Script (First Slide)

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(First Slide)
Good morning Sir/Ma’am!
We are the presenters of this study and the presenters are hanni mae de san jose, ezrah xyreen de
la cruz, Anthony sambrano, saymo ashley, tabili john micheal. But before we begin to present
our research paper we would like to feel the presence of our Almighty Lord to be led by Ms.
Hanni mae de san jose and afterwhich the researchers will present their research proposal.
Hanni will pray:
Loving heavenly Father we come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered
together. We pray for guidance in the matters at hand and ask that you would clearly show us how to
conduct our work with a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Give us the desire to find ways to excel in our
work. Help us to work together and encourage each other to excellence. We ask that we would
challenge each other to reach higher and farther to be the best we can be. We ask this in the name of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

To our loving and supportive Dean, Dr. Eric S. Parilla. Our esteemed panelists, to our adviser,
Ma`am Glory Domingo, and to all of us in this undertaking, A pleasant morning to all! We are
proud to present to you our research proposal entitled Level of implementation of Food Safety
Practices by eateries in Laoag City.
(second slide)
 Food safety, is the proper handling of food from storage to preparation and service
 the following causes of food poisoning are microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi,
parasites, and viruses.
 the following are the common effect of food poisoning abdominal pain, diarrhea,
vomiting, fever, and muscle aches.
There are some issues that are recorded in the Philippines Cebu City, wherein 37 People were
rushed to the hospital on May 23, 2021. they were suspected of food poisoning after becoming
ill, as a result of the humba they ate.
also, they were 27 students of Mabini School in Bohol were died after eating Cassava fritters
they bought from the vendor outside their school. According to the report, pesticides are
mistaken for flour may have been responsible for the deaths of the children. The victims
complained of severe stomach pain and diarrhea before passing out.
• Food safety awareness and lack of professional qualification could damage reputation
and consumer confidence
• Food safety issues can have a significant impact on the foodservice industry
In this kind of incident in our country, everyone of us must understand the importance of food
safety to prevent unwanted incidents in foodborne illness.
(third Slide)
• Spreading food safety messages to shopkeeper can reduce Food Borne Disease Burden
People will avoid a restaurant that is accused of serving unsafe food, so the issue is not only
determined to the death of customers but also to the life of the business.
These estimates are also helpful in comparing the potential impact of education programs with
interventions that focus on the food production chain, which could bea more effective risk
reduction strategy.
• The Implementation Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10611 otherwise known as
Food Safety act of 2013
Defines food safety as the proper handling, storage, and preparation of food, and it is the
primary responsibility of restaurants, catering companies, or other foodservice companies to
ensure that the food prepared satisfies the requirements of food law (RA 10611)
• Eateries or carinderas, serves precooked foods in a modest setting.
Because the foods are pre cooked, they are displayed in a food counter where customers can see
and select them.
• They cater to budget-conscious customers as well as those who prefer to eat familiar
foods or “lutong bahay.”
Most of us preferred with the lutong bahay and affordable foods.
(Fourth Slide)
• Can commonly found in high-traffic areas such as the city center, nearby schools, or
They are totally located in this sector for them to access easier their food during the break
time, also due to influx of people.
• With its affordable menu offerings, it caters to all age and types of people including those
of high risks of foodborne illness
• Food poisoning can affect anyone
Such as children under the age of 5, adults aged 65 and up, and even pregnant women and those
with the weekend immune system. But these groups are more likely to become ill and suffer
from a serious illness.
• Customers of Laoag City eateries have the right to expect that the food they purchase is
of high quality.

As a result, this study will be conducted to determine how religious the eateries are in
implementing food safety practices, which is a concern for all paying customers.
(five slide)


 This study will concentrate on critical areas where food is highly vulnerable to

contamination and spoilage, such as food handler sanitation practices, proper food

storage from raw ingredients to cooking and service, and the environment of the

eatery, which has a significant impact on the condition of the food.

 According to the article written by Jenny James in year 2021 food businesses prioritize

food safety and hygiene to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses and food

poisoning by preparing food products with strict sanitation and proper food preparation

practices to prevent food from becoming contaminated by bacteria and viruses, which can

make those who consume contaminated food extremely ill.

 There are two related theories in our study namely; Theory of Planned Behavior and

Social Cognitive Theory where;

 According to Conner in year 2020, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) where one`s

intention to perform the behavior is dependent. Behavior is also influenced by an

individual's perceived behavioral control, which is defined as an individual's perceptions

of their ability or feelings of self-efficacy to perform behavior.

Six slide

 According to Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, people are motivated by external

factors rather than inner forces. According to this model, human functioning can be

explained through a triadic interaction of behavioral, personal, and environmental factors.

This is frequently referred to as reciprocal determinism. Personal factors include

instincts, drives, traits, and other individual motivational forces, while environmental

factors represent situational influences and the environment in which behavior is

performed. The process of human learning and behavior change is underpinned by

several constructs.

 These two theories suggests that food safety behavior is not entirely voluntary control,

and people recognize that there are significant barriers that prevent them from achieving

the behavior.

 World Health Organization stated in 2019 that food can become contaminated at any

point along the supply chain, from production to consumption. While food

producers are primarily responsible for food safety, many food-borne diseases are

caused by improperly prepared or mishandled food at home, in food service

establishments, markets, or even on farms. As a result, whether they produce,

process, sell, or prepare food, everyone plays a role in keeping it safe. Everyone in

the food chain is responsible for food safety.

(Seven slide)

Our study aims to determine the level of implementation of Fod Safety Practices by

Eateries in Laoag City based on the perception of the owners and employees. Specifically it

will try to seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the eateries in Loaog City in terms of:
Years of operation;
Number of employees;
Average number of customers per day; and
Date of issuance of the latest Sanitary Permit.
2. What is the level of implementation of food safety practices of the eatery in terms of:
Food handlers;
Food preparation and service; and
Environmental concerns?
3. What are the perceptions of the owners and employees to food safety?, and
4. What are the problems encountered by the owners and employees in the implementation of
food safety practices?
5. What program of activities can be proposed for the effective implementation of food safety
practices of the eateries in Laoag City?

(Eight slide)

The research paradigm of our study IPO model or the Input-Process-Output. Four variables

comprised the inputs. These are the demographic profile of the eateries that includes address,

years of operation, number of employees, average number of customers per day and date of

issuance of the latest Sanitary Permit; the level of implementation of food safety practices of the

eatery in terms of food handlers, food storing, preparation and service, and the environmental

concerns; the perceptions of the owners and employees to food safety; and Problems encountered

by the owners and employees in the implementation of food safety practices.

The data that will be gathered along the aforementioned factors will be analyzed and the results

were serve as bases in the formulation of proposed program if activities for the effective

implementation of food safety practices of the eateries in Laoag City.

(Nine slide)


There is no significant effect of the demographic profile of the eateries in Laoag City on their

level of implementation of the food safety practices.

(Ten slide)

The participants or respondents of the study is selected through quota sampling technique, and

they are the owners and employees of registered eateries in Laoag City. These will include 73 as

the sample size which fall within the following criteria:

 the eateries serve their customers who choose their food from precooked choice
 the eateries have a minimum of three (3) employees or food handlers including
the owner,
 location of the store in the premises of City where customer can easily access the
store, and
 the eateries are operating not less than 8 hours a day.
*research instrument just read the presentation.
(Eleven slide)
The data on the profile of the eateries will be descrived and analysed using frequency count and
percentage. In part 2 and 4 of the questionnaire, descriptive statistics such as weighted mean will
be used in analyzing, summarizing, nad presenting the data. To determine the level of……..(read
the presnetaion)
thank you sir/mam for bearing with us today to present our research proposal.

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