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Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology; 1995; Deepak Kapoor

Manual of Hindu Astrology; Correct Casting

of Horoscopes; 189 pages; ISBN:8185674299;
Jan 1, 1992; History; Bangalore V. Raman

Indian Predictive Astrology; 1996; 173 pages; ISBN:8122201881; Vishnu

K. Sharma; Astrology, Indic; The easy and accurate way to interpret
your future! In simple language, this book explains how to choose
favorable options in education, career, profession and business; to; The
Easy and Accurate Way to Interpret Your Future

The Astrological Magazine, Volume 92; UOM:39015073125307;

Astrology; 2003

Do planets influence human life?; N. K. Narasimha Murthy;

UOM:39015065753868; 116 pages; Body, Mind & Spirit; 1977

AstrologyA Science Or Myth; Hindu astrology; Considered By Some As Science While By Others
A Mere Blind Faith, Astrology Is A Complex Subject That Needs To Be Studied In Proper
Perspective. In The Present Book, Astrology; Jan 1, 2005; Sanat Kumar Jain; ISBN:8126905565; 468

Elements of Vedic Astrology; ISBN:8190100807; K S Charak; 2002

Varshphal (Annual Predication); S.P. Gour; Parashari Jaimini and Tajik are the three most
popular systems of Vedic Astrology. Parashar gives more importance to the planets while Jaimini
considers the rashis to be more; 161 pages; Body, Mind & Spirit

Astrology For You; ISBN:8122200672; Astrology is not a complex science as it often made out to
be and, in the hands of the world-famous 'human computer' Shakuntala Devi, it becomes yet
simpler and easier to; 176 pages; Mar 1, 2005; Shakuntala Devi

Casting the horoscope; UOM:39015012312578; 1971; Body, Mind & Spirit; 144 pages; Kuthur
Subbaraya Iyer Krishnamurti

Learn,Think And Predict Through Astrology; Astrology; 336 pages; In this simply written, well-
researched book the author provides the key to unlock the secrets of the zodiac and know the
future. Learn, Think and Predict through Astrology; ISBN:9788129108210; C. P. Arora

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