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Voting System


The project "Voting Software" aims at making the voting

process easy in cooperative societies .Presently voting is performed using
ballot paper and the counting is done manually, all the co-operative societies
conduct voting process to select right person for holding reputed position.
Our project aims at helping the voting process in co-operative societies.

Online voting is the focus of most current attention. If such voting is to

become a reality, it must address each of the steps outlined in the Box above.
For instance, the registration process would need to include distribution of
appropriate identification numbers, etc. Passwords and smart cards can be
used to increase the reliability and security of voter authentication online
voting would also need to address obtaining, marking, delivering, and
counting ballots via computer. Some electoral systems already use
computers in these steps - for example, a punch card ballot system uses a
computer for ballot counting, while an automatic teller machine (ATM)-
style Hence it consumes a lot of time. There can be possibility of invalid
votes. All these make election a tedious task. In our proposed system voting
and counting is done with the help of computer. It saves time, avoid error in
counting and there will be no invalid votes. It makes the election process
Existing System
The Voting System which we are used in olden days and now a day’s making a
voting process is complicated and incorrect. Because of Some disadvantages are given
1) Time consuming Process.
2) By using ballot system rigging process done and counting is manually.

Proposed System
In this system people can making voting process very easily through internet,
counting is done automatically and result displayed on home page.

1) Through this web application we can save the time, we can efficiently get
succeed in implementing all the information within short span of time.
2) With the help these projects easily making voting through the internet in all
democratic countries like India.

The major modules of the project are
1. Security Module
2. Voter’s maintenance module
3. Nominee maintenance module
4. Voting module
5. Result Analysis module

Security Module
This module provides the security to the voting process i.e. any
unauthorized person cannot vote.
Authentication of the voter is done in this module so that the voting
process is done in appropriate manner.
This module authenticates the voter identity by validating his/her details
furnished. During the voter registration against the data provided by the
election authority.

Voter’s maintenance module

This modules maintains the voter’s details such as voter id, voter name, voter
division, and voter address.
1. Registration
2. Login
3. Change password
4. Vote

Nominee maintenance module

This modules maintains the nominee details such as nominee id, nominee name,
nominee address and party name.
1. Registration
2. Login
3. Select division
4. Select party
5. logout
Voting module
This module maintains the hoe many voters are voted. By voter is voting to
nominee the following criteria doing as given below.
1. Login
2. Vote
3. Enter voter id
4. Select division
5. Vote
6. logout
Result Analysis module
This module maintains the result view. In the module maintained the votes by the
nominee individually and give the output who is the win particular division. This
module maintained by admin only but all the people are view the result at voting
time because of it is web based system.

The total project work is run on above modules. All this modules are described
below. In all modules are important but voting module is very important module because
in this module security is maintained. I.e. unauthorized persons cannot be use the other
vote and cannot be vote more than one time.

Hard Ware Requirements

Processor: Pentium-II (or) Higher

Ram: 512MB (or) Higher
Cache: 512MB
Hard disk: 10GB

Soft Ware Requirements

Web Server : Tomcat 5.5

Server-side Technologies : Java, Java Server Pages, servlets
Client-side Technologies : HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, Java
Script, AJAX
Database Server : My SQL
Operating System : Windows

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