Examples of Wearable Technology 1. Google Glass

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Grade 12 – Stem 3 (Medtech)

Examples of Wearable Technology

1. Google Glass

Google Glass is a wearable, voice-controlled Android gadget that takes after a

couple of eyeglasses and showcases data specifically in the client's field of vision. It is a
brand of shrewd glasses, an optical head-mounted presentation planned in the state of
a couple of eyeglasses. It was created by X (beforehand Google X) with the mission of
delivering a pervasive PC. Google Glass showed data in a cell phone like, sans hands

Google Glasses resemble a couple of eyeglasses, however the focal point of the
glass is an intelligent, cell phone like presentation, with common dialect voice order
bolster and also Bluetooth and Wi-Fi network. Google Glass is fueled by the Android
portable working framework and similarity with both Android-controlled cell phones
and Apple iOS-fueled gadgets is normal.

How to use Google Glass: (Android Users)

 Tap the Google Goggles icon from the home screen to launch the app.
 Snap a photo using the onscreen shutter button or your device’s
hardware shutter.
 Browse through the search results by swiping up and down.

How to use Google Glass: (Android Users)

 Tap the Google Mobile app icon from your iPhone’s home screen to
launch the app.
 From within the “Search” tab, click the small camera icon next to the
search bar.
 Snap a photo of an object, text, logo, or landmark by tapping the small
camera button.
 Click the search result that best fits your criteria.
 Browse through search results by swiping up and down.
Grade 12 – Stem 3 (Medtech)

2. Fin Ring

Fin Ring is an imaginative motion based control for gadgets. Bluetooth

empowered, it controls any savvy gadget just by moving the thumb over alternate
fingers. Fin is a ring contraption that you wear on the thumb and make your entire palm
an advanced interface. Balance is a small counterproductive you can wear on the thumb
of your hand a ring and it will make your entire palm as a touch interface.

Fin Ring, which are ordinarily the extent of customary rings or bigger,
consolidate the highlights of a cell phone, for example, the capacity to make
installments and alleviate get to control, with well known inventive uses, for example,
signal control and action following. Fin rings can discuss specifically with advanced
mobile phones or PCs through an assortment of utilization and sites, and work without
the need to convey a smart phone, for example, while communicating with back-end
frameworks on the cloud through or performing independent capacities, for example,
action following. They regularly don't have a presentation and work by logical
importance, for example, by making an installment when close to an installment
terminal, opening an electronic bolt when close to the bolt, or controlling home
machines when making signals in the home. Some shrewd rings have physical or limits
catches to use as an enactment component, for example, to start a signal.

Here's the means by which it works: by tucking an optical sensor into a little ring
put around your thumb, the Fin can recognize swipes and taps over your hand. When it
distinguishes a motion, it sends that order off to your associated gadget — be it a cell
phone, TV, or another wearable gadget. Swiping your thumb down your forefinger, for
instance, could turn your telephone's volume down. Need to turn it back up? Simply
swipe back up over a similar finger. Need to avoid the present track. Swipe your thumb
over the palm of the contrary hand.
Grade 12 – Stem 3 (Medtech)

3. Jaw Bone UP

Jaw Bone UP is a wellness embellishment and iPhone application. It would seem

that a straightforward elastic wristband. Be that as it may, under the elastic packaging is
a gadget that can monitor the amount you've moved for the duration of the day and
even caution you on the off chance that you've been lounging around for a really long

It would appear that a straightforward elastic wristband. In any case, under the
elastic packaging is a gadget that can monitor the amount you've moved for the
duration of the day and even alarm you on the off chance that you've been lounging
around for a really long time. You wear everything the time, evacuating it just at
whatever point you have to synchronize the information or charge the wristband. The
Jawbone Up has a rubber treated external covering that shields it from water and
furthermore comes in a few buoyant hues.

How to use Jawbone UP:

 Open the flap 'get to know the Up band'. Inside you will have the
charging cable.
 Download the Up app for the iPhone.
 Take the band cap off and prepare for syncing.
 Tightly insert the band into the phone through the 3.5 jack.
 Let is sync to 100% before removing.
 Create an account.
Grade 12 – Stem 3 (Medtech)

4. GoQii
GoQii is a California-based wellness innovation adventure in Menlo Park that
offers a wearable wellness band matched with remote customized coaching.The
organization was established by Vishal Gondal, the previous CEO and Founder of
Indiagames. Subsequent to shutting its Beta program in April 2014, GOQii turned out to
be monetarily accessible in India in August 2014.

This is an existence wellness tracker with way of life instructing as it makes a

lasting movement towards a more beneficial way of life. GoQii has a touch OLED show
and 360 movement sensor that measure action and rest quality. It has Bluetooth 4.0
and 4 - 5 days of reinforcement on a solitary charge. GoQii has got some world driving
specialists that examine the information, for example, stature, weight, sexual
orientation, and so forth. This is an objective empowered wellness band directing and
pushing one to work out.

How to use GoQii:

 Tap on your GOQii band screen to activate it. Just Tap or Swipe your
GOQii Band’s screen to navigate to another screen.
 Turn on the bluetooth on your mobile device and keep yourGGOQii
band close to your phone, GOQii app will search and link our GOQii
band to your account, tap on the screen of our GOQii band when you
see the link icon. Please ensure that the battery is charged atleast 60%
before linking.
 Plug your GOQii device into any USB port, a PC or an Adaptor. Once you
plug it, the GOQii logo appears and then the battery icon. Charge until
battery icon is completely filled.
Grade 12 – Stem 3 (Medtech)


Lechal insoles utilize haptic criticism and GPS innovation to prop you up the
correct way, demonstrate to you where you've been, track your wellness levels, and
that's only the tip of the iceberg. By interfacing with the Lechal application on your
telephone, your feet can reveal to you where to go as the application sends particular
vibrations to your foot.

With these match of Bluetooth-associated shoes that utilization haptic input to

advise clients which bearing to take, navigational maps may wind up old fashioned. You
can purchase 'LECHAL', as either an arrangement of shoes or an arrangement of insoles.
Utilizing GPS the application decides bearings and tells the client which side to turn by
sending a mellow vibration to one side or the left shoe. The application likewise works
as a wellness tracker and gives you a chance to check your record at spots. The Lechal
insoles make utilization of GPS, haptic input alongside a variety of different sensors with
the end goal to decide your wellness level and furthermore demonstrate the spots you
have been to. That is not all, by matching the soles with the application one can likewise
get motions on where to go, this implies you no more need to haul out your telephone
to get to the GPS. This is the means by which the direction works, on the off chance that
you should take a left turn the insole sends particular vibrations to your feet. The
vibrations are interesting for each sort of signs including turns and rerouting.

How to use Lechal GPS Shoes:

 Insert the pods into your footwear.
 Connect with the Lechal App.
 Begin exploring the world.

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