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1. Which theory of International Relations is prevalent in the world?  

The theory of international relation which is prevalent in the world is Realism. It best describes
today’s politics because everyone is now working for their own survival and securities. Everyone
is doing what is right for them. Realism best describes our daily life. Like every single person is
working for their own interest. And realism is the easiest way to describe world and international
politics. Realism is about reality. Everyone wants to be number one and for this reason strong
countries exploit weak countries for resources. Also neo-liberalism is prevalent because
countries now believe in corporation and they also believe that states are important too.

2. Why study of colonialism is still relevant in case of developing world?     

Colonialism is basically a training or practice and imperialism is a thought behind this training.
Colonialism means strong countries exploit weak countries by making them into colonies. In
case of developing world, study of colonialism and imperialism both are relevant, colonialism is
good for those who make colonies and bad for those who are being colonized. European says
about Africa and Asian countries which were colonized by European that before colonization

 these counties are uncivilized

 ill mannered

And we guide them. After so many decades of colonization, still it is affecting us because they
made classes. They invade us physically. They left us as a poor state. If we talk about India’s
GDP before colonization it was about 27% of global GDP and now after colonization, in both
India and Pakistan 90% people are living below poverty line. We are still in developing stage
where those countries who invade us are now considered as developed countries. After
decolonization, still economic exploitation is present in today’s world

Modern day example of colonialism is Kashmir.

3. How cold war helped united State of American to become superpower?

Before cold war there were two superpowers in the world one is USA and other is USSR.
During cold war these two forces plays an important role. Cold war is basically a proxy war or
sort of indirect war and we can also call it a war without weapon.

Cold war breakout because of

 wartime Alliances
 feelings of mistrust
 competing ideologies

During cold war Europe was divided into two parts. Eastern part as USSR and western areas as
USA. China joined USSR in 1949 because china was also a Communist country. USA wanted to
stop communism therefore they provide American Aid to Greece and Turkey and many other

countries. They introduce marshal plan to make Europe rich and strong and provide 16 countries
$13 billion as goods and loans.

During Cuban Missile crises, USSR sent its 40,000 troops in Cuba. At this more than 1 lac
soldiers were stationed at Florida which is near Cuba. The reason was USA was worried about
the Us missiles in Turkey. Us president stop and block air and naval areas of Cuba. And high
alert sent to USSR that if they won’t remove their missiles, USA will attack.

Crises resolve, USSR agreed to remove missile however Cuba remain Communist country.
China accused soviet for being weak because USSR remove missile. After cold war, USA
becomes superpower. USA dominated its economy. USA dominated the world politics and
economy after cold war. Socially we are also invading by USA.

4. Do you see any “Native orientalists” in Pakistan? If yes, briefly analyze

through examples
Orientalism is west perception about east. It is a theoretical framework in IR. In orientalism, they
said west control east. They showed Arab culture as exotic, backward and at times dangerous.

Orientalism is a western thought but now we are following this because the Western people
portrait us as exotic backward in their movies. They taught us to hate our culture, our skin color,
our language, our thought, our dress everything. Portrayal of Muslims in both Bollywood and
Hollywood movies is mostly negative. They portrait Muslims as Terrorist, exotic and dangerous
people. They try to stereotype Muslims negatively through the media all over the world.

Worst thing of orientalism is that they made us to hate ourselves, for being not confident in our
own language. Native orientalism is about seeing ourselves as demons and hates our own culture.
Like if we talk about Pakistani media, they also start showing us backward or women oppressed.

 Malik movie was based on the native orientalism concept, in which the ‘Taliban’s’ are
shown as warrior and oppressive to women and are shown in the groups of having guns
and with heavy beards and to take the lives of innocent people.
 There are many more movies which are based on the concept of native orientalism, they
are ‘BOL’ and “ Khuda k Liye” in both movies Pakistani media shows the men’s are
superior to women’s in the society and involved  sexualized activities. They treat there
women’s as garbage and worth less, those men of the society are shown as emotionless
5. Why “Marxism” is not relevant in today’s world?   
Marxism is mainly talk about classes. It tells about upper and lower classes. It talks about the
struggle of classes. It is basically a critique of capitalism Where today’s world everyone is
struggling and working for their survival, there is multi-polarity in world. Capitalism is
following. And theory of realism is prevalent because it best describes today’s politics and
everyone is now working for their own survival and securities. Everyone is doing what is right

for them. Realism best describes our daily life. Like every single person is working for their own
interest. And realism is the easiest way to describe world and international politics. Realism is
about reality. Everyone wants to be number one and for this reason strong countries exploit weak
countries for resources’

So, Marxism is not relevant in today’s world because everyone is working to improve
themselves, their army, borders. Neo liberalism is also following because; most of the countries
are working for both corporation and believe in states too. States are interdependence.
Neoliberalism talks about complex interdependence.

6. After globalization and current world order, what do you think how
concept of Nation State and Nationalism has evolved? Brief analysis.

Nationalism is all about placing your country above others, not hating other nations but loving
your own one. It is about standing up for your nation and not letting your nation get bullied by
others. It is about treating your citizens as a family and recognizing the needs of your fellow
citizens. After globalization and current world order, the concept of nation state and nationalism
has evolved in a way that nation state is important for everyone. Everyone is working for their
national interest and making their country strong.

I don’t know most of the people of Pakistan but yes still we’re connected with each other
because of nationalism - through the realization of territorial sovereignty and through the feel of
being Pakistani. We have so much diversity in terms of religion, language, ethnicity, cultural
practice, food and lifestyle etc. I think we couldn’t survive without the sense of nationalism,
without the strong feel that we are, foremost, all Pakistani. It gives rise to the need of self-
governance and self-dependency. It demands loyalty toward nation. I mean if nationalism means
loyalty towards nation then I highly respect it but if it means admiring one nation over other then
that is when the problems start. It becomes fascism.. People take superiority in successes that
they had no contribution in. such things can also lead to racism.

I think nationalism leads to imperialism, because for imperialism, nationalism is required. In

order to implement imperialism most important thing is to have the support of the people. And
the only possible way to have a full support of people is to promote nationalism.

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