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Complited to one of the independent assignments for English Course

Assignments Course: English
Lecturer: Badroeni, M.Pd

Arranged by:

Nuri Putri Laila : 216223057



TAHUN 2021 / 1443H

Liberia’s Schools Are in Disrepair

The importance of education cannot be overestimated, as it is the key to a bright
and successful future. At the Ri’ayah Foundation, it is our firm belief that all children
deserve a chance to get a quality education, as it is the best way for them to realize
their true potential. Our focus is to provide children with the opportunity to learn
and develop, so they can grow up to be an integral and healthy part of their

The majority of Liberian schools were

damaged beyond usability during the 14 years of civil wars that ended in 2003. The
government does not have the funds or the manpower to rebuild them. The few
available state schools are located mainly in Monrovia, and lack the qualified
teachers, money and facilities to be effective.* Buildings lack amenities such as safe
drinking water, latrines and suitable chairs. Many schools are seriously
overcrowded, and in many cases students have to sit in the floor.**

An Education Wake-Up Call

Of the schools that are open, many do not have qualified staff. According to “Liberia
Education Crisis: A 3-Part Series Reveals Schools in Chaos”
a-3-part-series-reveals-neglect-low-standards-leave-schools-in-chaos/), many
people who stepped in to try to keep the schools going were/are not qualified
teachers. In her article on the “Liberia Education Crisis” mentioned above, Mae
Azongo states, “Liberia’s schools have 20,000 untrained teachers without a
bachelor’s degree or associate degree from a teacher training institution.” Many
teachers are unpaid volunteers. Though trying their best to help the country through
an educational crisis, the results speak for themselves: a huge wake-up call in 2013,
when every one of almost 25,000 applicants to the University of Liberia failed the
entrance exams. (
The Numbers Speak for Themselves
In the year 2000, Liberian adults had an average of 2.5 years of schooling. The 2017
literacy rate for adults ages 15-24, who are able to write and read a simple complete
sentence about themselves, was 49%. Sixty-two percent of primary-school-age
children are currently not in school, and this percentage increases dramatically in
secondary school.*** Of the 48% of Liberian children who are in school in primary
grades,  65% of boys and 73% of girls drop out by grade 5. And the net enrollment
for secondary school is only 34%.****
Something Must Be Done to Fix the Education System
Education Is Important for Many Reasons
We are currently focusing on the poorest communities in Liberia, where the state of
affairs worsens daily. The need to provide the Liberian people with the basic
amenities of life, such as food, clean water, shelter and education is our topmost
priority. But no matter how hard we work, nothing can change the lives of the
people more than quality education.
Education is key to the healthy development of a people and their nation. Providing
this to the children will ensure their future generations will have the opportunity to
look towards a brighter future. In order to achieve this goal, we at the Ri’ayah
Foundation are seeking your donations, which are urgently needed to help us
accomplish this worthy goal.
Quality Teachers
Our aim is to train teachers who can go into the destitute, damaged and remote
areas in Liberia and work with the parents and guardians of the children to
encourage them to pursue an education—qualified teachers, who can teach not only
grade school, but high school subjects to prepare students to pass college and trade
school entrance exams, enabling them to pursue career goals such as nursing and
journalism, mechanic and agriculturist. With proper nutrition and healthcare
provided side by side, we will build a community that is safe for learning and is
motivated to strive towards a successful future.
By Mae Azango thu,January 2,2021

This article was published in website

UQA3IKHYJhB4wQFnoECAYQAg&usg=AOvVaw0Msx9ZqUmptbqRSCgb_MQ2 with title
“Liberia’s Schools Are in Disrepair”

Education is indeed very important, because the key to success in the future is for
oneself and for serving the country, with the conditions I read in the following article
are very concerning with the conditions there, and as educators play a very important
role in enabling them to pursue career goals they.

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