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CHI 2007

2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril

2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

Speed Sonic Across the Span:

Building a Platform Audio Game
Michael A. Oren
Iowa State University ACM Classification Keywords
1620 Howe Hall H.5.5. Sound and Music Computing.
Ames, IA 50011 USA Research Problem and Motivation
Boarding schools exist throughout the United States to
provide education for the visually impaired. Teachers
and administrators of these schools have bemoaned the
fact that visually impaired students have few options to
We describe the design process and initial user study of
entertain themselves compared to fully sighted stu-
an audio game created for the visually impaired. Until
dents. We initially discussed this issue with students
the advent of 3D graphics games, platform games
and staff at the Indiana School for the Blind and after a
where the player jumps from platform to platform, such
couple of focus group meetings with students; we de-
as Mario and Sonic, [1] were wildly popular. Although
cided to make an audio game in the platform genre.
many audio games have been developed over the past
decade, the platform genre has been all but ignored. To
We chose to create a platform audio game because
fill this gap and to add to the limited choices visually
several of the visually impaired users we spoke with
impaired gamers have, we developed a platform game
had fond memories of playing Super Mario Bros video
that can be also be played via audio-only interface and
game [2]. We also found that very few platform audio
compared it to a traditional audio-visual version.
games exist, despite their abundance in video games
for sighted players.
Accessibility, Audio Games, Sonification, User Study,
Conceptually, platform games are very simple—a player
Platform Games
hops on or over objects such as, obstacles and plat-
forms, to reach a goal [1]. However, due to the 2D
spatial nature of platform games, they do not translate
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
easily to good audio cues that are vital for an audio
CHI 2007, April 28 – May 3, 2007, San Jose, California, USA
game. We had to create audio cues to represent the
ACM 978-1-59593-642-4/07/0004.
game’s objects, but we also had to find methods to
indicate the spatial relationships (the height, distance,

CHI 2007
2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril
2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

and length) of objects as these relationships are critical Currently available audio games run the gamut from
to the gameplay. simple memory games to first person shooters such as
Shades of Doom [4, 5]. While games such as Shades
Our goal was to create a platform game for visually of Doom and several others have high levels of com-
impaired students to enhance their entertainment op- plexity and require an understanding of spatial relation-
tions. At the same time, we saw a chance to investigate ships, the majority of audio games are fairly simple
the difficult problem of representing a 2D spatial map maze or puzzle games. More complex games would
via audio cues alone. Results from this investigation require that a more realistic spatial environment can be
could be applied to non-game applications, such as en- presented via audio; however the concept of distance
coding spatial information (distance) into audio as part (or spatiality) ultimately requires a 2D or 3D rendering
of a multi-modal information system or for use in vir- of the sound and bi-aural cues. Without these bi-aural
tual environments. cues, relationships are difficult to determine [5]. In
addition, due to limitations of sound hardware and
Background and Related Work software processing, sounds sent through stereo chan-
Audio games have been around for over a decade. nel may blend together making it difficult for users to
Many “classic” games have been converted to audio separate the various channels and accurately judge the
games, such as Space Invaders and Doom [3,4]. In sound properties [5].
addition, guidelines have been written regarding the
design of simple audio games [5]. This lack of an easy way to use audio cues to provide
spatial awareness is particularly problematic for plat-
The key issue for sound-based game design is to effec- form games where multiple objects and their positions
tively represent game objects via audio cues. For ex- need to be presented to a user while simultaneously
ample, objects can be represented by the kind of sound allowing him or her to react to these objects and for
they would make if they were real, rather than an ab- example, to jump over an obstacle. The only example
stract sound (such as a simple piano chord) [5,6]. Us- of an audio platform game that is currently available is
ing this approach as opposed to more abstract auditory Super Liam [7]. However, Super Liam differs from tra-
mappings (such as mapping each object to a different ditional platform games in that the action takes place
instrument or a different note) allows users to better on a single platform and jumping over obstacles is op-
recognize and remember the sounds since the user tional—the main character has a projectile weapon
does not have to learn a new mapping. However, some used to remove obstacles [7]. This simplifies the game
types of game objects are not easily connected with mechanics and reduces the need for the user to have
natural audio cues, such as pits or platforms, and those an accurate understanding of the spatial relationships
objects require more abstract sounds the user must of objects within the game.
learn and remember [5].

CHI 2007
2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril
2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

Approach and Uniqueness

While audio games exist in various genres, very little
attention has been given to platform games. In our
initial focus group sessions with visually impaired stu-
dents in boarding schools, we discovered their interest
in playing games in this genre. Our initial research into
audio games found that this particular genre poses
special challenges in design due to the spatial relation-
ship requirements and that it would require an auditory
interface with multiple stationary and moving objects.

Our audio game still lacks the complexity of its graphi-

cal counterparts. However, we tried to include as many
of the classic platform elements as possible. The game
features platforms, jumping and obstacles, such as
dogs that move horizontally, bees that move vertically
(fly), and bottomless pits. It is played on a low-end PC
Figure 1: A screenshot of the game illustrating most of the
or Mac via a gamepad and headphones [8].
important objects.

The game world is divided into four vertical floors which Objects in the game can “emit” an audio cue that en-
define the height of the platforms. The platforms may codes information about its type. These sound cues are
be floating, so that the “player” (the user’s representa- then modified to provide information about the spatial
tion on the screen, “You”) may travel beneath them. relationships between the player and the object (dis-
Other platforms are solid, so that the player will run tance and location), we use left-right panning, change
into a wall if s/he encounters it and does not jump. Fig- of pitch and the changes to the repeating-speed of the
ure 1 illustrates the primary game objects. sound cue. The audio interface was deliberately left
fairly sparse to avoid clutter and confusion.

Platforms only emit a sound cue when the player is fac-

ing an edge of a platform and if the player is able to
jump on the platform, this simulates a sort of sonar-
return. The tops of floating platforms can only be
jumped on if the player is not walking directly under
the platform, and if the platform is no more than one
floor above the player’s current position.

CHI 2007
2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril
2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

The user determines the location of the platforms from ted regardless of whether or not the player is facing
relative audio cues. The platform’s direction is deter- towards them. A dog is able to move horizontally and
mined by the way the platform sound is panned: either will start to track the player - the speed and volume of
left or right depending on the platform’s position rela- the dog’s bark becomes faster and louder as it moves
tive to the location of the player. Information regarding closer to the player. When the dog is very close to the
a height difference comes from the platform sound be- player, it will start to growl, indicating that the player
ing pitch bent up (becoming more shrill) or pitch bent must jump now or be bitten and start over.
down (becoming deeper), depending on the platform’s
relative position above or below the player. We chose Sometimes the dog is not even on the same platform
to have only those platforms emit sounds that are one level as the player, in which case, the vertical position
level above or at any position below the player (i.e., on of the dog is indicated by the bark’s pitch - a lower bark
which the user would actually be able to jump) and indicates that the dog is located lower, whereas a
omit all other platform cues to avoid confusion. higher pitch indicates that that dog is at a higher posi-
If the player approaches the edge of a platform other
than the platform the player is on top of, a “platform- For bees, which only move vertically, a buzzing sound
notification” sound is played. The distance from the is panned left or right depending on the side it is lo-
player to the edge of the platform relates to the speed cated on relative to the player. Information about the
of repetition of the audio cue - with a faster repetition vertical position of the bee is again encoded in the pitch
representing the player being closer to the platform’s of the audio cue; the bee’s volume will increase with
edge. proximity to the player. The bee will sting on contact
and send the player back to the start of the level. As
When the player nears the end of the platform s/he is the bee uses a steady (buzzing) sound stream, the user
located on, an “end of platform” warning will sound to is able to judge when the bee reaches the highest and
inform the user that s/he must either jump to another lowest points of its path by simply listening to the pitch.
platform or fall to the platform below. However, if fal- This allows the player to bypass the bee by jumping
ling directly downward from the end of a platform over it at its lowest position or to run underneath it at
would result in falling into a bottomless pit, a pit warn- its highest position.
ing sound is played, indicating the need to jump over
the pit or fall into it and start the level over from the Results and Contributions
beginning. In order to test our application, we conducted a user
study consisting of 18 undergraduate and graduate
Similar to the audio cues for platforms, we decided to students (8 males and 10 females). We worked with
use audio cues that are relative to the position of the only sighted subjects but blindfolded half of them. The
player for representing the position of the enemies subjects were randomly assigned to play either the
(dogs and bees). However, their sound cues are emit-

CHI 2007
2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril
2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

audio-only version (blindfolded) or a traditional video- and objects behind them. Only 17% of subjects had
game version (audio-visual. any previous experience with audio interfaces (any
software system where graphical objects are repre-
With a researcher present, subjects first read the in- sented by audio cues, such as a screen reader) and
structions and then played through ten increasingly these subjects preferred to obtain information from
complex training levels to familiarize themselves with audio by a combination of sound and speech signals.
the game mechanics and the audio cues. Subjects then
played through the seven levels of the actual game. Subjects found the dogs, the bees and the pit very easy
The subjects’ game performance was scored based on to identify based on their sound, while platforms were
the speed of level completion (faster being better) and more difficult to recognize. This may have to do with
the number of times they were sent back to the begin- the more abstract sounds given to platforms.
ning of the level (more times being worse). After com-
pleting the main game, the subjects filled out an exit The majority of subjects in the audio-only group indi-
survey in which they rated their ability to recognize the cated that they were able to determine both the verti-
various objects, spatial relationships, etc. cal and horizontal location of objects via the sound.
Some subjects indicated problems with recognizing the
Statistical analysis of the results showed there was no vertical axis (pitch). Conversely, those in the audio-
mean difference between the audio-only and the audio- visual group did, on average, find the sound beneficial
visual subjects in terms of relevant background experi- in locating objects along the horizontal plane but did
ence. Nor was there a mean difference between the not find audio cues beneficial in locating objects along
performance of men and women on any of the variables the vertical axis. This difference may indicate that the
collected. On average, the subjects played computer sound cues did not provide any added benefit to what
(video) games on occasion. The subjects use computers the players could already see on the screen.
very frequently, while they infrequently use programs
that represent visual objects with auditory signals. On The average audio-only subjects, and some audio-
average, the subjects had some familiarity with plat- visual subjects, also used audio cues in determining the
form games. distance, direction, height, and type of objects. How-
ever, some subjects indicated that audio cues did not
We asked the subjects in what way they typically use help determine the speed of objects nor their length,
audio while playing computer games: 5% of subjects which is to be expected given that we did not provide
simply ignore the sounds; 61% of subjects report that any dedicated cues for speed or length.
the sound enhances the realism of the game, but they
do not actually use it in a functional (guiding) way; Although the number of restarts did not vary signifi-
28% use sound to warn them of critical game events; cantly between groups, it took the audio-only group, on
such as an incoming attack; and 39% percent of sub- average, nearly twice as long to complete levels as the
jects use sound to obtain information about enemies audio-visual group. Whether this is due to their inexpe-

CHI 2007
2006 • ACM Student Research Competition AprilApril
2006 •3,Montreal,
2007 • San
Jose, CA,

rience with audio interfaces or, perhaps, problems with groups even commented that they found the audio-only
correctly using the auditory cues provided is unclear at version more challenging and more enjoyable.
this point.
This not only showed that an audio game requiring
This project allowed us to take what, graphically, is a complex 2D spatial relationships can be built and
very simple game and translate it into a game accessi- played with a relatively good success rate, but it also
ble to the visually impaired and blind. Despite the shows that audio games can also be enjoyed by sighted
slightly modified rules and, for blindfolded gamers, an gamers. The audio techniques we used to create this
unusual approach, the majority of participants found 2D game may also be useful as a teaching tool for help-
the game enjoyable. Several participants, who re- ing visually impaired students understand 2D maps and
quested to try out the alternative version of the game floor plans. It may be possible to apply some of our
after completing the exit survey, from each of the techniques to existing projects, such as BATS to im-
prove current audio maps [9].

Acknowledgements [2] Super Mario Bros., Wikipedia.

Thanks and appreciation goes to my research advisors,
Chris Harding, Iowa State University, for his support [3] McCrindle, R.J., Symons, D. Audio Space Invaders.
and recommendations for improvements to this project In Proc. Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality, & Assoc.
Technology, University of Reading, UK (2000), 59-65.
and Terri Bonebright, DePauw University, for her
knowledge and recommendations regarding the usabil- [4] Shades of Doom.
ity study. We thank the students and staff of the Indi-
ana School for the Blind, particularly Al Lovati who [5] Gärdenfors, Dan. Designing Sound-Based Com-
served as our direct contact. We would also like to puter Games. In Cybersonica Symposium (2002), 1-7.
thank Carol Farrenkopf, for her advice and guidance in [6] Gaver, William W., Norman, Donald A. Everyday
working with the visually impaired and blind. Finally, listening and auditory icons, Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer-
we would like to thank Kyle Shipley who worked on the sity of California, San Diego, 1988
first iteration of this project with us. [7] Super Liam,
Part of the research has been funded by NSF grant IIS-
534681. [8] GamePad, Wikipedia.
Citations [9] BATS, University North Carolina.
[1] Platform Games, Wikipedia. html


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