Blank Code

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Assignment 10


-p (prime) = 43

-q (prime)= 47

-e (part of the public key)= 155

To nd - d(part of the private key);

The relation between d and e is

d*e = 1 mod Eulersphi(n) ;

For doing this we use the function Modinv to nd the mod inverse of ‘e’, which is
basically equal to ‘d’.

And we obtain the value of ‘d’ as 1583, from this calculation.

Alice sends the message -

m = “2101-CON101 INTRODUCTION TO COMP.SC. amp; ENG” to bob,

here in the code we use b string as we want the literals representing the integers to be
between 0 and 255, along with the digital signature and bob reviews whether h is equal to
h(m) produced or not and prints out the validity of the signature if needed. Here we
named the values h(m),h as hashm and hash and checked the validity(correct or
unaltered), and to print the digest of the message we used Messagesent.digest()
command and printed out the digest of the hash value h(m).

e = 155

p = 43

q = 47

n = p*q

def Eulersphi(t):

return (p-1)*(q-1)

print("Eulersphi function is:", Eulersphi(n))

key1 = n,e

print("Public key (n,e)= ",key1)

# Modinv returns e −1 mod Eulersphi(n)

def Modinv(k,h):

for i in range(h):

if (k*i)%h==1:

return i

d = Modinv(e,Eulersphi(n))

key2 = n,d

print("Private key (n,d)= ",key2)


from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

M = RSA.generate(bits = 1024)

n = (M.n)

d = (M.d)

e = (M.e)

import hashlib

Messagesent = hashlib.sha512()

Messagesent.update(b"2101-CON101 INTRODUCTION TO COMP.SC. amp; ENG")

message= b'2101-CON101 INTRODUCTION TO COMP.SC. amp; ENG'

print("The digest value of h(m) is:")


from hashlib import sha512

hash = int.from_bytes(sha512(message).digest(), byteorder='big')

signature = pow(hash, M.d, M.n)

print("Message signature s is :", (signature))

hashm = pow(signature,M.e, M.n)

print("The Encryption h generated by Bob is : ",hash)

print("Hash generated by Alice is: ",hashm)

print("Validity of the signature :", hash == hashm)

Out 1.

Eulersphi function is: 1932

Public key (n,e)= (2021, 155)

Private key (n,d)= (2021, 1583)

Out 2.

The digest value of h(m) generated is:

Message signature s is :

The Encryption h generated by Bob is :


Hash generated by Alice is:


Validity of the signature : True

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