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Probiotics for Kids

How Beneficial are Probiotics for Kids
Research shows that, most children lately prefer the fast moving foods. These foods are however
considered to be unhealthy since they contain high content fats which may be a red flag to the baby’s
health. 0.8 of the child’s immune system can be located in the gut area. There is need to therefore keep
control of the bacteria around the gut of the child. This is done by the parent doing everything possible
to support the good microbes found in the child’s gut. Most parents have managed to maintain good
health of their children by seeking probiotic supplements of high quality for their children. Probiotics are
beneficial to the children in various ways as discussed below;
 Promote normal allergic reaction to any foreign materials. The gut lining of a kid is permeable.
This means that, it is extremely easy for foreign materials to get to penetrate through the gut
and get to the bloodstream of the baby. It is therefore important to ensure the kid has a healthy
gut flora.
 This is one of the reasons mothers are advised to feed their children with probiotics since they
serve as barriers to entry of foreign materials that lead to allergic reactions. This protects the
baby from any foreign invaders interfering with the kid’s health. It is the healthy micro flora;
build after intake of probiotics that help to maintain normal allergic reactions.
 Promotes a balance in the child’s weight and influences the child’s metabolism. This is possible
since beneficial bacteria can grow and survive if the kid takes probiotics. Research further shows
that, to maintain a manageable weight of the kid, the gut microbes must have a healthy balance.
This healthy balance is supported a great deal by the probiotics given to kids.
 As concerns metabolism, this is the rate at which the body breaks down food to release energy.
When a kid is growing, she or he needs to frequently be supplied with energy. For consistent
breakdown of food to release energy, you should think of getting your kid probiotics.
 It decreases possible side effects after a kid is vaccinated. Probiotics keep the good bacteria in
check such that any interference from vaccination is quickly corrected. A kid is vaccinated for
better health and no parent wants a kid getting complications after vaccination. To avoid
possible side effects, it is always good to ensure whether after or during vaccination, a child
takes probiotics.

 As the kid grows and develops, probiotics support the health of the brain. There are researchers
who refer to the kids gut as the second brain. This so because, discovery shows that the gut is
directly linked to the brain. That close connection between the gut and the brain of the kid
requires that the health of the gut must be supported fully. Probiotics are therefore good for
your kid in order to keep her or his brain in good shape.
 Probiotics aid in the kid’s digestion and release of very essential nutrients. Anything that helps in
digestion of food for your kid is important. Remember, growth of your kid is based on how well
the food is digested to release nutrients. Proper digestion of food in the body of the kid saves
her or him a lot of other complications arising as a result of indigestion.
 In the girl child, the probiotics help maintain good vaginal health. This is so because probiotics
control how many healthy bacteria the child has especially around the vaginal area. In simple
term, probiotics help in determining the population of the bacteria.
 Probiotics are necessary for the comfort of the kid’s intestine. Research shows that, a child who
takes probiotics has regular elimination, less gas, reflux, and even colic. Sometimes, kids have
intestinal problems especially when digestion does not go well for them. Probiotics help prevent
such discomforts.
 Probiotics are essential in treating persistent diarrhea and constipation in children. Your child
might have disturbing cases of diarrhea. If other drugs are not working, try probiotics for safe
treatment of the child’s diarrhea. This goes back to digestion. Most times, diarrhea is as a result
of complications in digestion. Different forms of probiotics aid in digestion; they ease digestion.
 In form of probiotics, lactic acid helps treat possibility of skin conditions that lead to dry and
itchy skin. You all know how irritating a skin that is dry is, nobody therefore wants such
discomfort for their children. Probiotics are the answer to such skin condition possibilities,
commonly referred to as infantile eczema. This simply means possible infections on the infant’s
 Probiotic bacteria ensure that your kid does not suffer from severe common colds; this is
especially during cold seasons. It is advisable that you ensure your child feeds on probiotics all
through especially when it is too cold and the child is likely to get a common cold. Apart from
just helping control common colds, a kid is safe from respiratory infections for the first two
years of life if he or she consistently takes antibiotics.

There are strains that have also been proven to work for kids. These include;
 The mother’s breast milk contains probiotic strains that are better than antibiotics when it
comes to treating infectious mastitis.
 In addition to that, lactobacillus strains found in the mother’s breast milk also help in effectively
treating mastitis especially during lactation.1

Forms (Liquid, Pills) and how to take

There are different forms of the supplements available for Kids. They are all a source of health benefits if
at all the mother follows all necessary directions when feeding the kid. It is also very important for the
mother to seek medical advice on the dosage. This is because any excesses interfere with the way
probiotics work.

Liquid-Probiotic drinks for kid (directions and Dosage)

Out of the many forms of probiotics, liquid probiotics are most preferable for your kid. This is due to the
rate at which they are absorbed. Research shows that, once taken, liquid probiotics are absorbed

between the first twenty to thirty seconds. Faster absorption means fast results for the kid’s good
health. In addition, it is easier to give the child liquid drinks as opposed to other forms of drugs like pills.

Usually, dosage is determined by looking at the number of organisms in the probiotic drinks. These
drinks can be added to foods. Kid’s dose ranges from one to ten billion organisms. Usually, the kids
could be given the probiotic drink after every twelve hours for five days.

It is important to ensure that the child takes the probiotics two hours before or after taking antibiotics.
This is so as to ensure the working of the drug is not interfered with. It is always best to consult your
doctor before administering any probiotics.

Probiotic pills for kids (directions and Dosage)

Depending on the type of pill, children are supposed to take pills whose colony forming units range
between; five to ten billion. This should be administered each single day depending on the doctor’s
prescription. Like the liquid probiotics, best results are observed after three to five days. Ensure your kid
does not take the pills for less than three days.

It is also important to note that you can dissolve the pills in pure water to make it easy for the kid to
take in as well as to aid in absorption. It is always difficult to get a kid to swallowing pills so just powder
it and dissolve it in water.

Chewable/gummy probiotic for kids (Directions and dosage)

There are flavored tablets that are chewable by kids once they are grown enough to chew. These are
such as culturelle probiotics and are known to contain lactobacillus GG. For best health benefits, you
are advised to give your child one chewable probiotic flavored tablet. The kid enjoys the chewing and in
the end gains extremely good balance of good bacteria in her or his digestive tract. This is one way of
keeping the kid’s immune system strong and hence; the kid is safe from falling sick. 2

Selecting the Best Probiotic for Kids

 What are the criteria when selecting the best probiotic for your kid?
Given there are several forms of probiotic, you need to fully understand the health of your kid before
choosing the probiotics for her or him. In order to choose the best probiotic, the following are
1. Probiotic strains.
As much as the number of bacteria contained in any product is important, the strains
present is an even more important consideration. There are strains which must be included
for the probiotic to result to the best health of the kid. These include; l. acidophilus, longum,
and B fidum. These are the primary probiotic strains that must be present. Others include; L.
fermentus and L. rhamose.
2. Packaging and formulation

Enticements are added to motivate the children towards taking the probiotics. Such additions include;
citrus or sweet flavors. Other probiotics are made gummy so that they are easy for the children to
consume. Children may prefer chewing and hence, chewable probiotics in this case will be preferred.
However, in cases where children have chewing problems or even issues with their gums, the chewable
probiotics are not advisable.
It is also important to ensure that the probiotics bought do not need refrigeration as such additional
requirement may complicate storage of the probiotics. Maintaining the correct temperature all through
may therefore pose a great challenge. This makes it crucial to check the storage requirements before
3. Delivery system
Microorganisms in probiotics are beneficial to the kid’s digestive tract only if they are alive. Like
temperature that are unbearably high, stomach acid can lead to death of the microorganisms.
A probiotic should be such that it is in good shape up to the time it reaches the required area, such as
the intestines. If tampered with before getting to the intestines, the probiotics will definitely miss the
intended goal. Choose antibiotics that will be protected until they accomplish their role in the kid’s
body. In this case, researchers say tablets are a better option.
4. Expiration date
Sometimes, people overlook the expiration dates. This is however very crucial information about any
given product. A manufacturer in this case will have estimated the live of the active bacteria. Using the
probiotics beyond such stated dates is therefore a great risk any one would be taking. Expired products
may not only fail to work for the kid but they may as well be very harmful.
When selecting a probiotic, choose one that has a longer expiry date as that means the live of the
microorganisms is way longer.
5. Money back guarantee
How much a company stands by its product, in this case, a probiotic product, is shown by its money back

Best Probiotic Supplements and Brands for Kids

The tabulation below outlines the breakdown of the various probiotics and some of their qualities and
more details.

Probiotic Brief Description key Ingredients CFU Price
Name/Brand of key range
features/Strengths $

1. Nature plus Has intestinal  B. coagulans 5 billion (17-20)

Acidophikidz floral that  Rhododendron caucasium per
maintains  Fructooligosacchirides bottle
balance which
is important
for your kid.
It is gluten free
making it even
Has a mixed
berry flavor
that the kids

2. Delpro- Contains Del-  Lactobacillus acidophilus 3 billion A bottle

Natural immune V plus  Bifidobacterium bifidum of Delpro
Probiotic which boosts  Lactobacillus delbrueckii 150
Supplement immunity. This  Del-Immune V powder capsule
s for is a probiotic  Lactobacillus casei -57.50
immune that boosts the  Bifidobacterium longum Trial
System health of the special-
Health intestines. 67.50
are known to
maintain the
balance of the
kid’s tract

3. Rainbow It is gluten and  lactobacillus supergenes 1 billion 11 to 50

light soy free hence  Bio-active probiotic Bio active
probioliciou maintains a Defense per serving probiotic
s Gummies healthy  Prebiotics from insulin defense
It is a multi –
hence keeps
your kid

4. Garden of Has organic Raw insulin About 5 $19 per

life RAW whole food Organic and raw vegetables and million 96 grams
probiotics probiotics fruits
kid Is gluten free
Culturelle hence safe for
your kid.

5. Kids Has ability to Dairy free formula 5 billion $19-30

probiotic prevent bloating Natural lactobacillus GG per box
packets and other
associated gas
6. Number one Made using a  Acidophilus 10 billion $20 per
Nutrition vegetarian  Lactobacillus bottle
Advance formula.
Probiotic It is based on what
is natural. This
makes it crucial in
boosting the kid’s
immune system.
It is also known to
improve colon

Possible Probiotics Side Effects in Kids

Probiotics are really necessary and essential for kids. However, there are side effects that arise as a
result of using certain probiotics for quite a long time without breaks. The side effects in children who
use probiotics are similar to those in adults. The only difference is that, the side effects are more severe
in the case of ch9ildren as compared to adults. The side effects and possible solutions are as discussed

1. Infections
When children take probiotics, they are able to treat infections such as the common cold. However, if
the kid experiences a weak immune system, there might be an underlying infection and taking
antibiotics may only worsen the condition. It is possible to take antibiotics and prevent infections as a
side effect. This is by ensuring that proper tests are carried out as concerns the health of the kid at the
time she or he takes probiotics. This is so as to get the necessary medical advice.
2. Intestinal gas

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are examples of gas producing bacteria that are found in probiotics.
Usually, these bacteria are broken down to produce lactic acid. Intestinal gas has been pointed out as
the most common side effect experienced by kids who take antibiotics. Intestinal gas in never a very
serious side effect not unless the kid also experiences watery stool among other symptoms. A physician
should be contacted should the symptoms persist.
It is possible to avoid the side effect by reducing the amount of probiotics given to the kid. The higher
the amount of probiotics the more likely is the kid to experience intestinal gas complications.
3. Bloating
This is a similar side effect to that of intestinal gas. Bloating in children after taking probiotics involves
gas building up in the intestines. Children with poor immune systems are more likely to experience
bloating which could be extremely painful avoid possible bloating. It is important for the mother to
consult the doctor on what probiotic to take by clearly defining the kid’s immune system.
Bloating is more severe in children and it not only comprises of gas build up in the intestines but also in
the stomach. To save your kid such pains, yet obtain maximum benefits of probiotics, control the
amount of probiotics that kid takes. It is also important to consult your doctor on quantities that are
most preferable for your kid.5


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