Dissertation Report - Affordable Housing

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This is to certify that the dissertation entitled AFFORDABLE HOUSING is a bonafide

record of independent work done by SHASHVAT DWIVEDI under my supervision and
submitted to Hitkarini College of Architecture and Town Planning in partial fulfillment for
the degree of Bachelor in Architecture.







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This dissertation, entitled “AFFORDABLE HOUSING “is being submitted. Research
Principles and Dissertation “as a part of requirement for the seventh semester of
Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture by the undersigned for evaluation.” The matter
embodied in this dissertation is either my own work or compilation of other’s work,
acknowledged properly. If, in future, it is found that the above statement is false, then the
institute may take any action against me as per rules.


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Before I begin I would like to express my gratitude for all those who, knowingly or
unknowingly, directly or indirectly helped me in this research. Any academic assignment
or venture cannot be accomplished without the able guidance of the teachers.

I am grateful to my guide AR. VINEETA MAHESHWARI for her help and precious
advice during various stages of this dissertation. Her guidance helped me to stay focused
on the important aspects of the dissertation.

I want to thank my parents and friends who devoted so much of their time and energy to
me. Without their physical or moral support this dissertation would not have been a
success story.

Lastly, I am thankful to the dissertation coordinator Ar. Meghna Pachunde Jain who
patiently dealt with my shortcomings from time to time and encouraged me throughout this


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PART - 1
1. Limitations

2. Definition

3. Housing scenario, reasons and need for affordable housing.

4. Affordable housing as a prerequisite

5. Aims and objectives

PART - 2
1. Land use and physical planning for housing

a. Regulation acts
b. Building bye-laws
c. Residential densities

2. Development and adoption of affordable housing technologies

3. Low-cost infrastructural services

4. Case studies

i. Belapur low cost housing, Navi Mumbai.

ii. CIDCO low cost housing, Navi Mumbai.

5. Conclusion

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1. This dissertation is India centric.

2. Only metropolitan cities with densities more than 25000 /sq. km are taken into
consideration, mainly the city of Mumbai.

3. Only conventional materials, with technology to bring the construction cost down
are considered.

4. Clustered housing, not single units.

5. This is meant only for Lower Income Group (LIG).

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"Affordable housing means affordable housing by that category of community whose
income is less than the average family income."

In other words, we can say,

"Affordable housing is affordable housing for those with a middle-income family income
as determined by country, state, region or municipality by the well-known Housing
Affordability Index."

A common measure of universal access is the number of households a family has a certain
percentage of middle income. In order to determine affordable housing, a housing estimate
tool is usually used. Based on this, the accepted guideline for determining access to the
USA is 30% of the total family income. Canada switched to 25% law from 20% law in the
1950s. In the 1980s, this replaced the 30% law. In India, different provincial and local
authorities apply different terms for socio-economic and other conditions. But it is usually
40% domination in India. The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
(MMRDA) is looking at affordable housing if one has to spend a 25% limit on it.

In addition to price and availability, income is an important factor in affordable

housing. Understanding the challenges of affordable housing requires understanding the
styles and differences of income and wealth. Housing construction is often costly for low-
income and low-income families. For low- or middle-income families, there is also a house
and a great source of wealth. The most common way to measure access to housing is to
consider the percentage of household income that you spend on housing costs.

Payment is therefore a related term linked to personal income, expenses, savings,

liabilities and liabilities, and disposable income.

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Housing is one of the basic human needs as well as food, clothing, and education. Despite
rapid advances in the field of construction technology, providing affordable housing for
millions is still a dream come true in developing lands around the world. India is also
currently going through a phase of housing shortages. According to the 2011 Census, the
country had a population of 1,210.98 million, of which 377.10 million (31.16%) were
urban dwellers. Between 2001-2011, India's urban population grew in the CAGR of 2.8%,
leading to an increase in urban migration from 27.81% to 31.16%.

A Slum-settlement at Dharavi, Mumbai

This presents a very complex picture of an Indian city. Many of India's largest cities and
towns are characterized by the exodus of poverty-stricken people from small towns and
small towns, to overcrowding of slum open spaces leading to environmental degradation.
With the rapid growth of cities and population, the number of shacks and shady villages
has been increasing in the Indian subcontinent at an alarming rate. Most of these people
cannot afford to buy the cheapest house available in the city market. Rising land and
building materials have exacerbated the housing problem by widening the gap between
demand and affordable housing. The number of major cities with a population of over 40
lakhs has increased from four in 2001 to eight in 2011. In recent decades it has grown
rapidly in modern times. Also, these cities have the largest urban population in the world.
The percentage of households living in one-room dwelling units in 1991 was 77% in
Mumbai, 57% in New-Delhi, 67.6% in Kolkata, 65% in Pune , 59.6% in Ahmedabad and
53.6% in Chennai.

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According to the 2011 Census, the country had 1,210.98 million people, of whom 377.10
million (31.16%) lived in urban areas. Between 2001-2011, India's urban population grew
at the CAGR of 2.8%, leading to an increase in urban migration from 27.81% to 31.16%.
This increase in urban sprawl has led to land shortages, housing shortages and traffic
congestion and has greatly emphasized the existing infrastructure such as water,
electricity and open spaces for cities and towns.

According to estimates by the Technical Group set up by the Department of

Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MHUPA), urban housing shortages at the end of
the 10-Year Five-Year Plan are estimated at 24.71 million in 66.30 million households. The
group also estimated that 88% of these shortages were related to Economically Weaker
Sections (EWS) housing and 11% to the Low Income Groups (LIG). For Medium Leading
Groups (MIG and HIG), shortages are limited. Only 0.04 million.

Source: Report of the Technical Group (11th Five Year Plan: 2007-12) on Estimation Of
Urban Housing Shortage.

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Being able to afford a home is more than just the stressful personal experience of every
family that can easily afford a place to live. Lack of affordable housing is considered by
many to be a negative impact on the health of society as a whole.

Lack of affordable housing renders low-cost workers scarce and leads to increased
demand for transport systems as workers travel long distances between their jobs and
where they live.

In metropolitan areas where housing prices are high, the shortage of affordable
housing puts local firms in a very precarious position. Workers should be faced with a
limited number of housing options if prices rise to unaffordable levels. Differences in
housing availability between areas create barriers in the labour market.

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The current definition of luxury in our country is very different from what was thought a
few decades ago. It is actually the opposite situation today. A few things that were once
considered luxurious such as cell phones, computers, etc. are now readily available, and
basic necessities such as housing, clean water, and air are now hard to come by.

The state of the economy also depends largely on the quality of life of the
people living in it. No real progress can be made without fulfilling these basic needs.

It has been noted that slum dwellers in large cities are not only economically weak but also
members of Revenue Groups.

Almost all the slums in the big cities are in poor condition. These houses do not have
enough air. The designs are so in order to be able to afford the empty living space, which
leads to greater congestion. Private toilets do not exist in most of these slums and standard
toilets are available in only a few numbers. People freeing themselves in the open, in
addition to being a natural nuisance, creates discomfort for local women. These houses do
not have individual water.

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Numerous studies have shown that dirty slum areas make slum dwellers more
susceptible to diseases such as respiratory infections, malaria, tuberculosis, etc. Therefore,
affordable housing in this part of the community is a need of the hour.


There are a number of factors that contribute to the poor housing conditions in urban
areas. Some of the major factors that have led to the current housing situation are:

1. Improper implementation of government policies.

2. Lack of political will and policies to reform the housing sector.

3. Construction by-laws have many holes and are easy to control.

4. Inadequate land use planning, which leads to unequal settlement in large cities. This is a
very important factor that has led to infrastructure problems in major cities in the country.



The mountains of research over the last few decades show that the way we walk and the
amount of exercise we receive are closely related to the built environment in which we
live. This means that the health, economic, and environmental benefits associated with
efficient travel and transportation are based on location and that affordable, efficient local
housing needs to be considered as an integral part of organizers' efforts to provide safe,
healthy, and equitable transportation. programs.

Affordable housing also helps to bring the oppressed into the legal and legal
sphere. This will help to improve the economic situation of the urban poor and improve
their quality of life.

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The following are some of the desired outcomes that we aim to achieve:

1. Provide suitable accommodation in the urban LIG at affordable prices.

2. Maintain the social and cultural status of the community and find ways to eliminate
class divisions arising from poor planning.

3. Keeping the cost of housing affordable. Housing should be affordable not only for its
construction but also for its functionality.

4. Addressing housing shortages in metropolitan agglomerations.

5. Reduce congestion in metropolitan areas.


Land is one of the most important planning needs. No houses can be imagined without
land. In a number of developing countries, including India, there has been growing
pressure on the urban world over the past few decades. The massive influx of rural people
has moved to urban areas and this urbanization has greatly increased the pressure on
housing demand in these cities. The city's population is also increasing.

The provision of real estate at affordable prices is an important indicator of housing

performance. This, along with other economic factors, has led to an increase in land prices
and unfair housing costs. The exclusion of the majority of the poor from the formal
market, as well as their inability to build or need legal housing has led to an increase in
illegal settlements and colonies.

Urban land planning: In 1894, a central land acquisition law was introduced by the British
government. The main purpose of this action was to build military and civilian settlements
by merging with a few urban zones and establishing new cities. The move, however, was
mainly aimed at private sector development, while community development was limited to
the provision of infrastructure and public services.

This has led to the influx of serviced land in many major cities, leaving a large
part of the world unoccupied and overcrowded, leading to the growth of unsanitary
bathrooms in areas close to industry and commerce.

In 1958, the Town and State Planning Association (TCPO) considered a land
use division plan to achieve the implementation of I & # 39; In the formulation of land use
patterns of various cities and towns and systems were developed on the basis of population

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estimates. But not many programs could be fully operational due to lack of organizational
and legal support.

In an effort to increase land acquisition for development purposes, the Indian

government forced the ULCRA, which aimed to prevent urban sprawl in a few hands, in
order to bring about equitable distribution of land for the benefit of the urban population.
Blind. Under this action, the owner had to donate more than 500 sq. M. meters from the
government at fixed rates and the same land would be used for housing for the poor. But
the motive for the action failed miserably. Thousands of hectares of surplus land proposed
by the government under this law have been seized in a series of court cases.

Inadequate land-use in Mumbai has led to illegal settlements and created class divide.

The failure of these systems is due to the way they are implemented and the loopholes for
by-laws. With no clear land use policy, land prices have been rising in major cities. As a
result, land prices in urban areas have increased steadily but at different rates in different
urban areas and in different parts of the same city.

Concerns about land prices are a major factor in their impact on housing prices,
especially their impact on low-income groups. It has been noted that in large cities, the
number of people who cannot afford a one-room pucca house is increasing as a result of
rising land prices. As the main reason for this urban congestion is land misuse, land prices
can be maintained by increasing the provision of improved land among people of different
income groups. Therefore, during the development of affordable housing colonies; a
combination of income groups helps.

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Building bye-laws :
Municipal building codes are intended to regulate the formal growth of cities and towns, as
well as to ensure the construction of safe and sound infrastructure. As a rule, any housing
plan must comply with local by-laws.

In some cases, building codes do not meet the growing needs of the community. In the
rural areas around the metropolitan areas, there was no proper town planning or by-laws to
regulate planning and construction activities. This has resulted in the simultaneous growth
of regulated and volatile construction projects in many major cities. In time, these
surrounding structures found their way into urban areas. Such construction poses a
problem for the conservation and provision of natural resources.

The by-laws of buildings made by municipal officials and other public officials, who
are responsible for its implementation, have become obsolete leading to the misuse of land
and buildings.

As per Indian standard code for low cost housing in metropolitan urban areas, some of the
major building bye-laws are as under:

1. Minimum frontage of the plot shall be 3.6 meters in width.

2. Density norms :

a. Plotted development - 65-120 plots per hectare.

b. Mixed-development - 125-150 dwelling units per hectare.

3. Height of the building shall not exceed 15 meters.

4. No need to provide lifts.

5. Lower income group housing shall be preferably ground plus one floor.

6. Min. Height of habitable rooms shall be 2.6 meters.

The following densities are generally considered as optimum:

 Single storey house: 50-65 houses per gross hectare

 Two storeyed house: 50-65 houses per gross hectare
 Three storeyed house: 50-65 houses per gross hectare
 Four storeyed house: 50-65 houses per gross hectare
 Five storeyed house: 50-65 houses per gross hectare

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If the above congestion is followed and buildings are repaired by trained town planning
agencies, it may be possible to ensure adequate open spaces, wide roads, parks and
other public service sites that are aligned with the land use economy.

In conclusion, insufficient land acquisition and its high prices due to legal and
administrative constraints leave many homes with no choice but to live illegally in poorly
prepared land, or overcrowded in poorly serviced buildings. In addition, rising land prices
under the pressure of urbanization and population growth make it difficult for
government officials to acquire land for public housing programs.


Ensuring speed and economy in construction, one of the most effective solutions to the
problem of meeting the needs of many people in this current situation would be to step
in to adopt less expensive building strategies that include the adoption of the remaining
part of prefabrication. -Developed building components of that size and weight that can
be built on a construction site or in the manufacturing industry; economic wall systems

There is a huge scope to reduce housing costs through the use of a variety of materials
and new strategies. But it is a very big topic in itself. In this dissertation, we will only
discuss the raw materials used in the industry these days, as well as the methods used to
reduce overall costs.


1. PREFABRICATED BUILDING SYSTEMS : Prefabrication is the practice of

assembling components of a structure in a factory or other manufacturing site,
and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction site. The term
is used to distinguish this process from the more conventional construction practice of
transporting the basic materials to the construction site where all assembly is carried out.

In prefabricated construction, as the components are readymade, self-supporting,

shuttering and scaffolding is eliminated with a saving in shuttering cost.

IN WALLS – In the construction of walls, rammed earth, normal bricks, soil cement
blocks, small, medium and room size panels etc of different sizes are used. However,
bricks continue to be the backbone of the building industry.

IN FLOOR AND ROOF: structural floors/roofs account for substantial cost of a

building in normal situation. Some of the prefabricated roofing/ flooring components

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found suitable in many low cost housing projects are: 1. Precast RC planks, 2.
Prefabricated brick panels 3. Precast RB curved panels 4. Precast concrete panels 5.precast
hollow slabs 6l panel roofing.

Advantages of prefabricated buildings are as follows:

1. In normal ways, shuttering is damaged due to its repeated use due to frequent cuts,
nail prints etc. On the other hand, mold precast molds can be used for a large number of
repetitions thus reducing the cost of each mold unit.

2. In a pre-built housing program, time is saved by the use of waste disposal during the
laying of the foundation. Finishing and services can be done under the slab quickly. While
in the in-situ slabs of a typical RCC, due to the platforms and closures, the work cannot be
done, until they are removed. Therefore, saving time goes hand in hand with saving

3. In precast construction, similar types of components are produced repeatedly, leading

to increased productivity and economic cost.

4. Work on the building is reduced in this type of construction,

thereby increasing the level of construction.

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2. .Monolithic Concrete Construction System using Plastic -

Aluminium Formwork
 In this project, instead of building columns and traditional beams of the RCC; all walls,
floors, slabs, columns, beams, stairs, and openings of doors and windows are installed in
one place using the right level of concrete in a single operation. The modular custom
formula made of Aluminium / Plastic / Aluminium-Plastic Composite is easy to use with
minimal operation and without the use of any materials. As a modular formwork system, it
assists in the rapid construction of a multiple / mass unit scale.

 The thickness of the wall is usually 100 mm with a rack placed in the center. Therefore,
adequate coverage is likely to be maintained, as a result of which high durability is

 For all electrical and plumbing equipment, the lines must be planned in advance and
laid out properly before pouring concrete on RC walls and slabs. Swapping post structure
is not desirable.

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3. Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) Panel Building System

Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) Panel also known as Rapidwall is made-up of
calcined gypsum plaster, reinforced with glass fibers. The panel was originally developed
by GFRG Building System Australia and used since 1990 in Australia for mass scale
building construction. In recent times, these panels are being produced in India and the
technology is being used in India.

GFRG panels may generally be used in following ways:

i) As load Bearing Walling – With cavities filled with reinforced concrete is

suitable for multi – storeyed housing. In single or two storeyed construction,
the cavities can remain unfilled or suitably filled with non – structural core
filling such as insulation, sand, quarry dust, polyurethane or light weight
ii) ii) As partition walls in multi storeyed frame buildings. Panels can also be filled
suitably. Such walls can also be used as cladding for industrial buildings or
sport facilities etc.
iii) As compound walls / security walls.
iv) As horizontal floor slabs / roof slabs with reinforced concrete micro beams and
screed (T-beam action). This system can also be used in inclined configuration,
such as staircase waist slab and pitched roofing.

4.Factory Made Fast Track Modular Building System :

Factory Made Fast Track Modular Building System comprises of prefabricated steel
structure with different walling components. About 70 percent of the work is done in the
factory with minimal usage of concrete, which enables system to deliver the building
within a few days of work at site. The steel moulds are pre-fitted with flooring, ceiling
tiles, electrical and plumbing fittings. The assembled steel modules are transported to the
site for installation which is done using crane and other required machineries. Once all the
components are assembled and erected at site, factory made 3–D Expanded Polystyrene
(EPS) wall panels are fixed and concreting is done from both sides.

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5. Soil cement block technology

This method of construction of wall is by soil cement blocks in place of burnt bricks
masonry. It is an energy efficient method of construction where soil mixed with 5% and
above cement and pressed in hand operated machine and cured well and then used in
the masonry. The overall economy that could be achieved with the soil cement
technology is about 15 to 20% compared to conventional method of construction.

6. Concrete block walling

In view of high energy consumption by burnt brick it is suggested to use concrete block
(block hollow and solid) which consumes about only 1/3 of the energy of the burnt bricks
in its production. Concrete block masonry saves mortar consumption, speedy
construction of wall resulting in higher output of labor, plastering can be avoided thereby
an overall saving of 10 to 25% can be achieved.

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These are basic infrastructure services that effectively call for human settlement. The basic
requirements for human settlement are adequate ventilation, drinking water and an
effective waste disposal system in a clean and tidy environment. The provision of
infrastructure that addresses the needs beyond the human settlements is an integral part of
any program related to housing development in urban and rural areas.

Over the past few decades less expensive technologies have emerged in several developing
countries regarding the provision of drinking water, the provision of clean toilets,
sanitation, sanitation, garbage collection and disposal and environmental improvements.
housing and human settlements. Brief description of the available cost-effective
technological options which could lead to environmental upgradation in housing and
human settlements is given below:

Low cost sanitation:

Modern technological solutions offered to improve sanitation and the environment of
built-up areas and now residential areas in major cities vary in nature and size. Sewage
found in water represents a high level of ease of use but is very expensive and requires a
large amount of work without problems. Sanitation, in addition to any other infrastructure
services, offers the opportunity to reduce costs by using alternatives to sanitation.

Septic tanks, despite their high cost, are widely adopted in several developing
countries as the use of a single tank to help multiple households has been found to
significantly reduce service costs. Pour-flush latrines used by splash international is
also used to considerably lower the service cost in affordable houses.

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Like VIP toilets there are times when two shallow pits are more suitable than one deep
hole. Double pits with drain pans and water stamps have been used successfully in
India (Roy et al., 1984) and elsewhere. The design of the pit is similar to that of a two-
hole VIP toilet but two toilets are replaced by a single water shut-off pan connected to
both pipelines. A Y-junction test room is usually built between the holes and the pan so
that sewage can be transported to any hole.

Before a new toilet is used, the test room is opened and one of the pipes leading to the
holes is closed (brick, stone, clay mound, or woodblock is quite satisfactory). The
cover is then replaced and closed to prevent the gases from escaping into space. The
toilet can now be used as a toilet, without the need for extra water to wash away the
toilets. As one of the shops from the room is blocked, all the contents of the toilet pan
are directed to one hole. When the first hole is filled, usually after a few years, the test
room is opened and the valve that blocks the exit pipe is removed and inserted into
another exit pipe. The cover is replaced and closed. The contents of the pan now enter
the second hole.

By the next two years the contents of the first hole will have rotted away and almost all
life-causing organisms will have died. The first whole lid is removed and the contents
of the hole are removed and discarded or reused .After changing and closing the lid,
the original hole can be used again if the Y junction lid is restored to its original
position. In this way, the twin holes can be used indefinitely, each hole used for two
years, rested for two years, poured and reused.

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The shape and shape of the pits are largely determined by the location. If possible, the
distance between the holes should not be less than the depth of the hole. This reduces
the likelihood that the used liquid from the disposal well will flow into the unused
well. If the holes are to be built close to each other, the dividing wall should not be
porous. It can also be extended beyond the sidewalls of the pit, to prevent falling
contamination. Alternatively, a whole line can be constructed without holes a distance
of 300 mm on both sides of the dividing walls.

The double-pit pour flush technology is comparatively costly, but once installed, it
lasts a lifetime.

The concept of solar panels is gaining popularity in developing countries owing to their
ability to reduce the maintenance cost of the houses. They are very cost-effective and are
also environment friendly as they minimize the usage of a carbon-emitting source of
energy to a large extent. In countries like India, where solar exposure is abundant in most
regions all throughout the year, the solar energy panels are nothing less of a boon to the
urban poor.

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In my dissertation, I have attempted to find solutions to the housing problems through case
studies of projects carried out successfully by prominent architects in metropolitan cities.
In these case studies, emphasis has been put on the techniques implied to make the housing
cost-effective and affordable to the lower-income group.



 Designed by: Charles Correa and associates.

 Situated in Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra

 Designed for economically weaker sections.

 Use of shared spaces.

Although this project is specially designed for EWS, the impressive use of shard spaces in
this project to address high regional downtime may provide a solution for integrated
cluster housing operating at any income level, including the Lower Income Group (Lower
Income Group) LIG) .

It is a model that draws on the ancient patterns of Indian life while related to the
(physical and economic) structure of the New City. Belapur is located at the bottom of one
of the brown valleys, separated by a blue bay by a flat line where the gray workplaces

Based on the recognition of traditional Indian settlements, Architect Correa

suggested that cities should be developed using a section of land ranging from private
residential land, 'gate', to community court (which traditionally contains a source or
common. Tap), in a large public area - a girl - a public space. Belapur geometry is the
precise definition of this syntax. The basic factor is the house. In Correa’s family privacy
is very important, and he believes that, in the Indian climate,‘ open space to the sky ’is
essential to family life. So each house has a private yard where there is a lavatory block.
Toilets have been sealed to reduce service delivery and three or four pairs of houses are
enclosed in circular courts, which open to large public areas where, given the unlimited

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power of Indian trade, shops and other businesses will no doubt emerge soon. Correa
society and local laws are intertwined with social and economic ideologies.

Traditionally, Third World housing has been incremental and the incremental model is
endorsed by Correa because it allows families to build according to their perceived needs
when capital becomes available. Incrementality acts as a spur to producing housing
quickly because people who build their own houses are highly motivated to complete the
job. Correa hopes that his own, strong, architectural expression will quickly be overlaid
with the accretions of individualistic additions. And he believes that, if the project really
works, intrinsic Indian decorative sensibility for ‘low-energy high visual effects will
transform its rather Iberian first appearance. In India ‘even the poor people know that with
things like mud, they can change their lives’.

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At Belapur, Correa has been at least partially able to put into practice his notion of equity
plots. He suggests that India’s violent divisions between rich and poor could be largely
overcome if house plot sizes were rationed to between 50 and 100 square meters. On such
sites, the poorest could have a couple of trees, a lean-to, and a tethered goat; the richest
could develop townhouses as sophisticated as those in London or Udaipur. The Belapur
plot sizes are between 45 m2 to 75 m2 and family incomes of the richest are five times
those of the poorest - a quite astonishing ratio when compared to the social/economic
monocultures of Western housing estates.

Some of the main objectives achieved by this project are as follows:

• Very high density has been achieved by the use of shared spaces between the
housing units.

• Alternate to high-rise building solutions.

• Community living has been encouraged that leads to human interaction in society.

• Proper light and ventilation are facilitated, further reducing the maintenance cost of
the housing.

• Inner pedestrian pathways are available for easy commute within the locality.

• Shared spaces concept is applied which can be highly relevant for LIG housing as

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• Designed for City And Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) by

architect Raj Rewal
• Construction completed in 1998.

This building project by the City and Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) by

Maharashtra state represents a complex, specifically Indian problem: creating
accommodation for people on subsistence incomes. Raj Rewal’s practice was
commissioned to plan 1000 accommodation units for residents on the edge of a large
planning area in New Mumbai, a new area that was being developed at the time east of
Mumbai old town. 

Despite a very low budget it was important not just to provide the bare essentials in
terms of space, but above all to develop a home environment that was simple but of high
quality. The difficult balancing act between finance and ambience could succeed only if
inexpensive but lastingly effective building materials were used, and if the planning
process was not too costly and led a simple implementation procedure. The Rewal
practice designed the project as a high density structure. On the one hand it was because
the area available was strictly limited, but also in order to achieve quality for the
outdoor space that was effective in urban terms, yet reminiscent of a naturally developed
village. These accommodations cells, or “molecules” (Rewal), now consist of one to three
room units 18, 25, 40 and 70 m2 large. They have essential sanitary facilities and water
tanks on the roof for a constant water supply, which is still by no means to be taken for

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One important problem had to be solved: what reasonably priced and durable materials
could make a lasting effect within a very tight financial framework. The final choice was a
combination of concrete cavity blocks, exposed plasterwork, hand-made terracotta tiles
and locally available rough granite stones for the base. This combination can endure
the hard monsoon climate and will develop an acceptable patina. Electricity was also
guaranteed for the entire complex, not just in the dwellings themselves, but in the public
areas as well. Roads were moved to the periphery to allow for safe but reasonably priced
footpath connections within the development. There is access on all sides from the outside,
and it is easy for people to filter through the building groups. With the concept of a very
dense residential quarter, Rewal accomodated the enormously high level of social
interaction in everyday Indian life. People do not just live in their own homes, but are in
intensive contact with neighbours, friends and fellow occupants almost throughout the day
and night.

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Thus opening the homes up to the outdoor space is an important design consideration.

Increased urban density is now not usually born of necessity, but an important concept
for life in general. When developing urban space the quality of indoor and outdoor space
have to go hand in hand, as life takes place to a large extent in the street. So when
planning the chain of “molecules”, great emphasis was laid on the connections implied by
communally used spaces. In India, a “village” consists of an accumulation of squares,
courtyards, loggias, terraces and balconies where people communicate and make the
exchanges that are so essential to life. Rewal considers these factors on a large scale and
builds these zones into his architecture. He develops a type of building kit system with
cubic basic elements. These admit a wide range of highly flexible variation as a design
principle and can thus be used almost universally: courtyards turn individual blocks into
chains, modules are set very close together, blocks with courtyards are grouped as

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The fact that the buildings all have different numbers of storeys contributes to this, being
staggered from one to four levels, and so does the slope on the site. A sloping site
dynamises and extends the space and the physical quality of the buildings and enhances
the image of a living organism that seems as though it could be extended at any time. The
totality of the planning is expressed in homogeneity, emphasizing the holistic design.
There is no attempt to duplicate the individual dwellings artificially, no false sense of
growth, which gives the architectural approach its complete credibility.

Some of the major characteristics of this project are as under :

• Roads moved to the periphery to provide safe but reasonably priced footpath.

• Access from all the sides.

• 18,25,40,70 sq mtrs dwelling units size.

• Maximum 4 levels of height.

• Variation in heights of the buildings breaking the monotony in design.

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After going through the case studies, some major conclusions can be derived for the
affordable housing :

1. To decongest the metropolitan cities, housing colonies for the LIG need to be
developed in the peripheral regions of the city.
2. Affordable housing is best achieved when done in clusters as against application on
single dwelling units.
3. The affordable colonies should be well connected with the city center by means of
various transports to make the workplace easily accessible to the inhabitants.
4. In the housing colonies, the inner paths can be used as the means of pathways and
pedestrian commute whereas main roads can be at the outer part surrounding the
colonies. This provides easy accessibility as well as safety.
5. By the use of shared spaces, collaborative housing etc , housing shortage can be
curbed without compromising with the living standards of inhabitants.
6. High density can be achieved by use of shared spaces without suffocating the inner
environment of the housing society.
7. Intermediate open spaces are of utmost importance and shall be applied in design to
facilitate the proper functioning of the colonies.

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8. Proper land-use planning of the region should be done and the policies must be
strictly implemented so as to prevent the inadequacy in the development of land.
9. By application of low cost infrastructure services, housing cost as well as
maintenance cost can be decreased substantially.
10. Mass housing targets can be achieved by replacing the conventional methods of
planning and executing building operation based on special and individual needs
and accepting common denominator based on surveys, population needs and
rational use of materials and resources.

Adoption of any alternative technology on large scale needs a guaranteed market to

function and this cannot be established unless the product is effective and economical.
Partial prefabrication is an approach towards the above operation under controlled

The essence lies in the systematic approach in building methodology and not necessarily
particular construction type or design.

The methodology for affordable housing has to be of intermediate type – less sophisticated
involving less capital investment.

1. Hand book on low cost housing by A.K lal
2. P.S. Sreekanth , Blog on CIDCO housing dated June 14, 2015
3. Mr. Peter Davey , article On Belapur Housing dated June 14, 2015
4. Indian standard code IS 8888-1 (1993) Guide for requirements of low income
5. Hulchanski – J David 1995, study on income based affordable housing .
6. P.k Adlakha and H.C Puri

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