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Space Marine PTT ce Ey + Tactical Marine (Gunner) EU) eee) ee ere) Sreeeeg ea et ren ae) ) aretred aad ° eee ieee analy eater! rgeant + Relver Fire Team Se Cro) Sree acy ° Ser Sea eg : h Veteran (Warrior) eres Sea) rr h Veteran (Fighter) Bee aero Ss Se eer) Pern Sea) ey Tactical Ploys eae) arden ens Serer) CT) Book Kind__Edtion Version __Lastupdate E Werkgre 40,000 Tea Index 210 Setober 2021 a kallteam consists of one fire team selected from the following list INTERCESSOR ‘ASSAULT INTERCESSOR INCURSOR INFILTRATOR REIVER HEAVY INTERCESSOR ‘TACTICAL MARINE scout DEATHWATCH VETERAN (DEATHWATCH selectable keyword only) Operatives in TACTICAL MARINE and SCOUT fire teams cannot have the DEATHWATCH selectable keyword (and therefore cannot be selected for DEATHWATCH kill ears). Note, however, that DEATHWATCH VETERANS are only available to DEATHWATCH kill tears. ‘An INTERCESSOR fire team includes one INTERCESSOR SERGEANT operative equipped with ane option from each of the following ‘Auto bolt rifle, bok pistol, bot rife, hand flame, plasma pistalor stalker bolt fle CChainsword, fists, power fist, power weapon or thunder hammer Italso includes four INTERCESSOR WARRIOR operatives each separately equipped with fists and one of the following options: ‘Auto bolt rile, bot ie or stalker bolt rite ‘An ASSAULT INTERCESSOR fire team includes one ASSAULT INTERCESSOR SERGEANT operative equipped with one option from each of the following Hand flamer, heavy bolt pistol or plasma pistol CChainsword, power fit, power weapon or thunder hammer Italo includes four ASSAULT INTERCESSOR WARRIOR operatives. Cita TS aes SS ESC) TT SY INCURSOR FIRE TEAM > An INCURSOR fire team includes one INCURSOR SERGEANT operative > algo includes four INCURSOR WARRIOR operatives. TMFILTRATOR FIRE TEAM > An INFILTRATOR fre team includes one INFILTRATOR SERGEANT operative, > also includes four INFILTRATOR WARRIOR operatives, Cita TSS ES SCT) TT) REIVER FIRE TEAM > AREIVER fre team includes one REIVER SERGEANT operative equipped with a special issue bolt pistol and one of the following options: + Bolt carbine; combat knife + Bolt carbine; fists * Combat knife > ttalso includes four REIVER WARRIOR operatives each separately equipped with a special issue bot pistol and one of the following options: + Bolt carbine; fists * Combat knife HEAVY INTERCESSOR FIRE TEAM > AHEAVY INTERCESSOR fire team includes one HEAVY INTERCESSOR SERGEANT operative equipped with fists and one of the following options: + Executor bot rifle, heavy bolt rifle or hellstorm bolt ine > also includes three HEAVY INTERCESSOR operatives selected from the following list ‘HEAVY INTERCESSOR WARRIOR each separately equipped with fists and one of the following options: 5 Executor bolt rifle, heavy bok rifle o helstorm bolt rile «+ HEAVY INTERCESSOR HEAVY GUNNER equipped with fists and one ofthe following options: 5 Executor heavy bolte, heavy bote” or hellstorm heavy bolter Your kill team can only include up to one HEAVY INTERCESSOR HEAVY GUNNER operative. TACTICAL MARINE FIRE TEAM > ATTACTICAL MARINE fire team includes one TACTICAL MARINE SERGEANT operative equipped with one of the following options: ‘Fists and one ofthe folowing options: ® Boltgun, combilamer, comb-grav, combimeka of combi-plasma + One option from each ofthe following ® Chainsword, power fist or power weapon ® Bolt pistol, grav-pstol, hand flamer, inferno pistol or plasma pistol > Italso includes five TACTICAL MARINE operatives selected from the folowing list «+ TACTICAL MARINE WARRIOR ‘TACTICAL MARINE GUNNER each separately equipped with fists and one of the following options: 5 Flamer, gravgun, meltagun or plasma gun “TACTICAL MARINE HEAVY GUNNER each separately equipped with fists and one ofthe following options: 5 Heavy bolter or missile launicher Other than TACTICAL MARINE WARRIOR operatives, your kill team can only include each operative above once Cita TS aes SS ESC) TT SY SCOUT FIRE TEAM > ASCOUT fire team includes one SCOUT operative selected from the folowing list ‘+ SCOUT SERGEANT equipped with one of the following option: Astartes shotgum; fists » Boltgun; fists » Chainsword; bolt pistol + SCOUT SNIPER SERGEANT > Italso includes nine SCOUT operatives selected from the following list: ‘SCOUT WARRIOR each separately equipped with one ofthe following options: *Astartes shotgun, fists » Boltgun; fists ® Bolt pistol combat knife «+ SCOUT SNIPER WARRIOR «+ SCOUT HEAVY GUNNER each separately equioped with ists and one ofthe following options: > Heavy bolter or missile launcher Your kill team can only include up to two SCOUT HEAVY GUNNER operatives and up to three SCOUT SNIPER WARRIOR operatives. DEATHWATCH VETERAN FIRE TEAM > ADEATHWATCH VETERAN fire team includes one DEATHWATCH VETERAN WATCH SERGEANT operative equipped with one of the following options: * Heavy thunder hammer (max one per kill team) «Lightning claws «Fists and one ofthe following options: 2 Deathwatch boligun, Deathwatch shotgun, combiflamer, comb-gray, comb+-melta, combi-plasma, flamer, grav-gun, meltagun, plasma ‘un, stalker pattern boltgua or storm bolter ‘One option from each ofthe following ® Chainsword, lightning claw, power fist, power maul, power weapon, thunder hammer or xenophase blade. » Bolt pistol, gravpistol, hand flamer, inferno pistol, plasma pistol or storm shield > Italso includes four DEATHWATCH VETERAN operatives selected from the following ist: ‘« DEATHWATCH VETERAN WARRIOR each separately equipped with one ofthe following options: 5 Deathwatch boliguni; ower weapon ® Fists and one of the following options * Deathwatch shotgun, stalker pattern boltgun or storm bolter + DEATHWATCH VETERAN FIGHTER each separately equipped with one ofthe following options: 5 Heavy thunder hammer (max one per kill team) ® Lightning claws ® One option from each of the following * Chainsword,ightning claw, power fist, power maul, power weapon or thunder hammer = Bol pistol, grav-pistol hand flamer, inferno pistol, plasma pistol or storm shield «DEATHWATCH VETERAN GUNNER each separately equipped with fists and one ofthe following options: = Combi-lamer, combrgrav, combimelta, combi-plasma, flamer, gav-gun, meltagun or plasma gun «DEATHWATCH VETERAN HEAVY GUNNER each separately equipged with fists and one ofthe following options: "Frag cannon, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, infernus heavy baler or missile launcher Other than DEATHWATCH VETERAN WARRIOR operatives, your kill team can only include each operative above once. STRATEGIC PLOYS Iyour faction is SPACE MARINE®, you can use the following Strategic Ploys during a game. BOLTER DISCIPLINE 1cP Strategic Ploy Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly SPACE MARINE® operative (excluding a SCOUT operative) is activated, if it does not perform a Fight action during that activation it can perform two Shoot actions during that aetvation if bolt weapon is selected for each of those shooting attacks. A bolt weapon is @ ranged weapon that includes ‘bot'in its name, e.g. bolkgun, heavy bolter etc Inthe case of the Infernus heavy boter, it must be the heavy bolter profile that is selected, Ses 1cP ‘Strategic Ploy Until the end of the Turing Point, each ime a friendly SPACE MARINE® operative (excluding a SCOUT operative) is activated, if it does not perform a Shoot action during that activation, it can perform two Fight actions during that actvation, Pease 1cP ‘Strategie Ploy Until the end of the Turing Point, while a friendly SPACE MARINE® operative is within [ff of and Visible to a friendly LEADER operative, each time itghts in combat oF makes a shooting attack, in the Rall Attack Dice step ofthat combat oF shaating attack, you can reroll one of your attack ce. TACTICAL PLOYS your faction is SPACE MARINES, you can use the following Tactical Ploys during a game. PE Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy inthe Roll Defence Dice step ofa shooting attack, after rolling defence dice fora friendly PRIMARIS operative. You ‘can change one of your retained normal saves to a critical save, CAN) i Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy when a ready friendly SPACE MARINE® operative is incapacitated. That operative is not removed from the killzone Until the end of your next activation or the end ofthe battle (whichever comes fist) and does net count as being injured. EXD RTS aS NO 1cP Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly SPACE MARINES operative is activated, Unt the end ofthat operatives activation you can ignore any or all modifiers to its APL. characteristic and itis not injures OMNI-SCRAMBLER TCP Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy a the star ofthe Fcfight phase. Select one enemy operative Visible to and within @ of friendly INFILTRATOR operative. Uni the end ofthe Turing Point, that enemy operative cannot be activated until another enemy operative has been activated {Unless itis the only remaining enemy operative) MULTI-SPECTRUM ARRAY 1cP Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly INCURSOR operative performs a Shoot action. For that actior’s shooting attack, enemy operatives are not Obscured Peds 1CP Tactical Ploy Use this Tactical Ploy during a friendly REIVER operative's activation, Unt the start ofthe next Turning Point: + Each time an enemy operative would perform a mission action or the Pick Up action, if ths friendly REIVER operative is within iJ of that enemy operative, one additional action point must be subtracted to perform that action. + When determining control of an objective marker that friendly REIVER operative is within range of, treat enemy operatives’ total APL as being I ess. Note that this isnot a modifier. OLOGY EQUIPMENT ‘SPACE MARINE® operatives in your kill eam can be equipped with equipment from this list, as specified in the mission sequence. Any ‘equipment marked with a * can be selected a maximum of once, and each operative can be equipped with no more than one of each iter, AUXILIARY GRENADE LAUNCKER* [15P] INTERCESSOR operative only. The operative gains the following ability forthe battle: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher: Frag and krak grenades the operative is equipped with can be selected for use twice, instead of once. Each time ‘the operative performs a Shoot action if rag or krak grenade is selected asthe ranged weapon, an auliary grenade launcher can also be selected. If its, fr that actions shooting attack(s) frag or krak grenades are treated as nat having the Rng @ and Indirect special rules, HELIX GAUNTLET* [2EP] INFILTRATOR WARRIOR operative only. The operative gains the MEDIC keyword until the start of the next battle and can perform the following aetion during the batle: eRe Laas ra Select one friendly SPACE MARINES operative Visible to and within {\ of this operative. That operative regains 208 lost wounds. This ‘operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of enemy operatives. SMOKE GRENADE [3EP] INCURSOR, INFILTRATOR, REIVER or SCOUT operative ony. The operative can perform the following action during the battle SMOKE GRENADE ra Place the centre of one Smoke token on a point within @ ofthis operative. That token creates an area of smoke with a 2) radius and Unlimited upward height (but not below) measured from the centre of that token. Until the end of the Turning Point, an operative is Obscured if every Cover live drawn to it crosses an area of smoke. This operative can only perform this action ance, and cannot perform ‘this action while within Engagement Range of enemy operatives. HAYWIRE MINE [3EP] INCURSOR WARRIOR operative only. The operative can perform the following action during battle Pas TAP Place a Haywire Mine token within {4 of this operative. This operative can only perform this action once, and cannot perform this action hile within Engagement Range of enemy operatives. If this operative is incanacitatec and removed from the kilzone, remove its Haywire Mine token, ‘The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon Name 1 Ess D <> Haywire mines 4 2 45 ‘Special Rates ! Detonate, Silent sun *Detonate: Each time this operative makes a Shoot action using its haywire mine, make a shooting attack against each operative within [Elof the centre of ts Haywire Mine token with that weapon. When making those shooting attacks, each operative is treated as being Visible, but when determining itis in Cover, teat this operative's Haywire Mine token as the active operative. Then remove this ‘perative's Haywire Mine token. An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action, or if Its Haywire Mine token is natin the killzone. SHOCK GRENADE [3EP] REIVER operative only. The operative can perform the following action during the battle: Aree acl na ‘Select one point on the kilzone within @ of this operative, Roll one D6 for each operative within (2) ofthat point, subtracting 1 from the result if they are not Visible to this operative. On a 4+, subtract 1 fram thal operative's APL. This operative can only perform this action ‘once, and cannot perforin this action while within Engagement Range of enemy operatives. FRAG GRENADE [2EP] The operative is equipped wit the following ranged weapon for the battle: ‘name a BS/WS D <> Frag grenade 4 3 23 ‘Special Rules: ! ng @, Limited, Blast Indirect 5 KRAK GRENADE [3EP] ‘Te operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon forthe battle. It cannot make a shooting attack with tis weapon by performing an Overwatch action: Name A BS/Ms D Krak grenade 4 3 45 ‘Special Rules: t ng @, Limited, APT, Indirect : PURITY SEAL [3EP] The operative gains the following ability for the bate Purity Seal: Once per battle, when this operative is fighting in combat, making @ shooting attack or @ shooting attack is being made against it, you can use the Command Re-all Tactical Play without spending any C>. SUSPENSOR SYSTEM [3EP] The operative gains the following ability forthe bate ‘Suspensor System: The Heawy special rule of ranged weapons the operative is equipped with is treated diferent. Instead, an operative canvot move more than 3(@)in the same activation in which It performs a Shoot acton with ay of those ranged weapons GRAPNEL LAUNCHER [15P] REIVER operative ony. The operative gains te following abilty forthe battle: Grapne! Launcher: + Each time this operative ascends or descends a tera feature while clmbin, the fist vertical distance of up to) it travels is counted ‘as B for that climb, This operative doesnot need tobe within of a physical and climbabe part ofa terrain feature in oder to climb it Each time this operative «ops, the intended location can be any vertical distance from the levelt occupies. + Each time this operative crops, it counts any vertical distance it travels as half for tat drop. GRAV-CHUTE [2EP] REIVER operative ony. The operative gains the following ability forthe bat Gravechute: + During the missin sequence, after resolving your selected option in the Scouting step i this operative is wholly within you érop zone, it can perform a Grav-hute insertion If does $0, you can perform a fee Normal Move action with this operative. Fr that action, thas a Movement characteristic of 22) and can FLY. + Each ime this operative maves aff a Vaniace Point for that move, it ean move as though Ian FLY, so long as it daes not move higher than that Vantage Point and ends that move lower than that Vantage Point AUSPEX* [3EP] ‘The operative can perform the following action during the battle: Select one friendly SPACE MARINE® operative within of and Visible to this operative. Unti the end of the Turning Point, that ‘operative's ranged weapons ae treated as having the No Cover special le. This operative cannot perform this action wile within Engagement Range of enemy operatives. DATASLATES & Autobot ie ot sine <} Stalker bott rifle X Fists DATACARD-RELATED Er 3+ 3 a4 MES. SS. SA Special Rules ! Ceaseless : : PI Heavy, AP 5 UUMIQUE ACTIONS | [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, INTERCESSOR, WARRIOR] SRT Of} <5 Autobot ite 2 Bol pistol Bolt rite Hand farmer Plasma platol ~ Standard Supercharge © Stakerbot rie X Chainsword X Fists Power fst Power weapon 3 Thunder hammer DATACARD-RELATED Geaseless Rng @. Rog @, Torrent A. Pt ach tine this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with select one ofthe profes below to use A BSWS oD 42 3/4 4m 34 42 34 4m 22 4m 56 4m 56 4m 3/8 4 45 4 a4 44 57 43 46 4 4 56 ng @. API fing G2, AP2, Hot Heavy, API Brutal Lethal Se SERGEANT [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, LEADER, INTERCESSOR, LAAN! ASSAULT INTERCESSOR (WARRIOR) 2X fame A BMWs > Special Rules <5 Heavy bot pistol 43 4 Rng @ Chainsword 5 4s : ABILITIES Untque ACTIONS DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT ff 1 INA [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, ASSAULT INTERCESSOR, [WARRIOR CSU aT EO} DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT Bf TACTICAL PRECISION f TRANSHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Name A BS/WS =D ‘Special Rules <5 Hand flamer 4% 2/2 Rng @, Torrent A 5 Heavy bolt pstl 4a 34 fog @ Plasma pistol ache his weapons selected make a shooting attack wth select one ofthe profes below ose = Standard 43 5/6 fing @. A Supercharge 4% 5/6 2, Hot % chainsword 5m 4s : % Power fist 5 3 5/7 Brutal X Power weapon 52 4/6 Lethal Thunder hammer 5 3 5/6 - ‘ABILITIES UMIQUE ACTIONS PI [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, LEADER, ASSAULT INTERCESSOR, SERGEANT wame A oBSwS OD ‘Special Rules: ‘© Marksman bolt carbine 43 3/4 Lethal X Fists 4 34 5 ABILTES UMQUE ACTIONS DATACARD-RELATED TE]. BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT Pf TRANSHUMAN PHysiOLOGY f [SPACE MARINE, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, INFILTRATOR WARRIOR TST O | Special ules <> Marksman bolt carbine 4 3/8 Lethal 5+ : X Fists 4 3/8 5 : ‘MBLs UNQUE ACTIONS DDATACARD-RELATED ES. Sy. Ly, ST. ST SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, PRIMARIS, LEADER INFILTRATOR | AVAYW | SERGEANT TNCURSOR (WARRIOR) 2 Hame A oBSWS =D ‘Special Rules ! 2% Combat blade 43 3/5 - - ABILITIES: UNIQUE ACTIONS DATACARD-RELATED TTS to] Kame A Bsws Special Rules ! € Occulus bok carbine 4m 3/4 No Cover - X Combat blade 4 38 - : ‘NBILTES ‘UMOQUE ACTIONS TO} ame A bss ‘Special Rules ! { Bottcarine 4 oe 3/8 5 Ei 2 Special issue bok pistol 4 oe 3/8 Rng @. API - Combat knife 5 5 5 Fists 43 3/8 : = ABILITIES: UMIQUE ACTIONS: DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT ff TRANSHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ff TERROR TROOP | [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, REIVER, WARRIOR AVAY sald Bul Mame A BSS Special Rules ! <5 Bolt carbine 42 3/4 : © Special issue bot pistol 4 2 3/4 Rng @. API - , Combat knife 5 2 3/4 - Fists 42 3/4 : : ‘NBILTES ‘UNIQUE AGTIONS If this operative is not equipped with a bolt carbine, ts ~ ‘combat knife gains the Lethal St special ule. DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT ff TACTICAL PRECISION f TRANSHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ff TERROR TROOP I shock 6; apnel Lav Executor bot ie 2S Heany bot rite < Helistorm bot ile X Fists ‘ABILTES DATACARD-RELATED Baws 4/5 oF 4/5 3+ 45 3+ 3/4 Special Rules Heavy, APT Geaseless ETS. SS | [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, HEAVY INTERCESSOR, WARRIOR] © Heayboter Fists ABILITIES: DATACARD-RELATED <5 Executor heavy bolter <3 Helistor heavy bolter i INTERCESSOR Ceti TOF He Baws 3+ 45 3+ 45. 4/5. a 4 ‘Special Rules Heavy, API, Lethal 5+ Heavy, Fusilade Heavy, Ceaseless, Fusilade UMIQUE ACTIONS: ONTERDISOPLINE Hf SHOOKASSAUE | eanstvan Pnsi0.0cy [GUNNER [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, HEAVY INTERCESSOR HEAVY. £5 Executor bolt rifle <5 Heavy bolt rile & Helistorm bot rifle % Fists ABILITIES: DATACARD-RELATED sha Sata bein a eee BSS: 2+ 2 2 3+ D 4/5 as 45 3/4 Special Rules Heavy, APT Geaseless BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT ff TACTICAL PRECISION TRANSHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY SERGEANT [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, , PRIMARIS, LEADER, HEAVY INTERCESSOR, a Hame A OBSIWS =D ‘Special Rules: ! @ Boltgun 4 oF aA - & Fists 3 8H 4 - - ABILITIES: UNIQUE ACTIONS DATACARD-RELATED PTL of} Name A bss 0 Special ules ! <> Flamer 5 22 Rog ¢@, Torrent 2) - & cravgun 4 45 API, Grave 5 <> Mettagun 4m 63 Rog @@, AP2 ws & Plasma gun ach time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with select one ofthe profiles below to use - Standard 4 5/6 API : Supercharge 4 3 56 AP2, Hot : > Fists 33 3a : ‘ABILITIES, UUMIQUE ACTIONS Grav: Each time this operative makes a shoot ng attack with this weapon, if the target has an unmodified Save characteristic of 3+ or better, this weapon has the Lethal 4 special rule for that attack DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT STOTT U UT eT of} wame A oBSwS OD ‘Special Rules ! Hey blter 5 4/5 Heavy, Fusilade Pi © Missile launcher ach ine this weapons selected o make a shooting attack wih select oe ofthe profiles below ose “Frag 46 35 Hey, Bast @) 5 Krak 4% 97 Hey, AP ; X Fists ver) : : ABILTES UNIQUE RETIONS DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT eT Cael to] Mame A BSwS ‘Special Rules ! Bott pistol 42 3/4 Rng @ - Boltgun 4 3/4 - : CCombi-flamer 5m 22 ‘Combi, Rng @. Torrent ®) Limited - Combi-grav 4m 48 Combi, API, Grav, Limited : Combimelta 4 6 Ccombit, Rag @. AP2, Limited mwa Combi-plasma Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting ateck wih select ane ofthe profiles below to use: = Standard 4% 56 Combi, API, Limited - Supercharge 4m 516 Combit, AP2. Hot, Limited - Gravistol 4m 45 ng @. API. Grave 5 Hand flamer 4% 22 Rng @, Torrent A : Inferno pistl 4m 58 Rng ED AP2 wa Plasma pistol Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with select one ofthe profiles below to use: - Standard 4m 516 Rng @. API : Supercharge 4% 516 Rag @, AP2, Hot - 3, Chainsword 5S om 4s - X Fists a 3M - : Power fist 5 57 Brutal - 2% Power weapon 5 4/6 Lethal 5+ - ABILITIES: UUMIQUE ACTIONS: Combi: An operative equipped with this weapon is also equipped with a boltgun, ‘Grav: Each time this operative makes a shooting attack wit this weapon, i the target has an unmodified Save characteristic of 3+ fr beter, this weapon has the Lethal 4+ special rule for that attack DATACARD-RELATED Paisniscains ‘SCOUT (WARRIOR) Ke A bss 0 Special ules 4m Ale Rg @ - 4 aA > Bolt pistol 4 34 Rng @ 5 X combat kite 4 oF 3/8 5 : X Fists 2 uA : ‘ABLES UMQUE ACTIONS DDATACARD-RELATED BACT LO} TC Cau au ame A bss 0 Special ules ! ‘© Heavy boter 5 4s Heavy, Fusilade PL & Missile launcher ach tne tis weapon is selected to make a shooting attack wth, elect one ofthe profiles Blow to use: “Frag 4 38 Heavy Blast (2) Krak 4 57 Heavy, API 5 Fists 33 aya : ‘MBLs ‘que Actions DDATACARD-RELATED Bsws 0 Special mules ! &> Astartes shotgun AA Rag @, Balanced 5 © Botgun © Bolt pistol 3 Chainsword Fists ABILITIES UUMIQUE ACTIONS a 4A Rog @ : DATACARD-RELATED TACTICAL PRECISION J joke Grenade ScoUT STOTT] eee Spectal Rules Heavy Silent a € Scout sniperrile x Fists, ABILITIES: UNIQUE ACTIONS ‘Camo Cloak: Each time a shooting attack is made against this ‘operative, in the all Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, fits in Cover, one additional dice ccan be retained as a successful normal save as a result of Cover DATACARD-RELATED Say burn | [SPACE MARINES, _ fame A bss 0 Special Rules ! <> Scout sniper rifle 42 3/3 Heavy Sent, Balanced Mw X rise 33 3/4 2 5 ‘ABILITIES, ‘UMIQUE ACTIONS ‘Camo Cloak: Each time a shooting attack is made against this ‘operative, in the al) Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, fits in Cover, one additional dice ccan be retained as a successful normal save as a result of Cover DATACARD-RELATED DEATHWATCH VETERAN (WARRIOR) Kx <& Deatwatoh bokgun gone Hele =Kroken = Vengeance Deathwatch shotgun ~Coypeeacer -Wyrmsbreath =Xenopurge taker pattern botgun & storm botter X Fists 2% Power weapon Special ules ach ie this weapons selected o make a shooting attack wth select one ofthe profiles below to use 4 uM No cover 5 4 aM 5 Rending 4 3/8 : PL 4a ais : 20h tine tis weapons selected to make a shooting attack wth, selec ane of he profiles Blow to use: 4 aa ; 5 2% 2m Rng EL Torrent) - 2 4s Rng @ 3+ 3a Heavy, APL ae Relentless uA 3 46 Lethal st ‘BOLTER DISCIPLINE f SHOCK ASSAULT [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, DEATHWATCH, DEATHWATCH VETERAN, WARRIOR Lalita Malad CT) Los Mame A BSS Special Ru ! <5 Bolt pistol 43 3/4 Fg @ - <> Gravpistol 43H 4s Rng @. API. Greve - > Hand flamer 4m 22 ng @, Torrent A - 5 Inferno pistol 43 58 Rng EL AP2 mwa > Plasma pistol Each time this weapon is selected o make a shooting attack with select ane ofthe profiles below to use: ~ Standard 4 5/6 Rng @, API : - Supercharge 43 5/6 Rng @ AP2 Hot - 3, Chainsword 5 als - : 3, Heavy thunder hammer 5 68 - stun % Lightning claw 5 FAIS Lethal 5+ - Lightning claws 5 4/5 Lethal 5 Relentless - Power ist 5 4 a7 Brutal : 3% Power maul 5 45 - stun 2% Power weapon 5 3 46 Lethal 5+ - 3, Thunder hammer 5 4 5/6 : stun ‘ABILITIES ‘UNIQUE ACTIONS: ‘Storm Shield: If this operative is equipped with a storm shield - + tthas a 4+ invulnerable save, + Each time it fights in combat, n the Resolve Successful Hts step ‘of that combat, each time it paries, two of your opponent's ‘successful its are discarded (instead of one) Grav: Each time this operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, if the target has an unmodified Save characteristic of 3+ or better this weapon has the Lethal 4 special ule for that attack, DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT PRC O} 4 Special Rules <5 Combislamer 5% 22 ‘Combi, Ang @ Torrent ®) Limited - © Combigrav 43 4s Combis, API, Grav, Limited : Combimela 4 68 Combi. Rag @, AP2, Limited mwa Combiplasma Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with select ane ofthe profiles below to use: ~ Standard 4 5/6 Combi, API, Limited : - Supercharge 4 516 Combit, AP2. Hot Limited : Deathwatch boltgun Each time this weapons selected to make a shooting attack with select ane ofthe profiles below to use: fagontire 4a 3/4 No Cover - Heltive 4 uM 5 ending ~raken 4 38 : PI -Vengeance 43 4 - : Flamer 5m m2 Rag @, Torrent 2) : Grav-gun 4 45 API, Gravt : Meltagun 43 68 Rng @. AP2 mwa © Plasma gun Each ie this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack mt select one ofthe profes below to use: Standard 43+ 546 AP : Supercharge 4 5/6 AP2,Hot - Fists 2M 5 5 ‘ABILITIES UMQUE ACTIONS: ‘Combi: An operative equipped with this weapon is also equipped with a Deathwatch boltgun *Grav: Each time this operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, if the target has an unmodified Save characteristic of 3+ or better, this weapon has the Lethal 4r special rule for that attack DATACARD-RELATED BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT | [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, DEATHWATCH, DEATHWATCH VETERAN, GUNNER] AAV DEATHWATCH VETERAN (HEAVY GUNNER) Kx ‘<5 Heavy bolter > Heavy flamer © Infernus heavy bolter ~Heavy bolter ~ Heavy flamer <5 Missile launcher -Frag Krak ® Fists ‘ABILITIES, DATACARD-RELATED 3 A pss Special Rules ! ach ie this weapon is selected o make a shooting attack wth select ane ofthe profiles below to use: 4 46 Blast @ : 43 516 apt : 5 oF as Heavy Fusilade PL 6 a 2 Heavy Rag @, Torrent @) : Each time this weapon is seleced to make a shooting attack with select ane ofthe profiles below to use 5 4S Heavy, Fusllade PL 6m we Heavy. Rag @. Torrent (2) : Each time this weapon is selected to make shooting attack mith select ane ofthe profiles below to use: 4 3/5 Heavy, Blast(2) : 43 57 Heayy, APT - 33+ 3/4 - BOLTER DISCIPLINE ff SHOCK ASSAULT [SPACE MARINE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, DEATHWATCH, DEATHWATCH VETERAN, HEAVY, [GUNNER DEATHWATCH VETERAN WATCH SERGEANT Ky Seen aes a wame A oBSwS OD ‘Special Rules ! <> Bolt pistol 4 2 aA Rng @ - <> Combiflamer 5 22 Combi, Rng 2, Torrent 2) Limited 5 © Combigrav 4m 4S Combit, AI, Grav’, Limited 5 & Combimeta 4 68 Ccombit, Rg @, AP2, Limited wa & combiplasma ach time this weapon i selected to make a shooting attack mth select ane ofthe profiles below to use: ~ Standard 4m 516 Combi, API, Limited ; Supercharge 4m 516 Combit, AP2, Hot, Limited : > Deathwatch baltgun ach ime this weapon i selected toma 2 shooting attack mith select one ofthe profiles below to use: ~ Dragontive 4m 3/8 No Cover - -Helre 4 3/8 > ending Kraken 4% 3/4 ° PL “Vengeance 4m ala : : Deathwatch shotgun ach ime this weapon is selected to make 2 shooting attack wth select ane ofthe profiles below to use: = Cryptclearer 4m a8 - Wyrmsbreath 5% mn Rag EL Torrent : -Kenopurge 4m 35 Rag @ PL Flamer 5% 22 Rg @, Torent 2) = Gravgun 4m 4s ‘AP, Grave 5 Grav-pistol 4 4s Rng @, API, Grave : Hand flamer 4 ow Rng @, Torrent A 5 Inferno pistol nr) Rag EL AP2 mwa Meltagun 4 2 68 Rng @. AP2 mwa > Plasma gun Each time this weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with, select one of the profiles below to use: ~ Standard 4m 516 Apt : Supercharge 4% 516 AP2,Hot 5 <5 Plasma pistal Each time tis weapon is selected to make a shooting attack with, select one ofthe profiles below to use: ~ Standard 4 516 fg @, API Supercharge 4% 56 Rag @, AP2, Hot - -& Stalker patter bottgun 4m 38 Heavy, API 5 © storm bolter 42 4 Relentless : Chainsword 4m 4/5 5 5 X Fists 4m 3A ei 5 > Heavy thunder hammer 5 3 6/8 - stun XX Ughtning claw 5 2 4s Lethal s+ : 3X Ugmining claws 5 4s Lethal St, Relentless 5 Power fist 5 ou OST Brutal : Power mavl 5 om as i sun XPower weapon 5m a6 Lethal s+ : 3 Thunder hammer 5 5/6 5 stun 3 Xenophase blade 5m 46 Brutal Lethal 5 : ‘ABILITIES: ‘UNIQUE ACTIONS: “Combi: An operative equipped with this weapon is also equipped ~ with a Deathwatch beltgun ‘Grav: Each time this operative makes a shooting atack with this weapon, ifthe target has an unmodified Save characteristic of 3+ or better, this weapon has the Lethal 4+ special rule for that attack, ‘Storm Shield: If this operative is equipped with a storm shield + Ithas a 4+ invulnerable save. * Each time it fights in combat, in the Resolve Successful Hits step ‘of that combat, each time It paries, two of your opponents ‘successful hits are discarded (instead of one) DATACARD-RELATED LTERDISCIPLINE f SHOOK ASSAULT f TACTICAL PRECISION ‘ASTARTES, DEATHWATCH, LEADER, DEATHWATCH VETERAN,

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