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Project Report 2012

Voice controlled wheel chair


We thank Lord Almighty for the blessings he had bestowed on us which resulted in finalization of
our mini project.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to this institution, Ilahia College of Engineering &
Technology, Muvattupuzha & our Manager Mr.M.M.Mohammed Kunju for the worthy support
extended to us. We also thank our honourable Principal Dr.Babu Kurian, for providing us with best
facilities and atmosphere for our project development and its realization. We are grateful to the Head
of the Department, Asst. Prof. Robin Abraham, for his constant encouragement and support.

We are highly obliged to our mini project coordinators Asst. Prof. Ansal K.A & Asst.Prof. Melbin
George & also to our group guide Asst. Prof. Simy M Baby, for their valuable guidance and help
during the course of this project work. We also like to express our gratitude to the lab staffs who
helped us to make the project a success.

This acknowledgement will stand incomplete if our parents, friends, seniors & classmates are not
thanked for enduring their prayers and support to us, which was inevitable for the realization of this
work. Last but not the least we are thankful to each other in this project group for being co-operative,
patient and hardworking for the successful completion of this project.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

The project titled “VOICE CONTROLLED WHEEL CHAIR ” describes the design of a
simple, low-cost microcontroller based robot for helping disabled persons. Robot is an intelligent
agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. A robot is
usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming.

An embedded system is a system which is going to do a predefined specified task is the

embedded system and is even defined as combination of both software and hardware

A general-purpose definition of embedded systems is that they are devices used to control,
monitor or assist the operation of equipment, machinery or plant. "Embedded" reflects the fact that
they are an integral part of the system. In many cases their embeddedness may be such that their
presence is far from obvious to the casual observer and even the more technically skilled might need
to examine the operation of a piece of equipment for some time before being able to conclude that an
embedded control system was involved in its functioning. At the other extreme a general-purpose
computer may be used to control the operation of a large complex processing plant, and its presence
will be obvious.

All embedded systems are including computers or microprocessors. Some of these computers
are however very simple systems as compared with a personal computer.

The very simplest embedded systems are capable of performing only a single function or set
of functions to meet a single predetermined purpose. In more complex systems an application
program that enables the embedded system to be used for a particular purpose in a specific
application determines the functioning of the embedded system. The ability to have programs means
that the same embedded system can be used for a variety of different purposes. In some cases a
microprocessor may be designed in such a way that application software for a particular purpose can
be added to the basic software in a second process, after which it is not possible to make further
changes. The applications software on such processors is sometimes referred to as firmware.

The simplest devices consist of a single microprocessor (often called a "chip”), which may
itself be packaged with other chips in a hybrid system or Application Specific Integrated Circuit
(ASIC). Its input comes from a detector or sensor and its output goes to a switch or activator which
(for example) may start or stop the operation of a machine or, by operating a valve, may control the
flow of fuel to an engine.

As the embedded system is the combination of both software and hardware

Block diagram of Embedded System

Software deals with the languages like ALP, C, and VB etc., and Hardware deals with Processors,
Peripherals, and Memory.

Memory: It is used to store data or address.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

Peripherals: These are the external devices connected

Processor: It is an IC which is used to perform some task

Processors are classified into four types like:

1. Micro Processor (µp)

2. Micro controller (µc)

3. Digital Signal Processor (DSP)

4. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)

Micro Processor (µp):

It is an electronic chip which performs arithmetic and logical operations with assistance of internal




Fig. 1.1 :- Block Diagram of Micro Processor (µp)

Micro Controller (µc):

It is a highly integrated micro processor designed for specific use in embedded systems.

1.1 Introduction to applications of embedded system:

Embedded controllers may be found in many different kinds of system and are used for
many different applications. The list, which follows, is indicative rather than exhaustive. An item in
the list may be relevant to a particular company because either (a) it is or involves a core process or
product, (b) it is or involves an ancillary function or service performed by the company or (c) it
refers to a product or service provided by a contractor under some form of agreement and the
vulnerability of the supplier may need to be considered.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

List of applications of embedded systems:

Manufacturing and process control

Construction industry


Buildings and premises

Domestic service


Office systems and mobile equipment

Banking, finance and commercial

Medical diagnostics, monitoring and life support

Testing, monitoring and diagnostic systems

Industrial functions of embedded systems:

A manufacturing company has provided the following list of embedded systems:

Multi-loop control and monitoring - DCS, SCADA, telemetry Panel mounted devices - Control,
display, recording and operations.

Safety and security - Alarm and trip systems, fire and gas systems, buildings and facilities security.
Field devices - measurement, actuation.
Analytical systems - Laboratory systems; on-line/ plant systems.
Electrical supply - supply, measurement, control, protection.
Tools - for design, documentation, testing, maintenance.

Embedded systems compared with commercial systems:

The Year 2000 problem in embedded systems differs from the problem in commercial /
database / transaction processing systems (often referred to as IT systems) in a number of ways.
Firstly the user's problem may much lie much deeper than packages or applications software. It may
lie in and be inseparable from systems and operating software and from hardware, i.e. in the platform
on which the application software is based. When users of IT systems have hardware or operating
software problems they can and should be made the concern of the computer supplier: typically, this
is not the case with microprocessors and devices based on them.

Secondly in embedded systems the concern is often with intervals rather than with specific
dates: the need may be for an event to occur at 100-day intervals rather than on the 5th day of each
month. This has the implication that Year 2000 problems may reveal themselves both before and for
some time after 1 January 2000 and not at all on the date itself.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

The lifetime of embedded systems tends to be greater than that of commercial data processing
systems: they remain in use for longer without alteration to their software. Because their software
may therefore be older they are rendered more liable to Year 2000 problems.

The basic elements used in ‘VOICE CONTROLLED WHEEL CHAIR’ are :


The microcontroller used is 89C51/52. The features of this µcontroller are as follows:

• 8051/52 pin and instruction compatible

• Four 8-bit I/O ports (or 6 in 64/68 pins packages)

• Three 16-bit timer/counters

• 256 bytes scratch pad RAM

• 7 Interrupt sources with 4 priority levels

• ISP (In System Programming) using standard VCC power supply.

• Boot FLASH contains low level FLASH programming routines and a default serial


• High-Speed Architecture

• 40 MHz in standard mode


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

• 20 MHz in X2 mode (6 clocks/machine cycles)

• 64K bytes on-chip Flash program / data Memory

• Byte and page (128 bytes) erase and write

• 10k write cycles

• On-chip 1024 bytes expanded RAM (XRAM)

• Software selectable size (0, 256, 512, 768, 1024 bytes)

• 768 bytes selected at reset for T87C51RD2 compatibility

• 2 k bytes EEPROM block for data storage

• 100K Write cycle

• Programmable Counter Array with:

• High Speed Output,

• Compare / Capture,

• Power control modes:


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

• Idle Mode.

• Power-down mode.

A micro-controller can be compared to a small stand alone computer; it is a very powerful

device, which is capable of executing a series of pre-programmed tasks and interacting with other
hardware devices. Being packed in a tiny integrated circuit (IC) whose size and weight is usually
negligible, it is becoming the perfect controller for robots or any machines requiring some kind of
intelligent automation. A single microcontroller can be sufficient to control a small mobile robot, an
automatic washer machine or a security system. Any microcontroller contains a memory to store the
program to be executed, and a number of input/output lines that can be used to interact with other
devices, like reading the state of a sensor or controlling a motor.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

2.1.1 The 8051/52 microcontroller architecture :

Fig.2.1:- microcontroller architecture

The 8051/52 is the name of a big family of microcontrollers. The device which we are going
to use along this tutorial is the 'AT89C51' which is a typical 8051 microcontroller manufactured by
Atmel™. Note that this part doesn't aim to explain the functioning of the different components of an
89C51 microcontroller, but rather to give you a general idea of the organization of the chip and the
available features, which shall be explained in detail along this tutorial.

The block diagram provided by P89V5IRD2 in their datasheet showing the architecture the
89C51/52 device can seem very complicated, and since we are going to use the C high level
language to program it, a simpler architecture can be represented as in the figure

This figure shows the main features and components that the designer can interact with. You
can notice that the 89C51/52 has 4 different ports, each one having 8 Input/output lines providing a
total of 32 I/O lines. Those ports can be used to output DATA and orders do other devices, or to read
the state of a sensor, or a switch. Most of the ports of the 89C51/52 have 'dual function' meaning that
they can be used for two different functions: the first one is to perform input/output operations and
the second one is used to implement special features of the microcontroller like counting external
pulses, interrupting the execution of the program according to external events, performing serial data
transfer or connecting the chip to a computer to update the software.

Each port has 8 pins, and will be treated from the software point of view as an 8-bit variable
called 'register', each bit being connected to a different Input/output pin. You can also notice two
different memory types: RAM and EEPROM. Shortly, RAM is used to store variable during
program execution, while the EEPROM memory is used to store the program itself, that's why it is
often referred to as the 'program memory'. The memory organization will be discussed in detail later.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

The special features of the 89C51 microcontroller are grouped in the blue box at the bottom
of figure. At this stage of the tutorial, it is just important to note that the 89C51/52 incorporates
hardware circuits that can be used to prevent the processor from executing various repetitive tasks
and save processing power for more complex calculations. Those simple tasks can be counting the
number of external pulses on a pin, or generating precise timing sequences.

Fig. 2.2:- Pin configuration of 8051/52 microcontroller

It is clear that the CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the heart of the microcontrollers. It is the
CPU that will Read the program from the FLASH memory and execute it by interacting with the
different peripherals discussed above.

The above figure shows the pin configuration of the 89C51/52, where the function of each
pin is written next to it, and, if it exists, the dual function is written between brackets. The pins are
written in the same order as in the block diagram of 89C51/52, except for the VCC and GND pins
which I usually note at the top and the bottom of any device.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

Note that the pin that has dual functions can still be used normally as an input/output pin.
Unless you program uses their dual functions. All the 32 I/O pins of the microcontroller are
configured as input/output.

Most of the function of the pins of the 89C51/52 microcontroller will be discussed in detail,
except for the pins required to control an external memory, which are the pins number 29, 30 and 31.
Since we are not going to use any external memory, pins 29 and 30 will be ignored through all the
tutorial, and pin 31 (EA) always connected to VCC (5 Volts) to enable the micro-controller to use
the internal on chip memory rather than an external one (connecting the pin 31 to ground would
indicate to the microcontroller that an external memory is to be used instead of the internal one).

2.1.2. Memory organization

Typical register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

This base architecture is supported with on-chip peripheral functions like I/O ports,
timers/counters, versatile serial communication port. So it is clear that this 8051/52 architecture was
designed to cater many real time embedded needs. The following list gives the features of the
8051/52 architecture:

Optimized 8 bit CPU for control applications.

Extensive Boolean processing capabilities.

64K Program Memory address space.

64K Data Memory address space.

128 bytes of on-chip Data Memory.

32 Bi-directional and individually addressable I/O lines.

Three 16 bit timer/counters.

Full Duplex UART.

6-source / 5-vector interrupt structure with priority levels.

On-chip clock oscillator.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

Code Memory:

Code memory is the memory that holds the actual 8051/52 program that is to be run. This
memory is limited to 64K and comes in many shapes and sizes: Code memory may be found on-
chip, either burned into the microcontroller as ROM or EPROM. Code may also be stored
completely off-chip in an external ROM or, more commonly, an external EPROM. Flash RAM is
also another popular method of storing a program. Various combinations of these memory types may
also be used--that is to say, it is possible to have 4K of code memory on-chip and 64k of code
memory off-chip in an EPROM.

External RAM:

As an obvious opposite of Internal RAM, the 8051/52 also supports what is called External
RAM. As the name suggests, External RAM is any random access memory which is found off-chip.
Since the memory is off-chip it is not as flexible in terms of accessing, and is also slower. For
example, to increment an Internal RAM location by 1 requires only 1 instruction and 1 instruction
cycle. To increment a 1-byte value stored in External RAM requires 4 instructions and 7 instruction
cycles. In this case, external memory is 7 times slower! What External RAM loses in speed and
flexibility, it gains in quantity. While Internal RAM is limited to 128 bytes (256 bytes with an 8052),
the 8051/52 supports External RAM up to 64K. Programming Tip: The 8051/52 may only address
64k of RAM. To expand RAM beyond this limit requires programming and hardware tricks. You
may have to do this "by hand" since many compilers and assemblers, while providing support for
programs in excess of 64k, do not support more than 64k of RAM. This is rather strange since it has
been my experience that programs can usually fit in 64k but often RAM is what is lacking. Thus if
you need more than 64k of RAM, check to see if your compiler supports it-- but if it doesn't, be
prepared to do it by hand.

On-Chip Memory:

As mentioned at the beginning, the 8051/52 includes a certain amount of on-chip memory.
On-chip memory is really one of two types: Internal RAM and Special Function Register (SFR)
memory. As is illustrated in this map, the 8051/52 has a bank of 128 bytes of Internal RAM. This
Internal RAM is found on-chip on the 8051/52 so it is the fastest RAM available, and it is also the
most flexible in terms of reading, writing, and modifying its contents. Internal RAM is volatile, so
when the 8051 is reset this memory is cleared. The 128 bytes of internal ram is subdivided as shown
on the memory map. The first 8 bytes (00h - 07h) are "register bank 0". By manipulating certain
SFRs, a program may choose to use register banks 1, 2, or 3. These alternative register banks are
located in internal RAM in addresses 08h through 1Fh. We'll discuss "register banks" more in a later
chapter. For now it is sufficient to know that they "live" and are part of internal RAM.

Register Banks:

The 8051/52 uses 8 "R" registers which are used in many of its instructions. These "R"
registers are numbered from 0 through 7 (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, and R7). These registers are
generally used to assist in manipulating values and moving data from one memory location to


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

another. For example, to add the value of R4 to the Accumulator, we would execute the following


Thus if the Accumulator (A) contained the value 6 and R4 contained the value 3, the Accumulator
would contain the value 9 after this instruction was executed.

Internal RAM:

Programming Tip: If you only use the first register bank (i.e. bank 0), you may use Internal
RAM locations 08h through 1Fh for your own use. But if you plan to use register banks 1, 2, or 3, be
very careful about using addresses below 20h as you may end up overwriting the value of your "R"

Bit Memory :

The 8051/52, being a communications-oriented microcontroller, gives the user the ability
to access a number of bit variables. These variables may be either 1 or 0. There are 128 bit variables
available to the user, numbered 00h through 7Fh. The user may make use of these variables with
commands such as SETB and CLR. For example, to set bit number 24 (hex) to 1 you would execute
the instruction:

Special Function Register (SFR) Memory:

Special Function Registers (SFRs) are areas of memory that control specific functionality
of the 8051/52 processor. For example, four SFRs permit access to the 8051/52’s 32 input/output
lines. Another SFR allows a program to read or write to the 8051/52’s serial port. Other SFRs allow
the user to set the serial baud rate, control and access timers, and configure the 8051/52’s interrupt

2.1.3 8051/52 Microcontroller Register Banks Stacks :

The Accumulator


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

The Accumulator, as its name suggests, is used as a general register to accumulate the
results of a large number of instructions. It can hold an 8-bit (1-byte) value and is the most versatile
register the 8051/52 has due to the sheer number of instructions that make use of the accumulator.
More than half of the 8051/52’s 255 instructions manipulate or use the accumulator in some way.

For example, if you want to add the number 10 and 20, the resulting 30 will be stored in
the Accumulator. Once you have a value in the Accumulator you may continue processing the value
or you may store it in another register or in memory.

The "R" registers

The "R" registers are a set of eight registers that are named R0, R1, etc. up to and including
R7. These registers are used as auxiliary registers in many operations. To continue with the above
example, perhaps you are adding 10 and 20. The original number 10 may be stored in the
Accumulator whereas the value 20 may be stored in, say, register R4. To process the addition you
would execute the command:


After executing this instruction the Accumulator will contain the value 30.You may think
of the "R" registers as very important auxiliary, or "helper", registers. The Accumulator alone would
not be very useful if it were not for these "R" registers. The "R" registers are also used to temporarily
store values. For example, let’s say you want to add the values in R1 and R2 together and then
subtract the values of R3 and R4. One way to do this would be: MOV A,R3 ;Move the value of R3
into the accumulator ADD A,R4 ;Add the value of R4 MOV R5,A ;Store the resulting value
temporarily in R5 MOV A,R1 ;Move the value of R1 into the accumulator ADD A,R2 ;Add the
value of R2 SUBB A,R5 ;Subtract the value of R5 (which now contains R3 + R4)

As you can see, we used R5 to temporarily hold the sum of R3 and R4. Of course, this isn’t
the most efficient way to calculate (R1+R2) - (R3 +R4) but it does illustrate the use of the "R"
registers as a way to store values temporarily.

The "B" Register

The "B" register is very similar to the Accumulator in the sense that it may hold an 8-bit
(1-byte) value. The "B" register is only used by two 8051 instructions: MUL AB and DIV AB. Thus,
if you want to quickly and easily multiply or divide A by another number, you may store the other
number in "B" and make use of these two instructions. Aside from the MUL and DIV instructions,
the “B” register are often used as yet another temporary storage register much like a ninth "R"

The Data Pointer (DPTR)

The Data Pointer (DPTR) is the 8051’s only user-accessible 16-bit (2-byte) register. The
Accumulator, "R" registers, and "B" register are all 1-byte values. DPTR, as the name suggests, is


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

used to point to data. It is used by a number of commands which allow the 8051 to access external
memory. When the 8051 accesses external memory, it will access external memory at the address
indicated by DPTR. While DPTR is most often used to point to data in external memory, many
programmers often take advantage of the fact that it’s the only true 16-bit register available. It is
often used to store 2-byte values which have nothing to do with memory locations.

The Program Counter (PC)

The Program Counter (PC) is a 2-byte address which tells the 8051 where the next
instruction to execute is found in memory. When the 8051 is initialized PC always starts at 0000h
and is incremented each time an instruction is executed. It is important to note that PC isn’t always
incremented by one. Since some instructions require 2 or 3 bytes the PC will be incremented by 2 or
3 in these cases. The Program Counter is special in that there is no way to directly modify its value.
That is to say, you can’t do something like PC=2430h. On the other hand, if you execute LJMP
2430h you’ve effectively accomplished the same thing. It is also interesting to note that while you
may change the value of PC (by executing a jump instruction, etc.) there is no way to read the value
of PC. That is to say, there is no way to ask the 8051 "What address are you about to execute?" As it
turns out, this is not completely true: There is one trick that may be used to determine the current
value of PC. This trick will be covered in a later chapter.

The Stack Pointer (SP)

The Stack Pointer, like all registers except DPTR and PC, may hold an 8-bit (1-byte)
value. The Stack Pointer is used to indicate where the next value to be removed from the stack
should be taken from. When you push a value onto the stack, the 8051 first increments the value of
SP and then stores the value at the resulting memory location. When you pop a value off the stack,
the 8051 returns the value from the memory location indicated by SP and then decrements the value
of SP. This order of operation is important. When the 8051 is initialized SP will be

initialized to 07h. If you immediately push a value onto the stack, the value will be stored in Internal
RAM address 08h. This makes sense taking into account what was mentioned two paragraphs above:
First the 8051 will increment the value of SP (from 07h to 08h) and then will store the pushed value
at that memory address (08h). SP is modified directly by the 8051 by six instructions: PUSH, POP,
ACALL, LCALL, RET, and RETI. It is also used intrinsically whenever an interrupt is triggered
(more on interrupts later. Don’t worry about them for now!).

The 8051 is a flexible microcontroller with a relatively large number of modes of operations. Your
program may inspect and/or change the operating mode of the 8051 by manipulating the values of
the 8051's Special Function Registers (SFRs).


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

SFRs are accessed as if they were normal Internal RAM. The only difference is that
Internal RAM is from address 00h through 7Fh whereas SFR registers exist in the address range of
80h through FFh.

Each SFR has an address (80h through FFh) and a name. As you can see, although the address range
of 80h through FFh offers 128 possible addresses, there are only 21 SFRs in a standard 8051. All
other addresses in the SFR range (80h through FFh) are considered invalid. Writing to or reading
from these registers may produce undefined values or behavior.

SFR Types

As mentioned in the chart itself, the SFRs that have a blue background are SFRs related
to the I/O ports. The 8051 has four I/O ports of 8 bits, for a total of 32 I/O lines. Whether a given I/O
line is high or low and the value read from the line are controlled by the SFRs in green. The SFRs
with yellow backgrounds are SFRs which in some way control the operation or the configuration of
some aspect of the 8051. For example, TCON controls the timers, SCON controls the serial port. The
remaining SFRs, with green backgrounds, are "other SFRs." These SFRs can be thought of as
auxiliary SFRs in the sense that they don't directly configure the 8051 but obviously the 8051 cannot
operate without them. For example, once the serial port has been configured using SCON, the
program may read or write to the serial port using the SBUF register.

TCON (Timer Control, Addresses 88h, Bit-Addressable):-

The Timer Control SFR is used to configure and modify the way in which the 8051's two
timers operate. This SFR controls whether each of the two timers is running or stopped and contains
a flag to indicate that each timer has overflowed. Additionally, some non-timer related bits are
located in the TCON SFR. These bits are used to configure the way in which the external interrupts
are activated and also contain the external interrupt flags which are set when an external interrupt has

TMOD (Timer Mode, Addresses 89h):

The Timer Mode SFR is used to configure the mode of operation of each of the two
timers. Using this SFR your program may configure each timer to be a 16-bit timer, an 8-bit auto-
reload timer, a 13-bit timer, or two separate timers. Additionally, you may configure the timers to
only count when an external pin is activated or to count "events" that are indicated on an external


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

TL0/TH0 (Timer 0 Low/High, Addresses 8Ah/8Ch):

These two SFRs, taken together, represent timer 0. Their exact behavior depends on how
the timer is configured in the TMOD SFR; however, these timers always count up. What is
configurable is how and when they increment in value.

TL1/TH1 (Timer 1 Low/High, Addresses 8Bh/8Dh):

These two SFRs, taken together, represent timer 1. Their exact behavior depends on how
the timer is configured in the TMOD SFR; however, these timers always count up. What is
configurable is how and when they increment in value.

SCON (Serial Control, Addresses 98h, Bit-Addressable):

The Serial Control SFR is used to configure the behavior of the 8051's on-board serial
port. This SFR controls the baud rate of the serial port, whether the serial port is activated to receive
data, and also contains flags that are set when a byte is successfully sent or received.

SBUF (Serial Control, Addresses 99h):

The Serial Buffer SFR is used to send and receive data via the on-board serial port. Any
value written to SBUF will be sent out the serial port's TXD pin. Likewise, any value which the 8051
receives via the serial port's RXD pin will be delivered to the user program via SBUF. In other
words, SBUF serves as the output port when written to and as an input port when read from.

2.1.4. 8051 Ports Structures And Operations

There are four ports P0, P1, P2 and P3 each use 8 pins, making them 8-bit ports. All the
ports upon RESET are configured as output, ready to be used as output ports. To use any of these
ports as an input port, it must be programmed. A logic state (voltage) on any pin can be changed or


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

read at any moment. A logic zero (0) and logic one (1) are not equal. Logic one (0) represents almost
short circuit to ground. Such a pin is configured as output. A logic one (1) is “loosely” connected to
voltage power supply through resistors of high resistance. Since this voltage can be easily “pulled
down” by an external signal, such a pin is configured as input.

Port 0:

It occupies a total of 8 pins (pins 32-39) .It can be used for input or output. To use the
pins of port 0 as both input and output ports, each pin must be connected externally to a 10K ohm
pull-up resistor. This is due to the fact that P0 is an open drain, unlike P1, P2, and P3.Open drain is a
term used for MOS chips in the same way that open collector is used for TTL chips. With external
pull-up resistors connected upon reset, port 0 is configured as an output port. Another characteristic
is expressed when it is configured as output. Namely, unlike other ports consisting of pins with
embedded pull-up resistor (connected by its end to 5 V power supply), this resistor is left out here.
This, apparently little change has its consequences: If any pin on this port is configured as input then
it performs as if it “floats”. Such input has unlimited input resistance and has no voltage coming
from “inside”.

Port 1:

Port 1 occupies a total of 8 pins (pins 1 through 8). It can be used as input or output. In
contrast to port 0, this port does not need any pull-up resistors since it already has pull-up resistors
internally. Upon reset, Port 1 is configured as an output port. This is a true I/O port, because there
are no role assigning as it is the case with P0. Since it has embedded pull-up resistors it is completely
compatible with TTL circuits.

Port 2:

Similar to P0, when using external memory, lines on this port occupy addresses intended
for external memory chip. This time it is the higher address byte with addresses A8-A15. When there
is no additional memory, this port can be used as universal input-output port similar by its features to
the port 1. Port 2 occupies a total of 8 pins (pins 21- 28). It can be used as input or output. Just like
P1, P2 does not need any pull-up resistors since it already has pull-up resistors internally. Upon
reset, Port 2 is configured as an output port.

Port 3:

Even though all pins on this port can be used as universal I/O port, they also have an
alternative function. Since each of these functions use inputs, then the appropriate pins have to be
configured like that. In other words, prior to using some of reserve port functions, a logical one (1)
must be written to the appropriate bit in the P3 register. From hardware’s perspective, this port is
also similar to P0, with the difference that its outputs have a pull-up resistor embedded. It occupies a
total of 8 pins, pins 10 through 17. It can be used as input or output. P3 does not need any pull-up
resistors, the same as P1 and P2 did not. Although port 3 is configured as an output port upon reset,
port 3 has the additional function of providing some extremely important signals such as interrupts.
This information applies both 8051 and 8031 chips system.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

2.1.5 .AT 89S51 Timers:

The 8051 comes equipped with two timers, both of which may be controlled, set, read,
and configured individually. The 8051 timers have three general functions: 1) Keeping time and/or
calculating the amount of time between events, 2) Counting the events themselves, or 3) Generating
baud rates for the serial port.

The three timer uses are distinct so we will talk about each of them separately. The
first two uses will be discussed in this chapter while the use of timers for baud rate generation will be
discussed in the chapter relating to serial ports.

Timer SFRs

As mentioned before, the 8051 has two timers which each function essentially the
same way. One timer is TIMER0 and the other is TIMER1. The two timers share two SFRs (TMOD
and TCON) which control the timers, and each timer also has two SFRs dedicated solely to itself
(TH0/TL0 and TH1/TL1).We’ve given SFRs names to make it easier to refer to them, but in reality
an SFR has a numeric


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

The SFRs relating to timers are:

SFR Name Description SFR Address

TH0 Timer 0 High Byte 8Ch

TL0 Timer 0 Low Byte 8Ah

TH1 Timer 1 High Byte 8Dh

TL1 Timer 1 Low Byte 8Bh

TCON Timer Control 88h

TMOD Timer Mode 89h


Obviously, one of the primary uses of timers is to measure time. We will discuss this
use of timers first and will subsequently discuss the use of timers to count events. When a timer is
used to measure time it is also called an "interval timer" since it is measuring the time of the interval
between two events.

13-bit Time Mode (mode 0)

Timer mode "0" is a 13-bit timer. This is a relic that was kept around in the 8051 to
maintain compatibility with its predecessor, the 8048. Generally the 13-bit timer mode is not used in
new development. When the timer is in 13-bit mode, TLx will count from 0 to 31. When TLx is
incremented from 31, it will "reset" to 0 and increment THx. Thus, effectively, only 13 bits of the
two timer bytes are being used: bits 0-4 of TLx and bits 0-7 of THx. This also means, in essence, the
timer can only contain 8192 values. If you set a 13-bit timer to 0, it will overflow back to zero 8192
machine cycles later.

16-bit Time Mode (mode 1)

Timer mode "1" is a 16-bit timer. This is a very commonly used mode. It functions
just like 13-bit mode except that all 16 bits are used. TLx is incremented from 0 to 255. When TLx is
incremented from 255, it resets to 0 and causes THx to be incremented by 1. Since this is a full 16-
bit timer, the timer may contain up to 65536 distinct values. If you set a 16-bit timer to 0, it will
overflow back to 0 after 65,536 machine cycles.

8-bit Time Mode (mode 2)

Timer mode "2" is an 8-bit auto-reload mode. When a timer is in mode 2, THx holds
the "reload value" and TLx is the timer itself. Thus, TLx starts counting up. When TLx reaches 255


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

and is subsequently incremented, instead of resetting to 0 (as in the case of modes 0 and 1), it will be
reset to the value stored in THx.


The L293 and L293D are quadruple high-current half-H drivers. The L293 is designed to provide
bidirectional drive currents of up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. The L293D is designed to
provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. Both devices
are designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, dc and bipolar stepping motors, as
well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in positive-supply applications.

All inputs are TTL compatible. Each output is a complete totem-pole drive circuit, with a
Darlington transistor sink and a pseudo-Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs, with drivers
1 and 2 enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is high, the
associated drivers are enabled and their outputs are active and in phase with their inputs. When the
enable input is low, those drivers are disabled and their outputs are off and in the high-impedance
state. With the proper data inputs, each pair of drivers forms a full-H (or bridge) reversible drive
suitable for solenoid or motor applications.

On the L293, external high-speed output clamp diodes should be used for inductive transient
suppression. A VCC1 terminal, separate from VCC2, is provided for the logic inputs to minimize
device power dissipation. The L293and L293D are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair


Featuring Unit rode L293 and L293D

Wide Supply-Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 36 V

Separate Input-Logic Supply

Internal ESD Protection

Thermal Shutdown

High-Noise-Immunity Inputs

Functional Replacements for SGS L293 and SGS L293D

Output Current 1 A Per Channel (600 mA for L293D)

Peak Output Current 2 A Per Channel (1.2 A for L293D)

Output Clamp Diodes for Inductive

Transient Suppression (L293D)

Fig.2.5:- Pin Configuration of L293D, Motor Driver IC



Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

EasyVR is the second generation version of the successful VRbot Module. It is a multi-purpose
speech recognition module designed to easily add versatile, robust and cost effective speech
recognition capabilities to virtually any application.
The EasyVR module can be used with any host with an UART interface powered at 3.3V – 5V, such
as PIC and Arduino boards. Some application examples include home automation, such as voice
controlled light switches, locks or beds, or adding “hearing” to the most popular robots on the

 A host of built-in Speaker Independent (SI) commands for ready to run basic controls,
in the followings languages:
o English (US)
o Italian
o German
o French
o Spanish
o Japanese
 Supports up to 32 user-defined Speaker Dependent (SD) triggers or commands as
well as Voice Passwords. SD custom commands can be spoken in ANY language.
 Easy-to-use and simple Graphical User Interface to program Voice Commands and
 Module can be used with any host with an UART interface (powered at 3.3V - 5V)
 Simple and robust documented serial protocol to access and program through the host
 3 GPIO lines (IO1, IO2, IO3) that can be controlled by new protocol commands.
 PWM audio output that supports 8 ohm speakers.
 Sound playback feature.


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

Physical dimensions and pin assignment


Format of command strings accepted by the module. Please note that numeric arguments of command
requests are mapped to upper-case letters (see above section).



Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair

Abort recognition, training or playback in progress if any or do nothing

'b' Known issues:

h) In firmware ID 0, any other character received during recognition will prevent this
command from stopping recognition, that will continue until timeout or other
recognition results.

Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS, STS_INTERR


's' Go to the specified power-down mode

(73h) Sleep mode (0-8):

0 = wake on received character only

1 = wake on whistle or received character

Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


'k' Set SI knob to specified level

(6Bh) Confidence threshold level (0-4):

0 = loosest:more valid results

2 = typical value (default)

Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


'v' Set SD level

(76h) Strictness control setting (1-5):

1 = easy

2 = default
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


Project Report 2012
Voice controlled wheel chair


'l' Set SI language

(6Ch) Language:

0 = English

1 = Italian

2 = Japanese
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS



'o' Set recognition timeout

[1] Timeout (-1 = default, 0 = infinite, 1-31 = seconds)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


'i' Activate SI recognition from specified wordset

[1] Wordset index (0-3)


't' Train specified SD/SV command

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Command position (0-31)


'g' Insert new SD/SV command

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Position (0-31)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS, STS_OUT_OF_MEM


'u' Remove SD/SV command

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Position (0-31)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS

'd' Activate SD/SV recognition
[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)


'e' Erase training of SD/SV command

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Command position (0-31)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS

'n' Label SD/SV command

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Command position (0-31)
[3] Length of label (0-31)
[4-n] Text for label (ASCII characters from 'A' to '`')
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


'c' Request count of SD/SV commands in the specified group

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
Expected replies: STS_COUNT


'p' Read SD/SV command data (label and training)

[1] Group index (0 = trigger, 1-15 = generic, 16 = password)
[2] Command position (0-31)
Expected replies: STS_DATA


'm' (6Dh) Request bit-mask of non-empty groups

Expected replies: STS_MASK


'r' Reset all commands and groups

'R' Confirmation character
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS

'x' (78h) Request firmware identification

Expected replies: STS_ID


'y' Set transmit delay

[1] Time (0-10 = 0-10 ms, 11-19 = 20-100 ms, 20-28 = 200-1000 ms)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS

'a' Set communication baud-rate

(61h) Speed mode:

1 = 115200

2 = 57600

Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS


'q' Configure, query or modify general purpose I/O pins

[1] Pin number (1 = pin IO1, 2 = pin IO2, 3 = pin IO3)
Pin mode (0 = output low, 1 = output high, 2 = input*, 3 = input strong**, 4 = input weak***)

* High impedance input (no pull-up)

Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS (mode 0-1), STS_PIN (mode 2-4)


'w' Wave table entry playback

[1-2] Two 5-bit values that form a 10-bit index to the sound table (index = [1] * 32 + [2])
[3] Playback volume (0-31, 0 = min volume, 15 = full scale, 31 = double gain)
Expected replies: STS_SUCCESS, STS_ERROR


'h' (68h) Read wave table data

Expected replies: STS_TABLE_SX, STS_OUT_OF_MEM

2.7 DC Gear Motor :

DC motors in vehicle convert chemical energy into mechanical energy

Constant mechanical power output or constant torque

Rapid acceleration or deceleration

Extensively used as a positioning device because its speed as well as torque can be
controlled precisely over a wide range

12v, 35rpm

Applications – in automobiles, robots, VCRs, movie camera, electric vehicles, in steel

and aluminum rolling mills, electric trains, overhead cranes, control devices, etc.

Fig. dc gear motor

fig.3 block diagram of voice controlled wheel chair


Here we use a voice recognisation module to control performance of the micro controller
and there by control the movement or rotation of the motor. This is the basic working
principle of the ‘voice controlled wheel chair’.

Voice is given to the voice recognition module through a microphone. Voice recognition
module is trained by giving the 5 commands.The five commands are converted into hex
file. These hex file points 5 address locations of AT89s52 microcontroller. When
command is given the program in the corresponding address location is executed and
chair moves accordingly.

An additional joystick is also used to control the rotation of motor, this is connected to the
micro controller and the micro controller is also programmed to respond the input from
the joystick.

Fig. circuit diagram of voice controlled wheel chair



Fig.5.1. PCB Layout


5.1.1. Printed
Circuit Board

Now a days
the printed circuit
board here after
mention as PBC’s
makes the electronic
circuit manufacturing
as easy one. In olden days vast area was required to implement a small circuit to connect the
leads of the components and separate connectors were needed. But PCBs connects the two by
copper coated lines on the PCB boards. In the single sided PCBs the copper layer is on both
sides. Some cases, middle layer is also possible than the two sides.
The most popular board types are
SINGLE-SIDED BOARDS: They are mainly used in entertainment electronics where
manufacturing costs have to be kept at the minimum.

DOUBLE-SIDED BOARDS: Double sided PCBs can be made with or without plated through
holes. The production of boards with plated through holes is fairly expensive.

5.1.2. Manufacturing Process

First, the wanted circuit is drawn on paper and it is modified or designed PCB layout
is to be drawn on the plain copper coated board. These boards are available in two types:
Phenolic, Glass eproxy

Most computers PCBs are glass eproxy. To draw circuit diagram we can use the
black colour paints. Before that the required size of the plane PCB board is determined
from the roughly drawn PCB layout. Using black paint the desired circuit is drawn on the

5.1.3. Layout Approaches

The first rule is to prepare each and every PCB layout as viewed from the component
side. Another important rule is not to start the designing of a layout unless an absolutely clear
circuit diagram is available, if necessary, with a component lists. Among the components the
larger ones are placed first and the space between is filled with smaller ones. Components
requiring input / output connections come near the connectors. All components are placed in
such a manner that disordering of the components is not necessary if they have to be replaced.

In the designing of a PCB layout it is very important to divide the circuit into
functional subunits. Each of these subunits should be realized on a defined portion of the board.
In the designing the inter connections which are usually done by pencil lines, actual space
requirements in the artwork must be considered. In addition the layout can be rather roughly
sketched and will still be clear enough for artwork designer.

5.1.4. Board Cleaning

The cleaning of the copper surface prior to resist applications in an essential step
for any types of PCB process using etch or plating resist. Insufficient cleaning is one of
the reasons most often encountered for difficulties in PCB fabrication although it might
not always be immediately recognized as this. But it is quiet often the reasons of poor-
resist adhesion, uneven photo-resist films, pinholes, poor plating adhesion, etc. Where
cleaning has to be done with simplest means or only for a limited quantity of PCBs,
manual-cleaning process is mainly used. In the process we require just a sink with
running water, pumice powder, scrubbing brushes and suitable tanks.
5.1.5. Screen Printing

This process is particularly suitable for large production schemes. However the
preparation of a screen can also be economically attractive for series of 1000 PCBs
.Below, while photo printing is basically the non-accurate method to transfer a pattern on
to a board surface. With the screen-printing process one can produce PCBs with a
conduction of as low as 0.5 + or – and a registration error of 0.1mm on an industrial scale
with a high reliability. In its basic form, a screen fabric with uniform meshes and
opening is stretched and fixed on a solid frame of metal or wood. The circuit pattern is
photographically transferred onto the screen, leaving the meshes in the pattern open,
while the meshes in the rest of the area are closed. In the actual printing step, ink forced
by the moving squeegee through the open meshes onto the surface of the material to be

5.1.6. Plating

From a practical stand port, printed circuit boards may have to be stocked before
being taken for assembly of components. It is expected that the circuit board retain its
solder ability for long periods of several months so that reliable solder joints can be
produced during assembly. Plating of a metal can be accomplished on a copper pattern by
three methods. They are:
Immersion plating

Electro less plating


5.1.7. Etching

This can be done both by manual and mechanical ways by immersing the board onto a
solution of formic chloride and hydrochloric acid and finally cleaning the board by soap. In all
subtractive PCB processes, etching is one of the most important steps. The copper pattern is
formed by selective removal of all unwanted copper, which is not protected by an etch resist.
This looks very simple at first glance but in practice there are factors like under etching and
overhang which complicate the matter especially in the production of fine and highly precise
PCBs. Etching of PCBs as required in modern electronic equipment production, is usually
done in spray type etching machines.

5.1.8. Components Placing

The actual location of components in the layout is responsible for the problems
to be placed during routing of the interconnections. In a highly sensitive circuit the critical
components are placed first and in such a manner as to require minimum length for the
critical conductors. In less critical circuit the components are arranged exactly in the
order of signal flow. This will result in a minimum overall conductor length. In a circuit
where a few components have considerably more connecting points than the others.
These key components are placed first and the remaining ones are grouped around them.

The general result to be aimed at is always to get shortest possible

interconnections. The bending of the axial component leads is done in a manner to
guarantee an optimum retention of the component of the PCB. The lead bending radius
should be approximately two times the lead diameter. Horizontally mounted resistors
must touch the board surface to avoid lifting of solder joints along with the copper pattern
under pressure on the resistor body. Vertically mounted resistors should not be flush to
the board surface to avoid strain on the solder joints as well as on the component lead
junction due to different thermal expansion coefficients of lead and board materials,
where necessary resilient spaces to be provided. Coated or sealed components should to
be mounted in such to provide a certain length along the leads. Especially when plated
through holes where the solder flows up in the hole, clean lead of at least 1 mm above the
board are recommended.
5.1.9. Drilling

Drilling of component mounting holes into PCBs is by far the most important
mechanical machining operation in PCB production processes. Holes are made by drilling
wherever a superior hole finish for plated-through hole processes is required and where
the tooling costs for a punching tool cannot be justified. Therefore drilling is applied for all
the professional grade PCB manufacturers and generally in smaller PCB production
laboratories. The importance of hole drilling into PCB has further gone up with electronic
component miniaturization and it needs smaller hole diameters and higher package density
where hole punching is practically ruled out.

5.1.10. Soldering

Soldering is a process for the joining of metal parts with the aid of a molten metal
(solder), where the melting temperature is suited below that of the material joined, and whereby
the surface of the parts are wetted, without then becoming molten. Soldering generally
implied that the joining process occurs at temperatures below 450-degree centigrade. Solder
wets and alloys with the base metals and gets drawn, by capillary action, into the gap between
them. This process forms a metallurgical bond between the parts of the joint. Therefore soldier
acts by Wetting of base metal surfaces forming joint flowing between these surfaces, which
result in a completely filled space between them. Metallurgical bonding to these surfaces when
soldered. Soldering consists of the relative positioning of the surfaces to be joined, wetting
these surfaces with molten solder and allowing the solder to cool down until it has
solidified. During these soldering operation, an auxiliary medium is mostly used to increase
the flow properties of molten solder or to improve the degree of wetting . Such a medium
is called flux.
Flowing characteristics are required in a flux:
It should provide a liquid cover over the materials and exclusive air up

To the soldering temperature.

It should dissolve any oxide on the metal surface or on the solder and carry such unwanted
elements away.

It should be readily displaced from the metal by the molten soldering Operation.

Residues should be removable after completion of the solder. To achieve a soldered joint the
solder and the base metal must be heated above the melting point of the solder used. The
method by which the necessary heat is applied, among other things depends on:

Nature and type of the joint

Melting point of the solder

5.1.11. Flux

Generally applied soldering methods are iron soldering, torch soldering, mass soldering,
electrical soldering furnace soldering and other methods. Components are basically mounted
only one side of the board. In double-sided PCBs, the component side is usually opposite to the
major conductor pattern side, unless otherwise dictated by special design requirements. The
performance and reliability of solder joints give best result covered with solder and herewith
contributing to the actual solder connections. However, lead cutting after soldering is still
common in particular in smaller industries where hand soldering is used. With the soldered PCB
many contaminants can be found which may produce. Difficulties with the functioning of the
circuit. The problems usually arise at a much later than during the final functioning testing of
the board in the factory. Among the contaminants, we can typically find flux, chips of
plastics, metals and other constructional materials, plating sails, oils greases environmental
soil and other processing materials.

The following performances are expected from the cleaning procedure with
the appropriate cleaning medium:
Dissolution or dissolving of organic liquids and solids, e.g., oils, greases, resin flux.
Removal of plating salts and silicone oils.

Displacing of particulate and other insoluble matters, e.g., chips, dust, and lint.

No severe attacks on boards and components to be cleaned, no alteration of ink or paint

notations and last but not the least, compatibility with healthy environmental working
5.1.12. CAD in Lab

First the PCB layout is designed by ORCAD. The printout is taken from the
computer (of large size) for out clearance. This layer is given to the photography section
to get the layout. This photographic image is exposed in the following three methods:



Five star

The exposed mesh is placed on plain copper coated board in correct alignment by
using wooden clamps paint flow through the board and the layout lines are made on the boards.


6.1. KIEL C :

keil compiler is a software used where the machine language code is written
andcompiled. After compilation, the machine source code is converted into
hex code whichi s t o b e d u m p e d i n t o t h e m i c r o c o n t r o l l e r f o r f u r t h e r
p r o c e s s i n g . K e i l c o m p i l e r a l s o supports C language code.



1.Install the Keil Software in the PC in any of the drives.

2.After installation, an icon will be created with the name “Keil

u V i s i o n 3 ” . J u s t drag this icon onto the desktop so that it becomes easy whenever you
try to write programs in keil.

3.Double click on this icon to start the keil compiler.

4 . A p a g e o p en s w i t h d i f f e r e n t o p t i o n s i n i t s h o w i n g t h e p r o j e c t
w o r k s p a c e a t t h e leftmost corner side, output window in the bottom and an ash
coloured space for the program to be written.
5.Now to start using the keil, click on the option “project”.

6.A small window opens showing the options like new project, import
project, open project etc. Click on “New project”.

7.A small window with the title bar “Create new project” opens. The window
askst h e u s e r t o g i v e t h e p r o j e c t
n a m e w i t h w h i c h i t s h o u l d b e c r e a t e d a n d t h e destination location.
The project can be created in any of the drives available. Youcan create a new folder and
then a new file or can create directly a new file.

8.After the file is saved in the given destination location, a window

o p en s w h e r e a list of vendors will be displayed and you have to select the
device for the targetyou have created.

9.The most widely used vendor is Atmel. So click on Atmel and now
t h e f a m i l y o f microcontrollers manufactured by Atmel opens. You can
select any one of themicrocontrollers according to the requirement.

10.When you click on any one of the microcontrollers, the features of

thatparticular m i c r o c o n t r o l l e r w i l l b e d i s p l a y e d o n t h e
r i g h t s i d e o f t h e p a g e . T h e m o s t appropriate microcontroller with which
most of the projects can be implementedis the AT89C51. Click on this microcontroller
and have a look at its features. Nowclick on “OK” to select this microcontroller.

11.A small window opens asking whether to copy the startup code into the
file youhave created just now. Just click on “No” to proceed further.

12.Now you can see the TARGET and SOURCE GROUP created
i n t h e p r o j e c t workspace.
13.Now click on “File” and in that “New”. A new page opens and
y o u c a n s t a r t writing program in it.

14.After the program is completed, save it with any name

b u t w i t h t h e . a s m extension. Save the program in the file you have created earlier.

15.You can notice that after you save the program, the predefined keywords
will behighlighted in bold letters.

16.Now add this file to the target by giving a right click on the source group. A list
of options open and in that select “Add files to the source group”. Check for this
filewhere you have saved and add it.

17.Right click on the target and select the first option “Options for target”. A
windowopens with different options like device, target, output etc. First click on “target”.

18.Since the set frequency of the microcontroller is 11.0592 MHz to interface

withthe PC, just enter this frequency value in the Xtal (MHz) text area and
put a tick on the Use on-chip ROM. This is because the program what
we write here in thekeil will later be dumped into the microcontroller and will be
stored in the inbuiltROM in the microcontroller.

19.Now click the option “Output” and give any name to the hex file to be
created inthe “Name of executable” text area and put a tick to the “Create HEX file”
option present in the same window. The hex file can be created in any of the drives.
Youcan change the folder by clicking on “Select folder for Objects”.

20.Now to check whether the program you have written is errorlessor

not, click onthe icon exactly below the “Open file” icon which is nothing but
Build Targeticon. You can even use the shortcut key F7 to compile the program
written.21.To check for the output, there are several windows like serial
window, memorywindow, project window etc. Depending on the program you have
written, selectthe appropriate window to see the output by entering into debug
mode.22.The icon with the letter “d” indicates the debug mode.23.Click on this icon
and now click on the option “View” and select the appropriatewindow to check
for the output.24.After this is done, click the icon “debug” again to come out of the debug
mode.25.The hex file created as shown earlier will be dumped into the microcontroller
withthe help of another software called Proload

Fig.6.1:-Screenshot of Keil C51 Compiler

The Easy VR Commander software can be used to easily configure your EasyVR module
connected to your PC through an adapter board, or by using the microcontroller host
board with the provided “bridge” program (available for ROBONOVA controller board,
Arduino 2009/UNO, Parallax Basic Stamp). The user can define groups of commands or
passwords and generate a basic code template to handle them. It is required to edit the
generated code to implement the application logic, but the template contains all the
functions or subroutines to handle the speech recognition tasks.

Fig.6.2 screen shot of EASY VR COMMANDER

Speech recognition
The recognition function of the EasyVR works on a single group at a time, so that users
need to group together all the commands that they want to be able to use at the same time.

When EasyVR Commander connects to the module, it reads back all the user-defined
commands and groups, which are stored into the EasyVR module non-volatile memory.

The user can add a new command by first selecting the group in which the command needs to
be created and then using the toolbar icons or the “Edit” menu.

A command should be given a label and then it should be trained twice with the user's voice: the
user will be guided throughout this process (see Figure 2) when the "Train Command" action is

Figure 2 – Guided training dialog

If any error happens, command training will be cancelled. Errors may happen when the user’s
voice is not heard correctly, there is too much background noise or when the second word heard
is too different from the first one.

The software will also alert if a command is too similar to another one by specifying the index of
the conflicting command in the "Conflict" column. For example, in the following Figure 3 the
command "TEST_CMD_ONE" sounds too similar to "TEST_CMD_ZERO" (i.e. they have been
trained with a similar pronunciation).
Figure 3 – Conflicting commands

The current status is displayed in the EasyVR Commander list view where groups that
already contain commands are highlighted in bold.

The selected group of commands can also be tested, by using the icon on the toolbar or the
“Tools” menu, to make sure the trained commands can be recognized successfully.
Download a new Sou nd Table

The EasyVR can also play one of the sounds or sentences saved on the internal flash memory. A

“beep” sound is also always available, even when no sounds have been downloaded to the module.

The custom sounds are organized in a so-called “sound table”, that users can prepare and build with the
special QuickSynthesis tool. Please refer to this application’s own manual for details about creation of a
sound table.

Once the sound table has been created, it can be processed by the EasyVR Commander and downloaded
to the module. The user must first disconnect from the module and do the steps required to start it in “boot-
mode” (see the section FLASH UPDATE).

Now the command “Update Sound Table” is enabled, either on the toolbar or the “Tools” menu, and it can
be used to start the update process.
Figure 4

First the user will be prompted to open the QuickSynthesis project file just created and a new sound table
will be generated.

The project must have been built already with the QuickSynthesis tool, before the sound table
generation can be completed successfully. If a recent build is not available the user will receive a warning
message, the project can be opened in QuickSynthesis again and a fresh build started (make sure the
project file has been saved before the build).

Once back in the EasyVR Commander the project can be reloaded by pressing the “Refesh” button. If
Project Report 2012 Voice controlled wheel chair

process completes successfully, the “Download” button will be enabled and the flash update
process can start.

The download process will connect at a higher speed to the EasyVR module, so the “bridge”
program running on your host device might not work (in particular Robonova and Basic Stamp
cannot be used for this purpose) and you might need a true “serial adapter”.

The full speed used is 230400 bit/s, but the option “Slow transfer” can be used to reduce it to
115200. One adapter that can go to full speed is the VoiceGP DevBoard. Otherwise any
USB/Serial adapter with TTL/CMOS interface can be used for updating the flash.

After the download completes, a new connection can be established with the EasyVR module (in
“normal- mode”) and the new sounds will be displayed by the EasyVR Commander, in the
special group “SoundTable” (the last one in the list with a yellow icon).

They can be played back and tested using the “Play Sound” command on the toolbar or in the
“Tools” menu. See also how to do that in your application in the code example USE CUSTOM SOUND


Project Report 2012 Voice controlled wheel chair

It reduces the amount of user effort required to pull and push the wheels

Safe and secure

Users who cannot use their arms can use the voice to control the wheel chair

Limitation in Languages

Speech problems

GPS Navigation can be embedded into this for using this outdoor.

Movement of wheelchair can be controlled by motion of head.

The voice controlled wheel chair is implemented, this gives a new life to the disabled







Project Report 2012 Voice controlled wheel chair



1. Linear Integrated Circuits- Ramakant A.Gayakwad

2. Electronics Devices and Circuits-J B Gupta

3. D.Roy Choudhary, Shalin B. Jain- Linear Integrated Circuits [book].

4. Kumar N. Suresh- Electronics Device & Circuits [book]. - 2008.

6. The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems – Muhammad Ali Mazidi

7. The 8051 microcontroller architecture, programming, & applications – Kennet J



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