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What if…(take 3)

Secret service protects the president. In the year of 2011 the president is

Barak Obama. He is having a lot of problems with the states of Arizona, Wisconsin,

Virginia, and Florida. Arizona poses a problem because of illegal immigration.

Wisconsin is fighting over union restriction. Virginia and Florida are suing Obama


Some strange twist of reality has made Ron Paul a representative for Arizona

in the House of Representatives. That same twist has put Mike Huckabee, Sarah

Palin and Donald Trump in the House of Representatives as well. Huckabee

represents Wisconsin, Palin represents Virginia and Trump represents Florida.

House of Representatives have gotten rid of all democrats so they changed the name

to House of Republicans. What make the twists even more bizarre are the houses of

each Republican candidate. Paul is living in a house built with tumbleweeds. Craig’s

List has a post from Ron Paul saying, “House of Weeds is open”. Campaigning is

expensive and Huckabee has moved into a trailer park. Trump has moved his

mansion to a stone mountain and has asked Palin to move in with him.

The strange twist of reality or of fate happened in 09. Paul’s weed house is

sturdy enough to withstand the rain and the sand storms. Obama is threatened with

a potential political candidate as powerful as Paul being in Arizona.

“Reports state that Obama made a special house call to Paul and the wind

power from the plane has blown down the house. Rumors have stated that Barak

was thinking about sending Paul to a Gitmo cell. Those rumors add that since Paul

wants to close Gitmo, he can be a part of Gitmo. Again this is live from Fox News and

we will continue to wait as Obama talks to Ron Paul”.

Fox brought up the rumors. Secret service let it leak that Obama needed Paul

to disappear. That rumor started by Secret service was to make people think that he

was going to eat him alive. Twenty minutes after the initial report, Fox stated that

Obama walked away and left Ron Paul alone in the ruins of his house. Strange twist

put Paul at Huckabee’s house a month later. Now we have two groups of candidates

living together.

“This is CNN reporting the weather for July 4th weekend. On Friday we have

severe thunderstorms ranging across Wisconsin and around this whole northern

area. Moving on through the weekend we see tornado warnings starting to take

place. We have seen this pattern back in April but this time it’s up north instead of

just the middle of the states. We are also looking at heavy flooding as well, if the two

hit together than we could have an oddly made hurricane going through Wisconsin”.

The weather report was issued June 24th. Just as they had predicted,

tornadoes went through all of Wisconsin Monday July 4th. America was shocked to

see that Huckabee’s house in the trailer park was completely blown away. We as a

nation was also relieved to see that he and Ron Paul had both left the house and was

out of harms way. All news channels followed both candidates as they found
themselves, weeks later, at the Trump Mansion. Everyone was amazed at how big

the doors were, but not surprised at the giant “T” was on the door.

“Mr. Trump, Fox viewers at home would like to know what do you think of a

man in your position? You have all three political rivals for the presidency in your

house. Are you trying to bribe them to drop the race? Are you worried that they

pose a threat to you? What are your thoughts overall?”

“I would like the viewers to know that I’m not worried. Yes they are in my

debt but no I don’t expect them to drop out. That is beyond dirty politics and it does

not make us any better than Obama. He is welcome to move in as well if he needs or

wants to.”

Trump ended up closing the door and assigning rooms to each of his new

bunker mates. He had offended the president and secret service by calling him a

dirty politician. President Obama openly privately declared war against Donald

Trump. With all his opponents in that house he decided to declare war against the

whole Republican Party, and the House of Reps. In just a few months, the only House

of Reps that were not missing or in prison or found dead were just those four in the

Trump mansion. Overall it had been a full year and then some for this twist of reality

to happen. The final republican candidate had not been chosen yet. June 21 st is

normally looked at as the longest day of the year. It was in the middle of the night on

that day that Ron Paul opened the doors to Obama.

“Good morning America. We have reports that the Trump mansion was

infiltrated by secret service last night. President Obama personally walked into the

mansion as he claimed victory over his opponents. We don’t know the full reports
but Obama is saying that the four candidates resisted arrest and had pulled guns on

them. “

That is the basis of the story. The republican ending to this twist of reality is

that the four candidates ended up fighting off the intruders and Obama was

“accidentally” shot and killed. Ron Paul was also shot and killed and Donald Trump

won the 2012 election. The democratic ending has Obama and secret service killing

all the republican candidates in “self defense”. With no opposition Obama wins the

2012 election. Sheppard Smith is the first one to report that final news report to this


This whole twist of reality is but a dream; a dream compared to the fairy tale

of the three little pigs back in the 1800’s. Obama poses as the wolf while the

candidates pose as the three (in this case four) little pigs. The house of weeds is the

house built by straw. The mobile home replaces the house built by sticks. Lastly the

stony mountain replaces the house built by bricks. Instead of climbing down the

chimney, the wolf is able to walk through the front door because he made a deal

with the first little pig. Then he broke his promise. In reality, Obama made promises

and has just about broken all of them.

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