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Online University Management

This system can be used to manage and keep track of information such as lecture
times, lecture attendance and student marks. This system will serve as a useful interface
between lecturers and the students.
This system will be hosted on the college intranet so as to prevent outside hacks into
the system. After a student has signed up for the lectures for a semester the system will
automatically create a student schedule. The lecturer can also schedule extra lectures using
this system and the system will automatically parse the schedules of all the students
attending the lecture to find and resolve any scheduling conflicts.
Lecturers will be able to access the system in the classroom and take attendance
directly using the software. This attendance will automatically be logged in and both the
students and lecturer will be able to access this information at any time. Students will be
informed if they are close to being short of the required attendance.
Lecturers will also be able to post marks for the various tests and exams using this
system. Students need not have to crowd at the lecturer’s office for the same. Students can
also raise doubts about the marks awarded and the attendance noted using this system. The
system will maintain a record of doubts and the lecturer can personally resolve these
At the end of the semester students have to submit documents pertaining to their
attendance or marks to the academic department for verification, this process can be
automated with the presence of this system. The system will automatically collate the
attendance and mark details for each student individually and submit verified reports of the

Existing system
The existing system consists of different attendance and mark files maintained by the
lecturer. These file have to be verified and collated by an official before it can be entered
into the official record. Students often have to pester their lecturers or the academic
department to view their attendance details and marks before publication and only then are
they able to raise any doubts about the same. There is a whole lot of paper that is wasted in
this whole process as well.

Proposed system
The proposed system will be entirely maintained on the college intranet, this will
ensure that students will be able to easily access this information at any time. Constant
access to this information will enforce accountability both on the lecturer’s part to update
the information and on the student’s part to ensure that the data is accurate. End of
semester formalities will become easier with access to an automatically collated and verified
report. Lecturers will also be able to easily schedule extra classes for students. Students can
be ensured that the system will inform them about any extra class.

Admin: The admin module will be able to create login IDs for the student and the lecturer.
The admin module will have to enter the courses that a student has been enrolled for at the
start of the year. The admin module can also download the collated reports for the student
at the end of the semester.
Lecturer: The lecturer module will inform the lecturer about the lectures they are supposed
to take. The lecturer can enter the attendance and the marks of each student on this
system. The lecturer can also view any doubts raised by students about the attendance and
marks using this system.
Student: The student module will enable students to view their attendance and mark
information. Students will have to verify the courses they are enrolled in at the start of the
year. They can also use the system to raise any doubts with their lecturer regarding their
attendance and marks.

Software Requirements
 Windows XP
 Apache Tomcat Web Server
 Oracle

Technology Used
 Java
 J2EE

Hardware Requirements
 Hard Disk – 2 GB
 RAM – 1 GB
 Processor – Dual Core or Above
 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Monitor
 Printer

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