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Solar Radiation
Solar radiation is radiant (electromagnetic) energy from the sun. It provides light and heat
for the Earth and energy for photosynthesis. This radiant energy is necessary for the metabolism of the
environment and its inhabitants. The three relevant bands, or ranges, along the solar radiation
spectrum are ultraviolet, visible (PAR), and infrared. Of the light that reaches Earth’s surface,
infrared radiation makes up 49.4% of while visible light provides 42.3% . Ultraviolet radiation
makes up just over 8% of the total solar radiation. At the surface, solar energy can be absorbed
directly from the sun, called direct radiation, or from light that has been scattered as it enters the
atmosphere, called indirect radiation. (Fondriest Environmental., 2021)
Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is the light wavelength range that is best fit for
photosynthesis to occur. (Fondriest Environmental., 2021) Photosynthesis is a process that requires
light energy and optimally occurs in the 400 to 700 nanometer (nm) range. PAR changes seasonally
and varies depending on the latitude and time of day.

Figure 1 Photosynthetically active radiation is the range of visible light that plants can use for
Visible light encompasses the electromagnetic spectrum from visible blue/violet to red. Blue
light has a higher energy and shorter wavelength than green or red light. Red light has the lowest
energy in the visible spectrum. (Fondriest Environmental., 2021) As visible light reaches Earth, a
surface will absorb or reflect different wavelengths, producing a visible color. The wavelength
reflected by a surface is the color that it appears to be. If the surface reflects all of the visible
wavelengths, it will appear white.
Most plants appear green as the chlorophyll in their cells reflects green light . Water often
appears blue as this color travels the deepest before being absorbed. While on land, plants use nearly all
of the visible range for photosynthesis. However, even underwater when only blue light is available,
photosynthesis can still occur.
Importance of Solar and Photosynthetically Active Radiation
Solar radiation provides heat, light, and energy necessary for all living organisms. Infrared
radiation supplies heat to all habitats, on land and in the water. Without solar radiation, Earth’s
surface would be about 32°C colder. (Fondriest Environmental., 2021)
Photosynthetically Active Radiation is needed for photosynthesis and plant growth. Higher
PAR promotes plant growth, and monitoring PAR is important to ensure plants are receiving
adequate light for this process. PAR values range from 0 to 3,000 millimoles per square meter. At
night, PAR is zero. During mid-day in the summer, PAR often reaches 2,000 to 3,000 millimoles per
square meter. (Environmental Monitor., 2010)

Solar Irradiance

Solar irradiance is the power per unit area received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic
radiation as measured in the wavelength range of the measuring instrument. The solar irradiance is
measured in watt per square metre (W/m2) in SI units. The solar irradiance received by a particular
location or body of water depends on the elevation above sea level, the angle of the sun (due to latitude,
season and time of day) and scattering elements such as clouds. The higher the elevation, the shorter
the path from the atmosphere. This can mean a higher irradiance, though not warmer temperatures.
This intense radiation contributes to the arid climates, and the thinner air means more UV radiation
reaches the surface at these altitudes. The angle of the sun determines solar irradiance. The greater the
angle, the lower the solar intensity. Pillet, V. M. (1992).

The lower the angle of the sun, the larger amount of ozone the light has to pass through. This is also
factor in ultraviolet irradiance. Ozone absorbs UV light and can reduce radiation intensity. The angle
of the sun is dependent on latitude, time of year, and time of day. The distance that radiation has to travel
will be at its lowest when the sun is directly overhead. This is why the annual net solar irradiance is
greater over the equator than over the northern and southern latitudes. Solar irradiance will decrease
as a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. Alados-Arboledas, L., et al. (2003).

During the day, the sun’s angle to any given location will decrease from sunrise until noon, and then
increase until sunset. At greater angles (morning and evening) solar radiation has to pass through more
of the atmosphere, which reduces its irradiance. This is why sunlight feels less intense in the evening
than at noon. Cooper, P. I, (1969).

Cloud coverage and air pollution can also reduce the amount of radiation that reaches Earth’s surface.
Clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere can scatter and absorb all radiation bands. As cloud cover
increases, the angle of the sun becomes less important when measuring irradiance. This is due to the
increase of radiation diffusion (scattering). Increased cloud cover decreases irradiance, causing sunlight
to feel less intense. On these days solar radiation still reaches Earth’s surface, simply with a lower
irradiance. Under these conditions, humans can become sunburned without realizing the effects until it is
too late. Pfister, G., et al. (2003).
Figure 2: A pyrheliometer, mounted on a solar tracker, is used to measure Direct Normal Irradiance (or
beam irradiance)

Figure 3: Solar irradiance spectrum above atmosphere and at surface

How much light does sun produce and reach Earth surface?
How much Sun produce light?
It is complex as there are many ways to consider and measure. There is radiance (projected light) visible
light that can be measured as luminance (brightness) or illuminance (incident light). Sunlight is
usually defined in radiance units as only half of solar radiation that reach Earth is visible light, but all
of the radiation does provide energy (Alex Card).
Figure 4: The amount of radiation received by the Earth (Image courtesy Dennis Hartmann, University of
Washington via NASA).

How much light usually reach Earth surface

Before sun radiation reaches Earth, it must go through multiple barriers. First barrier is atmosphere,
which will reflect back 26% of sun’s energy back to space by clouds and particulars in atmosphere and
18% absorb by ozone. Hence, the remaining 56% of solar radiation will reach Earth surface but some
of it will be reflected off by snow or other bright surface, so only 48% can be absorb by land and water
(Paul Przyborski, 2009, January 14).

Figure 5: Only 56% of the solar radiation that reaches the atmosphere makes it through to Earth surface.

Once light reach water surface, it will either reflected or scattered about 5-10%. The remaining will
penetrate in the ocean, that split into three zones which are Euphotic (Sunlight), Disphotic
(Twilight) and Aphotic (Midnight). Euphotic zone is the upper part that received bright and clear
sunlight that may extend to a depth 80m. Beneath euphotic, there is Disphotic zone that may extend to
800m which an area that received blue light. This blue light is not sufficient to sustain photosynthetic
organism. While Aphotic zone is water layer where no visible sunlight (E. Barbara Klemm, 1999, January
Figure 6: Light penetration decrease with water depth in ocean
[1]Fondriest Environmental Learning Centre. (2021). Retrieved from
[2]Staff, F. (2010, August 12). Environmental monitor. Retrieved from

[3]Pillet, V. M. (1992). Stray-light effects on the solar intensity distribution. Solar physics,
140(2), 207-237.

[4]Alados-Arboledas, L., et al. "The influence of clouds on surface UV erythemal irradiance."

Atmospheric Research 66.4 (2003): 273-290.

[5]Cooper, P. I. "The absorption of radiation in solar stills." Solar energy 12.3 (1969): 333-346.

[6]Pfister, G., et al. "Cloud coverage based on all-sky imaging and its impact on surface solar
irradiance." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 42.10 (2003): 1421-1434.


[8]Alex Card. Solar Radiation & Photosynthetically Active Radiation. Retrieved from solar
radiation, 2021, September 11:

[9]Paul Pryborski (2009, January 14). Incoming Sunlight. Retrieved from how much light reach
Earth’s surface, 2021, September 11:

[10]E. Barbara Klemm (1999, January 1). Light in The Ocean. Retrieved from how much light
break surface of water, 2021, September 11:

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