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Comprehension Guide

The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid

Chapter 1
1. Why is Carter’s dad only allowed two days a year with Sadie?
2. Why does Carter feel like most of the time he is a fugitive instead of a tourist?
3. Where was the last place Carter’s dad saw his wife?
4. What had Carter’s dad given both him and Sadie right before Sadie went to live
with their grandparents?
5. What strange thing did Carter’s dad do before they exited the cab? What did
Carter notice?

Chapter 2
1. What did Carter and Sadie’s dad want them to do with Dr. Martin?
2. What happened to the Rosetta Stone?
3. When Julius asked the fiery man how many he released, what was the man’s response?
4. What did the fiery man do to the children’s dad?
5. What kept the fiery man from getting Carter?

Chapter 3
1. What were the only two gifts that Sadie’s dad gave her?
2. What was Sadie’s point of view about what had happened with her dad?
3. Why was Sadie upset with the interrogation from Inspector Williams?

Chapter 4
1. What was strange about Inspector Williams? What did he suddenly order of both
Carter and Sadie?
2. Who came into the Faust’s home to take Sadie and Carter? What had he done to
Inspector Williams?
3. How had Amos planned to get from London to New York in only one hour?
4. What did Gran and Amos make sure Sadie took with her?
5. Who really was Amos? What was your reaction when you found that out?

Chapter 5
1. Describe the trip on the reed boat from London to New York.
2. Why did the Fausts and Amos live on the east shore of the Nile?
3. What is Nome? Which Nome is Greater New York?
4. Describe how Carter opened the door to the mansion.

Chapter 6
1. Describe Carter’s dream/vision below.
2. What do you think Muffin was trying to tell Carter in regards to the headrest?
3. Who is Philip of Macedonia?
4. According to Amos, what had happened to the children’s dad?
5. What was special about the Kane and Faust families?
6. How is Egypt very much alive in America?
7. According to Amos, how was the Rosetta Stone fixed?
8. Why was Amos worried about the release of the five gods? What punishment
would Julius Kane face from the House of Life for releasing them?
9. What is the Duat?

Chapter 7
1. What was Sadie’s rationale for wanting to go into the library?
2. How did they get into the library?
3. What were the six items that were in their dad’s handbag?
4. What is a shabti? What was the name of this shabti?
5. What did Carter and Sadie discover when they looked through the book
containing the lineage of the pharaohs?
6. What were the Demon Days? Who was born on those days? Who would they
need to defeat?

Chapter 8
1. What was the noise that was coming from the pool?

Chapter 9
1. Why did Bast thank an old tomcat?
2. Describe the carriers. What was their mission?
3. What deal had Bast made with their father?

Chapter 10
1. Why did magicians avoid animal products for clothing?
2. What were the two forces that controlled the universe?
3. Describe Bast as she prepared to fight the carriers.
4. Describe Serqet in detail below.

Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

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