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Structure and Function in the Nucleus

Article  in  Science · May 1998

DOI: 10.1126/science.280.5363.547 · Source: PubMed

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William Charles Earnshaw

The University of Edinburgh


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Structure and Function in the Nucleus
Angus I. Lamond and William C. Earnshaw
Science 280, 547 (1998);
DOI: 10.1126/science.280.5363.547

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Structure and Function in the Nucleus
Angus I. Lamond* and William C. Earnshaw

Current evidence suggests that the nucleus has a distinct substructure, albeit one that spersed along the length of the chromo-
is dynamic rather than a rigid framework. Viral infection, oncogene expression, and somes but are segregated from one another
inherited human disorders can each cause profound and specific changes in nuclear within the chromosome territories. When
organization. This review summarizes recent progress in understanding nuclear orga- highly synchronous populations of Chinese
nization, highlighting in particular the dynamic aspects of nuclear structure. hamster fibroblasts undergoing DNA rep-
lication were pulse-labeled for short pe-
riods with halogenated deoxyribonucleotide
triphosphates (dNTPs), early-replicating (R
First described by Brown in 1831, the cell tive chromosomes might have more surface band) DNA was found largely dispersed
nucleus is one of the best known but least area in contact with the channels. This has throughout the nuclear interior, whereas
understood of cellular organelles. The struc- been confirmed for human X chromosomes: later-replicating (G band) DNA was con-
ture and functional organization of the nu- The volumes of the active and inactive X centrated near the nuclear periphery (6). A
cleus remains a subject of energetic debate. chromosomes were shown to be essentially similar arrangement of the chromosome fi-
At one extreme, the nucleus has been pro- identical (5), and the inactive X chromo- ber was suggested by another study in which
posed to have its own nucleoskeleton and some was apparently no more condensed fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
distinct organelles. At the other, it is than the active X. Instead, the inactive X, was used to localize sequences distributed
viewed as a largely disordered, membrane- with far fewer active genes, had a much across the long arm of chromosome 2 in
bound bag of DNA and other molecules, in reduced surface area relative to that of its Drosophila embryo nuclei (7). Together,
which all “structures” are no more than active counterpart. these studies suggest that within individual
transient complexes that form and disperse Active and inactive regions are inter- chromosome territories the chromatin fiber
as a result of transcription, replication, and
RNA processing activities in various re-
gions of the genome. Understanding in
molecular detail the organizing principles
of the nucleus—including the arrangement
of chromosomal DNA and how the syn-
thesis, processing, assembly, and transport
of macromolecules are coordinated and
regulated—is a major goal for cell biology.

Compartments of the
Interphase Nucleus
In the interphase nucleus, individual chro-
mosomes occupy discrete patches referred to
as chromosome territories (1), which are sep-
arated by channels called the interchromo-
somal domain (Fig. 1). Active genes tend to
be preferentially localized to the periphery of
the chromosome territories (2, 3). RNA
transcripts are apparently formed preferen-
tially at the surface of the territories and are
then “shed” into interchromosomal domain
channels for further processing and trans-
port. Because the volume available to factors
involved in RNA transcription and process-
ing is thereby reduced (4), this process may Fig. 1. (A) Chromosome-painting FISH performed under conditions where signal from repeated DNA
enhance the assembly of large macromolec- sequences is suppressed (120). Left, metaphase spread showing labeled human chromosomes 4.
ular transcription and splicing complexes. Right, interphase nucleus showing the two chromosome 4 territories. (Image provided by T. Cremer.) (B)
This model predicts that, relative to less The organization of chromosomes in the nucleus. Each chromosome occupies a discrete territory.
active chromosomes, transcriptionally ac- These territories are separated by the interchromosomal domain, in which it is believed that much RNA
processing and trafficking occurs. Within individual territories, the chromatin fiber appears to be looped,
with late-replicating DNA near the nuclear periphery and early-replicating DNA in the interior. (C and D)
A. I. Lamond is in the Department of Biochemistry, Uni- Differential localization of the CD4 locus under expressing and nonexpressing conditions. In T cell line
versity of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland,
UK. W. C. Earnshaw is in the Institute of Cell and Molec-
VL3, where the CD4 gene is active (C), the gene was associated with gamma satellite in 1 of 57 nuclei.
ular Biology, University of Edinburgh, Michael Swann In B cell line B3, where the CD4 gene is inactive (D), the gene was associated with gamma satellite in 52
Building, King’s Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh of 52 nuclei. The CD4 locus and the gamma satellite are labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate and
EH9 3JR, Scotland, UK. rhodamine, respectively. A single slice from a confocal Z-series is shown in each case. Scale bar, 2 mm.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [Image provided by K. Brown and A. Fisher (24).] (E) Diagram showing how the activation or repression of the CD4 gene is correlated with movement of the gene relative to heterochromatin. z SCIENCE z VOL. 280 z 24 APRIL 1998 547

is highly contorted, looping back and forth cell. Four-dimensional (three-dimensional gene inactivation by heterochromatin may
between the nuclear interior and the pe- over time) movies revealed movements at also be valid in mammals.
riphery (Fig. 1). Because the G and R bands three levels within these cells: (i) changes Ikaros is a transcriptional regulator es-
are interleaved and immediately adjacent to in the position of entire chromosome terri- sential for lymphoid development. When
one another in mitotic chromosomes, their tories with respect to one another by dis- six transcriptionally active and inactive
segregation into different portions of the tances of several micrometers over a time genes were localized in mouse pre-B and
chromosome territory in interphase must scale of 2 to 3 hours; (ii) movement of mature B cell lines, the inactive genes were
involve the movement of large-scale chro- subchromosomal foci, 400 to 800 nm in invariably recruited to sites of Ikaros local-
mosome segments within the nucleus at the diameter, within territories; and (iii) flex- ization at centromeric heterochromatin
completion of mitosis. ations of the chromatin fiber within the (24). In contrast, active genes were local-
subchromosomal foci (15). The mechanism ized elsewhere in the nucleoplasm (Fig. 1).
Chromosome Movements is unknown but may involve mechano- These results provide a striking correlation
Within the Nucleus chemical motor proteins such as chromoki- between gene position within the nucleus
nesin (16) or nod (17), action of tethered and transcriptional activity, and they sug-
Two recent studies using fluorescence re- RNA polymerases (18), localized alter- gest that Ikaros may transcriptionally inac-
covery after photobleaching (FRAP) yield- ations in chromosome condensation, or tivate genes by “recruiting” them from per-
ed different views of the nature of the nu- electrostatic gradients within the nucleus missive loci in the nucleoplasm to a zone of
cleoplasm. In one study, microinjected flu- (4). transcriptional suppression near centromer-
orescent dextrans and ficolls were found to Why do chromosomes move? Some ic heterochromatin. Together, these results
diffuse relatively unimpeded; a 500-kD movements may be linked to DNA replica- in Drosophila and mouse cells lend strong
protein would diffuse from one side of a tion, consistent with the proposal that support to the notion that gene silencing by
10-mm nucleus to the other in only ;7 s DNA replication occurs at a fixed number heterochromatin involves the movement of
(8). Because this rapid diffusion presuma- of sites within the nucleus, termed “replica- chromosomal loci to a functionally discrete
bly occurs within interchromosomal do- tion factories” (19). Such sites are suggested nuclear compartment in which gene tran-
main channels, they may not be filled with to contain large multienzyme complexes scription is actively suppressed.
a mesh-like matrix of structural filaments, that do not move within the nucleus; rath-
as suggested by previous results (9). Chan- er, chromosomes move to the factories to The Polycomb Group (PcG)
nels that end at nuclear pores might func- initiate their replication (20). Domain: A Euchromatin
tion like “tracks” along which RNAs bound Silencing Domain?
for export could move (10). How Heterochromatin Can
A different result was obtained using the Regulate Gene Expression Heterochromatin is thought to contain
FRAP method when chromatin was labeled large protein complexes that propagate lat-
with a fluorescent dye and then bleached Heterochromatin contains relatively few erally along the chromatin fiber and silence
with a laser. No movement was observed genes, replicates during late S phase, is en- genes with which they come into contact
over the next 60 to 80 min (11). Nonethe- riched in specific nuclear proteins, and can (25). This mechanism can explain the si-
less, chromosomes and chromatin can move suppress the transcriptional activity of ac- lencing of genes that are transposed near to
within the nucleus. Centromere move- tive genes that are translocated adjacent to the telomeres of yeast chromosomes (21),
ments in vivo were observed directly using it (21). When genes that normally reside in which requires the formation of a complex
the DNA binding domain of human cen- euchromatin are translocated near to cen- between the silent information regulators
tromere protein CENP-B (12) fused to tromeres or telomeres, transcription is de- SIR3 and SIR4, repressor activator protein
green fluorescent protein (GFP) (13). Indi- creased. This “position effect” is driven by RAP1, and core histones (26).
vidual centromeres moved, albeit infre- heterochromatin proteins, for which more The best known heterochromatin pro-
quently, over distances of a micrometer or than 50 candidates have so far been report- tein in higher eukaryotes, HP1 (hetero-
more at 7 to 10 mm per hour. ed in Drosophila alone. chromatin protein 1), was identified in a
The chromosome arms also move during Two recent studies on the Browndominant screen for monoclonal antibodies that
interphase, as shown for a large chromo- (BwD) mutant in Drosophila show that gene stained Drosophila polytene chromosomes
somal domain by tracking a lac repressor– silencing by heterochromatin can involve (27). HP1 shares an ;50–amino acid
GFP fusion protein bound to an artificial the movement of the silenced gene from NH2-terminal sequence motif, the chromo
array containing thousands of lac operators one area of the nucleus to another. BwD has domain, with polycomb, an important reg-
(14). This movement was cell cycle–depen- an insertion of ;2 Mb of AAGAG satellite ulatory gene that functions in the stable
dent; the domain moved from the nuclear DNA into the Brown locus, located in eu- repression of homeotic genes during Dro-
interior to the periphery during the G1 chromatin near the end of the long arm of sophila development (28). A second
phase of the cycle, from the periphery into chromosome 2 (22). In BwD/1 flies, the chromo domain–like motif, the chro-
the interior during S phase, and back to the expression of the wild-type allele is only moshadow domain, located near the HP1
periphery again during G2. These move- ;2% of normal. FISH analysis revealed COOH-terminus (29), appears to be a key
ments were accompanied by a cycle of con- that BwD and Bw1 preferentially associate element in the assembly of multiprotein
densation and decondensation. with one another and with centromeric complexes in heterochromatin.
Entire chromosome territories labeled heterochromatin of chromosome 2 (23), Emerging evidence suggests that HP1 is
with the fluorescent thymidine analog Cy3- thereby bringing the Bw1 gene into prox- a structural adapter whose role is to assem-
AP3–deoxyuridine triphosphate have been imity with the centromere and transcrip- ble macromolecular complexes in chroma-
tracked in living cells (15). Two weeks after tionally inactivating it. This somatic pair- tin. HP1 interacts with multiple nuclear
microinjection of the tracer, the original ing of homologs, which drives the inactiva- proteins, including itself (30); the lamin B
labeled chromosomes had been replicated tion of Bw1 expression, is not observed in receptor, an integral protein of the inner
and segregated many times, leaving only mammals. However, recent evidence sug- nuclear envelope (31); BRG1/SNF2b, a
one or a few labeled chromatids in any one gests that a similar “recruitment” model for component of the SWI/SNF complex that

548 SCIENCE z VOL. 280 z 24 APRIL 1998 z

collaborates with nuclear hormone recep- ribonucleoproteins (snoRNPs) have been several RNA polymerase III
tors in transcriptional activation (30); nu- shown to act as “guide RNAs” during rRNA transcripts and the hnRNPI pro-
clear receptor cofactor TIF1-a, a protein maturation (38), targeting sites of 29-O- tein (also called PTB) (45). Targeting of
that interacts with the ligand-dependent methyl ribose and pseudouridine formation hnRNPI to the PNC requires the presence
activation domain of steroid hormone re- [D box and ACA snoRNPs, respectively of specific RNA binding domains (46). The
ceptors (30); bLAP, a leucine amino pep- (39)] and directing nucleolytic cleavage of function of the PNC is unclear at present.
tidase (30); a RAD54-like presumed heli- the rRNA precursor [U3, U8, U14, and As discussed below, the nucleolus also in-
case (30); the product of the Su(var)3-7 U22 snoRNPs (38)]. Small nucleolar RNAs teracts with coiled bodies (see Fig. 2). Thus,
gene, a heterochromatin protein of un- can be engineered to target 29-O-methyl- despite the long history of nucleolar re-
known function (32); Orc1 and Orc2, two ation to regions of RNA that are normally search, the nucleolus may still have some
members of the origin recognition com- unmodified (40). This approach should secrets left to divulge.
plex, a hexamer that binds to origins of have important applications for studying
replication and is essential for the initia- how RNA modification influences RNA Speckles, snRNPs, and
tion of DNA replication (33); and SP100, function. Punctate Patterns
a major component of PML nuclear bodies In addition to its major role in ribo-
(see below) (34). Targeting of HP1 to some production, the nucleolus may also Many nuclear factors localize either partly
reporter genes inactivates transcription be involved in messenger RNA (mRNA) or completely in distinct “bodies” or sub-
(30, 34). The role of most of these inter- export or degradation. This was first sug- nuclear compartments that produce a punc-
actions is unknown, but localization of gested by the observation that inactivat- tate staining pattern when analyzed by in-
heterochromatin at the inner surface of ing nucleoli by ultraviolet irradiation pre- direct immunofluorescence (Fig. 3). Inter-
the nuclear envelope may, at least in part, vented the export of nonribosomal RNAs est in these subnuclear bodies has been
be explained by the lamin B receptor–HP1 in mammalian cells (41). Although bulk rekindled by recent discoveries that some of
interaction (31). polyadenylate [poly(A)] mRNA does not them contain factors involved in the pro-
The Polycomb protein is also involved localize in nucleoli in higher eukaryotes, cessing and transcription of RNA and that
in gene silencing, although it binds exclu- specific transcripts, including MyoD and in several cases both subnuclear bodies and
sively to sites in euchromatin (35). Four N-myc, have been detected in nucleoli the factors they contain are intimately
cloned human Polycomb group members (42). Furthermore, interference with linked with human disease.
(36) can interact with one another and mRNA transport by mutation of the The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nu-
colocalize in 10 to 20 nuclear domains of mtr1-1 and mtr2-1 genes of Saccharomyces clear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) are nu-
unknown function, termed PcG domains. cerevisiae (43) or severe heat shock in S. cleoplasmic RNA-protein complexes that
These are distinct from PML nuclear bod- pombe (44) results in the accumulation of function as subunits of the spliceosome,
ies, interchromatin granule speckles, and poly(A) RNA in the nucleolus. which removes introns from nuclear mRNA
centromeric heterochromatin (see below). The existence of the newly described precursors. Antibodies that stain snRNPs
PcG domains may represent silencing com- perinucleolar compartment (PNC) in 10 to show punctate (“speckled”) labeling against
partments for the inactivation of specific 50% of cells (depending on cell type) also a more diffuse background of nucleoplasmic
genes in euchromatin. Because a dominant raises the possibility of further functions staining (47). The diffuse staining is largely
negative Polycomb mutant specifically de- associated with nucleoli. The PNC contains attributable to snRNPs interacting with
represses c-myc expression in human and rat
cell lines, it will be interesting to see wheth-
er the c-myc gene resides in or near PcG Fig. 2. Electron micro-
graphs showing (A) a cross
domains when in its basal state.
section of a mammalian cell
nucleus, (B) higher magnifi-
The Nucleolus cation view of the nucleolus,
and (C) a coiled body (CB)
The nucleolus is formed around the ribo- attached to the nucleolar
somal DNA (rDNA) repeats, which cluster periphery. The nucleolus (as-
at chromosomal loci called nucleolar orga- terisk in each panel) is
nizers, and is the factory in which 28S, 18S, differentiated into the fibril-
and 5.8S ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) are lar center (FC), dense fibril-
lar component (DFC), and
transcribed, processed, and assembled into
granular component (GC),
ribosome subunits (Fig. 2). Nucleolus for- although there is heteroge-
mation is both transcription- and cell cy- neity in nucleolar morpholo-
cle–dependent: In most eukaryotic cells, gy between different cell
the entire structure breaks down and re- types and under different
forms during each mitotic cycle. Thus, the growth conditions and nu-
nucleolus is a dynamic structure that forms cleoli also frequently contain
in response to the requirement for new heterochromatin and nucle-
ribosome synthesis. oplasmic vacuoles (121).
Within the nucleolar factory, the rRNA The consensus view is that
the FCs contain rDNA, RNA
is extensively modified during ribosome
polymerase I, and associated transcription factors, with transcription of rDNA occurring largely at the
biogenesis in a process involving a series of boundary between the FC and DFC. Nascent rRNA transcripts appear in the DFC and are processed
specific nucleolytic cleavages as well as base there. Some processing steps may also occur in the GC, together with the assembly of the rRNA into
modifications to introduce ;100 29-O- ribosomal subunits. Arrowheads in (A) indicate peripheral heterochromatin. In (C), arrowheads point to
methyl ribose and ;90 pseudouridine resi- fibers connecting the coiled body with the nucleolus. This section has been immunogold-labeled with an
dues per molecule (37). Small nucleolar antibody to p80 coilin. z SCIENCE z VOL. 280 z 24 APRIL 1998 549

nascent RNA (48) and disappears when ly transcribed genes is enriched near speck- (68). It remains to be established whether
transcription is inhibited. The speckled pat- les (57, 58), suggesting a possible role in the interchromatin granule speckles simply
tern results from the association of snRNPs mRNA transcription or maturation. How- store inactive factors or participate more
with several structures previously visualized ever, speckles are not major sites of tran- actively in one or more steps connected
by electron microscopy: clusters of dense scription, which occurs in thousands of foci with mRNA maturation and transport.
particles that contain aggregates of snRNPs throughout the nucleoplasm (3, 59–61).
and other protein splicing factors (inter- Speckles do not incorporate either triti- Coiled Bodies and Gems
chromatin granules), found in the spaces ated uridine or bromouridine triphosphate
between more densely staining regions of (Br-UTP) during pulse-labeling experi- Coiled bodies appear in the electron micro-
chromatin (47); interchromatin granule–as- ments and lack detectable DNA (3, 50, scope as a ball of tangled threads 0.15 to 1.5
sociated zones that flank interchromatin 59–61), but they do contain poly(A) RNA mm in diameter (69). They disassemble dur-
granules and contain U1, but not the other [detected with poly(dT) or poly(U) oligo- ing mitosis and reform during G1 phase after
splicing snRNPs (49); perichromatin fibrils nucleotide probes (62)]. Speckles may thus transcription is reinitiated (55, 70). The
that are closely associated with active chro- be involved in mRNA export (63), al- coiled body is a highly dynamic structure
matin and contain newly transcribed though it is still unproven whether their that may play a role in snRNP transport,
mRNA precursors and processed mRNA poly(A) RNA can be chased to the cyto- maturation, or both. Coiled bodies contain
(50); and coiled bodies that are fibrillar plasm when transcription is blocked (58, spliceosomal snRNPs (71, 72) as well as
structures, discussed below (51). 64, 65). An alternative scenario is that several nucleolar antigens, including fibril-
We use the term “speckles” specifically speckles function either as depots supplying larin, NOPP140, and U3 snoRNP (73–75)
to denote the interchromatin granule–re- splicing factors to active gene loci, or way and a human autoantigen called p80 coilin
lated clusters of snRNP staining, and not stations accumulating snRNPs bound either (76). Coilin is highly enriched in coiled
the overall punctate pattern that includes to partially spliced pre-mRNA or to excised bodies (although it is also present in a dif-
diffuse nucleoplasmic staining and coiled introns after release of mRNA from the fuse nucleoplasmic pool) and has been
bodies. The importance of speckles is still spliceosome (53, 66). Some or all of the widely used as a marker for the coiled body.
being debated; the speckled pattern may be speckle-associated poly(A) RNA could be Coiled bodies vary in number from 1 to 10
exaggerated by antibody labeling conditions structural or aberrant, rather than mRNA or more; they are most prominent in rapidly
(52) or as a result of threshold effects during bound for export. growing cells (77), and their protein com-
image analysis (53). Nonetheless, inter- The localization of splicing factors is position may differ slightly in different cell
chromatin granule speckles are genuine dynamic and involves trafficking between types (78).
nuclear structures that can be visualized nuclear substructures. An elegant demon- Amphibian oocytes contain nuclear
directly in the electron microscope. Speck- stration of this dynamic organization was bodies, originally called sphere organelles,
les disperse when cells enter mitosis, recently provided by visualizing the splicing that have recently been described as resem-
but snRNPs and protein splicing factors factor ASF (or SF2) fused to GFP in living bling coiled bodies. Like coiled bodies in
reform into speckle-like structures dur- cells (67). It seems likely that mRNA pre- somatic cells, they contain splicing snRNPs
ing telophase, before their reimport into cursors are transcribed and processed at ac- and a protein, called SPH-1, with signifi-
daughter nuclei (54, 55). Thus, snRNP tive gene loci dispersed throughout the nu- cant homology to p80 coilin (79). They
speckles can occur in the absence of DNA cleoplasm and that snRNPs and other RNA accumulate human p80 coilin when it is
and transcription. processing factors cycle between these tran- expressed in Xenopus oocytes (80) and can
Cells showing high transcription exhibit scription sites and interchromatin granule associate with histone gene loci, possibly
more widespread nucleoplasmic localization speckles. Such cycling may be regulated by acting to supply U7 snRNP to these sites
of RNA processing factors and less speckled protein phosphorylation (66), because per- (81). Spheres (or Xenopus coiled bodies)
staining, whereas reduced transcription is turbation of both kinase and phosphatase can be assembled in vitro from Xenopus egg
often accompanied by increased speckled activities can cause changes in the degree of extracts (82). Depletion studies show that
staining (56). The mRNA from some high- punctate staining shown by splicing factors sphere-like bodies can assemble without
SPH-1, although SPH-1 and Sm proteins
may need to interact to allow their mutual
assembly into this structure (83).
The function of coiled bodies is still
unknown. They might be involved in reg-
ulating snRNA gene expression; in some
cell types, a striking spatial relation exists
between gene loci encoding certain U
snRNAs and a subset of nucleoplasmic
coiled bodies (72, 84). However, coiled
bodies are probably not sites of coordinated
snRNA transcription, processing, and as-
sembly, because they lack nascent RNA
and because snRNP particle assembly from
snRNA and Sm proteins occurs in the cy-
toplasm (85). Coiled bodies do not contain
DNA (86), and they are unlikely to be sites
of pre-mRNA transcription or splicing be-
Fig. 3. Stereo view of a triple-labeled HeLa cell nucleus showing the localization of coiled bodies (green, cause they lack protein splicing factors such
GFP-coilin), PML bodies (red, autoimmune serum recognizing SP100), and nucleoli (blue, anti-fibrillarin). as SC-35, nascent pre-mRNA, or poly(A)
Scale bar, 5 mm. mRNA (3, 50, 59–61, 64, 73, 74). Nor are

550 SCIENCE z VOL. 280 z 24 APRIL 1998 z

they likely to be storage sites for inactive (96). The SMN-SIP1 complex plays an with PML bodies; infection with
snRNPs, because when transcription and essential role in cytoplasmic snRNP bio- herpes simplex virus–type 1
splicing are blocked, coiled bodies disperse genesis (97). Mammalian SIP1 shows sig- (HSV-1), adenovirus, and human cytomeg-
and snRNPs concentrate instead in large nificant homology to an S. cerevisiae gene alovirus disrupts PML bodies, which sug-
interchromatin granule speckles. Coiled called Brr1, which, when mutated, impairs gests that they may play some role in cellu-
bodies may, however, play a role in histone snRNP biogenesis (98). Thus, defects in lar antiviral defense (112). The HSV-1 im-
mRNA 39 processing, because they contain spliceosomal snRNP assembly may be in- mediate early gene product Vmw110 (also
the U7 snRNP that cleaves the 39 terminus volved in spinal muscular atrophy, and an called ICP0) associates with PML bodies at
of histone pre-mRNA, and a subset of intranuclear snRNP trafficking pathway an early stage of HSV-1 infection. This
coiled bodies are found adjacent to histone may involve interactions between gems protein strongly activates the transcription
gene loci in some cells (81, 87). and coiled bodies. of many genes in transient transfection as-
A key unexplained feature of coiled says, and mutations in the Vmw110 gene
bodies is their intimate relationship with PML Nuclear Bodies severely reduce the ability of HSV-1 to
the nucleolus. In neuronal cells, which mount a lytic infection (113). Vmw110
undergo extensive transcription and splic- PML nuclear bodies [also known as PODs interacts with a cellular protein called
ing, coiled bodies [originally called “nucle- (PML oncogenic domains), Kr bodies, and HAUSP, which is a member of the ubiq-
olar accessory bodies” (88)] are often very ND10 (nuclear domain 10) (99, 100)] are uitin-specific protease family (114). In un-
large (.1 mm in diameter), and electron nuclear domains that are specifically dis- infected cells, HAUSP shows a diffuse nu-
microscopy studies have shown fibers con- rupted in human acute promyelocytic leu- cleoplasmic localization, excluding nucleo-
necting coiled bodies to the nucleolar pe- kemia (APL) cells. A typical mammalian li, and also labels punctate structures, some
riphery (Fig. 2). Coiled bodies have also nucleus has ;10 to 20 PML bodies, which of which colocalize with a subset of PML
occasionally been observed within nucle- vary in size from ;0.3 to 1 mm and are bodies. After HSV-1 infection, HAUSP
oli of mammalian cells (89). The interac- tightly associated with the nuclear matrix. concentrates prominently in PML bodies,
tion between coiled bodies and nucleoli The role of PML bodies is unknown. They presumably targeted through its interaction
may be regulated by phosphorylation (90). are not major sites of transcription, they with Vmw110.
This morphological association of coiled lack snRNPs and protein splicing factors, The PML protein exists in two forms: in
bodies and nucleoli appears to be of gen- and they contain little or no replicating a “free” form that is dispersed throughout the
uine functional importance. When tran- DNA during S phase (101, 102). Their nucleoplasm, and as a conjugate with the
scription is inhibited, nucleoplasmic name derives from their most intensively ubiquitin-like protein SUMO1 [small ubiq-
coiled bodies disappear and p80 coilin studied protein component, PML, which is uitin-like modifier, also called PIC1 (115)]
forms “caps” on the nucleolar periphery a RING-finger motif protein that was dis- (107, 116). The PML-SUMO1 conjugate is
(71, 72). The Wilms tumor protein WT1 covered through analysis of the dominant exclusively localized to PML bodies, suggest-
also relocates into the same perinucleolar oncogene responsible for APL. The char- ing that linkage of PML to SUMO1 may
caps when transcription is inhibited, acteristic t(15;17) chromosome transloca- either stabilize or promote the assembly of
which suggests that it may play some role tion in APL cells fuses cellular PML to the PML bodies. Consistent with this idea, treat-
connected with coiled bodies (91). Final- retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARa) gene ment of cultured cells with arsenic trioxide
ly, transient expression of a truncated p80 to form the oncoprotein PML-RARa promotes multi-SUMO1 conjugates to PML
mutant can disrupt both coiled bodies and (103). and concomitantly enhances PML body for-
nucleoli (but not interchromatin granule PML bodies in APL cells are disrupted mation (107). SUMO1 conjugation is re-
speckles) (92). and replaced by a micropunctate pattern versible and may be regulated by protein
Why should snRNPs and coiled bodies in which PML, PML-RARa, and the ste- phosphorylation.
interact with the nucleolus? Trafficking of roid receptor RXR ectopically associate in There is a recent precedent for SUMO1
snRNPs to the nucleolus may be important many small nucleoplasmic foci (100, 101, conjugation promoting association of a sol-
for snRNP maturation, because snRNAs re- 104). Few of these microfoci incorporate uble protein with a nuclear structure. The
ceive many of the same modifications as Br-UTP, which suggests that their major protein RanGAP1 is a cytoplasmic guano-
rRNA, including 2-O-methylation and effect on gene expression may be to repress sine triphosphatase (GTPase)–activating
pseudouridine formation (51, 90). If the transcription rather than activate it; how- factor for the small GTPase Ran that func-
nucleolar activities that modify rRNA also ever, it is possible that they stimulate tran- tions in protein transport through the nu-
modify snRNAs, coiled bodies may then act scription at some loci. Remarkably, reti- clear pore complex. Although cytoplasmic
as nuclear transport or sorting structures. noic acid and arsenic trioxide, both of RanGAP1 is unmodified, a fraction of Ran-
Coiled body–like structures called which are used in clinical treatment of GAP1 that is conjugated to SUMO1 is
“gems” (gemini of coiled body) (93) have APL patients (105, 106), induce reforma- specifically localized to the nuclear pore
recently been shown to be paired fre- tion of PML bodies and trigger degra- complex, where it interacts with the nucle-
quently with coiled bodies. Sometimes the dation of PML-RARa in APL cells in ar pore protein RanBP2 (or Nup358) (117).
two structures overlap, and both are simi- culture (100, 101, 104, 105, 107). This SUMO1 is linked to RanGAP1 by a specif-
larly affected by cell growth temperature points to an intimate relationship between ic lysine residue (Lys526), and the SUMO-
and transcription inhibitors (93, 94). nuclear organization in APL blasts and the conjugated form of RanGAP1 remains sta-
Gems contain the SMN (survival of motor malignant phenotype. bly associated with the nuclear pore com-
neurons) protein, encoded by the gene In addition to PML protein, PML bodies plexes during multiple cycles of protein im-
responsible for a severe inherited form of contain the autoantigen SP100 (108) and port. For both RanGAP1 and PML,
human muscular wasting disease, spinal may also contain the LIM-motif protein conjugation to SUMO1 appears to direct
muscular atrophy (93, 95). The SMN pro- NDP52 (109), although this has been dis- protein localization rather than degrada-
tein interacts with the Sm class of snRNP puted (110). All three proteins are up-reg- tion. Posttranslational conjugation with
proteins and (through a separate binding ulated upon interferon treatment (109, SUMO1, and perhaps with other members
site) with a cellular protein called SIP1 111). Several viral proteins also associate of the ubiquitin-related protein family, may z SCIENCE z VOL. 280 z 24 APRIL 1998 551

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