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Mark Sheet: Marketing Foundations (MKT4015)

Please complete the highlighted fields and leave everything else blank. Where appropriate, copy and
paste your submission after the first pages as indicated.

You are reminded of the University regulations on cheating. Except where the assessment is group-based,
the final piece of work that is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity between submissions is
likely to lead to an investigation for cheating. You must submit a file in an MSWord or equivalent format as
tutors will use MSWord to provide feedback including, where appropriate, annotations in the text.

Student Name Sukhjunder Singh Brar Reasonable Adjustments

Student Number 20163510 Check this box [X] if the Faculty has notified you
that you are eligible for a Reasonable
Adjustment (including additional time) in relation
Module Code MKT4015
to the marking of this assessment. Please note
that action may be taken under the University’s
Module Title Marketing Foundations Student Disciplinary Procedure against any
student making a false claim for Reasonable
Module Leader David Cashmore Adjustments.

1st Marker Name Emma Neale 1st Marker Signature E E Neale Date 19.1.21

Feedback: General comments on the quality of the work, its successes and where it could be improved
Provisional Uncapped Mark
An introduction and background are on the slide but these are text heavy. Marks will be capped if this
was a late submission or resit
PESTEL is very brief and doesn’t consider external factors in relation to the assessment and may be
moderated up or down by the
market and industry. All factors of PESTEL should have been applied. examination board.

Very limited models are applied and there is no evidence of knowledge and
understanding of marketing concepts.
A customer persona is missing but you have mentioned behavioural
segmentation criteria - what about others?
The perceptual map is included but seems like a screenshot?
The 7Ps are missing.
In text citations within the poster but no reference list.

Feed-forward: How to apply the feedback to future submissions

Going forward, it is important that you engage with the course material, starting work on
assessments early and showing draft work to your tutor prior to submission. I would also suggest you
review the Harvard referencing guide on iCity.


Spelling errors Style is colloquial Standard is a cause for concern

Grammatical errors Inappropriate structure If the box above has been ticked you should arrange a
consultation with a member of staff from the Centre for
Punctuation errors Inadequate referencing Academic Success via

Moderation comments: (Please note that moderation is carried out through ‘sampling’. If this section is left blank, your work is not part of the sample)

Page 1
Mark Sheet: Marketing Foundations (MKT4015)

Agree with marker grade and comments. A weak submission that suggests limited engagement with the module. This
is far below the performance needed to pass the module at this level.

Moderator Name David Cashmore Moderator Signature David Cashmore Date 24/01/2021

Page 2
Mark Sheet: Marketing Foundations (MKT4015)

Marking criteria

80%+ 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% <39% Marks

Overview of the organisation ~ 10 marks
In addition to meeting the marking
Company overview combines textCompany overview combines text
Mainly text-based company Company overview provided, but No company overview provided. 4/10
criteria for a 70-79% and imagery well to and imagery well to overview that provides does not provide insight
grade, the work provide excellent insight provide good insight into insight into all of the into all of the following
demonstrates an into all of the following all of the following following elements: size, elements: size, reach,
outstanding level of elements: size, reach, elements: size, reach, reach, products and products and services.
academic understanding, products and services. products and services. services.
commercial awareness and
professionalism that makes
it stand out.

Internal / external audit and definition the organisation’s market position ~ 35 marks
In addition to meeting the marking
A very well researched answerAthat
well-researched answer, in which
Reasonable evidence of research,
Some evidence of research, although
Little or no evidence of research into 4/35
criteria for a 70-79% provides excellent insight all of the key points are with most of the key points the relevance of key points the chosen organisation /
grade, the work into the marketing relevant to the relevant to the to the organisation is not industry.
demonstrates an environment. organisation. organisation. always made clear.
outstanding level of
Demonstrates an in-depth
academic understanding, Demonstrates a good understandingDemonstrates some understanding
Demonstrates some understanding
Demonstrates no real understanding
commercial awareness and understanding of how to of how to apply internal of how to apply internal of how to apply internal of how to apply internal
professionalism that makes apply internal AND AND external audit AND external audit OR external audit models. AND external audit
it stand out. external audit models. models. models. models.

The organisation’s market position

The organisation’s market position
The organisation’s market position
The organisation’s market position
No attempt made to define the
has been well defined been defined using a been defined using a has been defined using a organisation’s market
using a perceptual map perceptual map against a perceptual map against a perceptual map, but not in position using a perceptual
against a range of six or range of three to five range of up to two relation to competitors. map.
more competitors. competitors. competitors.

Market segmentation and customer persona ~ 20 marks

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Mark Sheet: Marketing Foundations (MKT4015)

80%+ 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% <39% Marks

In addition to meeting the marking
A target market segment has been
A target segment has been definedA target segment has been definedA target segment has been definedNo target segment has been defined 5/20
criteria for a 70-79% clearly defined using using segmentation using segmentation using segmentation using segmentation
grade, the work segmentation variables and variables and appears to be variables, but is too broad variables, but is too broad variables.
demonstrates an is both logical and logical in relation to the to be a genuine target to be a genuine target
outstanding level of demonstrates an excellent chosen organisation. market OR does not appear market AND does not
academic understanding, insight into the market. to be logical in relation to appear to be logical in
commercial awareness and the chosen organisation. relation to the chosen
professionalism that makes organisation.
it stand out.
A detailed customer persona hasA detailed customer persona has A customer persona has been A customer persona has been Little or no attempt made to develop
been developed that been developed that clearly developed, but does not developed, but does not a customer persona.
demonstrates a detailed relates to the target market relate to the target market relate to the target market
knowledge of the target segment. segment OR lacks detail. segment AND lacks detail.
market segment.

Description and assessment of current marketing mix ~ 25 marks

In addition to meeting the marking
The organisation’s current The organisation’s current The organisation’s current Some of the organisation’s Little or no attempt made to outline 0/25
criteria for a 70-79% marketing mix has been marketing mix has been marketing mix has been marketing activities have the organisation’s
grade, the work outlined in detail, outlined, demonstrating a outlined, but there is been described, but there is marketing mix.
demonstrates an demonstrating an excellent good understanding of the limited understanding of no real understanding of
outstanding level of understanding of the concepts/theories the concepts/theories the concepts/theories
academic understanding, concepts/theories underpinning the underpinning the underpinning the
commercial awareness and underpinning the marketing mix. marketing mix. marketing mix.
professionalism that makes marketing mix.
it stand out.
All elements of the marketing mix
All elements of the marketing mix
Some elements of the marketing Some
mixelements of the marketing Little
mixof no attempt made to assess
are assessed in relation to are assessed in relation to are assessed in relation to are assessed in relation to the marketing mix in
the organisation’s the organisation’s the organisation’s the organisation’s relation to the
positioning AND target positioning AND target positioning AND target positioning OR target organisation’s positioning
market segment and an market segment. market segment. market segment. and target market segment.
overall assessment

Professionalism of presentation and formatting ~ 10 marks

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Mark Sheet: Marketing Foundations (MKT4015)

80%+ 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% <39% Marks

In addition to meeting the marking
A very well-presented report with
A well-presented
a assessment with
a is weak OR the Presentation is weak AND the Presentation guidelines not adhered 4/10
criteria for a 70-79% clear structure. clear structure. structure is difficult to structure is difficult to to in terms of poster size,
grade, the work follow in relation to the follow in relation to the minimum font size or file
demonstrates an assignment tasks. assignment tasks. type.
outstanding level of
Free from spelling and grammatical
academic understanding, Minor spelling and grammaticalFrequent spelling and grammaticalConsistent spelling and grammatical
Poor level of spelling and grammar.
commercial awareness and errors. errors. errors. errors.
professionalism that makes
A wide range of credible source
A range of credible source Limited credible source references
Limited credible source references
No source references provided for
it stand out.
references provided that references provided that provided OR references are provided AND references any of the information on
are formatted to Harvard are formatted to Harvard not formatted to Harvard are not formatted to the poster.
standard. standard. standard. Harvard standard.

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