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With the emergence of newer technology, the competition for security and privacy is on the tip of the
ice berg. Noted as a sign of a much bigger trouble for people, It should become an indication that a
secured, better network environment and cyberspace should be a priority when it comes to enterprises
such that, an enterprise that collects data and information from its user and employees.

We are used in thinking that a simple password or code would suffice the needs for security, but all
throughout the years, we noticed significant changes in technological innovation, may it be security and
privacy or the opposite of it: cybercrime and cyberattacks.

Encyclopedia Britannica (2019) stated that cybercrime or computer crime is the use of a computer as an
instrument…committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing
identities, or violating privacy. Truly, cybercrime has grown exponentially over the years and computers
as centralized devices to be used to attack individuals and institutions, even the workplace.

Internet has become the center of entertainment, information, commerce, and government as they
build more websites to engage more users and acquire more information than ever. This truly powerful
tool has kept us bind to the system of the cyberspace, and it has to be asked: What can enterprises do,
to secure data and information shared with them?

Enterprises and corporations, especially big businesses that deals with people’s data and sensitive
information online using servers knows about cybersecurity plans. This plan isn’t like the usual security
plan seen on anti-virus soft wares with monthly payment but it specifies the security policies, procedure,
and controls required to protect and organization against threats and risk.

The Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A Primer (2016, pp38-40) pointed
out that development of a security plan provides an effective means to meet cost-benefit and
competitive resource challenges…When the security plan is well structured and soundly developed using
the appropriate strategies…the resulting product can be a blueprint for short-term and multi-year
security planning.

Enhanced security planning around cyberspace is a must for enterprises as it sets out policies and
procedures related to security and privacy that are required to protect. This plans laid out the
foundation for security of an ever changing cyber environment. After the laid out of plans for cyberspace
and its security, these plans must continually be enhanced and should also be maintained.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) officially laid out their plans for
2022 Cybersecurity on May 2, 2017 stating that “The primary goals of this Plan are as follows: (1)
assuring the continuous operation of our nation’s critical info structures, public and military networks (2)
implementing cyber resiliency measures to enhance our ability to respond to threats before, during and
after attacks, (3) effective coordination with law enforcement agencies and (4) a cybersecurity educated

It is a liability at risk if cybersecurity is left unchecked. It’s demised without premise could interact with
more cyberattacks. Assuring others of its security would surely cover thee worries of data and
information being siphoned from them.
Cybersecurity as a front runner in security and privacy with laid out plans for the future will surely be
effective to secure the enhanced and worry-free environment we encounter every day.

With the ever changing world today, it is a must to ensure that cybersecurity should be continually
enhanced to cover and care for the security and privacy of user information and data. It is to ensure the
safety of its users and the country, in that matter. It must make sure that its users is cyber-educated and
learnt the information first hand.

Enterprises should embrace the ever-changing world to cope with the future of technology to make sure
that security and privacy around them is not obsolete but improving.


Department of Information and Communications Technology. (2017, May 2). National

Cybersecurity Plan 2022 | DICT. GOVPH. Retrieved December 14, 2021, from

Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019, September 19). cybercrime - Hacking. Retrieved December 14,

2021, from

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. (2016). Protection of

Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A Primer. Protection of

Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A Primer, 38–40.

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