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1. What seven-letter word from the reading means “stories of love, adventure, and excitement”?


2. What four-letter word from the reading means “the events of a story”?


2. What five-letter word from the reading means “a burial chamber”?



The reading describes Aida as a spectacular production. Make a web of synonyms for the word
spectacular. One synonym has been provided to get you started. Use a thesaurus or dictionary for help.

Fabulous spectacular Thrilling

Amazing Exciting
Magnificent Engrossing


Analogies are statements of relationship. To come up with the missing word, you must figure out the
relationship between the first two words. Complete the analogies below with words from the reading.

1. Amneris is to princess as Radames is to captain.

2. Singular is to opus as plural is to opera.

3. Father is to daughter as king is to princess.

4. Tears are to laughter as tragedy is to comedy.

5. Love is to romance as envy is to jealousy.


The terms in the box describe singing voices. Write each word in the correct column. The first one has
been done for you. If you need help, check a dictionary.

alto baritone bass tenor soprano


1. highest = soprano 3. highest = tenor

2. lowest = alto 4. middle range = baritone

5. lowest = bass


Solve the crossword puzzle with words from the reading. Clue words are antonyms (words that mean
the opposite) of the answer words.


4. victory 1. joy

5. comedy 2. Dull

6. lies 3. laughs


1) misery

2) colorful

3) weeps

4) defeat

5) tragedy

6) truth

WORD ROOT: specta

The Latin root specta means “having to do with sight or vision.” The word spectacles, for example,
means “eyeglasses used to improve vision.” Read the list of words containing specta. Then write a letter
to match each word with its meaning.

1. b____ spectacular

2. c____ spectacle

3. a___ spectrum

4. d__ spectator

a. a series of colored bands formed when rays of light are broken up

b. adjective describing something that looks grand and showy

c. noun meaning something to look at; an unusual sight

d. a person who watches something without taking part

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