Request For Proposal

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8 JUNE 2020

Introduction & Background

To consolidate the Sales Pipeline data in the framework, which is a manual exceeding
expectations being refreshed in the framework all the time by the Sales Managers.
Guidelines of Work-Flow
The following guidelines & work-flow apply to this project.

Project Users
1. Sales Coordinator
2. Sales Head
3. Sales Manager

The description of the user is as follows:

1. Sales coordinator is the top layer

a) Can have excess to view the work graph (performance) of the Sales Head & Sales
b) Can also assign lead to sales Head & Sales Manager
2. Sales Head second top layer
Can have excess to view the work graph ( performance) of all the sales manage
under him
3. Sales Manager
Can view his own graph (performance) and also get the lead from Coordinator to
follow up

Project Scope in Flow-chart

1. Each role has its own authority.

2. Fields need to be understood and its importance.
3. How to generate new leads.
4. Traveling of the leads from its one Label to another.

Login - Sales Manager (Basic layer of the Project)

1. Label

2. Menu Bar

Menu Bar

● Home
After LOGIN the first display page is “Home” Page having :
1. Sale CLIQ (Having Labels)

2. All generated leads which are on its FIRST stage without moving
to the next LABEL are displayed over their.
3. Information Tabs containing respective data are:
a) Corporate Name
b) Expected Volume
c) Lead Date
d) Person Met
e) Designation
f) Remark
g) Status
h) Update Date

● DashBoard
Graphical representation of the performance & workflow
1. Add Events- User can schedule meetings on the calendar, Fields
need to fill are:
a) Event Name
b) Company name
c) Person meet
d) Reason of meeting
e) Date & Time
f) Remarks
Press the “ADD” button to register the EVENT on the calendar
2. Three options to view the meeting/event on the calendar.
a) Monthly
b) Weekly
c) Daily
3. FOR MOBILE APP-Schedule meeting can be viewed and
representing its status though different colors:

a) Red for missing
b) Blue for Coming meeting
c) Black for coming meeting
4. Bar chart having the graphical representation of the monthly
performances on Leads having attributes like:
a) Lead Conversion
b) Total Leads
Differences are represented with two different colors.

● Generate Lead
New lead can be generated by tabbing on “Generate Lead Tab”.
❖ Generate Lead
1. First Screen with title “Corporate Name” and “Get detail”
2. Expected Closure - Select date.
❖ Company Profile
1. Corporate Name
2. Contact Person
3. Designation
4. Email
5. Address
6. Email
7. Contact Number
8. Sector/Industry
9. Current Vender

❖ Corporate Type
1. Dropdown box carry two fields

a) Corporate
b) Small & medium size enterprise .
❖ Product
1. Flight
2. Hotel
3. Visa
4. Holiday
5. Forex
6. Insurance
7. Bus
8. Train
9. Car Rentals
❖ Expected Volume to RBT (In Crore)
1. Flight Volume need to fill in Figures
2. Hotel Volume need to fill in Figures
3. Visa Volume need to fill in Figures
4. Holiday Volume need to fill in Figures
5. Forex Volume need to fill in Figures
6. Insurance Volume need to fill in Figures
7. Bus Volume need to fill in Figures
8. Train Volume need to fill in Figures
9. Car Rentals Volume need to fill in Figures
❖ Lead
1. Lead Type - Having 3 stages of lead under Dropdown Box
with combination of Days
a) 0-30 Days/ Hot

b) 31-60 Days/ Warm
c) Above 60 days/ Cold
2. Lead Date - Lead generation day & date can be selected
through Calendar.
3. Designation
4. Type of Response - Having filler in dropdown Box
a) RFP
b) RFI
c) Business Proposal
d) Informal Propose
e) No Response
5. Source - having two Radio Button
a) Referral
b) Self- Generator
6. Person to Meet
7. Contact Number
8. Category - Having two Radio Button
a) New
b) Expansion
9. Remark
Submit Button
Lead will display in the “ Sale CLIQ” under “Lead “tab with numerical counts.

● LogOut + Name of the user in Last Tab.

Label - Sales Cliq
Sales Cliq has many stages/labels, The nature of the lead is to travel from lead
to Active or InActive.
1. After generating the lead, it will display on the Lead tab of Sales Cliq.
2. For the journey of the lead, the user needs to click on the icon on the lead
called “Update” to the respective Lead to move to the next stage which is
3. After clicking on the icon on the lead, the new page will open with new tabs
to fill up.
4. At the end of the page one dropdown display from where we need to
choose the next stage of the lead.

● Lead
❖ Lead Engagement
1. Engagement Level - having Dropdown with an update
button, after chosen need to press update to register the
a) Low/None
b) Moderate
c) High
2. Expected Close Date - having the calendar for choosing the
date accordingly. History button to view the previous
selected dates.

➔ Select Update Status

1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD Label to NEXT
Chosen Level.
For Example- Next status is “Qualify & Discover”.

a) Choose the “Qualify &nDiscove option from the dropdown.
b) After this Users can’t view that lead in the LEAD stage.
c) The lead will now display on next level -Qualify & Discover
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Lead Type with 3 radio button
- Hot
- Warm
- Cold
b) Remak
c) Press the Update button
Lead move from “Lead” to “Qualify & Discover”.

● Qualify & Discover

1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead to move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Date Send
b) Email Id
c) Designation
d)Person sent to
e) Contact number

f) Remark
g) Press the Update button.
Lead move from “Qualify & Discover” to “Introduction

● Introduction Mail
1. Now lead is display under this Label "
2. Click on the update icon of the Leadl
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead to move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Date
b) Scope of services - Dropdown having list of services
1. Air
2. Hotel
3. Visa
4. Car
5. Insurance
6. Forex
7. Offshore
8. Associated services
9. Select all
c) GST support - Two radio button
1. Yes
2. No

d) Operating Model
1. SBT
2. Implant
3. Hybrid
4. Back Office
e) Payment terms - Two radio buttons
1. Credit
2. CC
f) Integration - Three radio buttons
1. Api
2. Expense
g) Press Update button.
Lead move from “Introduction mail” to ’Mapping Solution”

● Mapping Solution
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead to move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Date Send
b) Email Id
c) Designation
d)Person sent to

e) Contact number
f) Remark
g) Press the Update button.
Lead move from “Mapping Solution” to “Proposal

● Proposal Submitted
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead to move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Type of Presentation - Two radio button
1. Virtual
2. In-Person
b) CBT demo Provided - Two radio button
1. Yes
2. No
c) PPT Presented - Two radio button
1. Yes
2. No
e) Date & time of Presentation - calendar appears.
f) GST demo provided - Two radio button
1. Yes
2. No

g) Other detail - in Text box
h) Press Update button.
Lead move from “Proposal Submitted to“Presentation”.

● Presentation
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead to move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. The new area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Date Send
b) Email Id
c) Designation
d)Person sent to
e) Contact number
f) Remark
g) Press the Update button.
Lead move from “Presentation “ to “Negotiation”.

● Negotiation
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the next status of the lead.

2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Agreement date sent
b) Email Id
c) Designation
d)Person sent to
e) Contact number
f) Remark
g) Press Update button.
Lead moved from “ Negotiation” to “EKYC/Agmt”.

● EKYC/Agmt
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
3. Dropdown to choose the current next of the lead.
4. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Escalation matrix Team
b) PS team
c) Start date - having calender
d) Key account manager introduction
e) Account team

f) Remak
g) Press Update button.
Lead move from “EKYC/Agmt” to “Implementation”.

● Implementation
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the current next of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Agreement Received Date - Select date from the
b) Period of Validity - Drop Down list
1. One year
2. Two Year
3. Three Year
4. Four Year
5. Five Year
c) Agreement Validity Date - Select date from calendar.
d) Payment Terms
e) Upload Scan Copy- PDF files can be uploaded.
g) Remark
h) Press Update button.
Lead move from “Implementation” to “Received


● Received KYC/Received
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the current next of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
Its fields are:
a) Status Date: Select from calendar
b) Implementation Completion date- Select from
c) Remark
d) Press Update button.
Lead move from “Received KYC/Agmt” to “ Closer”.

● Closer
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the current next of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
Its fields are:

a) Introducing Key Account Manager - Intro KAM
b) Remark
c) Press Update button.
Lead move from “ Closer” to ” Active”.

● Active
1. Now lead is display under this Label
2. Click on the update icon of the Lead
➔ Select Update Status
1. Dropdown to choose the current next of the lead.
2. After choosing the status Lead move from LEAD
Label to NEXT Chosen Level.
3. New area will open to fill up
a) Remark
b) Press Update button.
Lead move from ” Active” to “In-Active”.
Fields in “Status dropdown” but not listed in “Sale Cliq”

1. Follow up:
a) Follow up Date
b) Tentative Completion Date
c) Remark
2. Vist
a) Event - Visit with client name
b) Follow up date - Select from calendar
c) Person to meet
d) Designation
e) Reason for meeting
f) Upload File(Any Image/Word/Excel/Pdf)
g) Next Appointment date scheduled : Two Radio buttons
1. Yes
2. No
h) Next Appointment date
i) Remark
3. Dispose
a) Remark
4. Call
a) Follow Up Date- Select from calendar
b) Person Spoken to
c) Designation
d) Require a call back- Two radio button
1. Yes
2. No
e) Call Back Date- Select from calendar
f) MOM Upload File(Any Image/Word/Excel/Pdf)
g) Remark

Login - Sales Head (Second layer of the Project)

1. Get Similar view as for Managers.

2. Difference is the ADDING tab in the menu bar.
3. Can view the performance of individuals and all staff.
From the Dropdown Box on the right side of the screen

4. More features are in Menu Bar

● Home
a) Can view the list of the LEads of each Manager and also can use
the filter to see the performance of anyone from the team, from
the “Staff Name” dropdown.

● Dashboard
a) Can view the graphical presentation of the performance of any
Manager by using “Staff Name” dropdown box.
b) Bar chart is define Month vs Leads and
c) Conversion vs total leads with two different colors.
d) Can also view the best performance of the month
e) Two radio button with the title of “All” and “Own”
- Can view the current, past and upcoming events of his staff and
his own.
f) Can also add new events.
g) Use the filter “Day/Month/Week” to view the events.


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