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2) Technostructural Interventions

Technostructural interventions refer to change programs aimed at the technology and structure of the
organization. These are becoming increasingly relevant to today’s technological landscape, with rapidly
changing markets. These are interventions built upon the successful implementation of technology into
organizational systems. That, of course, entails not only analyzing which technologies should be brought
on board, but making certain employees have the competencies to use them. The interventions also
address problems in organizational design. That is, the structure of function in the organization and
whether it is effective in enabling the organization to adapt to change. For instance, one design
organizations follow is the central authority model. This assumes one person or small group of people in
management make all decisions autonomously. There is rigid control and employees have little or no
input. Another model, decentralized management, allows employees and others to have a voice in
decision making. Employees interact with customers and clients and have a stake in company success.
Additionally, in this model, there are incentives for innovation and improvement.

This intervention assesses quality management and looks at whether organizations make rapid
adjustments to meet demands or whether they are continuously making changes as part of the
company culture. It also attempts to increase productivity while making jobs more interesting and
challenging to improve the quality of life for employees.

1. Organizational (structural) design. The functional structure of the organization is key to how it will
operate. You are likely familiar with the classical hierarchical organizational chart. This is referred to as
the functional structure. Other structures are divisional, matrix, process, customer-centric, and network.
Key activities in organizational design are reengineering and downsizing. This involves rethinking the
way work is done, preparing the organization, and restructuring it around the new business processes.

2. Total quality management. Total quality management is also known as continuous process
improvement, lean, and six-sigma. It grew out of a manufacturing emphasis on quality control. It places
customer satisfaction as central to the long-term success of an organization. To achieve this there is a
strong focus on total employee involvement in the continuous improvement of products, processes, and
workplace culture. Companies such as car manufacturer Toyota and phone manufacturer Motorola, use
this intervention. 
3. Work design. All work should be done in order to achieve outcomes. These outcomes vary across
organizations. Work can be designed to achieve an outcome as quickly as possible. Or, emphasis may be
placed on employee satisfaction (which can lead to a higher quality of outcome, but often this is more
costly). Depending on which approach your organization chooses, the skills needed will differ. Designing
work in a way that leads to optimum productivity is called work design.

4. Job enrichment. Job enrichment is part of work design. The goal here is to create a job that is
interesting and challenging for the person doing it. Examples of factors to be taken into account are skill
variety, task identity, autonomy, and feedback.

3) Human Resource Management Interventions

These are organizational development techniques that focus on the way the individual is managed.
Many of these are part of HRM functions. While organizational development is not the same thing as a
human resource department, the two do work together. Issues may be identified within an organization
with regard to “talent development,” performance management, child care and even diversity that
require the development of an intervention strategy using the HR department.

Diversity is a major cultural, and so industrial, topic today. Things such as gender, sexual identification,
age, race, disabilities and even culture enter the business arena and impact the ability of organizations
to meet their goals.
Another intervention is in the area of employee wellness. This involves promoting active lifestyles and
stress management among other health issues for employees and other organization members.

All of these interventions may be seen through one of three lenses. They can affect transformational
change, which means the organization is completely “rewired.” They can also be continuous change in
which gradual transformation and adaptation are woven into the fabric of the organization through
policies and culture. The last lens is trans organizational change in which adaptations occur through
mergers, acquisitions or networking.
1. Performance management. Good performance management includes techniques such as goal
setting, performance appraisal, and reward systems.

2. Developing talent. This includes talent management practices like coaching & mentoring, career

planning, development interventions, and management and leadership development.

3. Diversity interventions. Diversity is a source of innovation. This includes age, gender, race, sexual
orientation, disabilities, and culture, and value orientation. These OD intervention techniques are aimed
at increasing diversity.

4. Wellness interventions. Employee wellness interventions include stress management programs, and

employee assistance programs. They address social factors and aim for a healthy work-life balance.


1. Technostructural interventions refer to change programs aimed at

a) Technology & Structure
b) Team Building
c) Political Factor
d) Demography
Ans: A

2. TQM is a continues process

a) True
b) False
Ans: A

3. Job enrichment is part of

a) Recruitment
b) Selection
c) Separation
d) Work Design
Ans: D
4. Human Resource Management Intervention is part of
a) Marketing
b) Sales
c) Customer Service
d) HR
Ans: D

5. Performance Management is part of which function

a) Finance
b) IT
c) HR
d) Marketing
Ans: C

1. Explain the meaning of technostructural intervention
2. Explain the components of technostructural Intervention in brief.

Assignment 2:
1. Explain the meaning of Human Resource Management intervention
2. Explain the components of Human Resource Management Intervention in brief.

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