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SEMESTER: 2021/22.1 (2021.2)

Bahasa Inggris Niaga


No. Soal Skor

1 Recently, the trend of keeping fancy fish, like Betta fish, is rising during Covid-19 pandemic in 20
Indonesia. This phenomenon can be seen from social media where there are so many sellers and
buyers do the transaction. One type of transaction that often used by the seller is auction. What
kind of auction which is often used by the seller of Indonesia? Is it English auction or Dutch
auction?How do they differ each other?

2 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been so broad that it would be hard to find anything, 20
anywhere, that hasn’t changed. The volatility seen in exchange rates is one of the major external
indicators of the economic impact of the global turmoil in 2020. Exchange rate of some contries in
the world is falling.What will happen if the exchange rate is still falling continuosly?

3 Covid-19 pandemic affects economy of Indonesia significantly. Level of house hold consumption 30
decreased. Even the investment, which was expected to increase by 6 percent, as a result of
COVID-19, is predicted to drop to the level of 1 percent and even -0.4 percent.
Exports and imports will also continue to have negative growth. This decline in economic growth
is one indication of market failure, where the market mechanism cannot solve the problem itself.
Reffering to that condition,What causes market failure to be occured? Please give one example of
market failure during the pandemic in Indonesia!

4 Outsourcing has become a major trend in human resources over the past decade. It's the practice 30
of sending certain job functions outside a company instead of handling them in house. More and
more companies, large and small, are turning to outsourcing as a way to grow. Do you think that
outsourcing is very beneficial for the companies? Please explain your reason!

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