Sir Padampat Singhania University: End Term Examination, July-August 2021

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End Term Examination, July-August 2021

Programme/Branch: B. Tech/CSE Semester: VI
Subject: Enterprise Resource Planning Subject Code: CS-3106
Time: 01:30 Hrs Maximum Marks: 50
Instruction for candidates: Write enrollment number on the right-side top edge of the
page and signature at right side bottom edge of every page.

Section - A
There are total SIX parts in Q1 in Section-A. Each part carries TWO marks. Attempt any
FIVE parts. Answer each part in about 60-80 words.
[5 X 2 = 10]
Q1. (a) What are the different layers of SAP R/3? Explain
(b) Write basic functions of CRM module of Microsoft Dynamics.
(c) What is Gap analysis? How are the gap found out during the gap analysis phase filled.
(d) What are the main characteristics of a DSS? How is DSS different from MIS.
(e) How do conventional application packages and ERP packages differ? Explain. What
are the reasons for the explosive growth of the ERP Markets.
(f) Explain BPR and OLAP with suitable example. What are problems faces by human
analysts that can be solved by data mining?

Section - B
There are total FIVE questions in Section-B. Each question carries FIVE marks. Attempt
any FOUR questions. Answer each question in about 150-200 words.
[4 X 5 = 20]
Q2. Write detailed reports on (i) Data Migration and Data Migration Methods (ii) Emerging
trends in ERP.

Q3. Explain the importance of Application integration and architecture of E-Business.

Write 10 golden rules for E-Business.

Q4. With a neat diagram, explain the process/activities of material management modules
of an ERP package. How is this module used to improve the performance of an
enterprise? Discuss it by taking a case study of any cement industry.

Q5. Which are the ERP transition strategies? Explain any two of them with their pros and
cons. Explain the different ERP market tiers with their characteristics.

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Q6. Which are the technologies that are used to improve the capabilities of ERP system.
Explain them briefly. Discuss the advantages of each of these enabling technology.

There are total THREE questions in Section-C. Each question carries TEN marks.
Attempt any TWO questions. Answer each question in about 300-400 words.
[2 X 10 = 20]

Q7. (a) Discuss Cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning and Mobile ERP. What are
the various securities issues with ERP system and how are they handled? Discuss how
the advancements in security features affect the functioning of the organizations. Explain
all in detail
(b) Discuss in detail about SAP AG business applications and solutions.

Q8. (a) Define CRM. Draw and Explain in detail CRM life cycle & CRM component.
Explain the same with a view of Mobile manufacturing company.
(b) “The functioning of ERP has gained much prominence and utility with the intervention
of web enabled and open-source technologies”. Explain

Q9. (a) Explain the various criteria to be met and possessed by an ERP system, when
proposed for small and medium enterprises.
(b) You have recently joined as Technology Consultant in a leading Chennai based
automobile firm that manufactures various models of passenger Cars and three wheelers
right from 2007. This profit making firm plans to streamline its main business process,
i.e., its manufacturing process through ERP adoption. Now, your GM instructs you to
prepare and present a ‘Manufacturing Process cum Data Model’ for your firm, which will
be treated as a Blueprint for streamlining your firm. Your ‘Process cum Data Model’ should
provide the following:
(i) Representative list of various core processes and their brief description in an ideal
automobile manufacturing company like your firm and
(ii) Representative list of various Entities and their brief description, for forming a ‘Data
Model’ that is suitable for a manufacturing company like your firm. Justify your report with
charts providing valid information on processes and relevant Data.


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