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 Problem

With the fast-growing developments in the automobile industry, the ABC Corporation
was required to equip its employees with the necessary training needed to handle the
production and manufacturing of newer electronic components that are suitable for the
updated model line of automobiles. As a solution, the HR manager of the ABC
Corporation suggested that it would be ideal to send three managers and eight
supervisors to the mother company in Japan to undergo training for two whole months.
However, the Vice President of Finance and the Operations Manager were not in favor
of that suggestion. According to them, if this suggestion was to be executed, there
would be a shortage of personnel who handles the production and it would go against
the company’s current cost-cutting. They would rather have technicians from the mother
company to come over and train the employees locally. Consequently, this training
method would acquire even more costs to the corporation as these technicians are paid
with higher salaries and are given bigger allowances. With that in mind, it is undeniable
that there is a huge contrast between the decisions of the HR Manager and the VP of
Finance and the Operations Manager.

 Case Facts

In this given case study, the facts are the Chief Executive Officer since he has the
overall responsibility to the problems that are currently experiencing by the ABC
Corporation. As having the highest position in the company, he is in charge of all the
departments and other aspects that are affected by the situation, these aspects include
the finances on improving their technology; increase on their expenses for sending the
employees abroad to be oriented, the operations in the company, training of the chosen
employees, and also the designation of qualified personnel that is qualified to substitute
the employees that will be sending off.

 Analysis/Hypothesis


ABC Corporation made a name in the Electronics Industry for Five years.

The Company is comprised of a large number of employees .

The Business Organization is flexible and can easily adapt to the never-ending
changes in the environment.


The Company lacks proper designation of which departments to handle for the
Managers and Supervisors .

Upon the opposition of the Vice President and Operations Manager regarding the
temporary leave of some of the managers and supervisors, it has been said that there
would be insufficient manpower to handle the operations while they are away for two
months, this implies that there is no proper handling or designation of tasks distributed
to the managers for they are expected to lack personnel upon the time span of
temporary leave.


Improvement in the Operations

Promote Qualified Personnel

Improve Company’s Reputation


Corporations with Better Technology

Change of Cost

Innovation of other Corporation

 Alternative Course of Action (ACA)

Proper Designation of Employees

Since the ABC company employs 350 employees with about 30 supervisors and
managers, the suggestion of the HR Manager that three of the managers and eight
supervisors be sent to the mother company in Japan to go on a training programs and
for updates in technology on car electronics won’t surely affect the operation on their
local company. They should just implement a proper designation of employees to their
respective positions in order to maintain the operation while the other managers and
supervisors were away.

Set up Team Formal Meeting

The increasing demand of local and foreign customers that requires the employees be
sent to training to cope with the increasing demand for updated new products need a
very exclusive and wide formal discussion. In able for the company to have settled
plans and decisions upon sending some managers and supervisors to the mother
company in Japan that would cause the company to spend some money, everyone
should speak out because this training program would not only be beneficial for those
who are going to the said training but also for the development of the company’s
product for the greater good. This would help the management settle their plans with the
help of the organization’s ideas and suggestions.

Choose Among the Best

It is important for every company to have a constant development. If the said training
would cost some money, the company should choose less than 10 among the best
managers and supervisors that would go on the training outside the local company. This
would help the company to spend less and at the same time give these employees their
best performance and abilities in coping up with the development. Training provides
both the individuals and the organization as a whole with benefits that make the cost
and time a worthwhile investment. The return on investment from training and
development of employees is really a no brainer.

 Recommendation and Conclusion

The increasing demand of local and foreign customers that requires the employees be
sent to training to cope with the increasing demand for updated new products. The HR
manager of the ABC Corporation suggested that it would be ideal to send three
managers and eight supervisors to the mother company in Japan in order to undergo
training for two whole months. However, the Vice President of Finance and the
Operations Manager were not in favor of that suggestion. According to them, if this
suggestion was to be executed, there would be a shortage in personnel who handles
the production and it would go against the company’s current cost-cutting. They would
rather have technicians from the mother company to come over and train the
employees locally. With this, one of the Alternative Courses of Action is the
implementation of proper designation of employees to their respective positions in order
to maintain the operation while the other managers and supervisors were away. Another
one is for the company to have settled plans and decisions upon sending some
managers and supervisors to the mother company in Japan that would cause the
company to spend some money, through a formal meeting or discussion, everyone
should speak out because this training program would not only be beneficial for those
who are going to the said training but also for the development of the company’s
product for the greater good. As for the final decision, choosing only a handful of the
best employees could help lessen the cost to be acquired because the number of
trainees are lessened. Also, this option leaves more than enough supervisors and
managers to continue the seamless operations of the company. Training would give a
lot of benefits not only to the company but also for the development of the whole

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