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Name- Julia nguyen

Birth titthi- Chaturthi Titthi Spiritual lesson

In general part of Panchanga called titthis or lunar phase in Vedic astrology, is governed by
water element. And this exact titthi is actually ruled by water element. Titthi shows us how we
welcome things in our life and how we interact with things in our lives. So what happens in
this titthi is that simply a person gets interested just in itself because it’s just the water interested
just in itself. Water merges with water. So there is just little bit too much water under this titthi.
And what it produces is actually very introverted personality, but also personality which
usually restrains one’s emotions, sometimes supress the one’s emotion as well. So sometimes
you be consider as little bit closed up. Suddenly you could be considered a little bit social too.
But if we actually look very deep within the natives born under this titthi, there is enormous
depth of emotions hidden deep inside. These people are sensitive of most than other titthi
natives. Due to so much water in themselves, they simply need to create some sort of protection
around themselves, which is why from the surface they will look little bit reserved.

Chaturthi Titthi is governed by Goddess Bherunda. Name Bherunda can actually mean form a
double one or ugly one or terrible one because she is the first really powerful Goddess. If we
look at hints of other Goddesses, they have just flowers sort of amrit (nectrar) drinking cup. But
Goddess Bherunda has exclusively weapons in her hands, so she is enormously powerful
Goddess. Also because of the fact in Tantra Raja and many other tantric scriptures, there is not
written which kind of color of clothes that she has on herself, sometimes people are saying that
she is actually naked, so she is also the most vulnerable Goddess of all. So even just from her
appearance there is deep inner vulnerability inside of her but at the same times of lot of
weapons for her protection. And why is she called terrible one or having terrible or formidable
body? Sometimes the name Bherunda is also translated as a pregnant women. So whenever we
look at the pregnant women we will obviously see the body is deforming when a girl is
pregnant, but she is carrying something so much precious deep within herself. And it’s similar
with Chaturthi natives, very often the outside they don’t really care how they look like and very
often also they don’t care like how people actually perceive them, but deep within themselves
their inner world and inner nature is just so profound and beautiful. So people should never
judge them by their outer appearance because they might be something so much deeper hidden
deep within themselves.

Purification: It is traditionally said that Rikht titthi because of their nature. They are the best for
any purification processes. So there is lots of purification involved due to the natue of this titthi,
Chaturhi day is perfect day for any sort of cleaning in your house, removing things from your
house. Its very much connected with removing things, removing the obstacles because
Chaturthi titthi is also said to be a birthday of Lord Ganesha. So he is the giver of obstacles but
also the remover of obstacles. And similar is the nature of Goddess Bherunda. In the beginning
of life she actually gives obstacles to Chaturthi natives, so they simply grow above that. So they
may grow their inner strength because they are born being so vulnerable emotionally that they
simply work a little more of growing their inner strength. And fascinating thing is also that
Lord Ganesha was actually formed from the dirt or Chandan (sandalwood) from the skin of
Mother Parvati. So mother parvati while taking a bath just took little bit of sandal and she
formed Ganesha out of it. And people born on this Titthi very much resemble the nature of
Ganesha and they like when things are actually around them. They might have a little bit of
perfectionism within themselves too. But funny thing is that even though they like when things
are clean they don’t actually like to clean themselves because lord Ganesha has very powerful
intellect for sure but his body is big, he doesn’t like to move that much. He is not that fast diety.
There is even entire mythological story about the race between Kartikeya and Ganesha and
Ganesha finally won simply because of his intellect, not because of his actual speed. So this is
very prominent quality of all Chaturthi natives who welcome their head and mental energy as it
is very strong, but when it comes to their body they don’t really like to do physical things which
is why doing some sort of physical activities is a very good remedy for them otherwise you may
sometimes see that lot of fat may accumulate in your body if you don’t have enough of physical


People should never judge because deep within these natives are very vulnerable and only
reason why they became very tough and strong outside is exactly because of their own
vulnerability which they needed to learn how to deal with. So these natives can even create a
shield around them like emotional shield and feel disconnected from the world. So it’s
important for you to find your strength in your own sensitivity and vulnerability within your
own emotions, and simply to accept what you are and that’s the biggest life lesson for you. So
even if you might be going to some emotional turmoil you won’t show it in the outside as you
won’t ask for the help even if you are in need for that.

This day is governed by Mercury shows good intellect and kind of geeks people with this
placement. They can be great researchers; they can be great Writers too. So obviously there are
very positive sides to this placement. But you just need to take care that you are not too much in
your own head like Lord Ganesha, he is even addressed like the one who has big head but you
need to work to be also connected to your environment and bit more grounding, also like being
in nature. So it’s an amazing remedy for you because through nature you can really connect
much more easily to the grounding qualities of Earth.

You could be most emotionally disconnected, it doesn’t mean you don’t need contact with other
people but simply because you are so introverted deep within yourself you don’t even stand
even too much with people and you might sometimes don’t even understand how to react
emotionally properly or appropriately. It is because Mercury is most neutral planet; it also
covers the earth element the one which is the most on the surface. Mercury is good at
mimicking so these natives in time may learn to pretend or how to be normal, how to mix with
other people, how to connect with other people, but this also doesn’t come deep within from
themselves because what you simply enjoy the most is to just view yourself or just with the one
partner you love or with one of your favorite friend. These natives are not the people who love
crowds. So you may not like to get pushed by others as it is not in your true nature. So you
need to accept the way you are and how you express emotionally and this is the way you
connect to people.

These natives also suppress their emotions or may be because they don’t have knowledge in
how to express their emotions in appropriate way. So this is why they end up suppressing their
emotions a lot. So emotionally these people are very restricted but they are more or less like a
cloud. So a cloud is collecting a lot of water for a long time but once the cloud finds this exact
moment or exact person the cloud just pours down completely. So this is exactly same with all
Chaturthi natives. So this is why they suppress their emotion for a long time but once they love
somebody, they love with their full heart. You also need your comfort zone or so called hiding
place like literally you may need your little cave where you can just recharge your energy and
withdraw from the world because these are not the people who recharge through being with
others but actually being just with themselves.

Chaturthi is number 4. So, 4th house in Vedic astrology is about your internal self, your mind
but also your home. So even if you live with somebody you would need your room this place
into which you can always come back to just close yourself and just be alone. So it’s very
important and interesting because in the beginning of life you might not have this hiding place
simply because you can learn to live with others more but usually at some point in life it
appears to them.

Righteousness and justice is a very important quality for all Chaturthi natives. So these people
like when there is justice and things are socially equal and everybody gets exactly what they are
supposed to get. And this is why this can sometimes leads to being a little bit too much self
righteous or sometimes being little bit too judgmental and unfortunately they are usually
judging themselves the most. So these are the people like real perfectionist and when sometimes
when things are not perfect as it seems, they might be a little bit too judgmental and your main
life lesson is to see beauty in everything and to accept that everything is just perfect the way it
is. And this is exactly the Goddess Bherunda is teaching us as she is the one who is ugly and
showing us the experiences which are ugly and to not turn our head away from experiences
which are difficult, don’t turn your head away from things which are ugly. Don’t turn your
head away from poverty and don’t turn your head away from obstacles because she is the one
who wants us to face that, and to be brave and see beauty in everything all around us because
there is always divine perfection hidden behind it. And never judge things quickly too because
otherwise you will be judged as well.

The main lesson is to look beyond. After a point in life you will have the ability to see things
beyond this world, to see the divine beauty even in things in which normal person may not see
anything beautiful at all. And this is why these people really have the ability to be very
imaginative, creative for example people who are horror movie directors because horror is
something which is not necessarily very beautiful in the outside but they actually see art in that.
So movie directors, brilliant writers, artists due to their imagination and ability to connect to
different worlds and to their own intuition are seen from this Titthi. Again Ganesha is the
presiding deity who has big ears, so he hears everything. He is much more sensitive to
everything as well around him.

You really need to follow dharma spiritual practice and meditation because it helps you to deal
with your own vulnerability with your own emotions, at the same time meditation helps you to
deal with those things without closing up, infact meditation does the opposite thing. Meditation
makes you feel connected to the world still feeling fairly detached and this is exactly the quality
that you need to develop as being born as a Chaturthi native.
Truth is very important in your life. People can never lie to you because you can actually see
through lies and see through other people very easily. You are also highly intuitive as
Samudrika shashtra the knowledge of understanding body language was written by lord
Kartikeya: the god of ocean exactly on this day of Chaturthi titthi. So you often see things
which other people don’t pay attention to. And you also need to learn to be more grateful to
things you have. Sometimes these titthi native can become overly contented about things. So
exaggerated contentment leads to some sort of laziess or staying too much in your comfort
zone. And if you are staying too much in your comfort zone, you might even have some sort of
tendency to procrastination. But if you will heal your karma you will generally feel contented
with yourself and hopeful with what you receive from the world.

Chathurthi. The fourth step away from the Sun (shukla) and the fourth step towards the Sun
(krishna) belongs to Ganapati. Ganapati is the son of Shiva and Gauri. Ganapati is also known
as Ganesha, Vinayaka, Vighneshwara etc. Ganapati was born of the four great elements, earth,
water, fire and air. He represents the fifth element aakash that protects the people. According to
one of the myths of his creation, Shiva created him with his laughter. He was a beautiful boy,
shining and luminous in the sky, just like Shiva, but when Gauri saw him she forgot about
Shiva and Shiva was so angry with his wife for ignoring him that he cursed this glorious child
to have a face like an elephant, a protruding belly and a belt of snakes. His anger also created
many ganas in the image of Ganapati, who fell to Earth. Gana means multitude, the public, the
followers, and each gana was accomplished and bright. The ganas began disturbing the balance
on Earth so the gods requested Brahma to control them. Brahma asked Shiva to make the
elephant-headed boy Ganapati, the leader of the ganas. Ganapati is very bright and clears all
obstacles from the path of those who pray to him. Chathurthi people are natural leaders and
protectors of others, clearing obstacles for them. If they want their own obstacles cleared, they
need to seek the blessings of Ganesha, then whatever obstructs them can be removed. They can
make life very easy for themselves as they develop the knack of overcoming hurdles. They are
courageous, adept with words, argumentative, intelligent, adventurous, fierce, Machiavellian,
risk takers, orators, legal brains, writers and gossips; and may often feel unsupported. The
shukla chathurthi people are able to break through obstacles, whereas the krishna need to ask
for divine blessings and may feel more obstructed in life.

Goddess Bheruda is mostly pleased with our honesty, as well as chanting of the mantras. She
cannot be pleased by any offering lower than that, as She has no tolerance for duplicity of the

Affirmations: I allow myself to be strong. I allow myself to be vulnerable. I allow myself to

overcome all obstacles. I allow myself to leave my comfort zone. I allow myself to notice
solutions out of the box. I allow myself to let go of all that is not serving me anymore. I allow
myself to see higher beauty in everything. I am honouring justice. I am accepting the dark part
of myself.

Questions for self-analysis

Every lunar day is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. Nitya Devis and
their wisdom can become our guides on this sacred journey. Questions below can help you in
recognising certain “shadow” tendencies in yourself, which may arise on Chaturti tithi. You
were born on this lunar day, these questions might be of big importance for you in life and
allow you to face your weaknesses.

Am I trying to be too perfect?

Do I accept my weaknesses? Am I brave enough to face my negativities?

Can I admit that I made a mistake?

Am I too afraid of criticism?

Do I spend too much time in my head?

Is my intellectual energy too strong?

Do I neglect my body and its needs, sometimes?

What can I do in order to bring more awareness into my body?

Am I too lazy sometimes?

Am I strong enough to overcome my mental habits?

Can I allow myself to go out of the comfort zone?

Can I allow myself to be vulnerable?

Can I embrace with love also the dark parts of myself?

Can I accept, that both the dark side, and the bright side are needed equally in the world?

Can I make a conscious effort to see the higher beauty in everything around me?

How am I honoring justice?

Am I not a little bit too critical sometimes?

Can I make a conscious effort to reach for the solutions beyond the intellectual frame?
Am I not a little bit too calculative sometimes?

Am I sometimes a little bit afraid to get my hands “dirty” and do the work?

Do I take things a bit too personally?

Am I honouring other people’s boundaries?

Am I too closed in my own world and missing something important?

Taurus ascendant Spiritual karmic path

Taurus symbolizes procreative potential. It also bestows ail material riches and comforts.
Without this divine energy the chains and the rounds of divine manifestation cannot occur. It is
the primordial energy basic for all forms of creation. It is the possibility, not the actuality of
creation. The direction to this potential energy is given by other forces, but those forces would
be inoperative unless this basic energy is present. It is for this reason that Taurus is said to be
the vehicle of Lord Shiva, the Lord being the Divine Power wishing to pervade the entire
cosmos who can do so only with the help of his Taurus. The Divine Will can fructify only with
the assistance of procreative power because otherwise that which is subjective cannot be given
shape and the potential energy cannot get transformed into kinetic energy in order to work
itself out in the world of manifestation.

Taurus is considered feminine, earthly and fixed. Procreation is the sublime function of a
female. The feminine nature is passive but full of desire and emotion ail centering on the female
role in creation.

The basic nature of Taurus is fixed; it has not acquired any direction, which indeed will be
dependent on other conditions. It is his Potential Energy. How this energy can be utilized
would depend upon other factors. Obviously, Taurus points to the nature of the individual
rather than to this activity; the actuality of action will depend upon other planets and

Taurus ascendant needs supportive Mercury for its fructification and for giving direction to its
efforts. Taurus is said to be the mouth or the organ of speech of Kala Purusha which suggests
that the cosmic man can express Himself through Taurus but Taurus has Gemini and Virgo as
the 2nd and 5th houses from it. These are the houses intimately related to the activities of the
individual and Mercury rules the mind. The Taurusian energy can be well directed only under
the impact of Mercury. The inevitability of mind guiding the primordial urge of creation in this
way becomes quite obvious. This also explains the friendship between Venus, the lord of
Taurus and Mercury.

Mercury in Leo will be healed by honoring Sun’s karma. It is to heal yourself, emotions, heart,
helping mother in her life path and focusing on a family life. Worship lord Rama and offer
water to Sun everyday during Sun rise and chant Surya mantra.

Surya mantra- “Om Suryaye namah” 54 times or you can also chant Gayatri mantra while
offering water to Sun everyday.

Venus is the lord of this sign. Venus himself is the inspirer of Pravrini Marg. Other angles to
Taurus are owned by the Sun, Mars and Saturn. These are the malefic among planets and their
ownership of angles bestows good results. Malefic are ordinarily very effective in giving their
results. For Taurus ascendant therefore it is expected that life will have many happy incidents.
There will be many worthwhile happy episodes in life, this happiness or conflictless life results
from insensitivity to the spiritualizing forces of life. The more selfish, callous and irreligious a
person is, the greater does he enjoy happiness. This happiness however would be of material
type. This is why you need to balance it spiritually by honoring your Dharma. Venus in 4th is
understanding your dharma- spiritual roots which is in Sanatana Dharma. You should read
Bhagwat Geeta to strengthen 4th house karma with Venus.

Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi on Fridays will heal Venus. Also honor women and share
knowledge of dharma with others especially with women to help them find their true spiritual
roots. This is a great remedy of Venus in 4th house.
Mars has special relationship with Taurus. Mars is the 12th and 7th houses from Taurus. These
are the houses which create complications in life. For Taurus ascendant the great problem
comes from Mars. Mars is the planet of individually, spirituality, drive towards purposive
action, impulsiveness and such other tendencies. These are the traits which would fail the very
objective of the Taurusian living. Taurus ascendant know how to subordinate their
individuality for acquiring (he objects of their efforts, whether it is for possessing the opposite
sex or the society which they wish to subjugate and rule. The Taurus people have no views
excepting those of their own pleasure; they have no dignity excepting that of enjoying their
conquests. Mars would not tolerate such ignoble acts. Mars would be inimical to Taurasian
people. The Martian and the Taurasian people belong to opposite camps, Venus is the ruler of
Taurus is considered an enemy of Mars.

Saturn is the greatest benefactor of this sign. Saturn rules the 9th and 1Oth houses from Taurus.
Relationship between the 9th and the 10th is said to be a kingly combination. This combination
gives material affluence. Ordinarily Saturn is a malefic and his influence is bad. It creates
unhappiness. It restricts the expansive propensities of the individual. But these attributes of
Saturn assume helpful propensities for Taurus ascendants. Taken in a metaphysical sense,
Saturn represents that slate where the spiritual urge of the individual is veiled by the desire to
evolve himself in material circumstances. For any other sign whose basic nature is opposed to
materialization and involvement in worldly affairs, the influence of Saturn is not good. But
Taurus is basically a sign which feels like expanding in materiality by restricting its divine
potentiality. Therefore Saturn becomes very helpful for Taurus. Therefore Saturn becomes very
helpful for Taurus. Taurus ascendant therefore has a materialistic oriented life. and Saturn is
helpful for it in this regard.

Heal Saturn by feeding homeless or labor class people and serving elders especially on
Saturdays in the name of Saturn. Also chant Shani mantra and listen or chant Hanuman chalisa
on Tuesdays.

Shani mantra- “ Om Sham Shanischaraye namah”

The Moon has special relationship with Taurus. In the Hindu mythology, the Lord Mahadeva is
said to have bull (Taurus) as his vehicle but the Moon is also placed on His head. Astrologically
the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Obviously there is some esoteric significance of these two
relationships. The Moon owns Cancer which is the 3rd sign from Taurus. The Moon is
intimately connected with the emotion of the individual. Emotion could be a devastating factor
in one's life. Healing Moon is important for wealth and gains in life.

Reading bhagwat Geeta and performing your daily spiritual practices will heal Moon. Also
worship Lord Shiva and Parvati together on Mondays.

Taurus are usually the precursors of a new social morality; they often succeed well as fashion
designers, destroyers of taboos, and in acting in an egotistic manner of which the Beetles are the
representatives in tire modem age. The Taurus-born will easily express themselves as nudists,
provocative painters and dancers; they may have good singing voice capable of arousing
animal passion in others. Such persons are often very good entertainers. They are seldom
spiritual leaders and ascetics. Acquisitive by temperament and self-centered by nature, they are
often callous in obtaining objects of their desire. They are good mixers so long as their ego is
satisfied; when the possibility of such satisfaction fades away either they become bitter or move
away. Their approach is Freudian and they often turn out to be good psychologists. Whatever
they acquire in life, they are capable of displaying will. For this reason they may do well as
actors or in advertising business.

You are born on: Wednesday

As you are born on Wednesday, you're likely to have a lot of friends because you are friendly

and sociable. You are a genius and will be inclined towards knowing something new every day.

Sometimes, you give quick responses and the ability to learn rapidly. Communication with

people is all-important to you. You have a very sharp mind; you are a dreamer and will reach

distant places in a matter of seconds. You are knowledgeable, and your thought process will be

scientific and logical.

Your Birth-Star (Nakshatra) is: Ashwini

People born in Ashwini are generally cheerful, always bubbling with enthusiasm. They are very

active, always busy doing something. If there is nothing else, they will spend their time keeping

their house neat and clean.

They are faithful to the people who love them and will try to do anything for such people to

reciprocate their love. But understanding somewhat rude and strange behavior of Ashwini

natives will be the responsibility of others. If others can do this, then Ashwini native will prove

to be the best friend one can find. Ashwini natives are sympathetic to the people in trouble and

can provide proper guidance to such people.

Lunar Day (Tithi): Chaturthi

Favourable Signs

Aquarius, Taurus

Results based on the date of birth

The natives born on Chaturthi tithi will love travelling to a native place. They are fond of

vehicles, suffer from respiratory illness and have strong sexual arousal.

Karanam: Balav

You are fierce and would be successful managing a very busy working environment. You

would prefer living at places located at high altitudes. You are a keen observer to your

surroundings. Your most effective routine hours could be in the evenings than in the morning.

There is a detective in your nature which may also cause challenges in your married life.

Professions represented by Balava (Moon): Politicians and those who are elected by public

mandate, farmers, travellers, sailors, fishermen, journalists, healers, doctors, nurses, counselors,

carers, and trade connected with alcohol, tourism, advertising, shipping, the Navy, exports and
imports. Balava supports all careers where popularity is the key ingredient and it can give easy

celebrity status in the chosen profession.

Nithya Yoga: Dhruva

They are endowed with the ability to make people do their bidding by persuasion, bribery,

threat or division. They will choose fame over money. The people around would be suspicious

of their father. Their mother will be intelligent and used to live in paucity. She will not have

craving for money and can sustain her family with limited resources. She isn’t attracted to

jewelry, apparel or property. She is contented most of life. Their father is smart and less devoted

to them. They will progress in life with hard work and gain fame due to perseverance.

Dhruva means eternal, everlasting, fixed and firm. These people are constant, unchangeable,

strong, loyal, of good conduct, wealthy, learned, knowledgeable, and have the blessings of

Laxmi (wealth) and of Saraswati (learning). Their weakness can be their inability to change.
Planets In Your Chart


ॐ जपाकुसुम संकाशं काश्यपेयं महद् युतिम् ।

िमोऽर ं सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणिोऽस्मि तदर्ाक म् ।।

Sun is the Lord of 4th house in your chart. It is placed in the 4th house in the Leo sign. Sun in its

own sign, indicates that you will be affluent and will possess fixed assets and wealth. Sun

makes you skilful, virtuous, learned and be well disposed to your family members. You would

have a good education, vehicle, home and all other material comforts. You would be

emotionally stable and interested in spirituality. You would do well in the real estate business.

Sun in the Leo sign in the 4th house indicates that you will desire to build strong inner and

outer foundations, but, at times, you may wish to retreat from society when life becomes
difficult. It's completely okay to do so and take some time out for soul-searching. Your home

may be the place where you want to shine and show your creativity. That is where you can be

the real you. You want to be king of your castle, but just don't be too demanding as no one likes

a dictator. Your own family may also despise you for such behaviour. You will have an intense

belief in your own ideas.

Although appearing strong on the outside, you are sensitive on the inside, and your feelings are

easily hurt, particularly when someone challenges your ego or self-esteem. Such tendencies

might cause disagreements in your relationship. If you are angered, you will immediately slip

into your authoritative side, and quickly put the opposition or challenger in their proper place.

However, once your tirade is over, you tend to forgive and forget and never hold a grudge for

long. You may enjoy vitality and good health, with strong recuperative powers. Fortunately,

your resilient powers are excellent so you may continue to be happy unless your heart is

broken. That is the one thing you have difficulty in overcoming.

Sun in Leo (Dignified): It is important to let your Higher Self rule or you can be very

destructive. You must gain control over your own unsubjugated forces and relinquish control of

others. You have tremendous energy and courage, but you need a sense of responsibility and

self-discipline or trouble can result. Your confidence and reassurance strengthens the weak and

angers power seekers. You won't delegate authority, so you may die of a heart attack from

trying to do it all. You have good resilience and recuperative powers. You have very strong

faith in and loyalty to those you love. Once you give your affection, it doesn't easily change.

Your spouse must be someone you can look up to and admire. (A Leonine wife tends to assume

the masculine role.) There's a strong attraction to the opposite sex that can get out of hand if you
don't exercise control. You must learn true detachment by giving love to all. If your ego rules,

you can be arrogant, bombastic and egotistical. If your Higher Self rules, you're dignified, self-

respecting, honest, direct, fully dependable and have integrity. You can't lead until you learn to

follow by allowing your will to become God's Will. Power can create or destroy, so it must be

used wisely. You can be intolerant, interfering, pompous and over-dogmatic. Your early

opinions, which can seem advanced, are clung to too stubbornly, often making you close-

minded. You should make it a habit to reassess your opinions. Your breadth of vision enables

you to see the whole picture, but you miss much of the detail. You have large-scale ideas,

sometimes too large, but you often succeed since you're not the worrying kind and are a hard

worker. You're naturally spontaneous, charming, warmhearted, extravagant, lucky, impatient,

outspoken, frank and, at times, overly confident. At your best, you're affectionate, enthusiastic,

cheerful, optimistic and bring light into other's lives. You're often sensitive and easily hurt, but

you won't show it. You have a flair for drama and love being the center of attention. You'll have

some sort of "kingdom" where you'll rule with authority. You seldom get depressed, but you

crumble when you do. You're easily inspired and able to give shape to your ideas, which are

constructive and steady if not quick. You won't commit yourself unless you're sure of where

you stand. At work, you're ambitious, but not ruthless, willing to follow orders if work is

congenial and your boss is someone you can admire. Your professional life may become too

demanding, leaving no leisure time. In a position of authority, you do whatever is necessary to

justify the confidence others have in you. Money is important only as a means to reach a goal.

You give generously with no thought of yourself when it is needed. You're practical,

philosophical, spiritual, enthusiastic, inspirational and hate repetition. You want others to think

well of you and you want self-approval. You must learn to discipline your fiery enthusiasm and

overly dramatic approach to life. As a parent, you expect as much from your child as you expect
from yourself and tend to be duly disappointed if your child doesn't measure up. You embark

on parenthood with enthusiasm or not at all. Be very careful not to impose your exuberance on

a timid and shy child. You often spend more on your child than you can afford, sometimes for

the wrong reasons. As a father, you can be very dominating. As a child, you may be too full of

yourself: the parent of a Leonine child should guide the spirit, not curb it. If you're criticized

unwisely in your youth, your enthusiasm may be dampened and you may not try again.

Parents of a child with Sun in Leo must show the child how to improve and not simply carp

about wrong behavior, especially in areas of control of others-- teach the child not to be bossy.

KEYWORDS: dramatically, creatively, powerfully, inspirational, authority, enthusiastically KEY

PHRASE: I will.

Sun in the 4th House: Cancerian overtones affect all traits and you have strong parental ties and

a happy home life. You may find it hard to cut the psychological umbilical cord. You have a

strong self-protective urge that may surface as a strong need for security or a subtle, yet strong,

"me first" attitude. You're proud of your family heritage and may have an aristocratic outlook or

even too much family pride if the Sun is afflicted. You want to establish a family and a secure

home of your own, and will make your home a showcase of beauty, art and opulence as much

as your finances allow. You're interested in land, houses, ecology, natural resources and can do

well in any aspect of real estate. You have an innate fear of not having what you need, be it

physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. You're quiet and mild, but, if the Sun is

afflicted, this is deceptive. As a child, you want to help take care of your siblings and may have

to be encouraged to seek friends outside of the family. The first part of our life will probably be

an uphill battle, but as old age approaches, prosperity and prominence increase and your health
remains good. If the Sun’s karma is afflicted by tamasik qualities, you would have a desire to

leave home early due to an inability to get along with your parents, possibly because you tend

to dominate the domestic scene, even to acting as head of the family.

KEYNOTE: To establish


दतिशङ् खिुषा ाभं क्षी ोदाणवर्संभर्म् ।

नमातम शतशनं सोमं शम्भोमुवकुटभूषणम् ॥

Moon is the Lord of 3rd house in your chart. It is placed in the 12th house in Aries sign. Moon

in your chart suggests you may not have cooperation from your siblings. You may travel to

distant places. You may have health issues during travels. You may work behind the scenes in

an institution. There may be dealings with public welfare or those unfortunates of life, and you

have to be very sure of what are you doing. Remember, that conscious or subconscious

sensitivity can be damaging if not held in check. Be on your guard, as secret enemies may try to

take advantage of you. Keep in mind that through suffering comes obedience.

You will be endowed with gains, good qualities and fame abroad. There is a possibility of heavy

losses through siblings. There could be mental and ideological differences with father. You will

be religious and devoted to God. It makes you prone to lose money due to wrong judgment or

hasty decisions.

You can be a very bossy individual if you do not try to control your moods. Moreover, such

tendencies can cause problems in your workplace. You are probably a better starter than a

finisher. A fair amount of physical activity is good for you so you can work off those moods you

get into once in a while. You have a creative, flamboyant personality that likes to trail-blaze in

unusual ventures. Perhaps your accomplishments cover inferiority feelings that lie beneath the

surface. You are inspiring to others because of these tendencies.

Moon in Aries: You're spontaneous, direct, impulsive and enthusiastic, but you must

consciously cultivate patience. You have an aggressive spirit and temper and your reactions and

temper are quick. Your judgment may be poor and you often act from feelings, not reason. Your

feelings are keen and intense at the moment, but are volatile and quickly changeable. You're
original, inventive and have initiative and self-confidence, but you're restless and lack

persistence. You're courageous, but often foolhardy. Self-realization comes from your varied

experiences. You're open to new ideas and trust your sense perceptions. You don't tolerate

interference and find it difficult to accept discipline and advice making you a better leader than

a follower. You hide your insecurity behind an independent, aggressive exterior. You make

friends easily, but your emotional instability often drives them away. You tend to try to

dominate others emotionally but may remain emotionally detached. You tend to take others

reactions personally. You excel in positions where quick decisions are necessary. Your mother,

in your eyes, is independent, active, resolute, outspoken and a strong influence. You often

experience cuts, burns, fevers and tend to be accident prone. Women may be jealous and need

to dominate their partner. Men attract a dominating woman. You have excellent eyesight.

Moon in the 12th House: You have a psychological need for seclusion to restore your emotional

sanity. You need to firmly develop your intuition and good imagination since you're so open to

the feelings and instincts of others and tend to live in your world of imagination. If the Moon is

afflicted, you may be lonely, neurotic or become involved in a scandal through women. If

heavily afflicted, you may be institutionalized due to mental illness. Suffering you experience

through your mother is usually repayment of a karmic debt. You must serve those who are

limited or afflicted in some way or you'll find yourself facing limitations and restrictions. You

can be shy and easily hurt but you're reluctant to communicate your feelings. Hypnosis may be

dangerous for you. You could experience emotional suffering through secret love affairs. You

tend to be self-sacrificing and may become resentful of imagined slights. You don't like new or

strange surroundings-- once you settle down, you tend to remain there.

ि णीगभवसंभूिं तर्द् युत्कास्मिसमप्रभम् ।

कुमा ं शस्मिहस्तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

Mars is the Lord of 7th house and 12th house in your chart. It is placed in the 3rd house in

Cancer sign. Debilitated 7th house Lord Mars in your chart indicates that there will be

disturbances in relationships with younger siblings. You will have distant and foreign travels.

There may be health issues to the ears. Your spouse may belong to a distant place, and your

spouse will be brave, confident and courageous. However, your spouse will be very possessive,

and you may have differences and disputes in your married life. You will get success abroad.

Debilitated Mars in the 3rd house makes you restless, perhaps anxious and overexcited, and

probably have an abundance of nervous energy. Sometimes getting extra nervous could make

everything go in the wrong direction for you. Yes, it is normal to get nervous while handling

big tasks, but at the same time, it shouldn’t be so much that everything just slips out of your

hands. Developing rational thinking is important, as impulsive and hyperactive thinking will

bring difficulties for you.

You can be very sensitive, moody, irritable and difficult to be around when there are many

demands or tensions at work. Your energy level is highly dependent on your emotional and

mental state, especially with regards to your emotional harmony or discord at home. You

should avoid eating when you’re upset as it can create complications with your digestion. It

would be best if you control your emotions for your health and well-being.
Mars in Cancer (Fall): Your intuition is strong and usually reliable. You're ambitious yet timid,

tenacious yet changeable, not outwardly aggressive yet firm and calm in an emergency and

independent yet very domesticated. You're hardworking, original, moody and, if afflicted,

easily upset and bad tempered. You're very sensitive and overly emotional which often causes

digestive problems. There is usually strife in your home because you're too aggressive in

domestic relationships. You may lose your mother early in life. You want to own your own

home and can be a do-it-yourself home repairman. You tend to hold everything in, letting it

steam, until you boil over. You shouldn't drink juice on an empty stomach or eat when tired or

upset due to your delicate digestive system. If karma is afflicted, you may be over-indulgent.

You're refined yet sexually sensitive. Any type of gadget appeals to you.

तप्रयङ् गुकतलकाश्यामं रूपेणाप्रतिमं बुिम् ।

सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेिं िं बुिं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

Mercury in Leo (Fall): Your mind has a strong will and fixed purpose. You're often mentally

lazy but are capable of focused attention, willingly tackling problems and usually finding a

solution. You tend to deal with the large picture and overlook details or things not immediately

relevant. Your opinions form slowly and only change reluctantly-- if afflicted, your viewpoints

are opinionated and fixed. You have strength, will power, great ambition, dignity, a sense of

refinement and like to make a good impression. Your manner of speech is dramatic and

forceful, but may have too much mental pride and arrogance. You're cheerful, optimistic and

often combine business travel with pleasure trips. You like to be considered an authority in

your field and usually follow through with your plans. You're able to teach and help with the

mental development of children. Your speech is often eloquent, sometimes overly so and much

of your thinking is centered on yourself.

Mercury is the Lord of 2nd and 5th house in your chart. It is placed in the 4th house in Leo sign.

The placement of 5th house Lord Mercury in your chart suggests that you would be successful

on the education front. Your children will bring you happiness. However, there could be a

delay in childbirth. You would be an emotional and intelligent person. You could become a

professor or a teacher. You may be a highly influential spiritual person.

As Mercury also owns the 2nd house in your chart, you would have a good family life due to

which there would be a lot of happiness. Your mother would be a source of inspiration for you.

You will be dutiful and caring for family members. There will be financial gains through land

and property. You may get wealth or property from your mother or your ancestors. You would
use your wealth or do expenses for family happiness.

You will tend to be studious, with literary interests. You will like to study at home in your own

personal space. Continual studying is bound to give you a sense of inner security. With all this,

you may be high-strung and need to learn to relax and take a break from all that book work.

Remember, that relaxation is essential or else it can strain your health and have adverse effects.

Mercury in the sign of Leo, gives you a distinctive style of expressing yourself. Teaching ability

is present so, make good use of it and probably indulging in social service may work well. You

could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach. Your nerves and

your mental health require you to periodically rest away from the noise of the work-a-day

world. Take some time to be alone with yourself to regroup. But not too much time, as you have

a tendency to get carried away with yourself and your problems.

Mercury in the 4th House: You have forethought, determination, economical thinking and a

retentive memory. You're interested in your ancestry and you're proud of your family. Your

parents are probably educated and cultured. You have a rational attitude toward parenthood,

but may be anxious about home/domestic affairs. You love antiques and may be a collector of

communication related memorabilia. You'd do well in professions/careers dealing with the

earth. You'll probably have a lot of activity in your home, possibly even working out of it. You

may have a relative living with you or might change residences often. You enjoy intellectual

pursuits with your family, but if afflicted, there can be intellectual disputes or disagreements

with them. You do much talking on the phone. You may be over-domesticated. If karma is

afflicted by tamasik gunas, you're easily irritated, high-strung and can be nagging. You need to

learn to relax and not let trivial matters bother you.

Mars in the 3rd House: Right thinking is important to you so, combined with your active,

aggressive intellect, you do well in school. Your quick thinking is helpful in emergency

situations but can lead you to jump to conclusions. You're aggressive in gaining or giving

information, which is delivered with direct, sometimes caustic speech. Your work often

involves machinery related to communications. Quarreling in your early home environment

may make you high strung and nervous. You are restless and impulsively take short trips or do

things in your daily routine. You're a risk taker who, if afflicted, must beware of accidents,

especially in your early teens. If afflicted, you can be one of those reckless drivers who gets

angry at stupidity while doing the same things yourself. You're a staunch defender of family

members, but if afflicted, you may have problems with your siblings, be an only child or

suddenly and unexpectedly lose a relative to death, possibly even violence. You have many

good ideas, but often don't pay attention to detail because of your intense energy and activity

level. If Mars karma is afflicted by tamasik gunas, you can be sarcastic and argumentative,

causing problems in communications with others or problems with neighbors.


दे र्ानां च ऋषीणां च गुरं काञ्चनसंतनभम् ।

बुस्मिभूिं तिलोकेशं िं नमातम बृहस्पतिम् ॥

Jupiter is the Lord of 8th house and 11th house in your chart. It is placed in the 11th house in its

own sign Pisces. The placement of 11th house Lord Jupiter in your chart indicates that you may

have unexpected financial gains. You may gain through the ancestral property. There may be

differences between older siblings. You may have an interest in research and spirituality. You

may have the desires to earn effortless money. You are likely to be affected by stomach related

diseases. You may have a longer lifespan. You may gain from the ancestors, legacies or

insurance companies.

As the Lord of 11th house is placed in its own sign, there would be numerous financial

opportunities and fulfilled desires and ambitions. You will lead a life with many comforts. You
would have an extensive network of friends, and you will also gain benefits from your friends.

You will be a happy, virtuous and learned person. You are blessed with numerous friends who

would do anything to help you achieve your dreams and see you happy, and you will do the

same for them. These friends are knowledgeable, smart, passionate, ambitious idealistic and

may be from foreign culture or descent. This will help you to learn about their culture and

expand your knowledge as well. It’s always good to have a social circle, but you shouldn’t get

carried away with all of this that you might land up in trouble. Sometimes due to the influence

of others, you might end up doing something that wouldn’t be appropriate. So it would help if

you refrained from such activities.

Jupiter in Pisces sign in 11th house indicates that you love doing humanitarian related jobs, and

it gives you immense joy and happiness. You have an interest in spiritual or metaphysical ideas

and issues, but you need to find your own path and experience truth for yourself. Periodically

retreating from society and the people closest to you is good for your nerves and your own

mental health. Sometimes you need to take time off so that you can relax and let go off the


Jupiter in Pisces: You're benevolent, compassionate, easy going, friendly, happy, indecisive and

restless and, if afflicted, can also be extravagant, overly emotional, self-indulgent and

unreliable. This placement is excellent for clerics of all sorts, anyone interested in religion or

those involved in medicine. You offer sympathy and help for those in need or pain, but others

may take advantage of you if you don't use discrimination. You're a champion of the underdog

and a good Samaritan, usually working behind the scenes. Your strong imagination and

emotions often influence or are influenced by your religious values. Your mind is very
impressionable and, if well aspected to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you may have psychic ability

and intuitive perception of the spiritual realm. However, if this aspect is afflicted, these

perceptions can be influenced by astral illusion, egotism or desire for glamour. You're self-

sacrificing, quiet, unassuming and not very ambitious in a worldly sense. Your oversensitivity

isn't apparent. Your work must allow your emotions and sympathies to enter into it. You often

unconsciously seek a father figure who can assume responsibility for the direction of your life,

and if afflicted, this can become guru worship or cultism. If karma is afflicted, you can be a

social parasite, giving up all responsibility for your life. You need periodic seclusion and

opportunities to pray/meditate, etc.

Jupiter in the 11th House: You're sociable and pleasure-loving, yet concerned about the welfare

of humanity. You're often involved in groups that have charitable or humanitarian goals. Your

kindness to friends makes them helpful and generous and you're able to gain their cooperation

so you can accomplish large, constructive endeavors. You usually achieve goals you've set with

minimum effort. Your business activities often relate to inventions, science or organizational

endeavors. If Satvik guna aspected, the exchange of moral and spiritual advice benefits you and

your friends, but if afflicted, that advice is not always sound or practical. If afflicted, the wrong

type of friend can cause your downfall or you tend to sponge off your friends and take them for

granted while neglecting your responsibility to them. You may even start friendships with

ulterior motives, like personal gain. You have good judgment and strong intuition and usually

have a large family to whom you're devoted. You can benefit through travel.

तहमकुन्दमृणालाभं दै त्यानां प मं गुरम्।

सर्वशास्त्रप्रर्िा ं भागवर्ं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥

Venus in Leo: You love life and are a born romantic. You're behavior can be theatrical but your

emotional reactions are honest and frank, even if they're often calculated. Your affections are

fixed and ardent and your loyalty to loved ones is strong. You like to show off your partner, but

can be possessive and jealous if your partner doesn't pay you proper homage. Appearance is

important to you and you can be extravagant, especially to your partner, even if it's financially

disastrous. You have a great deal of social and personal pride that, if afflicted, can be

snobbishness. Women, particularly, want to be noticed, admired and appreciated, often

competing to be the center of attention. You have a keen love of art and your vivid sense of
color and form give you ability in sculpting, painting and other art forms. You can't be talked

into doing anything you don't want to do. You derive much happiness from children. You're

kind and extremely compassionate even if afflicted. You're warmhearted, outgoing, affectionate

and sunny. If karma is afflicted, you can be selfish or over-concerned with sex.

Venus is the Lord of Ascendant and 6th house in your chart. It is placed in the 4th house in Leo

sign. The placement of Ascendant Lord Venus in your chart suggests that you will own material

pleasures, land and property, good status. However, you are also prone to some problems

related to your property and assets as Venus rules the 6th house in your chart. It signifies

discord with your mother or the health of your mother can be a cause of concern. You would be

a quick learner. You would be able to handle any adverse situations and would defend your

family efficiently.

Venus in Leo sign in 4th house indicates that you are a person who has a strong desire for

beautiful things and loves luxury and spacious homes. You have an artistic nature and are a

very hospitable person with a talent for making people welcome in your home. People tend to

feel very comfortable amidst you. The latter part of life may be pleasant and comfortable, but

this relaxed phase might take a toll on your health. You might gain a lot of weight, which is not

good for your health. Make some time for exercise in your life and eat a well-balanced meal to

keep obesity at bay.

Venus in the Kendra of your chart indicates that you want and enjoy drama in your love life

and gestures of love and romance are something that you love getting. You are very emotional

and sometimes can become overly dramatic and annoying. You may expect too much from
people, and this can hurt your sentiments. It would help if you avoided the tendency to be

preoccupied with your physical appearance when you should be developing your inner


Venus in the 4th House: Your domestic surroundings must be comfortable and beautiful to look

at since you like to entertain close friends and romantic partners at home, but you can be

extravagant in home decorating. If not heavily afflicted, you love your home and mother and

have harmonious relationships with your family and emotional closeness to your parents.

Lovingness is at the root of your being and you're popular because of your optimistic outlook.

You love social contact and are interested in people. Your strong artistic nature can find an

outlet in gardening, flower arranging, etc. You may marry late but will be quite happy. Your

later life is blessed with happiness and the end of life will be in an atmosphere of beauty and

comfort. If karma is afflicted, you can be demanding, dictatorial and jealous.

नीलांजनसमाभासं तर्पुिं यमाग्रजम् ।

छायामािवण्डसंभूिं िं नमातम शनैश्च म् ॥

Saturn is the Lord of 9th house and 10th house in your chart. It is placed in the 12th house in

Aries sign. Debilitated Saturn in your chart indicates that you will have career growth overseas.

You may have differences with your father. You will be a person with a detached mindset, and

thus, you will be very practical in your approach to your career matters. You will do well in

foreign projects and may also have a lot of contacts in different countries. Being a generous and

helpful person, you will never refuse to take up any project or task. You will generally prefer to

work alone and may find the concept of teamwork a bit complex. It is better that you follow a

particular plan or method at your -work-place, or otherwise, achieving your career goals may

be a bit difficult.

The placement of Yogakaraka Saturn in the 12th house indicates that you might want to make

restitution for the previous mistakes and might also experience a lack of self-confidence. This

feeling might make you feel like staying away from people and being alone most of the times.

However, with experiences, you will be able to rectify past mistakes. This will enable you to

achieve inner peace and regain your confidence. It will help you to become mentally strong as

an individual. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not

brought out into the open. There is a love of solitude. Due to the strong sense of being alone,

you might not want to do jobs that involve a lot of people.

You might end up doing all the work on your own and may also face opposition from your

colleagues. The presence of Saturn in Aries can make you selfish. You could become very nosey,

and this might irritate the people around you. You should change this attitude if you want
everything to be under control. The level of impatience in you can ruin all the good efforts that

you try to put in. It would help if you were every cautious while carrying out your plans.

Stability and security are important factors in your life that you have to move forward with.

Saturn in the 12th House: You always seek (or wish) to isolate yourself, spending much time in

seclusion or working behind the scenes in large institutions. If afflicted, this leaves you

depressed and lonely. Your work may involve psychology or charities, but you're most creative

when you work alone. It's hard to obtain recognition (unless well aspected to the ruler of or

planets in the tenth house) and you often feel you're being threatened, but this actually stems

from your own fears. You can overcome psychological problems by serving others or through

practical, constructive work. The choice is yours: to serve or to suffer until you dissolve your

deep-seated selfishness. If afflicted, secret enemies contribute to your downfall, but these

enemies may be more imaginary than real. If Saturn’s karma is heavily afflicted, you may suffer

from mental illness or be confined in a hospital, jail, etc. If afflicted, your father may have faded

out of your life early. You tend to keep your problems to yourself.

अिवकायं महार्ीयं चन्द्रातदत्यतर्मदव नम् ।

तसंतहकागभवसंभूिं िं ाहं प्रणमाम्यहम् II ॥

Rahu is placed in the 4th house of your chart in the Leo sign. You may have a strong desire to

get your talents recognized and appreciated by others. You are a good strategist, and you tend

to have an impressive intellect and a very sharp mind. However, you may only be able to

complete your education after much difficulty, or you will not get the results that you actually

desire and deserve. However, your curious mind may nudge you to be constantly inquisitive.

This ability is likely to help you grow.

You are intelligent but can be shrewd and manipulative at times. Ego and self-interest are high

in your case. You are a good debater and like to dominate others. So, your marital life and

relationship with near and dear ones may see some disharmony, but you will carry on the
relationship tactfully. You may also have differences with your elders, particularly with your

father due to the impact of Rahu.

Rahu in the sign of Leo indicates that you have a strong power of imagination. It is likely to

enable you to discover new, pleasing and attractive things, which may profit you. As your age

progresses, you will identify your weak points. Thus, you will be able to conquer your

weakness. You will get the opportunity of extricating yourself from troubles and of overcoming

difficulties through your own proper management. Rahu may cause you to have issues with

your heart, spinal cord, liver metabolism, spleen or pulmonary arteries. You are advised to take

due care of the same.


पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं िा काग्रहमस्तकम् ।

ौद्रं ौद्रात्मकं घो ं िं केिुं प्रणमाम्यहम् II

Ketu is placed in the 10th house of your chart in Aquarius sign. Ketu in your chart indicates that

you may make good prorgress in overseas or you may get associated with a foreign project,

modern technology or unconventional things. You will also make good progress in the creative

fields. You may face many problems or hurdles in your profession. It will be difficult for you to

get the desired opportunities; hence, you will never get fully satisfied in your profession.

However, Ketu gives you abilities to tackle adverse conditions efficiently. You will be able to

achieve material benefits, but you may not have peace and harmony in your life.

Ketu in Aquarius sign indicates that you are quite learned and understand the reality of life.

However, despite this knowledge, you struggle to get rid of your materialistic desires. Your life
can be a journey of detachment from the materialism and to achieve spiritual liberation. You

may have a never-ending desire which might cause internal struggle. You tend to make

unrealistic plans to fulfil your unnecessary desires.

*You have executive and leadership ability but this can become strong egocentric tendencies or

even snobbishness or distaste, causing you to retreat from the world. You need to be

independent to do a good job. Your pride and nobility often hide your selfrespect, but if self-

respect is lacking, you're able to cultivate it.

Past life lesson : You've had too much public acclaim and spent too much time in the limelight

in the past and now, in this lifetime, you must grow a soul. You can do this through your

domestic surroundings, wise use of your emotions and quiet withdrawal into yourself at times.

Rahu in Leo/Ketu in Aquarius lessons

Leo allows the inner being to express itself in the material world and Rahu embraces
this materialism. Leo is naturally connected to Rahu which is said to be borne on a
lioness. With Rahu representing psychological power and Leo representing physical
prowess, together they can be a powerful combination. Leo is a fiery sign and Rahu’s
element is air so they can fan each other’s qualities and become uncontrollable.
Alternatively Rahu can sometimes extinguish Leo’s brightness and idealism and cause
depression. As Leo’s ruler, the Sun is said to be eclipsed by Rahu, yet at the same time
Rahu is only visible at the time of an eclipse. Thus in Leo it has the ability to come out of
the shadows and appear for what it is. This makes it a powerful placement for Rahu,
which will project its personality while darkening the glory of Leo’s ruler.

Ketu in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Aquarius is an air sign and Ketu’s element is fire,
so it represents the same combination of fire and air as before. Aquarius is the sign
where individuality can be discarded completely and Ketu is comfortable with this.
Saturn is still concerned with reality and focusing on karma but this is easier than in
Capricorn. Ketu in Aquarius is very idealistic but there is a danger of fundamentalism
as Saturn can become very rigid in its views. The relationship of the Sun and Saturn is a
difficult one because Saturn is the rejected son of the Sun god. The Sun stands for
individual glory and Saturn for democratic principles; the conflict will be reflected in
this axis. Ketu in Aquarius and Rahu in Leo will always be fighting for supremacy, but
the true understanding of this axis is that one can work for democratic principles while
retaining an individual personality. There may always be a vulnerability over
expressing individuality but the conflict is resolved by being comfortable with your
personality. Past Life Issues: Ketu in Aquarius represents a past life spent in service to
others. There was a disconnection with self and a focus on selflessness; living as a sadhu
or wanderer in a past life was mainly to gain knowledge and work for others. The result
is that you may now find yourself feeling guilty of your personal needs. Lessons of

Leo/Aquarius axis: Problems arise over the lack of personal confidence that Ketu in
Aquarius brings into this life and which Rahu in Leo now struggles to overcome.
Neither Saturn nor Ketu have much love for personal glory but Rahu in Leo has to fulfil
its spiritual task to bring out the hidden personality. If the axis is disconnected, there is
an immense feeling of guilt over pursuing personal gains and fame. Rahu in Leo will
become depressed and dejected if its individuality is not allowed to shine so it is
important to accept this need. Similarly Ketu in Aquarius will need to express its
democratic principles and public service path so the axis connects when you use your
personality to work for others as well as yourself.

When Ketu is in Aquarius past lives for the individual were focused around
validation. Validation for ones actions and especially validation for one’s capacity to
fulfill the basic animal needs of life like food shelter money success all of those things
but primarily success as well because Aquarius is the natural eleventh house of the
horoscope, so it's very focused around our aspirations. In either case your previous
lifetime was focused around the concept of being validated for your actions dependent
upon the well being of Saturn you either received that validation or if Saturn was
weaker you likely did not receive that validation. Now this particular approach to life
carries over into the present life where you still continue to feel most comfortable in life
if you have the approval of the other people in your life. In addition with Ketu to an
Aquarius because Ketu is in a Saturn ruled sign and when Ketu is in a Saturn ruled sign
it shows you likely went through some hardship earlier on in life where survival was
the key factor of the focus, perhaps there was not enough money in your household and
so the environment you grew up around was one where the focus was intensively upon
the fulfillment of the basic needs of life or perhaps you witnessed somebody else go
through hardship and you felt well I'm not going to let that happen or perhaps your
parents were concerned about you being able to kind of step up to the plate and create a
successful life and then you begin to seek the validation of your parents in order to
prove that you can kind of step up to the plate and do those particular things.

But one of the main lessons when Ketu is in a Saturn ruled sign is that life is not just
about fulfilling basic needs, there's much more to life than. In addition to that these
because you've likely been through some level of suffering if Saturn is strong you've
learned from your suffering and it gives you a humanitarian streak as well .It could also
be that you grew up in a household where your parents were just quite simply focused
on fulfilling basic needs and that's why you became centered around in either case the
key words here are “validation for ones actions” .That's a big focus of all of the Saturn
ruled Rashi's .

So I mentioned earlier that life is much more than fulfilling basic needs, that's when
Rahu placement in Leo comes into the equation and that's there to teach you that sure
there's much more to life than basic needs, there's also the need to find inspiration in
life. Follow that particular path follow your inspiration and let that guide you in the
right direction. And the other key lesson with Rahu placement in Leo is to recognize
that you don't need to be validated for your actions you simply need to follow a
lifestyle that's inspiring to you because righteously it feels correct because it feels like
it's the righteous path for you to walk as an individual and rather than feeling that you
have to work so hard to fulfill the basic animal needs of life the focus in this lifetime
begins to gravitate more towards “I just need to be who I am and attract to myself the
things and the people that I need and those people and things that I need in my life, that
is the validation after following my inspiration, but I don't need to seek validation from
those other people, I simply need to follow my path and the right people will come my
way that will be supportive of my path or not supportive of my path and those things
really kind of depend on the strength of Ketu dispositor Saturn and Rahu’s depositor in
the horoscope as to whether those things get fulfilled or tend to feel a little bit
unfulfilled. It will be fulfilled if you will make the despositor sign Saturn strong in your
birth chart and for that I will mention remedies at the end of the chart which you
should follow as your daily spiritual practices.
You get success in life but belatedly. You are quite strict and stubborn in nature. You are very

uncompromising, and it is quite difficult to convince you to make a change against your wish.

So there can be some problems in the relationship with friends and relatives. You are a

humanitarian to the core. You are a progressive, broad-minded and creative and a real truth-

seeker. However, your frankness within limits can be a positive quality, but when it borders on

the insensitive, it can really hurt people and alienate you from your friends and beloved ones.

Rahu Ketu in Nakshatras

Rahu in Magha will have Ketu placed in either Dhanishta or Shatabhishak. Magha means
mighty or great, and people born in this nakshatra aspire towards eminence and prominence in
their chosen field. Magha is the beginning of the second cycle in the soul’s journey, (the signs
Leo to Scorpio indicate the soul’s full involvement in the pleasures and pains of earthly life).
Ketu, the significator of spiritual realisation ruling the commencing point of the materialistic
journey, shows the importance of the experience of Tamas - the realities of life including
illusion, darkness and attachment - in fulfilling the divine mission of the soul. Rahu is placed in
its partner (Ketu’s) sign, and can get confused about which path it needs to take. Rahu in Magha
searches for success beyond expectation, and may use underhand means to make it happen.
You have to be careful to be ethical, as you can easily block your own good qualities by feeling
that becoming a prominent personality is all there is. Rahu in Magha knows intuitively that
material happiness is only an experience to develop the qualities of the soul. In itself Magha will
be happy to express its divine mission in a practical way - it is only the placement of Rahu there
that confuses the issue. Rahu can feel dissatisfied with this role for there is no definition of
success. As the kind of success that Rahu in Magha desires is available to very few it feels
unfulfilled - regardless of the fact that the world may consider the individual to be successful.

The conflict between Magha and Dhanishta

Ketu is in the part of Dhanishta that is placed in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, and Mars rules
Dhanishta. Mars and Saturn are opposing energies, one indicating bravery and action and the
other restrictions. Saturn brings forth karma which must be faced at the appropriate time so that
the past can be cleansed, but Mars wants to break through all spiritual barriers now. Ketu
intensifies this need for enlightenment. Rahu is in Magha ruled by Ketu, in the sign of Leo ruled
by the Sun. The needs of the soul are paramount. Rahu has to use past life knowledge in the
materialistic present, but this is often misunderstood by others who see your desire for success
conflicting with your apparent idealism. Ketu in Dhanishta has already fought a war for
spirituality and self-knowledge. Mars, the ruler of Dhanishta, also acts like Ketu so the influence
of Ketu is more prominent here. Ketu, which represents both moksha and past lives, suggests
that the achievements of Rahu in Magha are only due to the karma of the past. This recognition
will make a more complete individual, but those who feel that they alone are responsible for
their success are deluding themselves and not making use of the spiritual help that Ketu’s
dominance of this axis suggests.
Offer water to Sun everyday during Sunrise and chant Aditya hriday Mantra.

Daily Spiritual practices and mantra for being in alignment with the universe:

• Worshipping lord Shiva with Parvati together will strengthen your Moon and

bless you with good health, longevity, creativity imagination and improve your

karma with mother, and it also activates wealth yogas.

• Honoring Mars and worshipping lord Narsimha, Rudra and Hanuman on

Tuesday will give you will power and courage to fulfill your life purpose.
Mantra- Om Namoh Bhagwatyeh Narsimhaye , also chant Hanuman mantra on


• Worshipping Lord Vishnu on Wednesday will bring you success and prosperity

in life. Mantra- “Om namoh Bhagwatyeh Vasudevay”

• Honor Jupiter on Thursday by chanting guru mantra 108 times for getting

blessings of Jupiter for required wisdom in your life purpose and career.

Mantra - “Om Guruve Namah”

Vishnu avtar with Jupiter – “Om Namo Bhagavate Vamanadevayya”

• Chanting mantra of Goddess Lakshmi will bring wealth and fortune in life .

Also worship lord Parshuram on Friday- Venus –

“Om Namo Bhagavate Parashuramayya”

Mantra for Goddess Lakshmi is : “Om Hreem Shri Lakshmibhyo namah” (refer youtube

for pronounciation)

• Worshipping Shani on Saturday will prevent unwanted obstacles in your life as

Saturn is karma lord. (Donate to poor, elders on Saturdays)

Mantra : Om Sham Shanischaraye namah.

Vishnu avatar with Saturn – “Om Namo Bhagavate Kurmadevaye”

Worshipping lord Shani will bring you ultimate success in your career and life

And worshipping Lord Rama on Sunday after offering water to Sun will bring

positivity and confidence and longevity as this mantra will strengthen your Sun.

Mantra- “Om namoh Bhagwatyeh Ramchandraye”

Also Chant or listen to Gayatri mantra every day.

Note: Always begin any mantra after chanting Ganesha mantra only.

Ganesha mantra - “Om Gam Ganpataye Namah”


Best wishes- Vivyek Chauhan.

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