1 Yyjn Y Yy 150 Y I Y? Ry Ym 03 Afaf Yy 1 Yyy Y Yy

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iTMgi'cjcr) ^q'tjq> jj^ trfg^ ^>egTnTr) ^jferr

-:itrd^H *3l'^oll::-
(3[) 3f^-ijlvjHI :-

SfPTen^ "T^t^TT 4^"Ifa

^ WTFZT ^TFT ^STT 150 3^

^ grmRq^ ITPT
SPfTOTeT vjT^ y«i"fcJH 300

■>Hiyirtt)K 50
tgel 3T^ 500
(^) :— i

1. ^ (3t) fcfyy- yHTy^, yy 3j?Rf^^ ^ yy aMR

51M "^f 50 ^IF^ cM y "fcfyy y^yy^ ^ ioo y^
^ 1 ^ yyjN y^ yy ^ 150 y^ ^ i y?^ry> yM 03 afaf yy 1 ^ yyy^ y^ yy
yy Tjyrfa 450 afaf yy ^ 1
2. yyy yy y^gPr^ (ygfcTy^e^fty) yyyy yy ^1 y?fa y^ c^ ^ ^ fctyyy
(A3)C,D) #1" I 3pyaft y^ "^yy fctyy^ yy yyy y^^ ytyr I
3. yyy y^ y?r 3 ^ y^ ^ 1 y^ yy yy ^ 'srfa 50 yyy ci>i^Pny yyyy c^ 1
y?^ 03 3Ty^ yy ytyr 1 'y' ^yyf^ fcjyy ^ 100 y^ y^^f^ yy?R c^
ym y^ y^ 03 afyff yy ^ryr 1 . ^
4. y^ yy ^ yiy bW— yry—(sf) wfpy hh ^ y^ yy 40 yfrigid sfa yy ypT-(y)
fctyy ^ ^41^ 40 wfa^id 3fa ysryj ysryj ypy y^ 3jPic|i4 Btyr 1 ^ yyy? yty^
^ ^ 3fy^ yrT vfFsyiy y^ 1 sfhMfy y^m (3R-W)=yryfa
y^ i\m\
{R= yft yiw, W = yyfy ^rRt' y>t ^j^yr}
3T9rfd; yc4y> yyy ^ 3 afa yypr 1%^ yy^ yy y^fa y^ yy^ c^
1 afy? yy^ yyyyr 1
5. yyy yy yy 3f^-yfa yryraff ^ Blyr 1
6. ^STKyyy :— ^
50 'afcfjf =51 #tt i ^rrrarK^ ^ fMfer ^ 11

Page 1 1

1) xriR-'ffisPiiT ^ ^rapT wr ^ ^ afiHdi^n ^ arraifer

^SIT ^ 3TTzitX5FT t^P^IT ^JmpTT I TTftgfT 3im1v.lH ^ 1M§T
fimffef t I
2) ^ftarr ^an ^^ cjft xsor ^ amft^ ci?r
itiRTT^ www.mppsc.nic.in rfaiT www.mppsc.com ^ ycfiRid sfprai^
^ 07 ^ 3icri?r ^f armf^ tjm 7f5t i ^ amf^r ^ ^?wq tirt
f?Rfr iff STRRR^ TR 7Pt| jcTaiR Ijcf waiR '^Tff f%7IT ^WTT I Ijf^ 3mf^
100 gl'l l TTarr hRi lliicl '^RP 40 -friMi) ijaicp ^frry |
STNfor felT w ?Iecp armfel tTT^ tT? STHjaff C^ tcp 731^ 3|Heil^4
^ cfFm fcpuT unw i ■^i fMer if cnro firm kstiw i
^TRT aTRfoRf TR aTRPT ^ IcRq 1lr?m|t ^ afRfoRtf 33 IcpEIR cfR
PiHf^fen arjfTR ct,i4cii^ 35t Rppfr. :-
1. Ha-1 Rjin^l WriSfcp if 'TPra' >33T3 f^TIT RR t 3fl3 333 tcpfeW
BrRf ^ 31^ 3313 33cW t 3R HRf^ ^ cpt 3131^^ fapm RTTtttT I
2. aimRlitl' ■$ mm 33 1^FTR[3n3 3R 3TJ '33^ 37r 33333 ^ Rldlftld
33337 ;-

37. ^ 333 f^733PT 33t R|cPe3l' if 3i€t 3373 3 ^ I

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337 4 37f43) 1c|37e3f 4 34 ^337ff% ^ I
3. 333 1%74t 333 afMl 373373 4 14^ ^ 34 333 34 33sfcp 377
4 33lf4c7 373377 ^1
1ct337-Mwf 1737 373337 aTHJlcRrff tr 1^7Et73 3734 3^ 333737 37^-7 33T3
3gu4 337f 3777714 37377 a773t3 34 qy-Ml^c www.mppsc.nic.in 3^77 www.mppsc.com
33 3377^737 34 3777j471 aff^tf ^373 ^ 377347 34 43377?^ 33 373^ ^ =4
3337737 37t^ aTHTTcT^^ 34l37R 3^ f3p3(7 377337 I '534337733773 371414 ^ ReilRld
1473 33 3337 33 WW3 43 3337 4 377373 33 STRlf^ 377 7Je37373 373
34477—3145717 dlRa 47737 3773371

Page 1 2
3) ^5IT yiklfcb ^ 3nWR ^ tcTl^FT Mrff IcTfnfcttT RfcRPTf
^ aif^coci-M 3 ■^TTPT sjcfj yRT arnrfaWr ^ ^siio^k siftei'ta
TR^ tg ^frRcT IcPUT ^WTTI
4) .y^sfT ^ ^ sncM? aiMdi^n yfrsn 4o% ara? ^ '3i' ^-'^i'
if ijajcu ^iRT atfirapJ #171 iHi7i#r ^ srfSRjf# arggf# ^nfrr,
3Tggf#r un«iiRi nan snn fcnjnr # # f#7fnnH #fr an## # n#n if
73tM ^ 10-10 yfci^id 37# # 7|n # van# wr nnn #fr ^ an##
# #t8n if nnM #r Rjgnn so nf#Tn a# Tmn n^nr ail## #tt i
5) afMdi^-i #rsn nf#nn c^ w fr aTiii#i-#n ^ afl# 1^ 1#iff# nR #fgn
if <145 el aTHlfSfnt >ff TEOT# 37#T # R## RT# aifi#^ f#J vjiif^'l nan #IeT
n# ap### # RnarmmR arrni# l#n Rnw # 37lii#^f # Rjpr #n
UnRTRT 37# n7T7 R77t^l
6) RnannnR if a7gnl#[n ti# 777^ arHiM# # nnn ^ f#t 37# n7n7 37777011
RnanmnR 7^ an## # ^en^ 7^ RTTfn if ann# nn Mn aff# #Tri
3i#n7n7fr arRif^ff # 7Z7f#m^ rtt ^ #-#t/sms sm Rjpm #ft Rnipfr 1 anntn
# #ni$c www.mppscdemo.in,www.mppsc.nic.in nan www.mppsc.com tr
# n7|e77E7 R#TI

7) n77#n 77# 77^ aff#T nnn afrnwr nfMnfr Trfran nan RnannfnR ^ WTTn af# 7^
#n ^ #ftcnR guiijfho 7^ annR tr #ni
8) anntn # Tj^sn inn7eft if jnjenf7nn/'gn#7nT nn 77^7# uTTinH n#t 11 ^ f#n if
Tn^n a7«n#nf tr ## c7,i4cii#i #t # TTnifiti

7J^57J p7<7c(0

Page I 3

CaP5-'3T')-Hbd<u^;ji. i\b^n w a'dTiitJtU gn" iHIHM itpt

1. ^ gRlgm. T?? 'Hlf^t^

• wrat^ ^ ?f%?RT ^ H^<rc)i^ul McHlii, x!Mc|'^||

• vMd'^di 3)k1(H-i ^r m -nl'iciH i

• ^ wr ^fR^fRT I
• wrat?r ^ WMr I

• ^ Trg^ ?qfeR, #c[5 ^Tpfin Tjcf cfjerr? i

• wm^ ^ Trg^ TTEf I
• ^ I
• wmt?T ^ I

2. W 'H''ntH ' '

• ^'^, irfcT ^STT 'iRi'iil I

• ^ vJlcl^iiy I
• TT?3m^ ^ yicijRich Tjcf ^#iuT i
• WepT : yx!4x!Hld ^ I
e wmtw ^;rg^ TN I
3. TT£?nf-^?r >!iMi'fi[a aTaJjgiit^

^fieiw^ ^ ^iwflf^ ^iraw (^IWTM, -Tff^FT^.'f^reiFRmT)

^r sjcRSTT I

^ wnf^ra? oqcRsiT I
Wra^ ^ vjl-liPlci?! TJcf vFTTt^FTr I

^ 3Tr^ i
^ Trg^ vjejVi 1
^ STMRcT \d£jVl I
• w^n$yf wromtoi ■er:^ I
• ^ c[?r ;rg^ ^ y,^^K ?tstt ^ ^«rT^ i
• >!|vrij C[5t y^ia WT cpe^luicfJl-fl ijlvjl-llkj I
• 'HEziu^ c^ t^RJa ^rfcRRtT ■<1^ ■^sjT^ I

5. XT? XTla'lPl4>1 I

o ^Hct^iPicKH, Tig ^fmR y'klRict?! i

® ^Mfbm, 3TTfSft|T%5M wzm RTcPJJ^ I
• f-TTcr^ I
• ?Tsn I

^ —XXX—
Assistant Manager (Public Health and Family Welfare

(Section-*A *)-General Knowledge of Madhva Pradesh, National and

International level

1. History culture and literature of M.P.


• Important Historical events.and Major dynasties of M.P.

• Contribution ofMadhya Pradesh in the Independence movements.
• Art, Architecture and culture of M.P.

• Main Tribes and Dialects of M.P. ■ '

• Main festivals, folk music and folk art of M.P.

• Important literary figures of M.P. and their literature.

• Main Tourist places of M.P.
• Important personalities of M.P.

2. Geography of the Madhya Pradesh

• Forest, Mountain and Rivers of M.P.

• Climate of M.P.

• Natural and mineral resources of M.P.

• Energy Resources: Conventional and Non- conventional.

• Main irrigation and Power projects of M.P, ^
3. Politics and Economy of M.P.
• Political system of M.P.(Governor, Cabinet, Legislative Assembly).
• Panchayati Raj in M.P.
• Social system of M.P.
• Demography and census of M.P.
• Economic development of M.P.
• Main industries of M.P.

• Agriculture and Agri based industries in M.P.

4. Current events of International, National and M.P.
• Important Contemporaneous events.
• Famous sports competitions; awards and sports institution ofthe State and

• Welfare schemes of M.P. state.

• Famous personalities and Places.

5. Information and Communication Technology

• Electronics, computers, information and communication technology.
• Robotics, artificial intelligence and cyber security.
• E- governance.

• Internet and Social networking site. ''

• E- Commerce.

mcWjsbM (Syllabus),
Hospital and Public Health Management
3Rq?Tra uFT ^f^fTfa^T
Unit I: Hospital Administration
• Management :- Concept and application in health and hospitals, roles and duties of
hospital administrator.
• Practical approach towards law and order in hospital management, crowd management,
Patient management. Medical record, its significance and management, audits: Medical
Audit, Departmental Audit, Whole Hospital Audit.
• Quality in healthcare The concept of service quality standards, assurance,
conformance, management and measurement of quality parameters for Health Care
Orgnisation (HCOs), Nosocomial infection its detection and control, Hospital Hazards
and Disaster minimization.
• Quality accreditation of HCOs its significance implementation, management and
measurement of the required standards.
• Hospitals as an industrial organization. Optimum utilization of resources.

• sik STfqcTM WFT ^

ycf cfj^i

• Rif^odi f^mFfPr
31>Wdlel yn
• ^ q,u|cjTii m\ ^ ^ ^
^ ary^rrw, 3TRyRTT sfhr srj^^ycTT, y^ yrWli ^ yryy y5t
%frWmci (3Ry?M yyc^) ^rwm, yB^FT afk aRyw yy
ayyicT yRRerfM ^ y5t sfiyyi i
• c|5t jj^uNoii yryrwT, t^ypyyy, ayy^yy? ynyff yy y^ yy
yryy 1
• yy^ alklRich yfy^ ^^ 3Rq?M, yrymyt yy wfPr i
Unit II: Public Health Management
• Health: Definition, meaning, health indicators their significance and application,
magnitude of disease burden, surveillance, prevalence and incidence of disease. Levels
of healthcare and their importance, relevance to stratified referral system.
• Healthcare planning in India, historical aspect, various committees their
recommendations and implementation. 'Health' in National Five Year Plans, Yearly
National and State Health Budgeting and their background exercises.
• Community health care need and their forecasting. National Health Programmes,
Healthcare delivery system in Rural and Urban India and its outreach.
• National Health Mission, Ayushman Bharat and other National Health Schemes,
National Health Policy. i
• Betterment of community health, along with consideration for its cost and availability,
auality of healthcare in Government and Private sector. Public.Private Partnership (PPP)
for health services. Role of NGOs in betterment of National Health.
• MR'Him, araf sft^ ai^uiiVi, ^ cf^r mRhiui,
f^mHt, ciimcbdi aft?^^ t^^TM ^ wr afR wm ^Mchlcigci
^ wm'Richdi
• "HRcT ^ iJlxjUl, RRlH "d^rfMf 3T^?mT
T^ H^qql^ ^rtvjpnaft afk et^r^
^ v3^ ^ff2T I
• ^HTg^rte ^^y'HicH ^ aiiciyi^chdi aik bwt ^ciI^hm i
TTlTfK afk ^TRcT ^ ^fcTRa^I^5FTT^ afR ^aqc^^mi I
• f^r^FT, gn^^TH 'TRcT aff? SRI ^ftuRT?, W^
'frt^ I
• ^mg^Tf^ ^ cTFrt ajk ^awpcn, afR Riyfr ^ ^
#[T3ff ^ guidTii, wa2T ^aff c^ >!Hic[dPicf, wjkrfr (M4t)1
W?a2T ^ ^^ (^."^.ait.) Cf5t gf^i^|
Unit ni: Management Information System and Supply Chain
• HMIS, Database & Health Information, Database Management, Relational Database
• System analysis and system design, IT based decision making in healthcare.
• Statistics of healthcare assessment and their practical application.
• Purchase and materials management with basic understanding of EOQ and related
mathematical models, inventory and Models.
• Logistics and supply chain in health services with specific understanding of cold chain
and its significance, warehousing.
f^-3: Tj^
• HMIS, 3fk tR yWT I
• 3fk ^^ 3n^ 3TmT% 1
• ^c[Razr cjit "^TT%icj?R 3ff? BWT cqiq^iRcfj gigu4l^l I
• EOQ ^ 3ITETRg^ CJmiRIT ^ ^HTST 3fR WFT ^4 J|RldliJ ^TT^,

• #T ^ MWrTR ^ sff^ ^ dlviRl"J| ^ SHTORi TTpfRfl

Unit IV: Accounting and Finance Management


• Basics of accounting and finance, accounting principles GAAPS,Journal and Ledger.

• Trial balance, P & L account, balance sheets, bank reconciliation statement.
• Financial analysis, ratios, leverages, working capital,
• Cash flow, fund flow statements, BEP.-time value of money.
• Fundamental cost accounting, cost benefit analysis, ROI.
^^-4; '
• SITElRg^ cl^icpl f^, ^^ Ritglcl yflWfFRT, yi4cl 3ff^ efyR|
• ifr.^ f^fRPi i
eTFT, chl4^[l(H ^I
^ ^ 3nn1? ipff [
4lf^c0 C1MIC1 ^'ia\<^'^, eTFTcT oTPT feePM, 3TN.3ft.3n4 I
UnitV: Operations Management
Optimization of resources with mathematical models.
Linear programming.
; Assignment and transportation models.
Queuing theory, replacement Models.
Scheduling and sequencing exercises.

^^ cPT-3T^c^^ I •
yliiiRq I ■ ■ " ■'
3TWT^ 3Tk^NT^ Tff;gN|
fW^. yfctWH I
3Tk WN^TT^^I
Unit VI: Management of Human Resources
Individual and interpersonal behavior, group dynamics.
Theoretical aspect of motivation, leadership, change, attitude.
Team building and team spirit, organization culture.
Job analysis,job description, compensation assessment.
Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Training and development.
^^rrf-6: Tim WteaY ^
^ZTRvT^m 3Tk wqf^ oijci^K, ^ll^^ilddl I '
dw, nRq^d, ^Richlui
^ Rlfcvsn 3fk €tTT RqRd, ^^Idd I
f^NetW, fcfcNN, STfcPjfcf 3i|chcHd I
vFNlf^ WT, ^NN, 3lW RlchM I
Unit VII: Marketing Of Health Care Services (In Hospitals and Govt HCO's)
Concept of service marketing, service marketing mix,service marketing triangle.
Service quality, service quality gaps.
Marketing of health and hospital services, public relations.
Integrated Marketing Communications.
Strategic Community Interventions for National Health Programs.
^ (ai'WdlelT 3ftN ^")
TTcTT fcpNpr ^ 3TWTt^, +1iqifc-'| f^T^, ]
^ "ywrn ^ sr^ i ..
3fk 3TFTW ^3ft cfTT t^lWT, |
TTcf?tc^ RquH ^ff^l
cbl4;hHl' ^ I
- '
Unit VIII: Hospital Planning
• SOPs:- Concept building, hospital planning team, feasibility study, selection of site,
financial planning of hospitals. Site development, bed distribution, space allocation,
interior designing and construction of building, fittings and fixtures, equipment Plan.
• Projected calculations for in built or outsourced facilities, projected footfall and
commissioning, facilities design and layout. '
• Planning of clinical and para clinical services: OPD, IPD, ICU and OT complexes,
laboratory investigation, radio diagnostic and Radiotherapy Services, Nuclear
Medicine, Cath Lab, IVF, Dialysis, Blood Bank Services, CSSD, Casualty Services,
Obstetrics and Gynecology facilities etc. .,
• Planning of supportive services: Administrative block, admission and discharge, from
hospital billing, corporate desk, insurance and Third Party Administrator (TPA)
services. Pharmacy & Medical store. Medical gas system, HVAC, CSSD, Dietary
services, cafeteria, laundry & linen services, housekeeping and BMW, Engineering,
• !
Workshop and such other services.
• Security, fire fighting, HVAC, effluent treatment plant. Incinerator. Oxygen
generation plant.

?^-8: ai-Wdld ^zftuPTT


3Rq?TT^ ^ TSToT 311^,

^ affr ^TtuPTT 1
• siidRcti ^^] ^ ^ qlvrni ai^qiPici aff^
^ aff^ ^arr^ I '
• f^dPicbei afk ^aff c}?r %iBT: afPM, aiijtjlA an^^ afR afr€r
wiiViyiidi aik ^
311^41 i^q), fcF ancbR^cb
afR ^^ 3TTf^ I '
• wrw #iTaff TRnrrto ^ afr? ar^RM ^ ^ aftr
cbiqT^e m wf# afR

<Sqi<^Riii, cff^ afR fcFTT

afR <^i4yiMi afk ^ani I
• arPg^m. aiqRite aiRRftvPT I
•r \7
Unit IX: Legal Framework for Hospital Management
• Legal framework for HCOs, Medical Laws, Medical Ethics and code of conduct,
negligence. Security Act 2008 for MP Doctors & Associated Medical Care People.
• Legal liabilities of hospitals, PCPNDT Act, MTP Act, Basics of drugs and cosmetics

• Organ transplantation Act, provisions for radiation control and BMW, Autopsy,
Epidemic diseases Act.
• Legal provisions related to HR,IR issues, ESI, Criminal, Civil, Law ofTorts.
• Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy. . ,

I -m\ RiRhoHi ^ ^ ^ ^
3ffl|P|A]H-2008 I .,
• 3Rq^ ^ ^
cH>tAf^chd ^I

• TT^STN, 3n^3IK "^^311^, TO?TPT, STTTTTto, oijcj^K 1

• 3ik I

Unit X: Contemporary Issues

• Health Insurance and IRDA,Ayushman Ybjana,CGHS,Railways.
• Green hospitals concept, energy efficiency in hospitals.
• Telemedicine and its optimum ethical utilization.
• Robotics and Lasers in hospitals.
• Rehabilitative services, camp hospitals and triage.

• eivWdld 3IW?WT;3TFT?TT^ ^ ^STdT 1

• M AfeRid 3fk I .

• SRWc^T ^ 3fh? I
• 31WM 3ff^ 1

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