Pengertian Conjunction

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Pengertian Conjunction

Conjunction atau kata sambung adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan unit-
unit bahasa yang setara (kata dengan kata, frasa dengan frasa, klausa dengan klausa,
kalimat dengan kalimat, dan seterusnya).

Conjunction ada 2 :

1. Coordinating conjunction
Connecting two or more word, phrases, or independent clauses


For (karena)
And (dan)
Nor (tidak juga)
But (tetapi)
Or (atau)
Yet (tetapi)
So (sehingga)

 Word (kata)
Do you want me to take you apple or orange ?
 Phrases (frase)
We love his willingness to learn and his effort to coorperate
 Clauses (klausa)
It was so cold, so I take a sweater with me

2. Subordinating conjunction
Connecting subordinate clause to independent clause
(menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan induk kalimat)

Anggota : althougt, even though, in spite of, provided that, etc

Cause Concession Condition Place Reason Time

As Although If Where In order that After
Because Even though Even if wherever So that Before
since Though As long as As soon as
Whereas In case Once
While Provided that Until
Providing When


Although it was cold, I did not take a sweater with me

The project was successful because you worked so hard

This soup is so hot that I cannot eat it





not only...but also


To Infinitive

To + Base verb (kata kerja dasar)

Ada 2

S+V+ To Inf


Agree = she finally agreed to sign the contract

Decice = she decided to end the meeting

S+V+ O+ To Inf


Allow = she allows her students to be there

Want = she wants us to come early

Infinitive (kata kerja dasar)



Have = he had the students write an essay

Let = he let me watch the movie

V+ To inf = I decided to buy new clothes

V+ O+ To Inf= They want me to join english competition in last year

V+O+Inf = I saw my sister make a banana cake

1. Two-third of the participants were women

2. Three-quarters of the island was destroyed by earthquake
3. Fifty percent of the people are unemployed
4. Twenty percent of the house has been renovated
5. Nearly ninety percent of the essay has been checked

1. Five kilometers is the distance between our offices

2. Seven kilos of apples was bought by her
3. Two millions rupiahs is very valuable for me now
4. Three weeks is not long enough to finish the report
5. Two hours was all it took to wait for you

1. We, as well as emilly are invited to the ceremony

2. Dave, together with his roommates does not come
3. Everyone, besides those applicants, knows the news
4. The driver, along with his partner was injured
5. My supervisor, accompanied by our manager, repots the case

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