How Imperialism Is Working in Developing World

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Maryam Tariq


How imperialism is working in developing world

Imperialism is when one country controls another country economically or politically often
against the will of the people of the country. Also imperialism is a control of land and people by
external force. It is not just about land, armies and people. It has a cultural dimension.
Imperialism has taken people away of their cultures, sovereignty, languages, and lands. It has
also taken away people and other living beings of their individual well-being. When a country or
one part of world systematically controls another, it not only changes that part with material
make-up but also it has a great effect on culture.

Cultural imperialism in Pakistan

As we discussed above imperialism has stripped of people from their cultures. Let us take an
example of our media. Pakistani media was well-known for its cultural identity in the past years
but now Pakistani media is losing its cultural identity because they start copying the Indian
media format. It start promoting foreign fashions and foreign styles as our life style, way of
speaking, dresses, trends and way of living are the proof of the fact that the increasing influence
of foreign industry is not only crushing our media but also it has a great effect on society and
culture. Pakistani channels also arranging foreign style shows on their channels.

Linguistic imperialism

Almost after 70 years of gaining freedom from British rule, we are still stuck to their customs.
English language has become international trade language. We all use English language for
business communication. One more thing is nowadays young generation think that speaking
English is something worthy of appreciation and our youth adopt all the habits which they see on
the media. As we all know, future of the country lies in the hand of youth and if they start
valuing English more than their own national language than the fate of country become
uncertain. British have the strong influence on the education system. British system continues to
impact the lives, culture and education system.

Working of Imperialism

Imperialism spread the idea of superior and lesser races. Imperialist countries is taking all the
raw resources of developing countries and leaving them economically incapable. China is also
exercising imperialism in Pakistan through CPEC. It may benefit Pakistan but in contrast to
China’s benefits, Pakistan gains nothing. So, it has already misused Pakistan’s land by
developing CPEC and exploited its location to provide a way into the world market. Manpower
must also be exploited in CPEC. China displays nearly all the characteristics of imperialism
towards Pakistan. It is already using Pakistan as a puppet without even making it a colony.

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