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UAT SCENARIO PROJECT : Golden Record Dedup #056060/IV/21 Perubahan Algoritma De

Activity Input Value

"target": {
Rules 1 - Positif "ac_id_no": "3209154311890006",
"ac_cust_name": "IKA JULAELAH",
Exact KTP "ac_date_birth": "1989-11-03",
"ac_mother_name": "MUNIAH",
Jaro Nama >=90% "ac_place_birth": "CIREBON",
Jaro Ibu Kandung >=90% }
"ac_address": "BULAK REJO RT/RW 03/02"

"target": {
Rules 1 - Negatif "ac_id_no": "3209154311890005",
"ac_cust_name": "IKA JULAELAH",

Wrong KTP "ac_date_birth": "1989-11-03",
"ac_mother_name": "MUNIAH",
Jaro Nama >=90% "ac_place_birth": "CIREBON",
"ac_address": "BULAK REJO RT/RW 03/02"
Jaro Ibu Kandung >=90% }
Rules 2 "target": {
Exact Date of Birth "ac_id_no": "3201141708940014",
"ac_cust_name": "RISWAN",

Exact KTP "ac_date_birth": "1994-08-17",
"ac_mother_name": "AMAH",
Jaro Place of Birth >=90% "ac_place_birth": "BOGOR",
"ac_address": "KP CISONGGOM "
Jaro Alamat >=90% }
Jaro Nama >=70%

"target": {
Rules 3 "ac_cust_name": "RIMON",
Exact KTP "ac_id_no": "3275081803690015",
"ac_date_birth": "1969-03-18",
4 Exact Place of Birth "ac_mother_name": "SUSI",
"ac_place_birth": "MANDALING",
Jaro POB >= 90% "ac_address": "JL KEMANG BUNTU NO64",
"para_cust_type_id": "1"
Jaro Nama >= 90% }
"target": {
Rules 4 "ac_cust_name": "WAGINO MANGUN KUSUMO",
"ac_id_no": "3304080708700003",

Exact KTP "ac_date_birth": "1970-08-07",
"ac_mother_name": "AKARMANNY",
Jaro Alamat >=90% "ac_place_birth": "BJNEGARA",
"ac_address": "SAMARINDA",
Jaro Nama >=90% "para_cust_type_id": "1"

Rules 5 "target": {
"ac_id_no": "3216181704840001",
Exact Date of Birth "ac_date_birth": "1984-04-17",
"ac_mother_name": "ACAH",
6 Exact Nama "ac_place_birth": "BEKASI",
Exact Ibu Kandung "ac_address": "AWIRARANGAN",
"ac_cust_name": "MARDI"
Exact Place of Birth }
"target": {
Rules 6 "ac_id_no": "3175061201770025",
Exact Date of Birth "ac_date_birth": "1977-01-12",
"ac_mother_name": "PONIJAH",
7 Jaro Nama >=95% "ac_place_birth": "JAKARTA",
"ac_address": "UJUNG MENTENG",
Jaro Ibu Kandung >=90% "ac_cust_name": "AHMAD LUTFIE"
Jaro POB >= 90% }

Rules 7 "target": {
Exact Date of Birth "ac_id_no": "3276011007680006",
"ac_date_birth": "1968-07-10",

Jaro Place of Birth >=90% "ac_mother_name": "MASENAH",
"ac_place_birth": "BOGOR",
Jaro Alamat >=90% "ac_address": "BOJONG",
"ac_cust_name": "MATSANI A"
Jaro Nama >= 90% }
Jaro Ibu Kandung >= 70%
Rules 8 "target": {
Exact Date of Birth "ac_cust_name": "H HALIMATUS SAADAH",
"ac_id_no": "3515115406720001",

Jaro Place of Birth >=90% "ac_date_birth": "1971-02-14",
"ac_mother_name": "SUHRAH",
Jaro Alamat >=90% "ac_place_birth": "SIDOARJO",
"ac_address": "KRAJAN TIMUR",
Jaro Nama >= 70% "para_cust_type_id": "1"
Jaro Ibu Kandung >= 90%

Rules 7 - Pisah OID "target": {

Exact Date of Birth "ac_id_no": "3515085901880002",
"ac_date_birth": "1988-01-19",

Jaro Place of Birth >=90% "ac_mother_name": "YATI BADRIKAH",
"ac_place_birth": "SIDOARJO",
Jaro Alamat >=90% "ac_address": "LUWUNG",
"ac_cust_name": "ERLIN METHISARI"
Jaro Nama >= 90% }
Jaro Ibu Kandung >= 70%
ubahan Algoritma Dedup
Expected Result
Existing Database Acction

"data": {
"ac_address": "BULAK REJO",
"ac_cust_id": "04091719575166", "status": "OK",
"ac_cust_name": "IKA JULAELAH", "result": {
"ac_date_birth": "1989-11-03 00:00:00", "found": true,
"ac_flag_detail": 0, "rules": {
"ac_flag_source": 1, "RULE1": 1.0,
"ac_id_no": "3209154311890006", "RULE2": null,
"ac_mother_name": "MUNIAH", "RULE3": null,
"ac_place_birth": "CIREBON", "RULE4": null,
"active": 0, "RULE5": null,
"created_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "RULE6": null,
"created_date": "2018-04-17 00:00:00", "RULE7": null,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE8": null
"last_name": "LAH", },
"logid": "1", "matching_rule": "RULE1",
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "score": 1.0
"modified_date": "2019-12-29 19:58:04",
"para_cust_type_id": 1

"data": {
"ac_address": "BULAK REJO",
"ac_cust_id": "04091719575166", "status": "OK",
"ac_cust_name": "IKA JULAELAH", "result": {
"ac_date_birth": "1989-11-03 00:00:00", "found": true,
"ac_flag_detail": 0, "rules": {
"ac_flag_source": 1, "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_id_no": "3209154311890006", "RULE2": 0.6,
"ac_mother_name": "MUNIAH", "RULE3": 0.3333333333333333,
"ac_place_birth": "CIREBON", "RULE4": 0.75,
"active": 0, "RULE5": 1.0,
"created_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "RULE6": null,
"created_date": "2018-04-17 00:00:00", "RULE7": null,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE8": null
"last_name": "LAH", },
"logid": "1", "matching_rule": "RULE5",
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "score": 1.0
"modified_date": "2019-12-29 19:58:04",
"para_cust_type_id": 1
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"ac_address": "KP CISONGGOM",
"ac_cust_id": "01101822537346",
"ac_cust_name": "RISWAN",
"ac_date_birth": "1994-08-17 00:00:00", "status": "OK",
"result": {
"ac_flag_detail": 1, "found": true,
"ac_flag_source": 1, "rules": {
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"RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_mother_name": "SITI", "RULE2": 1.0,
"ac_place_birth": "BOGOR", "RULE3": null,
"active": 0,
"created_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "RULE4": null,
"RULE5": null,
"created_date": "2018-08-27 00:00:00", "RULE6": null,
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"modified_date": "2019-07-29 07:28:32", "score": 1.0
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"result_max_score": 1.0,
"result_max_rule": "rule2",
"seq": "1822537346"

"data": {
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"ac_cust_id": "01041618015019",
"ac_cust_name": "RIMON",
"ac_date_birth": "1969-03-18 00:00:00", "status": "OK",
"ac_flag_detail": 1, "result": {
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"ac_place_birth": "TAORA", "RULE2": 0.8,
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"created_by": "DATA INJECT", "RULE4": null,
"created_date": "2017-05-31 09:31:07", "RULE5": null,
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"logid": "0", "RULE8": null
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", },
"modified_date": "2017-06-12 15:44:36", "matching_rule": "RULE3",
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"result_max_score": 1.0,
"result_max_rule": "rule3",
"seq": "1618015019"
"data": {
"ac_address": "PAGELAK",
"ac_cust_id": "04041006196437",
"ac_cust_name": "WAGINO MANGUN KUSUMO",
"ac_date_birth": "1970-08-07 00:00:00", "status": "OK",
"ac_flag_detail": 1, "result": {
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"ac_mother_name": "KISEM", "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
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"active": 0, "RULE3": 0.6666666666666666,
"created_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "RULE4": 1.0,
"created_date": "2018-04-17 00:00:00", "RULE5": null,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE6": null,
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"logid": "1", "RULE8": null
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", },
"modified_date": "2018-04-17 10:38:40", "matching_rule": "RULE4",
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"result_max_score": 1.0,
"result_max_rule": "rule4",
"seq": "1006196437"

"data": {
"ac_address": "KP KELAPA DUA",
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"status": "OK",
"ac_cust_name": "MARDI",
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"ac_flag_detail": 1, "found": true,
"rules": {
"ac_flag_source": 1, "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_id_no": "3275111704840008",
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"active": 0, "RULE5": 1.0,
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"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE7": null,
"RULE8": null
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"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP",
"modified_date": "2017-08-26 11:00:33", "score": 1.0
"para_cust_type_id": 1 },
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"ac_date_birth": "1977-01-12 00:00:00", "result": {
"found": true,
"ac_flag_detail": 1, "rules": {
"ac_flag_source": 1,
"ac_id_no": "0954031201770313", "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
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"RULE3": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_place_birth": "JAKARTA", "RULE4": 0.75,
"active": 0, "RULE5": 0.75,
"created_by": "DATA INJECT",
"created_date": "2017-05-31 09:31:07", "RULE6": 1.0,
"RULE7": null,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE8": null
"last_name": "FIE", },
"logid": "0",
"modified_by": "DATA INJECT", "matching_rule": "RULE6",
"modified_date": "2017-05-31 09:31:07", "score": 1.0
"para_cust_type_id": 1

"data": {
"ac_address": "BOJONG", {
"ac_cust_id": "01071515649864", "status": "OK",
"ac_cust_name": "MATSANI AMING",
"ac_date_birth": "1968-07-10 00:00:00", "result": {
"ac_flag_detail": 1, "found": true,
"rules": {
"ac_flag_source": 1,
"ac_id_no": "32760110076800006", "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_mother_name": "MASENAH", "RULE2": 0.8,
"RULE3": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_place_birth": "BOGOR", "RULE4": 0.75,
"active": 0,
"created_by": "DATA INJECT", "RULE5": 0.75,
"created_date": "2017-05-31 09:31:07", "RULE6": 0.75,
"RULE7": 1.0,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE8": null
"last_name": "ING",
"logid": "0", },
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "matching_rule": "RULE7",
"score": 1.0
"modified_date": "2017-07-25 14:59:49", },
"para_cust_type_id": 1
"data": {
"ac_address": "KRAJAN TIMUR",
"ac_cust_id": "03061720127125",
"ac_cust_name": "HALIMATUS SADIYAH", {
"ac_date_birth": "1971-02-14 00:00:00", "status": "OK",
"ac_flag_detail": 0, "result": {
"ac_flag_source": 1, "found": true,
"ac_id_no": "3515115406720002", "rules": {
"ac_mother_name": "SUHRAH", "RULE1": 0.3333333333333333,
"ac_place_birth": "SIDOARJO", "RULE2": 0.8,
"active": 0, "RULE3": 0.3333333333333333,
"created_by": "SSIS DEDUP", "RULE4": 0.5,
"created_date": "2018-04-16 00:00:00", "RULE5": 0.75,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE6": 0.75,
"last_name": "YAH", "RULE7": 0.8,
"logid": "1", "RULE8": 1.0
"modified_by": "SSIS DEDUP", },
"modified_date": "2018-04-16 19:20:00", "matching_rule": "RULE8",
"para_cust_type_id": 1, "score": 1.0
"result_max_score": 1.0, },
"result_max_rule": "rule8",
"seq": "1720127125"

"data": {
"ac_address": "LUWUNG", {
"ac_cust_id": "03061516365706", "status": "OK",
"ac_cust_name": "ERLIN MEHTASARI",
"result": {
"ac_date_birth": "1988-01-19 00:00:00", "found": true,
"ac_flag_detail": 1,
"ac_flag_source": 1, "rules": {
"ac_id_no": "3515085901880001", "RULE1": 0.6666666666666666,
"RULE2": 0.8,
"ac_mother_name": "YATI BADRIKAH", "RULE3": 0.6666666666666666,
"ac_place_birth": "SIDOARJO",
"active": 0, "RULE4": 0.75,
"created_by": "DATA INJECT", "RULE5": 0.75,
"RULE6": 0.75,
"created_date": "2017-05-31 11:15:35", "RULE7": 1.0,
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07 15:41:20.592562", "RULE8": null
"last_name": "ARI",
"logid": "0", },
"modified_by": "DATA INJECT", "matching_rule": "RULE7",
"score": 1.0
"modified_date": "2017-05-31 11:15:35", },
"para_cust_type_id": 1
UAT Result





"data": {
"ac_address": "LUWUNG",
"ac_cust_id": "03062127774444",
"ac_cust_name": "ERLIN METHISARI",
"ac_date_birth": "1988-01-19 00:00:00",
"ac_flag_detail": 1,
"ac_flag_source": 1,
"ac_id_no": "3515085901880001",
"ac_mother_name": "YATI BADRIKAH",
"ac_place_birth": "SIDOARJO",
"active": 0,
"created_by": "DATA INJECT",
"created_date": "2017-05-31 11:15:35",
"inserted_time": "2020-04-07
"last_name": "ARI",
"logid": "0",
"modified_by": "DATA INJECT",
"modified_date": "2017-05-31 11:15:35",
"para_cust_type_id": 1
Additional Scenario Step
Additional - Test Summary
Add Scenario Result
Error Done Executed Executed Done

1 1 100% 100%

1 1 100% 100%
1 1 100% 100%

1 1 100% 100%
1 1 100% 100%

1 1 100% 100%
1 1 100% 100%

1 1 100% 100%
1 1 100% 100%

1 1 100% 100%

100% 100%
Rules Kondisi 1 Kondisi 2 Kondisi 3
1 Cust_type = Cust_Type Panjang KTP = 16 Exact KTP
2 Cust_type = Cust_Type Panjang KTP = 16 Exact Date of Birth
3 Cust_type = Cust_Type Panjang KTP = 16 Exact KTP
4 Cust_type = Cust_Type Panjang KTP = 16 Exact KTP
5 Cust_type = Cust_Type Exact Date of Birth Exact Nama
6 Cust_type = Cust_Type Exact Date of Birth Jaro Nama >=95%
7 Cust_type = Cust_Type Exact Date of Birth Jaro POB >= 90%
8 Cust_type = Cust_Type Exact Date of Birth Jaro POB >= 90%

Exact KTP
Rules 1 Jaro Nama >=90% Rules 5
Jaro Ibu Kandung >=90%

Exact Date of Birth

Exact KTP
Rules 2 Jaro POB >= 90% Rules 6
Jaro Alamat >= 90%
Jaro Nama >= 70%

Exact KTP
Rules 3 Exact Place of Birth Rules 7
Jaro POB >= 90%
Jaro Nama >= 90%

Exact KTP
Rules 4 Jaro Alamat >= 90% Rules 8
Jaro Nama >= 90%
Kondisi 4 Kondisi 5 Kondisi 6 Kondisi 7
Jaro Nama >= 90% Jaro Ibu kandung >=90% Panjang Karakter Ibu > 3
Exact KTP Jaro POB >= 90% Jaro Alamat >= 90% Jaro Nama >=70%
Jaro POB >= 90% Jaro Nama >= 90%
Jaro Alamat >= 90% Jaro Nama >=90%
Exact Ibu Kandung Exact Place of Birth Panjang Karakter Ibu > 3
Jaro Ibu kandung >=90% Panjang Karakter Ibu > 3 Jaro POB >= 90%
Jaro Alamat >= 90% Jaro Nama >=90% Jaro Ibu kandung >=70%
Jaro Alamat >= 90% Jaro Nama >= 70% Jaro Ibu kandung >=90% Panjang Karakter Ibu > 3

Exact Date of Birth

Exact Nama
Exact Ibu Kandung
Exact Place of Birth

Exact Date of Birth

Jaro Nama >=95%
Jaro Ibu Kandung >=90%
Jaro POB >= 90%

Exact Date of Birth

Jaro Place of Birth >=90%
Jaro Alamat >=90%
Jaro Nama >= 90%
Jaro Ibu Kandung >= 70%

Exact Date of Birth

Jaro Place of Birth >=90%
Jaro Alamat >=90%
Jaro Nama >= 70%
Jaro Ibu Kandung >= 90%
Kondisi 8 Kondisi 9

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