux. Winding current, I , [A]






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time, [sec]

(b) Phase A Auxiliary Winding Current, Ia

Fig. 4.7: Plotting of Phase A Currents for main and auxiliary windings
of TFM



Rotor Speed, ωr, [rads/sec]







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time, [sec]

Fig. 4.8: Auxiliary winding (rotor) speed, ω, against time for TFM

4.2.2 Induction Machine (IM)

The dynamic simulation of induction machine is carried out with parameters and

constants for a 5hp, 220V, 4 pole, 3-phase, 50Hz star-connected induction motor.

They are as displayed in table 4.4.

Table 4.4: Circuit parameter values and constants for the dynamic simulation of

the IM.

S/No. Circuit parameter Value

1 V 220V
2 Pn 4
3 rs 0.220Ω
4 rr1 0.209Ω
5 Lm 0.040H
6 Ls 0.0425H
7 L1r 0.0430H
8 0
9 O N-m
10 0.124kg-m2

With values of table 4.4 and using equations (3.143), and equation (3.145)

through equation (3.149), the dynamic simulation plots for the IM is as shown in

figure 4.9 through figure 4.12 while the MATLAB program is in appendix G.





Te, N-m

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
rotor speed, rad/s

Fig. 4.9: The Electromagnetic Torque, Te, against rotor speed for Induction Machine (IM)





Te, N-m



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Fig. 4.10: The Electromagnetic Torque, Te, against time for Induction Machine (IM)




Ias, A


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(a) Phase A Stator Current, Ias






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(b) Phase A rotor current, Iar

Fig. 4.11: Plotting of Phase A Currents for stator and rotor windings of Induction Machine (IM)



Rotor speed, rads-1





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(a) At no-load




Rotor speed, rads-1




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(b) At a torque load, TL, of 3.5 N-m

Fig. 4.12: Rotor speed, ω r , against time for Induction Machine (IM)

Performance Comparison:

1. In dynamic mode, the torque versus speed characteristic of both

machines are very identical which is akin to what obtains in the steady

– state simulations. Here , the torque of the transfer field machine ,

oscillated and settled at a rotor speed of 157 rad s-1; that is , at half of

synchronous speed ωo/2. On the other hand, the torque of the induction

machine, oscillated and settled at a rotor speed of 314 rad s-1 ; that is,

at synchronous speed ωs. The plotting is as shown in figures 4.5 and

4.9 .

2. Both machines are simulated to start on no-load. The transfer field machine

accelerated freely and after some damped oscillation ,settles at half

synchronous speed, ω=ωo/2 , (157.1 rads-1) after a time of 0.9 seconds. A

load torque ,Tl , of 3.5 N-m was introduced at t=1.3 seconds and this

caused the machine rotor to oscillate briefly and finally settles at a

speed of approximately 149.4 rads-1 at a time of 1.6 seconds. This is as

shown in figure 4.8. The induction machine on the other hand,

accelerated freely, and after some damped oscillation, settles at a

synchronous speed ,ωr =ωs (314 rads-1) at a time of 0.6seconds. When it

was simulated with load torque ,Tl, of 3.5 N-m, the rotor speed did not

accelerate freely as it did under no-load; rather it has few seconds of

delayed acceleration , oscillated very briefly and settles at less than the

synchronous speed (ωr =310 rads-1) at oscillation time of 1.2 seconds. This

is as shown in figure 4.11

3. From the plotting of the current in the main winding, IA, of TFM, it is

seen that the starting current is not high and this implies that a longer

starting time can be tolerated without any major disturbance to the


supply. This cannot be said of the IM which has a very high starting

current. The plottings are as illustrated in figures 4.7 and 4.11


4. On no-load and final operating speed, the current circulating in the

auxiliary winding of the TFM is zero . This is also true of the IM.

5. The electromagnetic torque, Te, of the TFM either against the rotor

speed or time , is lower than the Te of IM as clearly shown in figures

4.6 and 4.10 respectively.



5.1 Discussion of the Analysis and Simulations

In this thesis, a comparative analysis has been carried out with main focus on the

physical configuration and principle of operation, synchronous operation,

inductance matrix, steady-state and dynamic-state performance. For each of these

features compared, conclusions have been provided. Nevertheless, the main

highlights of the comparative analysis include among others:-

(1) The TFM and IM have physical configuration that greatly differed, yet in

principle of operation, the induced voltage as well as the frequency of that

induced voltage in the auxiliary winding of TFM and rotor of IM, is

proportional to slip.

(2) Though an asynchronous machine, the transfer field machine is capable of

synchronous operation when;

(i) the auxiliary winding (rotor) runs at half the source frequency or

when the slip is half (s = 0.5) and a direct current is applied to the

auxiliary winding to produce a d.c field at this speed (i. e ; ω =


(ii) the auxiliary winding (rotor) is brought up to synchronous speed of

the applied field, ωo, by an auxiliary with the main and auxiliary

windings of the transfer field machine connected to the supply. In

this mode, the motor will operate as a synchronous machine

utilizing one side of the coupled transfer field machine. Similarly

the induction machine though asynchronous, is capable of

synchronous operation if the rotor is brought up to


synchronous speed ,ωs, and a dc field is applied to the rotor

through slip rings.

(3) The mutual inductances of both machines depend on the rotor position

which varies with time .

(4) In steady-state simulation, the transfer field machine at one half of the

synchronous speed (ω = ωo/2) or s = 0.5, develops torque vs speed

characteristic very identical to the torque vs speed characteristics of

induction machine at synchronous speed (ωr = ωs). However for the TFM,

above half the synchronous speed and up to the synchronous speed, the

torque is negative.

(5) In dynamic mode, the torque vs speed plotting exhibited characteristics

akin to what happened in steady state as the torque of the transfer field

machine oscillated and settled at half synchronous(ωo/2) ; while that of

the induction machine oscillated and settled at synchronous speed

(ωs) . When both machines were simulated at no-load, the transfer field

machine accelerated freely and settles at half synchronous speed (ω = ωo/2)

after a time of 0.9 seconds while the induction machine also at no-load,

accelerated freely, briefly oscillated and settles at a synchronous speed, ωr

= ωs after a time of 0.6 seconds.

The simulation also showed that the transfer field machine can actually

tolerate a longer starting time without fear of disturbance to the supply

because it has a low starting current unlike the induction machine which

has a higher starting current.


5.2 Conclusion

It is very evident from the comparative analysis carried out that though the TFM

and IM differed greatly in physical configuration, yet the characteristics exhibited

by the two machines are very identical in several ways. From the analysis, it is not

out of place to conclude that the performance of the TFM is that of induction

motor operating at half the synchronous speed.

It is hoped that these identical characteristics of the TFM with IM should be

harnessed to design and construct more robust transfer field machines as this will

increase its industrial acceptance as well as augmenting the role of IM as the

workhorse of the electric power industry. The dynamic model is developed in

the dq-rotor reference frame and this model is useful where the switching

elements and power are controlled on the rotor in the simulation of the

motor drive system.

It is , however , important to note that the transfer field machine (TFM) is

a two – element machine in which there are two stator windings in each

machine element known as main and auxiliary windings .The cost

implication of this is that for a transfer field machine and induction

machine of the same rating, it costs about one and half (112) times

more to construct a transfer field machine than an induction machine. .

5.3 Recommendation

It is recommended that detailed study should be carried out on the output power to

size ratio of the transfer field machine (TFM). This will help in the design and

construction of a cheaper transfer field machine of various ratings starting from

fractional KW machines to MW range for industrial and domestic applications

just like the IM.



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Appendix A: Definition of Inductance Sub matrices and Individual Inductance

expression for the Transfer Field Machine (TFM)



L21 = LaA LaB LaC Laa Lab Lac

LbA LbB LbC ; L22 = Lba Lbb Lbc
LcA LcB LcC Lca Lcb Lcc

LAA = La1 ± La2 Cos 2 θr

LAB = LBA = -1/2La1 ± La2 Cos (2 θr - α)
LAC = LCA = -1/2LA1 ± LA2 Cos (2 θr + α)
LBB = La1 ± La2 cos (2θr - α)
LBC = LCB = -1/2La1 ± La2 cos 2θr
LCC = La1 ± La2 cos (2θr + α)
Laa = La1 ± La2 cos 2θr
Lab = Lba = -1/2 Lb1 ± Lb2 cos (2 θr - α)
Lac = Lca = -1/2 Lb1 ± Lb2 cos (2 θr + α)
Lbb = Lb1 ± Lb2 cos (2 θr - α)
Lbc = Lcb = -1/2 Lb1 ± LB2 cos 2θr
Lcc = La1 ± Lb2 cos (2θr + α)
LAa = LaA = La12 ± Lb12 cos 2θr
LAb = LbA = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos (2 θr - α)
LAc = LcA = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos (2 θr + α)
LBa = LaB = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos (2 θr - α)
LBb = LbB = La12 ± L12 cos (2 θr + α)
LBc = LcB = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos 2 θr
LCa = LaC = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos (2θr + α)
LCb = LbC = La12 cos α ± Lb12 cos 2 θr
LCc = LcC = La12 ± Lb12 cos (2θr - α)

Where α = /3 (1200)
La11 = La22 = 1/2 (Lmd + Lmq)
Lb11 = Lb12 = 1/2 (Lmd - Lmq)

Appendix B: Matlab Program for the Steady – State Simulation of the

Transfer field Machine (TFM)

%Steady State Simulation of a Transfer Field Machine (TFM)
V_A=98.1; r=0.75; Xmd=15.71; Xmq=2.50; Xl=2.25; w0=2*pi*50;

%axis([1 0 -0.05 0.05])

Appendix C: Matlab Program for Efficiency Vs Slip of the Transfer

field Machine (TFM)

title('plot of percentage efficiency for a Transfer Field Machine(TFM)')
grid on

Appendix D: Matlab Program for the Steady – State Simulation of the

Induction Machine (IM)

%Steady State Simulation of a Induction Machine (IM)
Vas=195.61; Fe=50; Pn=4; rs=0.65; r_r=0.25; Xm=26.15; Xls=0.75;
Xl_r=0.75; s=linspace(1,0,100000);
title('steady state simulation of an induction machine');
ylabel('Torque N-m');

Appendix E: Matlab Program for Efficiency Vs Slip plot of an

induction Machine (IM):

title('plot of percentage efficiency for an Induction Motor (IM)')
grid on

Appendix F: Matlab Program for the Dynamic Simulation of the

Transfer Field Machine (TFM)

function [diQ,diD,diq,did,iA,iABC,ia,iabc,FQ,FD,Fq,Fd,Te,dwm] =

Vm = 179.63; P = 4;
r =6.0;
lmd = 133.3e-3; lmq = 25.6e-3; lls = 6e-3;
J = 0.00198; Tl = 0;
% p=number of poles
% Vm = 179.63; P = 4;
% r = 6.0;
% lmd = 133.3e-3; lmq = 25.6e-3; lls = 6e-3;
% J = 0.00198; Tl = 0;
ld = (lmq + lmd)/2;
ls = lls + ld;
lm = lmd - lmq;

%w is the electrical speed of the rotor

% wr = wm * P/2;
wr = 100*pi;
R = [r 0 0 0; 0 r 0 0; 0 0 r 0; 0 0 0 r];
L = [2*ls 0 -lm 0; 0 2*ls 0 lm; -lm 0 2*ls 0; 0 lm 0 2*ls];
wL = [0 2*ls*wr 0 lm*wr;
-2*ls*wr 0 lm*wr 0;
0 wr*lm 0 -2*wr*ls;
lm*wr 0 2*ls*wr 0];

Vabc = Vm * [Va; Vb; Vc];

kk = 2*pi/3; tt = 0;
K = (2/3)*[-sin(tt) -sin(tt - kk) -sin(tt + kk);...
cos(tt) cos(tt - kk) cos(tt + kk);...
1/2 1/2 1/2];
VQD = K * Vabc;
vQ = VQD(1); vD = VQD(2);
vq = 0; vd = 0;
Vqd0 = [vQ; vD; vq; vd];
i = [iQ; iD; iq; id];
di = L \ (Vqd0 - (R + wL)*i);
diQ = di(1); diD = di(2); diq = di(3); did = di(4);

Te = (3/4) * P * lm *(iQ*conj(id) - iD*conj(iq));


dwm = 4*(Te - Tl )/J;

iABC = K\ [iQ; iD; 0];

iA = iABC(1); iB = iABC(2); iC = iABC(3);

iabc = K\ [iq; id; 0];

ia = iabc(1); ib = iabc(2); ic = iabc(3);

II = [iQ; iD; iq; id];

LL = [2*ls 0 -lm 0; 0 2*ls 0 lm; -lm 0 2*ls 0; 0 lm 0 2*ls];

F = LL * II;
FQ = F(1); FD = F(2); Fq = F(3); Fd = F(4);

clear; clc;
load dual_obe

figure (1);
plot(t,IA,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('Time, [sec]'); ylabel('Main Winding current, I_A_S,
grid on

figure (2);
plot(t,Ia,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('Time, [sec]'); ylabel('Aux. Winding current, I_a_s,
grid on

figure (3);
plot(t,speed,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('Time, [sec]'); ylabel('Rotor Speed, \omega_r,
grid on

figure (4);
plot(t,torque,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('Time, [sec]'); ylabel('Electromagnetic Torque,
T_e, [N-m]');
grid on

figure (5);
plot(speed,torque,'k-','linewidth',2); xlabel('Rotor Speed, \omega_r');
ylabel('Electromagnetic Torque, T_e, [N-m]');
grid on

Appendix G: Matlab Program for the Dynamic Simulation of the

Induction Machine (IM)

function [diqs, dids, diqr, didr, ias,iabcs,iar,iabcr, Fqs, Fds, Fqr, Fdr, vqs,vds, Te,
dwm] = fcn(iqs, ids, iqr, idr, Va, Vb,...
Vc,w,tt, wm)

% Vm = 179.63; P = 4;
% rs = 0.220; rr = 0.209;
% ls = 0.0425; lr = 0.0430; lm = 0.040;
% % ls = 0.0425; lr = 0.0430; lm = 0.040;
% B = 0; Tl = 0; J = 0.124;

ls = 0.0425;lr = 0.0430; lm = 0.040;

rs = 0.220; rr = 0.209;
J = 0.124; B = 0; P = 4; Tl = 0; Vm = 179.63;

%w is the speed of the reference frame

wr = wm * P /2;
R = [rs 0 0 0; 0 rs 0 0; 0 0 rr 0; 0 0 0 rr];
L = [ls 0 lm 0; 0 ls 0 lm; lm 0 lr 0; 0 lm 0 lr];
wL = [0 ls*w 0 lm*w;...
-ls*w 0 -lm*w 0;...
0 (w - wr)*lm 0 (w - wr)*lr;...
-lm*(w - wr) 0 -lr*(w - wr) 0];

Vabc = Vm * [Va; Vb; Vc];

kk = 2*pi/3;
K = (2/3)*[-sin(tt) -sin(tt - kk) -sin(tt + kk);...
cos(tt) cos(tt - kk) cos(tt + kk);...
1/2 1/2 1/2];
Vsqd0 = K * Vabc;
vqs = Vsqd0(1); vds = Vsqd0(2);
vqr =0; vdr = 0;
Vqd0 = [vqs; vds; vqr; vdr];
i = [iqs; ids; iqr; idr];
di = L \ (Vqd0 - (R + wL)*i);
diqs = di(1); dids = di(2); diqr = di(3); didr = di(4);

Te = (3/4) * P * lm *(iqs*conj(idr) - ids*conj(iqr));

dwm = (Te - Tl - B*wm)/J;


iabcs = K\ [iqs; ids; 0];

ias = iabcs(1); ibs = iabcs(2); ics = iabcs(3);

iabcr = K\ [iqr; idr; 0];

iar = iabcr(1); ibs = iabcr(2); ics = iabcr(3);

II = [iqs; ids; iqr; idr];

LL = [ls 0 lm 0; 0 ls 0 lm; lm 0 lr 0; 0 lm 0 lr];

F = LL * II;
Fqs = F(1); Fds = F(2); Fqr = F(3); Fdr = F(4);

function [diQ,diD,diq,did,iA,iABC,ia,iabc,FQ,FD,Fq,Fd,Te,dwm] =

Vm = 179.63; P = 4;
r =6.0;
lmd = 133.3e-3; lmq = 25.6e-3; lls = 6e-3;
J = 0.00198; Tl = 0;
% p=number of poles
% Vm = 179.63; P = 4;
% r = 6.0;
% lmd = 133.3e-3; lmq = 25.6e-3; lls = 6e-3;
% J = 0.00198; Tl = 0;
ld = (lmq + lmd)/2;
ls = lls + ld;
lm = lmd - lmq;

%w is the electrical speed of the rotor

% wr = wm * P/2;
wr = 100*pi;
R = [r 0 0 0; 0 r 0 0; 0 0 r 0; 0 0 0 r];
L = [2*ls 0 -lm 0; 0 2*ls 0 lm; -lm 0 2*ls 0; 0 lm 0 2*ls];
wL = [0 2*ls*wr 0 lm*wr;
-2*ls*wr 0 lm*wr 0;
0 wr*lm 0 -2*wr*ls;
lm*wr 0 2*ls*wr 0];

Vabc = Vm * [Va; Vb; Vc];

kk = 2*pi/3; tt = 0;
K = (2/3)*[-sin(tt) -sin(tt - kk) -sin(tt + kk);...
cos(tt) cos(tt - kk) cos(tt + kk);...

1/2 1/2 1/2];

VQD = K * Vabc;
vQ = VQD(1); vD = VQD(2);
vq = 0; vd = 0;
Vqd0 = [vQ; vD; vq; vd];
i = [iQ; iD; iq; id];
di = L \ (Vqd0 - (R + wL)*i);
diQ = di(1); diD = di(2); diq = di(3); did = di(4);

Te = (3/4) * P * lm *(iQ*conj(id) - iD*conj(iq));

dwm = 4*(Te - Tl )/J;

iABC = K\ [iQ; iD; 0];

iA = iABC(1); iB = iABC(2); iC = iABC(3);

iabc = K\ [iq; id; 0];

ia = iabc(1); ib = iabc(2); ic = iabc(3);

II = [iQ; iD; iq; id];

LL = [2*ls 0 -lm 0; 0 2*ls 0 lm; -lm 0 2*ls 0; 0 lm 0 2*ls];

F = LL * II;
FQ = F(1); FD = F(2); Fq = F(3); Fd = F(4);

clc; close all;

plot(Fqr(:,1), Fqr(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Flux Linkage in rotor q-axis against time');
ylabel('Flux Linkage, Wb-T');

plot(Fdr(:,1), Fdr(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Flux Linkage in rotor d-axis against time');
ylabel('Flux Linkage, Wb-T');

plot(Fqs(:,1), Fqs(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Flux Linkage in stator q-axis against time');
ylabel('Flux Linkage, Wb-T');

plot(Fds(:,1), Fds(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Flux Linkage in stator d-axis against time');

ylabel('Flux Linkage, Wb-T');

plot(wr(:,1), wr(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of rotor speed, w_r against time');
ylabel('rotor speed, rad/s');

plot(wm(:,1), wm(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of electromechanical rotor speed, w_m against time');
ylabel('rotor speed, rad/s');

plot(Ias(:,1), Ias(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of stator winding current in phase a against time');
ylabel('Ias, A');

plot(Iar(:,1), Iar(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of rotor winding current in phase a against time');
ylabel('Iar, A');

plot(Te(:,1), Te(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Electromechanical Torque against time');
ylabel('Te, N-m');

plot(wr(:,2), Te(:,2),'-k', 'linewidth',1.5); grid on;
title('Plot of Electromechanical Torque against rotor speed');
xlabel('rotor speed, rad/s');
ylabel('Te, N-m');

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