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Reproduced with permission from Tax Management

Compensation Planning Journal, Vol. 37, No. 6,
06/05/2009. Copyright 姝 2009 by The Bureau of Na-
tional Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033)

to evaluate alternative approaches for reducing

SUB Plans Resurface in the size of their workforce, consideration may
Tough Economic Times be given to a number of different approaches
including, for example, early retirement win-
by Thomas W. Meagher and Clara J. Kim1 dows, asset sales or spinoffs of certain busi-
nesses, and the use of severance plans or simi-
lar programs.
To the extent that the employer is consider-
ing implementing a severance plan, the related
INTRODUCTION costs can oftentimes be quite significant. Al-
With the recent economic climate affecting though severance plans may prove to be the
virtually all businesses and industries, employ- most direct and effective program to reduce
ers are called upon to continually review their workforce size, employers should not assume
organizations to be certain that they are appro- that all severance plans are alike, or that the
priately sized based on current business condi- employer must bear the full cost of its sever-
tions. ance programs. To the contrary, employers
have been increasingly looking to supplemen-
Although many employers have attempted to
tal unemployment benefit plans (‘‘SUB plans’’)
maintain existing workforces in anticipation of to permit the employer to offset a portion of the
business returning to more normal levels, over cost associated with its severance plans by
time, there may be a need to restructure the amounts payable under state unemployment
workforce to more closely track the current compensation laws. In addition to permitting
level of business. Although employers would an offset for state unemployment compensa-
prefer to rely on normal attrition to adjust the tion, these SUB plans, if properly structured,
size of their workforce, many times, attrition can yield significant tax and financial advan-
alone will not accomplish an employer’s em- tages to employers and their employees.
ployment level objectives. As employers begin Although SUB plans have been used for
many years, they have traditionally been found
Thomas W. Meagher is a Senior Vice President and
in such industries as automotive, manufactur-
Practice Leader, and Clara J. Kim is a Vice President of ing and steel. Although these industries are no
Aon Consulting’s National Tax & ERISA Practice with strangers to the need to downsize in response
offices throughout the United States. to tough economic times, their use of SUB


plans has proven to be quite effective in that they help must be designed so as to integrate with a state’s un-
employers direct their severance payments to those employment compensation laws. In developing a SUB
employees who are out of work and who need income plan, careful attention must be paid to establishing ap-
to bridge them over during a period of unemploy- propriate parameters. SUB plans are intended to be
ment; the SUB plan can also be designed to avoid available to provide supplemental unemployment
paying severance to those individuals who gain new compensation payments to those employees who have
employment prior to completion of the severance pe- been involuntarily terminated from employment by
riod. reason of a layoff, reduction in force, discontinuance
With the current focus on the economy and em- of a plant or operation, or other similar conditions.2
ployers’ employment-related expenses, the use of The SUB plan may not provide for separation benefits
SUB plans has caught the attention of employers in in the event that the employee was terminated for
virtually all industries as they attempt to come to grips cause or other disciplinary reasons, or if he or she vol-
with the need to reduce the size of their workforce in untarily left the workforce. The SUB plan must also
the most cost efficient and tax effective manner pos- be structured so that benefits are not payments for past
sible. services.3 Thus, the SUB plan should provide com-
pensation that is intended to be a source of income to
the involuntarily-terminated employee during the pe-
SUB PLANS — BACKGROUND riod of his or her unemployment; to the extent that the
SUB plans take their name from the very purpose payment represents compensation for periods during
for which they were designed — they are intended to which the employee worked for the employer (e.g.,
supplement unemployment compensation payments to payments that may represent accrued vacation pay or
former employees who were involuntarily terminated. a final paycheck), such payments would not be treated
SUB plans were first established in the 1950s as a as supplemental unemployment compensation.
means for employers to supplement the state unem- Although many employer severance plans may
ployment compensation received by their employees typically pay severance amounts in a single lump
who lost their jobs as a result of workforce reductions. sum, the SUB plan requires that payments be made
They have historically been deployed in the context of weekly or in periodic installments so that the sever-
large, industrial employers, through collective bar- ance payments would largely track the payment pe-
gaining with their unions to supplement the state un- riod during which unemployment payments are made
employment compensation benefits received by by the state. Although SUB plans are not required to
laid-off workers. These industries were typically the be funded by a trust, trust arrangements often are es-
most susceptible to economic and seasonal down- tablished in conjunction with a SUB plan. To the ex-
turns. The current applicability of SUB plans, how- tent funded, SUB plans utilize a voluntary employees’
ever, extends well beyond the old-line industries and beneficiary association established under §501(c)(9)
traditional union environment. or a supplemental unemployment benefits trust under
In any comparison of alternative reduction in force
SUB PLANS TODAY strategies, the SUB plan, if properly designed and co-
Today, SUB plans are intended to align with a ordinated with state unemployment compensation
state’s unemployment compensation laws so that the
unemployment compensation and SUB plan payments 2
In the context of a supplemental unemployment benefit trust,
will generally be paid at the same time and under the ‘‘other similar conditions’’ will include involuntary separation
same circumstances. Depending on the state unem- from the employer resulting from cyclical, seasonal or technologi-
ployment compensation laws, a properly designed cal causes. Regs. §1.501(c)(17)-1(b)(4). All section references
SUB plan will permit both the employer and the em- herein are to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and
the regulations thereunder, unless otherwise stated.
ployee to avoid taxation of such SUB plan payments 3
See, e.g., NYSA-ILA Container Royalty Fund v. Comr., 847
under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) F.2d 50 (2d Cir. 1988) (wherein the court noted that benefits were
or Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), while at not SUB benefits where they were paid equally to all eligible
the same time permitting the employer to reduce its workers, including those who were fully employed).
severance payments by the amount of state unemploy- 4
To the extent that a §501(c)(17) trust is established in connec-
ment compensation payable to the former employee. tion with a SUB plan, the trust must be solely for the purpose of
providing supplemental unemployment compensation benefits,
and may provide sick and accident benefits to the extent that they
SUB PLAN DESIGNS are subordinate to the supplemental unemployment compensation.
Nondiscrimination rules will apply to both the §501(c)(17) trust
In order for an employer to avail itself of the ben- and §501(c)(9) trust. §§501(c)(9), 501(c)(17) and 505(b); Regs.
efits of a SUB plan, the employer’s severance plan §§1.501(c)(9)-1, -2 and 1.501(c)(17)-1(a)(5).

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2 姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
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laws, invariably proves to be one of the more finan- duce its severance payments. The SUB plan per-
cially efficient programs available to employers today. mits the employer to offset normal severance pay-
From an employer’s perspective, a SUB plan is at- ments (that would be made in the absence of a
tractive in that it can permit the employer to obtain SUB plan) by the amount that the involuntarily-
the financial benefits associated with state unemploy- terminated employee will receive from the state
ment compensation laws. In operation, an employer unemployment compensation agency. Employers
will establish or modify its existing severance plan so can save significant amounts of severance in those
as to coordinate with the unemployment compensa- states that will permit an employee to receive both
tion laws applicable to employees in a particular state. unemployment compensation and severance or
Thus, at the outset, the SUB plan must be designed to supplemental unemployment compensation pay-
only provide for payments upon an involuntary termi- ments.5
nation of employment. This involuntary termination • Exemption from FICA and FUTA Taxation. In or-
can take place through reductions in force, layoffs der for a SUB plan payment to be exempt from
(permanent or temporary), plant closings or other ter- FICA and FUTA taxation, the payments must be
mination programs. The design of the SUB plan is paid to an individual who is involuntarily termi-
very important insofar as the employer will want to be nated, and such plan payments must be designed
certain that the plan will properly coordinate with ap- to supplement receipt of state unemployment
plicable state unemployment laws. State unemploy- compensation.
ment compensation laws can vary significantly, and a
number of states will preclude payment of unemploy- For FICA and FUTA purposes, ‘‘wages’’ means all
ment compensation if the employee is receiving remuneration for employment, including the cash
employer-provided severance payments. Once prop- value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in
erly designed (and subject to applicable state unem- any medium other than cash, with certain exceptions.6
ployment compensation laws), SUB plans can yield SUB plan payments may be exempt from FICA and
several financial benefits for employers, as follows. FUTA taxation based on a series of revenue rulings,
private letter rulings and case law. The leading author-
• No Former Employee Windfall. SUB plans may ity in this area is Rev. Rul. 90-72.7 In developing a
be particularly attractive to employers today in
that they can be designed so that they preclude tax-effective SUB plan strategy, any design should at-
terminated employees from receiving a windfall tempt to closely track the basic framework established
in the event that they obtain other employment under this ruling.8
prior to the unemployment compensation being In Rev. Rul. 90-72, the Internal Revenue Service
exhausted. For example, a properly designed SUB (IRS) ruled that an arrangement meeting the follow-
plan should provide for the payment of supple- ing requirements was not subject to FICA and FUTA
mental unemployment compensation payments on taxation:
a weekly basis to correspond with the state unem- • Individuals must be former employees involun-
ployment benefit schedule. To the extent that the tarily terminated from the employer due to plant
former employee is eligible for up to a certain closing, layoff or reduction in force.
number of weeks of employer-provided pay- • Eligibility for benefits under the plan depends
ments, those payments can be terminated once the upon a former employee meeting certain pre-
former employee is employed by another em-
ployer, similar to the treatment that would be ac-
corded the former employee under state unem- Although there are a number of states (e.g., New Jersey) that
will not disqualify an employee from receiving state unemploy-
ployment compensation laws. Thus, the employer ment benefits due to the receipt of severance payments from a
will be able to terminate supplemental unemploy- former employer, it is critically important that the state unemploy-
ment compensation payments when the former ment laws be carefully reviewed. Several states (e.g., Nevada)
employee gains new employment, and will not be will expressly preclude an employee from receiving state unem-
paying former employees for periods of time dur- ployment compensation benefits during the time he or she is re-
ceiving severance benefits (which would include supplemental un-
ing which they have found other employment. employment compensation).
This can be a significant savings to employers that 6
§§3121, 3306. (There are a number of exceptions to the defi-
do not want to pay severance for periods when the nition of ‘‘wages’’ for FICA and FUTA purposes that are intended
former employee has begun employment with a to exclude specifically identified ‘‘non-wage’’ payments.)
new employer or a competitor. 7
1990-2 C.B. 211.
Rev. Rul. 90-72 was issued as an update to Rev. Rul. 56-249,
• Severance Payment Savings to Employer. Supple- 1956-1 C.B. 488, which was the first in a series of IRS guidance
mental unemployment compensation payments, if on supplemental unemployment compensation plans and their ex-
properly designed, can permit an employer to re- emption from FICA/FUTA taxation.

Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal

姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
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scribed conditions following separation from em- ment compensation check to confirm actual receipt of
ployment with the company. state benefits), or that were contingent on receipt of
state unemployment compensation but for the fact that
• Former employees must be unemployed and meet the employee did not have sufficient employment to
the requirements to receive state unemployment
compensation benefits, except if their ineligibility be covered under the state unemployment compensa-
is due to: (i) insufficient wage credits under state tion system, had exhausted state unemployment ben-
law; (ii) exhaustion of benefits under state law; or efits or was serving a waiting week under the state un-
(iii) failure to satisfy the waiting period required employment compensation system, were sufficiently
under state law for unemployment compensation. linked to state unemployment payments and, thus,
were exempt from FICA/FUTA taxation.
• Benefits are paid weekly and not payable in the
form of a lump sum.
• The duration of benefits depends in part on the UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION
fund level and the employee’s seniority, and ben-
efits are not attributable to the rendering of any To the extent that an employer wants to offset its
particular services. severance payments by state unemployment compen-
sation benefits and avoid the imposition of FICA/
• No employee has any right, title or interest in the FUTA taxation on such severance payments, it is criti-
trust-funded SUB plan benefits until such em- cal that the employer first evaluate the state unem-
ployee is qualified and eligible to receive benefits. ployment compensation laws of the states in which it
intends to reduce its employee workforce. In order to
In ruling that the arrangement described above is be treated as a SUB plan, the plan must be carefully
not subject to FICA and FUTA taxation, the IRS noted designed and the state unemployment compensation
that Rev. Rul. 90-72 restores the ‘‘distinction between laws carefully analyzed so as to properly identify
[supplemental unemployment compensation benefit those states that permit unemployment compensation
payments] SUB pay and dismissal pay by re- to be paid to employees who are involuntarily termi-
establishing the link between SUB pay and state un- nated and eligible to receive severance payments from
employment compensation set forth in Rev. Rul. 56- their employer.
249.’’ 9 From Rev. Rul. 90-72, it is clear that the foun- In TAM 9416003,12 for example, the IRS stated
dation for a FICA/FUTA exemption lies with that, as the benefit recipients were disqualified from
establishing that SUB plan payments are intended to receiving government unemployment benefits, this
coordinate and supplement the applicable state unem- finding was material to the determination of whether
ployment compensation laws.10 the payments were supplemental unemployment com-
Following the issuance of Rev. Rul. 90-72 and the pensation. To the extent that the plan’s benefits dis-
potentially significant FICA/FUTA savings to em- qualify the recipients from government unemploy-
ployers (and employees), there have been several pri- ment benefits, they would cause the plan benefits to
vate letter rulings that have served to guide employ- be taxed as dismissal payments (not supplemental un-
ers. These private letter rulings have further clarified employment compensation) and, thus, prevent the
the application of FICA and FUTA taxation to SUB plan from meeting the requirements for a SUB-pay
plans.11 In PLR 200322012, for example, the IRS plan for purposes of the FICA/FUTA exemption.13
more fully describes the required link between state We have examined two state unemployment com-
unemployment benefits and SUB plan benefit pay- pensation laws to illustrate the importance of such
ments for purposes of obtaining the FICA/FUTA ex- laws to an employer’s ability to offset its severance
emption. More specifically, the IRS concluded that a payments, and for being able to obtain favorable
plan that provided regular benefits that were contin- FICA/FUTA tax treatment. In the State of New Jersey,
gent on actual receipt of state unemployment compen- for example, receipt of severance pay is not a bar to
sation (an employee applying for regular benefits was
required to bring in the employee’s state unemploy-
This Technical Advice Memorandum revoked an earlier pri-
vate letter ruling issued to CSX Corporation that became the sub-
Rev. Rul. 90-72. ject of ongoing litigation described more fully below.
It is noteworthy that although employers should strive to 13
The court in CSX Corp. v. U.S., 518 F.3d 1328, 1351 (Fed.
structure the SUB plan so as to avoid the imposition of FICA and Cir. 2008), stated ‘‘[i]n any event, the payments disqualified the
FUTA taxation, generally, SUB plan payments to employees will recipients from receiving state unemployment benefits; the plan
nonetheless continue to be subject to federal income tax withhold- was thus different in that respect from the plans at issue in both
ing. §3402(o). Rev. Rul. 77-347 and Rev. Rul. 56-249 [and thus were not SUB
See, e.g., PLRs 200709056, 9734035 and 9546005. plan payments].’’

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4 姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
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an employee’s receipt of unemployment benefits.14 less otherwise provided. Section 3402(o) indicates
An employer having New Jersey-based employees that supplemental unemployment compensation paid
contemplating a SUB plan for such employees would to an individual ‘‘shall be treated as if it were a pay-
be able to institute a SUB plan, provided that the plan ment of wages by an employer’’ (emphasis added)
clearly linked the ‘‘severance’’ payments to the receipt and, thus, subject to federal income tax withholding.
of New Jersey state unemployment benefits. In devel- The legal analysis relates to whether Congress in-
oping a SUB plan, the employer should also consider tended supplemental unemployment compensation to
whether the former employee will be receiving any constitute wages for purposes of FICA/FUTA taxa-
other disqualifying income, and the impact of such tion, or whether the implication of the phrase ‘‘shall
other payments under the relevant state’s unemploy- be treated as if it were a payment of wages’’ under
ment statutes.15 §3402(o) is intended to suggest that supplemental un-
In contrast, the State of Nevada will not allow an employment compensation benefits are not wages but
individual to receive severance pay and state unem- are simply treated as wages for federal income tax
ployment benefits in the same week. Nevada unem- withholding purposes (but not FICA or FUTA pur-
ployment laws state that an individual is disqualified poses). The legislative history to §3402(o) regarding
for unemployment benefits for any week with respect withholding on supplemental unemployment compen-
to which he or she receives either wages in lieu of no- sation benefits states that, although these benefits are
tice or severance pay.16 Thus, under Nevada state un- not wages, as they are generally taxable payments,
employment laws (and based on TAM 9416003), a they should be subject to withholding to avoid the ad-
SUB plan intending to offset state unemployment ben- verse tax consequence for employees.18
efits does not appear feasible in Nevada. Although Rev. Rul. 90-72 continues to be the pri-
mary guide for employers, two cases in particular are
worth studying to appreciate the potentially more ex-
RECENT FICA/FUTA COURT pansive interpretation of the FICA/FUTA exemption
DECISIONS INVOLVING SUB that may be available to employers.
PLAN PAYMENTS In CSX Corp. v. U.S.,19 the court observed that, dur-
Although the IRS’s position on SUB plan payments ing the 1980s, CSX reduced the number of employees
and FICA/FUTA exemptions seems fairly well settled, through a variety of programs. The programs paid dif-
the courts have been wrestling with a few notable ferent levels of benefits for different categories of em-
cases involving these issues. The issue that has been ployees. Unlike the required coordination with state
recently before the courts relates to whether supple- unemployment compensation benefits in Rev. Rul. 90-
mental unemployment compensation benefits 17 72, the CSX benefits were not dependent on a former
should be treated as wages for FICA/FUTA purposes. employee’s receipt of state unemployment benefits.
Sections 3401 and 3402 address the withholding of Although there was no state unemployment law coor-
income tax with respect to all payments of wages un- dination, the lower court held in favor of CSX when
it concluded that payments that qualified as supple-
mental unemployment benefit payments under
N.J. Admin. Code §§12:17-8.7 and 12:17-8.8; See also Em- §3402(o) were not ‘‘wages’’ subject to FICA.20 The
ployer Handbook, New Jersey’s Unemployment & Disability In-
surance Programs 2008; Unemployment Rights: Your Rights and
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit subsequently
Responsibilities (New Jersey Dep’t of Labor and Workforce De- reversed the lower court and held, in part, that such
velopment). payments did not satisfy the IRS’s requirements set
In New Jersey, for example, an individual is not eligible for
state unemployment benefits during the time he or she receives
salary continuation payments made by an employer; other states §3402(o); S. Rep. No. 552, 91st Cong., 1st Sess. (1969).
indicate that the receipt of retirement plan payments would result 19
518 F.3d 1328 (Fed. Cir. 2008).
in the individual being ineligible to receive state unemployment 20
In CSX Corp. v. U.S., 52 Fed. Cl. 208 (2002), rev’d in part,
benefits. 518 F.3d 1328 (Fed. Cir. 2008), the lower court held that pay-
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. §612.420; Unemployment Insurance ments that were supplemental unemployment benefits, as that
Claim Filing System Frequently Asked Questions, Nevada Dep’t term was defined under §3402(o), were not subject to taxation un-
of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation. der FICA. The lower court stated that the ‘‘fundamental definition
For purposes of §3402(o), ‘‘supplemental unemployment of wages under FICA and income-tax withholding statutes are to
compensation benefits’’ means amounts which are paid to an em- be understood as identical.’’ As a result, payments that satisfied
ployee pursuant to a plan to which the employer is a party, be- the definition of supplemental unemployment compensation pay-
cause of an employee’s involuntary separation from employment ments under §3402(o) were not wages and, thus, were not subject
(whether or not such separation is temporary), resulting directly to FICA. The lower court’s view was contrary to the IRS’s posi-
from a reduction in force, the discontinuance of a plant or opera- tion that none of the payments made by CSX qualified as supple-
tion, or other similar conditions, but only to the extent such ben- mental unemployment compensation benefits as they did not meet
efits are includible in the employee’s gross income. the criteria of Rev. Rul. 56-249 (Rev. Rul. 90-72’s predecessor).

Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal

姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
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forth in Rev. Ruls. 90-72 and 56-249, and thus, the SUB PLAN DESIGNS IN 2009 — SOME
payments were not exempt from FICA taxation. HELPFUL HINTS
(CSX’s primary argument was that if benefit pay- As employers consider the use of a SUB plan, there
ments were not ‘‘wages’’ subject to federal income tax are a number of design and administrative issues that
withholding purposes, they should not be ‘‘wages’’ for should be addressed before proceeding further.
FICA purposes.)
• Coordination with State Unemployment Laws. In
Although the Court of Appeals in the CSX case fol- developing a SUB plan, a necessary first step is to
lowed the IRS’s position in holding that CSX was not confirm the states in which the employees who
entitled to the FICA tax exemption, the Federal Bank- are to be involuntarily terminated are located. The
ruptcy Court in In re Quality Stores 21 did not feel critical questions to ask at this time relate to
whether the particular state permits individuals to
similarly constrained. During the bankruptcy process,
receive unemployment compensation while re-
Quality Stores made severance payments by reason of
ceiving employer-provided severance-type pay-
a reduction in force or the discontinuance of a plant ments.
or operation. The severance payments were included
in the involuntarily-terminated employees’ gross in- • Adopt/Amend Severance Plan to Coordinate Pro-
comes, and the company paid the applicable FICA grams. To the extent that the employer is consid-
tax. The severance payments were paid in various ering a SUB plan, the employer will need to
methods, (i.e., based on payroll cycle or in a lump amend its existing severance plan (or adopt a new
plan) to directly tie the supplemental unemploy-
sum), were not connected to the receipt of state un-
ment compensation payments to the involuntary
employment compensation, and were not attributable
termination of employment and the receipt of un-
to the rendering of any particular services. Based on employment compensation. In drafting or amend-
the lower court’s analysis in the CSX case, Quality ing its plan, the employer should make certain
Stores claimed a FICA refund, arguing that if the pay- that the benefits are characterized as supplemental
ments were non-wage supplemental unemployment unemployment payments tied to a period of un-
benefit payments for federal income tax withholding employment (as opposed to straight dismissal
requirements, then such amounts were not wages sub- payments made without regard to the former em-
ject to FICA.22 The Bankruptcy Court held that wages ployee’s unemployment status). Because state un-
should be interpreted the same for both FICA and fed- employment laws can differ, and several states
eral income tax withholding purposes. Because will not permit the coordination of employer sev-
supplemental unemployment benefits are not wages erance payments with state unemployment com-
for purposes of federal income tax withholding, they pensation, multi-state employers may need to
should not be treated as wages for FICA purposes.23 structure their program benefits in a bifurcated
manner — one payment amount for those who
will be eligible to receive state unemployment
In re Quality Stores, Inc. v. U.S., 383 B.R. 67 (Bankr. W.D. benefits (i.e., an offset for state unemployment
Mich. 2008). In re Quality Stores should not be relied on at this compensation), and a second scheduled amount
stage, as the decision of the Bankruptcy Court is presently on ap-
peal with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michi-
for those employees who will not be subject to an
gan (Southern Division). On Mar. 9, 2009, a brief was filed on be- offset. Although this can be somewhat confusing,
half of the U.S. Department of Justice (Tax Division) in an appeal the savings to employers can far exceed any ad-
of the case by the United States Attorney’s Office. The position of ministrative burdens that may be created in the
the United States is that ‘‘[n]one of the payments at issue are short term.
linked in any way to the receipt of state unemployment compen-
sation. Because there is no provision akin to §3402(o) in the FICA
tax provisions, and the payments at issue do not fall within any
• Develop Administrative Process to Confirm Un-
employed Status. In order for the employer to
statutory exception or the description of payments exempt from
FICA taxes set forth in Rev. Rul. 90-72, those payments are sub-
monitor the reemployment of its former employ-
ject to FICA taxes irrespective of their treatment for purposes of ees (so as to terminate the employer-provided
income tax withholding.’’ See Brief for Appellant at 22, In re payment upon new employment), it will need to
Quality Stores, Inc., 383 B.R. 67 (Bankr. W.D. Mich. 2008), ap- develop a process for tracking employees’ em-
peal docketed, No. 01-10662 (W.D. Mich., Mar. 9, 2009). ployment status after they have left the employ-
Federal income tax withholding requirements for non-wage er’s employment. Some employers will require
supplemental unemployment benefit payments are governed by
§3402(o). that the former employee submit his or her unem-
In view of the pendency of the In re Quality Stores, Inc. ap- ployment payment stub, or choose to rely on the
peal, some employers may wish to consider filing protective re- state’s unemployment compensation organization
fund claims for FICA taxes pending the outcome of the appeal. to monitor whether employees have become em-

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6 姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
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ployed so as to no longer be eligible for unem- laid-off employees who were ineligible to receive
ployment compensation from the state. Many state unemployment benefits because the em-
times, these monitoring efforts may be undertaken ployee was a full-time student or receiving medi-
by the employer’s outsourcing organization. cal disability payments. Since the inception of the
plan, the total amount of benefits paid to full-time
• SUB Plan Trusts. A SUB plan does not have to be students and medical disability recipients ac-
funded by a trust. The failure to provide for the
accumulation of funds in a trusteed account from counted for less than one percent of total benefits
which the supplemental unemployment benefits paid under the plan and were, therefore, a de
contemplated by the plan are to be paid is not a minimis percentage of the total benefits under the
material or controlling factor in determining plan.
whether the FICA/FUTA tax exemption applies. • SUB Plan Not Limited to Union Employees. An
Thus, an employer does not need to fund a SUB employer may provide SUB plan benefits which
plan through a trust to obtain the FICA/FUTA ex- are unilaterally instituted by the employer and not
emption for benefit payments.24 To the extent that union-negotiated.26 Therefore, an employer may
an employer chooses to fund its SUB plan, the sponsor a SUB plan for non-union employees.
employer may utilize a supplemental unemploy- • Miscellaneous Matters. In establishing a SUB
ment benefits trust under §501(c)(17), or a volun- plan, employers will continue to want to obtain
tary employees’ beneficiary association estab- waivers and releases, particularly where, as here,
lished under §501(c)(9). If a trust is established, the employees have been involuntarily termi-
the employer must submit Form 1024, Applica- nated.
tion for Recognition of Exemption Under Section
501(a), together with Schedule J. In addition, Although SUB plans have a long history with old-
each year, the trust must file Form 990 (Return of line employers, they are being evaluated by employ-
Organization Exempt From Income Tax) and, if ers in all industries with renewed interest in light of
applicable, Form 990T (Exempt Organization current economic conditions. From an employer’s per-
Business Income Tax Return). spective, SUB plans can prove to be quite valuable in
permitting supplemental unemployment compensation
• De Minimis Exception to the Rule. The FICA/ payments to be offset by state unemployment pay-
FUTA exemption for SUB plan payments has also
been extended for de minimis amounts paid under ments, while at the same time permitting the employer
a SUB plan that may also make benefit payments (and employees) to benefit from FICA/FUTA tax sav-
to former employees which are not tied to state ings. Although these SUB plans can be quite attrac-
unemployment benefits. In a private letter rul- tive, employers must proceed cautiously to ascertain
ing,25 the FICA/FUTA exemption was extended how the various states will coordinate their state un-
to the de minimis amount of benefits made to employment compensation payments with an employ-
er’s severance plan.
Rev. Rul. 60-330, 1960-2 C.B. 46.
25 26
PLR 200709056. Rev. Rul. 58-128, 1958-1 C.B. 89.

Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal

姝 2009 Tax Management Inc., aISSN
subsidiary of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.

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