Students 2 Phoenix Hunt Questions

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Phoenix Park Bikes

Chesterfield Avenue
Phoenix Park
Dublin 8

INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully or you could lose some valuable points!

1. Pick your team name and enter it at the top of your answer sheet.
2. Each team MUST have one phone with a camera to take photos.
3. Before handing in your answer sheet – **Remember to make sure your
Team name is written at top.
4. Place your Team name + Your own name and send via Whatsapp or email to
the number or email provided by your teacher
5. Return to Phoenix Park Bikes Office by __________ sharp.
Late arrivals will mean losing some hard earned points!

Points Award System

Location Clues (11 x 10 points)……110 Points

Irish Trivia Questions (20 x 2)……40 Points
Photo Challenges (8 x 15)……120 Points
Crack the code (3 x 15)……45 Points
Highest Score possible : 315 points

1. The Wellington Monument

Did you know: The Wellington Monument is (62m/203ft tall) and took
44 years to build. It is the tallest Obelisk in Europe. The monument is a
testimonial to the Duke of Wellington. The 4 plagues that surround the
monument are a glimpse of the Dukes life story. The Plaques were made
from cannons that were captured at the Battle of Waterloo where the
duke defeated Napoleon.
A freight train track runs under the monument between hueston and

(A) How many Horses are in the scene in the battle of Waterloo?
(Hint: Check carefully as there are a lot more than you originally think!)
(B) How many wounded soldiers are in the battle of India scene?

2. The Citadel Pond

Did you know: On the night of May 31st 1941 (WW1) A German war
plane dropped a bomb in this area causing damage to windows and
buildings in the Zoo, the Aras AN UACHTARAIN and also the
Ambassador’s Residence. It took days before the dust settled in the area.
The rubble that exploded from the crater made from the bomb
destroyed the roof of the cricket club house and its pitches. The club
successfully claimed compensation for these damages from the German
The Citadel pond, also known as the Dogs Pond IS A PLACE WHERE,
DATING BACK for MANY YEARS city locals came tO BRING their dogs for a
The pond is formed in what used to be a moat that once enclosed a
nearby star shaped Fort.
Bats are a common visitor to this pond in the evening time. 6 out of 10
species of bats found in Ireland can be found in the Phoenix park.


Within the fencing surrounding the pond, find tree number 47. What type of
tree is it? (Hint: Check to the north east side of the pond)

3. The Old Building

Spot the difference: Standing in front of this old building - Tell us what is
missing from the building in this picture?
(Hint: it’s not any posters and signs in the windows or around the house)

4. Tidy Town Grove

The Tidy town competition hit 60 years running in 2018. Every year towns
and villages up and down ireland compete for tidy town of the year.
Generations of village and towns people, driven by creating a strong sense of
community and identity, work to improve the appearance of their locality
and make their town, village or area more attractive for residents and visitors

When you locate Tidy Town Grove, locate the tree and plaque that represents
the winning town of Emly, Co Tipperary in 2009. When standing facing the tree
tell us: The name of the Town, County and what year won the award 3 trees to
your left.


5. The Papal Cross

Did you know: The Papal Cross was erected on 29th of September 1979 for
the visit of Pope John Paul II. A million and a quarter people travelled to the
park on that day to listen to the popes speech.

Fill in the missing words from the Inscription at the foot of the Papal Cross.
“Blian ina dhiaidh sin, léigh an Pápa ……… .. ……… anseo an 26 Lunasa 2018?

6. The Residence to the American Ambassador

Did you know: The Residence to the American Ambassador is also known as
Deerfield Residence. The first American set foot and rented here in 1927. In
1949 it became the residence for the American ambassador and on the same
year a 999 year lease was signed. Presidents Richard Nixon, John F Kennedy
and Bill Clinton all stayed in this house at some stage.

How many mushroom shaped miniature trees can you see in the back garden
of the American Ambassador’s Residence?

7. Ashtown Castle

Did you Know: Ashtown Castle is a Medieval Tower house which was found
hidden within the walls of a much larger and more recent building. This more
recent building housed the British Under Secretary up to 1927 and the Papal
Nuncio until 1978. The maze beside the tower house outlines the ground
layout of the older building that used to surround the Tower house
Locate the side of the Tower House that has an entrance that is no longer in
use (Not the main brown door!) How many drain holes can you spot in the
roof of this side of the building?

8. The Walled Victorian Gardens


Did you know: The Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden was created first in the
1800s, Its main purpose was to provide the household with fresh fruit, veg
and flowers. Today it educates the public on the horticulture skills involved in
the design and layout of a Victorian Kitchen Garden.

Name the fruit bearing trees found on the left & right at the main entrance to
the walled garden? How many of these fruit trees are there?

9. Aras an Uachtarain
Standing in the position of the photographer. Staring at this building, where the
Head of State Michael Higgins resides. Tell us what part of the house has been
removed from the picture to what is real to your eye?

10. Dublin’s Biggest Family Attraction


Did you know: This attraction has Hollywood connections! In March
1919 a lion named Slates was born here. He later became the first
roaring Lion to appear at the beginning of all the MGM films.
This attraction opened first in 1831 with a single Boar as the attraction.
Today it attracts well over one million visitors a year.

What is the name of Dublin’s biggest family attraction which can be found in
Phoenix Park? You will find tigers and elephants and many more animals

11. Locate the Bandstand…..

If each white bench located around the bandstand seats 4 people. How many
people can be seated while listening to the band?

Questions (10 points for each correct answer) Total 110 points


PhoTo ChalleNges…
Take a photo of the following:

1. A team selfie outside ZUB DOOLIN (Anagram) (15)

2. 8 hands and 13 fingers (15)
3. Scared team watching a meteorite arrive (15)
4. The team blending well into their surroundings. Can you find us? (15)
5. Whole team striking different Super Hero poses (15)
6. A picture of the entire team jumping (Everyone must be mid-air for picture
to count!) (15)
7. The funniest thing you can find (15)
8. Team Selfie of everyone on a rollercoaster ride (15)


RanDom IrisH TriVia…

1. How long is the term of an Irish President – Five years, Seven years or Four years?
__________ (2)
2. What the heck are Crubeens? __________ (2)
3. What is the county town of Kerry - Killarney or Tralee? __________ (2)
4. By what other name is the Liffey Bridge in Dublin known as? __________ (2)
5. Which Irish city is also known as "The city of the tribes"? __________ (2)
6. What the heck are Pear Picking Porky, Joker and Polly Pineapple’s? __________ (2)
7. Termonfeckin is a village in which Irish County - Meath, Wexford or Louth? __________
8. How many counties touch off the River Shannon - 12, 8, 11 or 10? __________ (2)
9. In which river was the Salmon of Knowledge believed to swim - River Boyne, River
Shannon or River Barrow? __________ (2)
10. What is the minimum age allowed to be the president of Ireland – 35 yrs, 21 yrs, 18 yrs,
30 yrs? __________ (2)
11. What is St Brigids cross made from - Wood, Rushes or Stone? __________ (2)
12. Where is the Book of Kell’s kept - National Museum of Ireland or Trinity College?
13. In which museum is the Tara Brooch? __________ (2)
14. While Father Ted Crilly lived on craggy island, which island did Father Dick Byrne live on -
Mutton Island, Rugged Island or Aran Island? __________ (2)
15. What year did Pope John Paul II visit Ireland - 1979, 1978 or 1980? __________ (2)
16. What traditional musical instrument was adopted as a logo by Guinness - Guitar, Harp,
or Bodhran? __________ (2)
17. Name the famous Irish actor who played 007 - Pierce Brosnan, Aidan Turner, or Brendan
Gleeson? __________ (2)
18. What music competition did the priests from Father Ted once audition for? __________ (2)
19. A traditional Irish stew contains which meat? __________ (2)
20. To make an Irish coffee, what alcohol ingredient would you use? __________ (2)

Random Irish Trivia (2 points for each item) Total 40 points


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