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Volume 62, number 3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 May 1987



Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 3PS, UK

Received 25 November 1986; revised manuscript received 27 January 1987

We report the first observation of sub-poissonianphoton statistics for light generated by the use of a detection triggeredoptical
shutter in parametric downconversion. A normalised second factorial moment of the photon counting distribution of 0.42 has
been achieved with a pre-detection Fano factor of 0.984.

The generation of light with properties that cannot tribution, and a discernable reduction in Fano factor
be predicted without quantizing the Maxwell field is (i.e. shot noise variance). These experiments exploit
of interest both from a fundamental point of view the fact that two identical trains of photons are pro-
and in the context of improved measurement accu- duced in a suitably configured parametric downcon-
racy [ 1,2]. Various proposals have been made for the version apparatus and use detection of photons in one
use of squeezed states in signal processing [ 3,4 ] and train to optically gate photons in the other train.
interferometry [ 5 ], whilst the more readily appreci- The potential of this approach for noise reduction
ated photon antibunching and sub-poissonian statis- is large because the source is partially collimated.
tics would also appear to have useful practical Previous experimental realisations of sub-poisson-
applications [ 6,7 ] and certainly interesting experi- ian sources [ 11,12] emit into 4n steradians and
ments on the fundamental nature of light can be detection efficiencies are limited by the geometry of
envisaged [ 8,9 ]. Thus there is currently a great deal the collection optics.
of effort being devoted to devising experiments which We emphasise here that we have created a sub-
generate non-classical light. Earlier experiments have poissonian light source which then, on detection,
shown some success in achieving a small degree of gives the rise to sub-poissonian photoelectron statis-
antibunching or small reduction in photon counting tics. Large apparent noise reductions have also been
fluctuations below that expected for a Poisson pro- seen in closed loop shutter experiments [ 19,21 ] but
cess [ 10-13 ], while recent squeezing experiments in such systems the noise reduced light is not avail-
have also produced sub-poissonian effects [14], able for use. Such experiments can be analysed using
These experiments are based on a variety of mecha- semi-classical theories [ 22 ]. In contrast we note that
nisms ranging from single atom resonance fluores- this experiment is the first practical demonstration
cence to the Franck-Hertz effect and no doubt other of the use of a quantum non-demolition measure-
proposals made in the literature are currently being ment [ 16] of photon number to reduce the shot noise
tested [ 15-18 ]. In recent papers the use of optical of a source. Furthermore this source is in principle a
shutters to generate non-classical light in parametric source of localised one-photon states as discussed in
downconversion was proposed [ 19 ], evaluated [ 20] refs. [ 8 ] and [ 9 ]. In these previous experiments, one-
and small antibunching effects observed in a prelim- photon states were inferred by post-detection coin-
inary experimental investigation [ 13 ]. In this paper cidence gating while here we utilise an optical shutter
a modified version of the experiment is described to select single photons and introduce a dead time
which yields light with significantly reduced factorial between shutter open events to produce an anti-
moments by comparison with those o f a Poisson dis- bunched and sub-poissonian photon beam. Such a

Volume 62, number 3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 May 1987

TRIGSERCHANNEL that the signal detector is 100% efficient the number

F----- of counts per sample in the signal channel is given by

I ~ SHUTTER n=N(l+m), (1)

CRYSTAL ~ F-] N, [~--]==
where m is drawn from a Poisson distribution of
mean ( 1 - r h ) / ~ t , rh being the trigger detector effi-
ciency and/~ the ideal detection rate of pairs in the
II Iil~ I
absence of shutters etc. It is not difficult to show that
the normalised second factorial moment of the pho-
===-. i ] I tocount n can be expressed in the form
n (2) = <n(n- 1 ) >/<n> 2
Fig. 1. Schematicdiagram of apparatus.
<N> 2

one-photon source is suitable for amplification to a _(m> l + - -<m> 2 + < m >

X 1+ ( l + < m > ) 2 _ ] (2)
(higher intensity) n-photon source using a suitable <N> ( l + <m>)2 •
optical amplification scheme [ 17 ].
The principle of the experiment can be understood This quantity is not affected by the low efficiency of
from the schematic diagram shown in fig. 1 which is the detection system in the signal channel. The
a modified version of the configuration investigated reduction in measured signal variance over the con-
previously by Walker and Jakeman [ 13,19,20]. A ventional Poisson variance, the Fano factor F, is
birefringent non-linear crystal arranged for non- however dependent on signal channel quantum effi-
degenerate parametric downconversion is illumi- ciency. By definition
nated by a UV laser source. Splitting of incident UV
photons takes place within the non-linear crystal and F=(Varn)/<n>=l+ <n>(n(2)- 1) , (3)
the pairs of angularly resolved red photons so pro-
duced are observed by the (photon counting) trigger
where <n> = r / 2 ( N ) (1 + <m> ) and n (2) is given by
and signal detectors. At the trigger detector an elec-
eq. (2). In the current experiment detector effi-
tronic deadtime ZD is introduced so that detection
ciency is only 2% so that even if the predetection Fano
events in this channel are at least TD apart. When each
factor is small an observed Fano factor of 0.98 is to
of these events is registered a shutter is opened for a
be expected at best. On the other hand the second
short time t in the signal channel. An optical delay is
factorial moment is minimised by choosing T < zD
included before the shutter in this channel to com-
when the first term in eq. (2) vanishes. Since from
pensate for electronic and shutter response times, etc.
the theory of deadtimes [ 23,24 ]
Thus only the partners of events actually registered
<N> = r h R T / ( l +rh/~rD) we can write in this case
in the trigger channel should be observed in the sig-
nal channel. In principle this overcomes the problem
of random partnerless events arising in the signal
channel due to the low efficiency of the trigger chan- n(2) l+y ( 1 ) (4)
- y. 1 - l+yt(l_~l)2/~hr D
nel detector, which considerably reduced the non-
classical effects observed in the earlier experiment
[ 13 ]. The ideal signal is thus a 0-1 random variable. with y = qIRrD and 7* = rh/~ T. Clearly, for small n (2)
In practice, there is always the chance of observing we need TD,~ T, yt]'CD<<rh/(1 --rll ), with y of order 1
further events in the signal channel during the finite to 5. Hence a high trigger channel efficiency r/l and
open time t. In order to investigate this effect we sup- short gate time t are desirable. Note that in the above
pose that the number of open intervals per sample treatment, failure to capture partner events in either
time Tis Nwith t<< T, ZD" Assuming for the moment channel due to inefficiencies in the optics will reduce

Volume 62, number 3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 May 1987

the effective efficiencies rh and ~/2 appearing in eqs. correlator operates as a multichannel delayed coin-
(3) and (4). cidence counter when used in cross-correlation mode
In the experiment, a KD*P crystal illuminated by at its shortest sample time (50 ns, also the deadtime
a helium/cadmium laser (lasing at 325 nm wave- of the discriminator circuitry). Conjugate photon
length) was used; tilted until the red down-con- trains were selected by fibre input and trigger detec-
verted photons could be observed separated in tor apertures combined with long wavelength trans-
direction by approximately 10 degrees (crystal axis mitting colour glass filters (cut-off below 600 nm
at approximately 60 degrees to the incident UV wavelength), to remove UV flare and fluorescence.
beam). For maximum trigger channel efficiency a Aperture positions were optimised by maximising the
silicon avalanche photodiode (APD: RCA type coincidence count rates between the two channels
30921S) was used. Single photon counting was (PMT versus APD) with the shutter held open. The
achieved by biasing the APD beyond breakdown and mean coincidence count rate g is given by
passively quenching the photoelectron triggered ava-
c= ~/1 ~/2/~, (5)
lanches with a 330 k,Q series resistor [26]. Suitable
discriminator circuitry, measuring across a further and using the mean count rates in the trigger
small (50 12) series resistance, was used to produce, fit=rhk, and signal fi=r/2/~ detectors the quantum
as output, a train of standardised photoelectron efficiencies ql and q2 can be measured. Optimum
pulses. The APD was cooled to a constant tempera- values obtained using this apparatus were q~ =0.09
ture, typically - 3 degree Celsius, using a thermo- with q2 = 0.0006. This suggests optical and alignment
electric cooler. When operated 25 V beyond break- losses greater than a factor of 2 in the trigger channel
down a dark count rate of about 12 kHz was meas- (theoretical r/l ~0.25) and a factor of I0 loss in the
ured. At this relatively high over-voltage the device fibre and shutter (PMT quantum efficiency=0.02,
quantum efficiency has reached a saturation value alignment loss × 2, beamsplitter × 2).
around 25% (at these wavelengths) and count rate After alignment the shutter-open-pulse delay was
drift due to temperature fluctuation (upto + / - 0 . 5 adjusted to match the fibre-optic delay and the dead-
degrees Celsius) is negligible. time between shutter open events introduced. The
The optical delay consisted of 170 m of multimode second factorial moment n (2) and the autocorrela-
optical fibre, of core diameter 50/tin and numerical tion function of the signal channel light were esti-
aperture (NA) 0.23 (measured at 830 nm), produc- mated from the normalised cross-correlation
ing a delay of 0.9 #s. Light was launched into this gtx 2) ( z ) of the PMT outputs,
fibre using a 0.2 NA microscope objective placed 30
cm from the crystal. At the output end of the fibre a <nl(0) n2(z) >T
g~(~) =
× 15 magnification system transferred an image of (n, >r <n2 >T
the fibre end to a fast acousto-optical switch (Auto-
mates et Automatismes type AAMT-08). The first =g(2)(r), r#0,
order Bragg spot could be switched on after a delay =~/(2)T, ~=0,
of about 0.6/is with a rise time faster than 120 ns
(10% to 90% points). An extinction ratio better than n~ and n2 are respectively photocounts from the
250:1 was obtained on using an aperture to select out detectors in sample time T, g(2) (z) is the normalised
this first order beam. The first order image of the fibre intensity autocorrelation of the light and n~r2) is the
end was then reimaged onto the photocathodes of two second factorial moment measured with sample time
cooled conventional photon counting photomulti- T. This well known procedure removes all problems
plier (PMT) systems (Malvern Instruments type associated with correlated afterpulsing and deadtime
RF313) via a pellicle beamsplitter. Photon counting in the PMT's [28,29]. At the low count rates meas-
PMT's were used because of their intrinsically low ured (am q2) negligible distortion is expected from
dark count. The standardised pulse outputs from the the single bit (by multibit) multiplication carried out
PMT's and the APD discriminator could be fed to a in the correlator [ 27 ]. The zero delay time point was
digital correlator (Malvern Instruments K7023). The accessed using an external delay circuit synchronised

Volume 62, n u m b e r 3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 M a y 1987

RESULT 1 accumulated over long periods (of order 24 hr) by

TD = 20#s averaging shorter (half hour to one hour) experi-
ments to avoid problems due to long-term laser drift.
g(2) (1") Detector dark counts (5-10 cps) contributed signif-
• 9 • •
• • 2~0J. icantly to the results shown despite cooling the pho-
tocathodes to below 3 degrees Celsius.
T #S A summary of the results including dark count
O.fl correction, comparison with theory and estimated
Fano factors are shown in table 1. The post detection
Fano factors were calculated assuming a single detec-
tor could be used (i.e., count rates including dark
count were summed) while predetection assumed no
beamsplitter and PMT absolute quantum efficiency
TD = 40~s of 0.020+0.004 [30].
g(2)('r) 1.1 Clearly the reduction of the Fano factors below 1
].C is statistically significant but not large in magnitude,
even predetection. Primarily this degradation is due

T ,us
to the losses in the signal channel amounting to an
0.8 equivalent transmission coefficient of 0.05. The
major causes of this are: limited diffraction effi-
ciency of the acousto-optic switch (transmission
around 0.3), fibre losses (transmission including
1.1 launch and collection optics around 0.5) and align-
g(2)(T) •

1.0 • • • • • ment losses ( > 0 . 5 ) . Quoted acousto-optic diffrac-

tion efficiencies for well collimated beams are greater
O. T, p.s than 80%. A trade off between switching speed and
diffraction efficiency occurs due to the use of the high
numerical aperture multimode fibre. A monomode
Fig. 2. Normalised correlation function of signal channel counts delay fibre optimised for use around 650 nm would
as a function of delay time r. allow better collimation, hence diffraction effi-
ciency, as well as possibly reducing fibre losses. Elec-
to the correlator sample time clock. We re-emphasise tro-optic switching (with nanosecond switching time)
here that the correlator is not synchronised to detec- could be used with polarisation preserving mono-
tion events in the trigger channel. mode fibres. Alignment losses appear to be due pri-
Two typical experimental results are shown in fig. marily to filter band edge absorption and
2 along with a control result where the crystal and photomultiplier quantum efficiency fall-off at long
laser were replaced by a simple tungsten filament light wavelengths as crystal tilt, hence dispersion, is at
source attenuated to similar brightness. In result 1 present not large enough to ensure that the apertures
the shutter-open-width was made as short as possible limit the bandwidth of the detected light. Use of
( t ~ 150 ns) with some loss in efficiency. This allowed smaller apertures along with more laser power and a
a deadtime of 20/zs and sample time of 19/ts to be more optimal choice of crystal axis tilt could reduce
used. Antibunching evidenced by a positive zero time these losses. In principle, the total signal channel loss
slope in the correlation function is clearly seen. As can be reduced to below 50% [ 25 ] indicating achiev-
g(2)(0) ( - n (z)) is below 1 the photon statistics are able predetection Fano factors below 0.5. The low
also sub-poissonian. A longer shutter open time intensity reported here is primarily limited by laser
(t=0.5 /~s) led to better efficiencies but smaller power and shutter switching speed (versus effi-
effects, as in result 2, (ZD=40 /tS, T = 37/~S). Count ciency). There are at least three orders of magnitude
rates were low ( ( n ) ~ r/2) hence all results were to be gained in intensity before the limits of elec-

Volume 62, number 3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 1 May 1987

trooptic shutter technology are reached.

No useful noise reduction will be achieved without
higher quantum efficiency detectors. We have already
O incorporated an experimental [26], high quantum
efficiency, avalanche photodiode detector in this
apparatus to improve results. Work is at present in
O O o
progress [31 ] on an actively quenched photon
counting APD which can be cooled to reduce the high
6~ O
+1 C5 +1 dark count inherent in these devices when operated
at high quantum efficiency. In principle the quan-
tum efficiency of this type of device is only limited
by the analogue quantum efficiency of the APD
o~ +1 +1
,.d (around 0.85 at 830 nm).
In conclusion, we have clearly demonstrated a sub-
poissonian light source producing up to 1685 pho-
tons per second with a Fano factor of 0.985 and nor-
fl O malised second moments down to 0.42. This is
o. comparable with previous sub-poissonian sources
[ 11,12] but as mentioned earlier the partial colli-
mation of the source should allow much larger vari-
c5 c5
+1 ance reduction in future. As yet the variance
+1 +1
,7 o
reduction is not large enough to be of practical use.
c5 Possible improvements to the apparatus, detailed
above, could significantly reduce this predetection
Fano factor (to below 0.5) with increased source
c5 c5 intensity (X 103), and the development of higher
+1 +1
Ul +1
o~ o
quantum efficiency photon counting detection sys-
c5 tems is underway. Finally, we note that variants on
this apparatus using high quantum efficiency ana-
logue detectors could be used to produce sub-pois-
,de5 ~c5 sonian (but not antibunched) light sources with
nanowatt to microwatt powers.
o oo ("4
c5.~ o~c5 o6eq
¢'q ~,1 ¢q o'~
2 We would like to acknowledge several useful dis-
cussions with E.R. Pike, R.G.W. Brown, J.S. Satch-
r~ N
0~ ell, K.D. Ridley and J.G. Walker during the course
of this work.
~, ::k 'r"



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