Seniority in The Organization

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The problem happened in Permaja Resources Corporation. The people involve in the case are
Rod Santos,Roger Santiago and Art Real. The company give priority to promote employees
from within the organization on a company wide basis. Seniority is based on the length of
service and performance ratings. Art Real was promoted as Plant Superintendent of both
section A and B that is why his previous position as supervising engineer in Section B was left
vacant. Rod Santos and Roger Santiago are the aspirant for the vacant position that is why they
applied to the job that is why they applied to the job and the one who win the job is Rod Santos
because he is senior compare to Roger. One month later, a major machine broke down and
Roger Santiago single-handedly worked diligently on the machine and completed it in due time
to meet the customers' demand. During the break time after the successful repair of the
machine. Rod Santos, in the presence of the other workers, complemented the efforts and
expertise of Roger Santiago.

Case Facts

Seniority is based on the length of service and the performance ratings. Rod Santos and Roger
Santiago were hired in Permaja Resources Corporation Promotion is up for employees. There
was a technical problem.

Analysis or Hypothesis

Due to Seniority Rule; Rod Santos was promoted to the post. Roger Santiago was also
interested in the position. Acknowledging someone who has greater potential despite some
policy. If Employees of Permaja Resources Corporation showed potential in terms of
performance and stayed long enough with pleasant attitude, then he will be promoted.

Alternative Courses of Action/ Advantages  Disadvantages

Solution to the problem

1. The organization should reconstruct 1. The problem  will be solve  The organization
their policies when it comes to  because their  favoritism, cannot encourage
promotion of  seniority of  employees casteism, nepotism, etc will be loyalty 
within the organization. eliminate.
2. The management should address There will be a smooth Only the problem in
problems on the relationship of relationship. relationship will be
employees solve

3. The team will sit down and discuss An analytics-based approach is  

the suggestions below: an investment that pays
Organizations can circumvent bias dividends:  It can assure that it
through targeted interventions and data- can achieve higher profitability.
driven processes.  
Here are two overarching guidelines for  This solution can make
leaders and managers to create a performance-oriented, data-
succession plan that works: driven succession decisions
1. Use objective analytics. An
organizations should use predictive
analytics and proven metrics to hire and
promote people who are most likely to
2. The management should prioritize

Recommendation and Conclusion

 Based on my analysis I will choose the option number 3 because I can assure that it cab help
higher productivity and  profitability which is the use of objective analytics to predict and analyze
who will be hire and promoted based on what skills and competencies they have and the
management should prioritize accountability mentioned in the case that the person who  never
chosen is the one who has a skills and talent more than anyone else which also happened in
the organization. Seniority  can be  develops using  a sense of loyalty among the employees
and the morale of the employees will be increase  because they are  sure of getting promotion,
it makes them lethargic in performing their duties however, not all employees may feel the same
like I've mentioned before some employees will not be motivated instead it might lead to
employee turnover  as a result, overall production of the concern will be very much affected.
The management should not based their promotion in seniority but they should also consider
their talented employees 

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