Pharmacokinetics of Bupropion and Its Metabolites in Haemodialysis Patients Who Smoke

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Original Paper

Received: November 28, 2003

Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89
Accepted: March 1, 2004
DOI: 10.1159/000078635

Pharmacokinetics of Bupropion and Its

Metabolites in Haemodialysis Patients
Who Smoke
A Single Dose Study

Simon P.R. Worrall a Michael K. Almond a Soraya Dhillon b

a Southend Hospital NHS Trust, and b The School of Pharmacy, University of London, London, England

Key Words toxic plasma levels is required. The effects of haemodial-

Bupropion W Hydroxybupropion W Threohydrobupropion W ysis on BP and metabolites require further study. A dose
Metabolites W Haemodialysis W Pharmacokinetics of 150 mg bupropion every 3 days in patients receiving
haemodialysis is more appropriate than the current
manufacturer’s recommendation (in renal impaired pa-
Abstract tients) of 150 mg daily. A multi-dose study is required.
To date, no study has investigated the effects of bupro- Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

pion (BP) in renal-impaired humans. This study aims to

identify the pharmacokinetics of BP and metabolites in
haemodialysis patients who smoke, determine whether Introduction
haemodialysis affects BP and metabolite clearance, and
suggest the BP dose in haemodialysis. The pharmacoki- Bupropion is the first licensed non-nicotine pharmaco-
netics of BP and two of its major metabolites, hydroxybu- logical therapy for smoking cessation in the UK. Smoking
propion (HB) and threohydrobupropion (TB) were stud- is the single largest cause of preventable illness and pre-
ied in 8 smokers with ESRD receiving haemodialysis. mature death in the United Kingdom [1]. Over 120,000
Following a single oral dose of 150 mg bupropion hydro- people die each year in the UK due to smoking-related
chloride sustained-release, blood samples were taken diseases. Smoking cessation is one of the most cost-effec-
over 7 days, which were assayed using HPLC-mass spec- tive healthcare interventions. Smoking further increases
trometry. Pharmacokinetic analysis was undertaken by the cardiovascular risk, which is already raised in renal
non-linear regression using MWPharm. The BP results patients. Data from the USA shows smokers on haemodi-
were similar to those for individuals with normal renal alysis (compared with non-smoking haemodialysis pa-
function. The metabolites demonstrated increased areas tients) have an increased risk of developing heart failure
under the curve, indicating accumulation. Dialysis clear- (adjusted hazards ratio 1.59), peripheral vascular disease
ance of HB is unlikely. The results suggest significant (1.68) and of dying (1.37) [2].
accumulation of the metabolites in renal failure. Clarifi- Whilst bupropion is a well-tolerated drug, it can have
cation of the clinical importance of the metabolites and significant side effects in predisposed individuals, such as

© 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel Simon Worrall

ABC 1660–2110/04/0973–0083$21.00/0 Renal Unit
Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Southend Hospital NHS Trust, Prittlewell Chase
E-Mail Accessible online at: Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0RY Essex (UK) Tel. +44 1702 221098, Fax +44 1702 221099, E-Mail
Table 1. Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Inclusion Exclusion

Adult Acute illness

Haemodialysis patient at study hospital Unable to give consent
Established on haemodialysis (1 3 months) Liver disease
Regular smoker History of head trauma/epilepsy/CNS tumour
No previous use of bupropion Acute drug withdrawal
No current/past history of mental health Medication likely to lower seizure threshold
illness/eating disorder Alcohol abuse
No allergy to Zyban excipients Poorly controlled diabetes
Use of stimulants/anorectic agents

those where accumulation can occur. The major concern Method

with bupropion is the risk of seizures, probably related to
From a haemodialysis population of 110 attending the renal unit
peak plasma concentrations. The incidence of seizures is
at Southend Hospital NHS Trust, 25 smokers were identified. Of
approximately 0.1% [3]. these, 2 were excluded: one due to dementia and the second due to
There are no published studies into the kinetics of concomitant medication. The remainder was invited to take part
bupropion in renal impaired patients. In renal failure the after informal discussion and provision of an information leaflet. 8
manufacturer suggests a reduced maximum dose of adult end-stage renal failure patients (1 female, 7 male) on haemodi-
alysis, who fulfilled the entry criteria, were recruited.
150 mg per day, whilst others have recommended no dose
The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the local
reductions [4]. However, the suggestion is that accumula- research and ethics committee. Inclusion/exclusion criteria for the
tion of the bupropion and metabolites may occur in the study can be seen in table 1. Each patient who participated in the
presence of impaired renal function [5–7]. study was free to withdraw at any point. Written consent was
Different formulations of bupropion exist throughout obtained from patients after they had received written and oral infor-
the world; we used the prolonged release preparation of
Patients received their usual prescribed medication during the
Zyban (GlaxoSmithKline), which is the only licensed for- study. Patients were permitted to smoke cigarettes as they wished
mulation of bupropion in the UK. during their involvement in the study. All patients had undergone a
The aims of this study were to identify the pharmaco- recent check of their electrolytes, liver function and blood count prior
kinetic profile of bupropion and metabolites in a small to the study as part of their general hospital care.
On the morning of day 1, the fasted patient attended the renal
cohort of smokers on haemodialysis. We also wanted to
unit. Unless the patient had central line access, a physician inserted a
determine the extent to which haemodialysis affects the peripheral 18G venous cannula. A baseline blood sample was ob-
clearance of bupropion and metabolites. With this infor- tained. A single bupropion hydrochloride-sustained release 150 mg
mation, our final aim was to determine the appropriate tablet (Zyban, GlaxoSmithKline) was taken orally by the patient
dose of bupropion for haemodialysis patients. with a drink of water or tea. Blood samples were then taken via the
venous cannula at the following times (in hours): 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,
Bupropion is extensively metabolized to hydroxybu-
2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 12.0. The patient was encour-
propion, threohydrobupropion and erythrohydrobupro- aged to fast until lunchtime. If there was a venous cannula in situ
pion. The metabolites, especially hydroxybupropion, are after the 12-hour sample, the cannula was removed.
active and probably influence efficacy and toxicity [8– On day 2, the patient presented to the unit for dialysis. Once the
10]. fistula was needled, a pre-dialysis sample was taken. All patients in
the study were given a 4-hour dialysis session, using a 250 ml/min
Bupropion hydrochloride is metabolised, by the cyto-
pump speed on a DCA 170G dialyser (Dicea high-performance cellu-
chrome P450 isoenzyme CYP2B6, to the major active lose diacetate hollow fibre dialyser, Baxter Healthcare Corporation,
metabolite, hydroxybupropion. Renal Division, Mcgaw Park, Ill., USA). Approximately half way
Whilst not metabolised by the CYP2D6 isoenzyme, through the session, a blood sample was taken directly from the
bupropion and hydroxybupropion are inhibitors of the arterial and venous ports on the dialyser machine. At the end of dial-
ysis, a post-dialysis sample was taken.
CYP2D6 pathway. Drugs, which have the capacity to
On day 3, the patient had a venous sample taken approximately
induce or inhibit metabolism, such as carbamazepine 24 h after dialysis.
should be used cautiously with bupropion as they may On day 4, the patient presented to the renal unit for dialysis. The
adversely affect its efficacy or safety. same process as on day 2 was followed, except no samples were taken
from the arterial and venous ports during dialysis.

c84 Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89 Worrall/Almond/Dhillon

Table 2. Patient demographic details

Patient Age Gender Height Dry weight 24-hour urine Cause of renal failure
No. years cm kg output, ml

1 65 male 172 67 1,600 diabetes

2 45 male 170 56 1,200 congenital renal dysplasia
3 67 male 172 69 180 glomerulonephritis
4 58 male 180 71 1,800 polycystic kidney disease
5 43 female 165 57 0 diabetes
6 59 male 183 86.5 2,200 diabetes
7 62 male 180 86 50 hypertension
8 45 male 177 57.5 1,400 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

On the day of the next dialysis session, a sample was taken prior Table 3. Patient medication details
to the commencement of dialysis. The patients resumed their usual
dialysis prescription (duration, pump speed, dialyser type). Patient Prescribed medication
In summary, patients were dialysed on days 2 and 4 of the study. No.
The final blood sample was taken prior to a third dialysis session.
After a dialysis session, patients were requested to undergo a 24-hour 1 Amlodipine, aspirin, calcium carbonate, doxazosin,
urine collection to determine approximate urine output. The patients enalapril, erythropoietin, isosorbide mononitrate,
were monitored for side effects during the study. ranitidine
A minimum of 3.5 ml whole blood was collected at each blood 2 Alpha-calcidol, erythropoietin
sampling time. Immediately after collection, each sample was gently 3 Aspirin, calcium carbonate, carbamazepine (neuralgia
mixed and placed on chipped ice. Within 20 min of collection, each pain), erythropoietin, lisinopril, simvastatin
blood sample was centrifuged for 10 min at 2,500 g at 5 ° C. The plas- 4 Amiodarone, aspirin, erythropoietin, furosemide,
ma was then stored at or below –70 ° C. This was imperative to lisinopril
ensure accuracy of the samples; whilst bupropion appears heat and 5 Alpha-calcidol, erythropoietin, insulin, lansoprazole,
acid labile, the metabolites are stable [11]. lisinopril
The 176 samples were sent as a single batch in cold chain condi- 6 alfa-calcidol, aspirin, calcium carbonate, doxazosin,
tions to GlaxoSmithKline’s Department of Bioanalysis, USA, for gliclazide, lansoprazole, ramipril
analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and 7 Amlodipine, aspirin, erythropoietin, perindopril,
mass spectometry (MS). Using peak area ratios with 1/¯2 weighted sevelamer
linear regression, the Department of Bioanalysis, GlaxoSmithKline, 8 Amlodipine, calcium carbonate, losartan
determined the following lower limits of quantification: bupropion:
0.500 ng/ml, hydroxybupropion: 1.00 ng/ml and threohydrobupro-
pion: 0.500 ng/ml.
At a bupropion concentration of 2.0 ng/ml, the within batch pre-
cision and accuracy were 2.5 and 100% B 10.5%. The coefficient of
variation (CV) was 9.1%. At higher concentrations the CV was 8.1% linear regression curves were produced detailing exact XY coordi-
(50 ng/ml), 8.3% (100 ng/ml) and 8.0% (150 ng/ml). For a hydroxy- nates. The results were compared against a previous pharmacokinet-
bupropion concentration of 2.0 ng/ml, the within batch precision and ic study of bupropion, with a similar dosing schedule and analysis
accuracy were 0.8% and 100 B 15.7%. The coefficient of variation method [12].
(CV) was 11.0%. At higher concentrations the CV was 3.6% (50 ng/
ml), 3.8% (100 ng/ml) and 3.1% (150 ng/ml). At a threohydrobupro-
pion concentration of 2.0 ng/ml, the within batch precision and accu- Results
racy were 1.5% and 100 B 9.0%. The coefficient of variation (CV)
was 7.4%. At higher concentrations the CV was 3.4% (50 ng/ml),
3.1% (100 ng/ml) and 3.4% (150 ng/ml).
Judging by the 24-hour urine collections, the patients
The results from the HPLC-MS analyses were assessed using the appeared to have very different levels of residual func-
‘MWPharm’ computer program (MediWare B.V., Groningen, The tion. This and other demographic details can be seen in
Netherlands), at the School of Pharmacy, University of London, table 2. Patient 3 was the only participant on medication
England. The KinFit program (using the Simplex method) was used
that may have affected the kinetics of bupropion, namely
for non-linear curve-fitting. For the kinetic analysis, a bioavailability,
F, of 1 was chosen. carbamazepine: this may have increased the metabolism
Graphs were produced using the ‘GraphPad Prism’ computer of the parent compound. The patients’ medication during
program (GraphPad Software Inc., SanDiego, Calif., USA). Non- the study is summarised in table 3.

Pharmacokinetics of Bupropion and Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89 c85

Metabolites in Haemodialysis
Table 4. Mean pharmacokinetic values for bupropion (n = 8)

Statistical parameter Tmax Cmax Elim t1/2· Elim t1/2ß Vd Vd Cl AUC,

h ng/ml h h litres litres/kg litres/h ng/ml/h

Mean 2.83 126.22 2.79 15.55 1,330.93 19.36 113.83 1,446

Median 2.82 127.60 2.36 12.43 1,011.00 14.71 102.00 1,470
Standard deviation 0.72 34.92 1.25 7.32 651.88 9.48 45.37 394

Table 5. Mean pharmacokinetic values for hydroxybupropion (n = 8)

Statistical parameter Tmax Cmax Elim t1/2 Vd Vd Cl AUC

h ng/ml h litres litres/kg litres/h ng/ml/h

Mean 13.81 525.40 37.85 275.30 4.00 5.66 37,530

Median 10.94 500.20 39.56 228.20 3.32 4.72 31,940
Standard deviation 5.88 251.94 12.23 135.10 1.97 3.58 24,660

Table 6. Mean pharmacokinetic values for threohydrobupropion (n = 8)

Statistical parameter Tmax Cmax Elim t1/2 Vd Vd Cl AUC

h ng/ml h litres litres/kg litres/h ng/ml/h

Mean 13.85 165.40 56.45 986.53 14.35 13.10 17,136

Median 14.05 124.90 51.65 1,026.20 14.93 13.41 11,200
Standard deviation 5.07 97.64 13.25 459.31 6.68 7.51 13,690

Table 7. Comparison of mean pharmacokinetic values for bupropion and metabolites between a study of patients
with normal renal function (n = 34) and the current study of patients with end-stage renal failure (n = 8)

Parameter Bupropion Hydroxybupropion Threohydrobupropion

normal ESRF normal ESRF normal ESRF

Tmax, h 2.94 2.83 6.97 13.81 5.14 13.85

Cmax, ng/ml 143.50 126.22 429.50 525.40 142.30 165.40
Cl, l/h 135.50 113.83 * 5.66 * 13.10
AUC, ng/ml/h 1,165 1,446 15,883 37,530 6,190 17,136
Elim t1/2, h 18.75 18.34 22.00 37.85 48.00 56.45

All 8 patients had normal liver function (as determined The bupropion results, in table 4, show that renal im-
by ALT and bilirubin tests). Only patients 5 and 8 had low pairment does not have a significant impact on the parent
albumin levels (25 and 29 g/l, respectively) – all others compound after a single dose. The elimination t1/2 is simi-
were within the normal range (35–50 g/l). No patient lar to the Hsyu study [12].
experienced any effect, adverse or otherwise during the In other studies [13–15], clearance was generally great-
study, except for patient 2, who claimed to have a reduced er at 140–175 liters/h, although one study had a clearance
desire to smoke on days 2 and 3. of 90 liters/h [16]. Sweet et al. [5] quote an almost identi-

c86 Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89 Worrall/Almond/Dhillon

cal clearance, at 113 liters/h, to this study. However, this
is with a bioavailability of 0.5; at F = 1 (which was used in
this study), the clearance is half this value. Consistent
with this reduced clearance, they had an extended elimi-
nation half-life, which we do not see in this present study.
Given that our patients had worse renal function than the
elderly patients in the Sweet study, the poor clearance in
the elderly may be related to an increased Vd.
With respect to the AUC of 1,446 ng/ml/h, all other
studies adjusted to the same dose have lower AUC values
of 905, 1,063, 747 and 800 (all ng/ml/h) [5, 13, 14, 16].
This suggests that bupropion may produce higher AUC
values and have a slightly reduced clearance in haemodi-
alysis patients. The results on dialysis suggest there maybe
some clearance of bupropion by haemodialysis: the mean
change from the arterial to the venous sample was –13.3%
B 8.2. However, the metabolite results are of greater
importance. Few studies have included the kinetics of
bupropion’s metabolites, to allow comparison.
Accumulation of the active metabolite, hydroxybupro-
pion, in renal impairment is very likely, as seen from the
results in table 5. Tmax is double that in the Hsyu work,
Fig. 1. Log mean plasma concentrations for bupropion and metabo-
whilst the Cmax is over 20% higher. The AUC and elimina- lites vs. time.
tion half-life are greatly increased, by 136 and 73%,
respectively, indicating a reduced clearance. The results
from the dialysis sessions suggest hydroxybupropion, the
major active metabolite, is not cleared by dialysis: the Discussion
mean venous sample was 4 B 8.2% greater than the mean
arterial sample. This is the first study to present the pharmacokinetics
For threohydrobupropion, accumulation is also a of bupropion and its major metabolites in humans with
probability, as seen from the results summarized in renal impairment. Previous work has investigated bupro-
table 6. Tmax is increased almost 3-fold, and there is a pion in renal impaired animals [6, 7]. Accumulation of
slight increase in the Cmax (16%) and elimination half-life bupropion and its metabolites has been demonstrated in
(17%). The AUC is substantially greater, by almost 3-fold. the plasma and the brain.
This is suggestive of reduced clearance. This is confirmed The effects of bupropion in elderly patients have been
by results from earlier studies [5, 14]. Clearance by hae- investigated [5]. A reduced clearance and prolonged half-
modialysis may occur based on the mean 16.8 B 7.5% life in both bupropion and the metabolites was seen. Mul-
decrease from the arterial to the venous sample. tiple dosing led to an accumulation of the metabolites rel-
The difference between the kinetics of the metabolites ative to the parent compound suggesting a saturation of
in normal and poor renal function is highlighted in ta- the elimination pathways. It is predicted that a similar
ble 7. The difference in the kinetics of the metabolites scenario would occur in haemodialysis patients, but to a
compared with the parent compound can be seen in fig- greater extent. The elimination half-lives for the metabo-
ure 1. This highlights the importance of the metabolites, lites, after chronic dosing, were very similar to those in
in terms of the higher plasma levels, and extended pres- this single-dose study. After chronic dosing, it is likely that
ence in the plasma, which will increase the risk of toxicity the half-lives of the metabolites in haemodialysis patients
should significant accumulation occur. will be even longer.
The results from samples taken during dialysis indicate
that haemodialysis will not increase the clearance of
hydroxybupropion from the plasma. This may mean that
the major method of clearance of this potentially toxic

Pharmacokinetics of Bupropion and Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89 c87

Metabolites in Haemodialysis
metabolite in haemodialysis patients is the residual kid- bupropion and the metabolites in renal failure would
ney function of the patient. The results for bupropion and determine whether binding changes in uraemic and dialy-
threohydrobupropion suggest some clearance may occur sis-dependent patients. Bupropion is a basic drug so
on dialysis. would therefore bind to the acute phase reactive protein,
The plasma levels of the active metabolites are greater Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, rather than albumin. As this
than that of bupropion, and this has been demonstrated in protein constitutes a small percentage of the globulin lev-
cerebrospinal fluid [8], where plasma levels correlated el, and can be affected by nephritis and inflammatory pro-
with cerebrospinal fluid concentrations. If these levels are cesses in various ways, it is difficult to predict how protein
excessive, toxic effects may occur. The metabolites have binding would be affected by end-stage renal failure and
significant neurological activity, suggesting they are re- the haemodialysis process.
sponsible for the activity and the neurological side effects Future work needs to determine desired plasma levels
[9, 10]. for smoking cessation, and levels to be avoided to mini-
Whilst therapeutic drug monitoring of bupropion has mise the risk of adverse effects, such as seizures. In the
been recommended [17, 18], there is no consensus on longer term, efficacy and safety studies of bupropion in
ideal plasma levels [8, 19–21]. Hydroxybupropion plasma renal patients, both alone and in combination with nico-
levels greater than 1,250 ng/ml were associated with poor tine replacement therapy are required.
therapeutic efficacy whilst lower levels achieved a desired There is an apparent large variation between the pa-
antidepressant response. A similar effect was seen with tients in terms of urine volume, presenting a heterogenous
threohydrobupropion and erythrohydrobupropion. Al- cohort. However, this reflects clinical practice. There may
though logical, no proven relationship between toxicity also be a question relating to the accuracy of single 24-
and plasma levels of bupropion or the metabolites exists. hour urine collections. The limited size and heterogeneity
Reports of toxicity, including death, with bupropion exist, of the cohort mean that the standard deviations of the
but details of plasma levels are absent [22, 23]. It appears mean kinetic parameters for bupropion and metabolites
that efforts should be focused on the metabolites in terms are large, emphasizing the preliminary nature of the
of identifying their activity and safe plasma levels for results and the need for a larger study.
treatment. The timing of the samples was a compromise between
Ambiguity exists in the literature regarding dose altera- ideal sample times and the logistics of organising the
tions in renal disease. In elderly patients with an esti- study around patient’s dialysis sessions, and obtaining
mated reduced clearance (80% of that in younger pa- volunteers. The inclusion of patient 3 (with the concomi-
tients) a 25% dose reduction was recommended [5], sug- tant use of carbamazepine) may have affected the results,
gesting a greater reduction in clearance will require an especially in a small cohort, due to possible increased
even greater dose reduction to achieve the same effect. bupropion metabolism. Patients were allowed to smoke
Whilst the bupropion clearance was slightly reduced, the during the study. Smoking does not alter the kinetics of
strong suggestion is that the clearance of the metabolites is bupropion and its metabolites [12]. It has been shown
greatly reduced. If the metabolites have a significant role there is no effect of gender on the kinetics of bupropion
in the therapeutic and toxic effects, a significant reduction [13], although this was recently challenged by Stewart et
in the dose of the parent compound would be required. al. [24], who also demonstrated increased levels of hy-
A larger multi-dose study needs to confirm the results droxybupropion in females compared with males. Further
presented here, and demonstrate that accumulation of work in larger groups is required.
metabolites does occur. To ethically demonstrate accu-
mulation, we urgently need information on toxic plasma
levels of the metabolites and bupropion. It would be bene- Conclusion
ficial to investigate the kinetics and safety of this drug in
other patient groups within the renal community. The This study has determined the pharmacokinetics of
results of drug clearance on haemodialysis require clarifi- bupropion and its pharmacologically active metabolites,
cation; dialysate drug levels also need to be measured. hydroxybupropion and threohydrobupropion, for the first
More work is needed to define the activity and side effects time, in a small group of haemodialysis patients who
of the metabolites. This will help determine whether dose smoke, following a single 150-mg oral dose. The pharma-
reductions are required, or whether accumulation of the cokinetic profile of bupropion was similar to that in
metabolites is safe. Knowledge of the protein binding of patients with normal renal function; however, the metab-

c88 Nephron Clin Pract 2004;97:c83–c89 Worrall/Almond/Dhillon

olites demonstrated reduced clearance with the probabili- reduction in the frequency of the 150 mg dose to every 3
ty of accumulation and toxicity on repeated dosing. Even days would be a safe approach.
though bupropion is only used for a period of approxi- This study has advanced the knowledge of bupropion
mately 2 months as a smoking cessation treatment, inap- and its metabolites, and we are nearer the safe use of
propriately high doses may still cause significant accumu- bupropion in haemodialysis patients. This will benefit
lation and severe toxicity. Further work in larger groups those wishing to quit smoking and reduce their risk of a
with multiple dosing is urgently required to confirm these premature death due to cardiovascular disease.
results and help confirm an appropriate dosing schedule
in haemodialysis patients. This will require greater knowl- Competing Interests
edge of the activity and toxicity of the active metabolites. None.
The kinetics of bupropion and the metabolites were suffi-
ciently different from work in patients with normal renal
function to warrant a review of current dosage recommen- Acknowledgements
dations. Given that the major active metabolite, hydroxy-
Thanks must go to the following: The staff and patients of the
bupropion, is not dialysable and may rely on residual
Renal Unit, Southend Hospital NHS Trust, for their assistance dur-
renal function for clearance, with a t1/2 of approximately ing the project. The staff of GlaxoSmithKline in Middlessex, UK &
40 h, a daily dosing schedule of 150 mg is likely to cause North Carolina, USA for their logistical and technical support.
toxicity. Based on the results from the current study, a


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