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National Mock Test Paper-11


1. Three variables x,y,z have a sum of 30. All three of them are non-negative integers. If any two
variables don‟t have the same value and exactly one variable has a value less than or equal to
three, then find the number of possible solutions for the variables.
a. 98 b. 285 c. 68 d. 294 e. None of these

2. In the given figure ABC is a right angled isosceles triangle. AN is angular bisector and BO is median.
If MO is 10 cm then BC is

a. 34.14 cm b. 68.28 cm c. 35.76 cm d. 24.18 cm

3. The sum of the series: (3/2)+(5/4)+(9/8)………….to 50 terms is:

a. 51-1/250 b. 52-1/250 c. 52-1/251 d. 51+1/251

Directions for questions 4-5

Amitesh Malik and Vishal Verma start towards each other at the same time from Baroda to
Ahmedabad respectively. Baroda and Ahmedabad are 400 km apart. Amitesh Malik and Vishal
Verma meet each other 160 km from Baroda.

4. DJ starts from Baroda to Ahmedabad, 1 hour after Amitesh Malik starts. DJ meets Vishal Verma 1.5
hours after DJ starts. If the speed of DJ is at least 20 km/h more than that of Vishal Verma,
Which of the following statements is true?
a. The minimum possible speed of Amitesh Malik is 87.66 km/h.
b. The maximum possible speed of Amitesh Malik is 87.66 km/h.
c. The minimum possible speed of Vishal Verma is 61.66 km/h.
d. The maximum possible speed of Vishal Verma is 61.66 km/h.

5. What should be the minimum speed of DJ to overtake Amitesh Malik before he meets Vishal Verma?
Assume all information used for the previous question to be true.
a. 40 b. 50 c. 70
d. DJ will always overtake Amitesh Malik before he meets Vishal Verma

6. ab and cd are two digit numbers such that 2ab=cd and 2ba=dc. How many values does ab have?
a. 16 b. 18 c. 20 d. 21
e. None of these

7. If f  x   2 x  5 and h  x    x  5 / 2, the value of foh  x   hof  x  ?

What is the value of hofofohohof  x  . fohofoh  x  ?
a. x-5 b. (2x+5)/x+5 c. x d. x2

8. What is the value of fo  foh  o  hof  x  ?

a.2x+5 b. x c. x-5 d. x-2

National Mock Test Paper-11
9. Five balls of colours Blue, Red, Pink, Yellow and Green are kept on different steps of a staircase of 5
Steps from bottom to top respectively. These balls are now rearranged randomly. What is the
probability that the balls on the first and second steps from the top are coloured Pink and Yellow
a. 1/60 b. 1/90 c. 1/10 d. 1/20
e. None of these
10. When 1200 is divided by N it leaves a remainder of 35. What is the maximum value of x such that
1200 when divided by N+x gives the same remainder?
a. 466 b. 228 c. 233 d. 932

11. In a circle with centre O, AB and CD are two chords such that AB>CD and AB is perpendicular
bisector of CD at E. P is a point on CD and when BP is extended it meets the circle at Q. For any
P, the triangle BPE is similar to
a. Triangle AEC b. Triangle QAB c. Triangle QDP d. Triangle ABC
e. None of these

12. Atmaram a mean shopkeeper running a stationery shop sells his pencils only in packs of 5 pencils,
10 pencils, 15 pencils, 20 pencils etc, but the rate is not necessarily uniform. One week Pappu Ram
(Atmaram‟s nephew) purchased pencils from him at the rate of 5 pencils for a rupee and the next
week he purchased an equal number of pencils at the rate of 10 pencils for a rupee. Next day he
sold all the pencils at the rate of 115 pencils for Rs. 2. What is his percentage profit or loss?
a. Profit of 11.33% b. 10% c. No profit no loss d. Loss of 11.33%
e. None of these

13. A man walks into a bank and makes a withdrawal of Rs. 1500/-from his account. On getting his
money he notices that he has got denominations of Rs 1, Rs 5, Rs 10 and Rs 50 only. He has got 10
times as many Rs 5 notes are Rs 1 notes and thrice as many Rs 50 notes as Rs 10 notes. What is
the total number of notes he has got?
a. 137 b. 129 c. 141 d. 100
e. None of these

14. A dishonest and particularly negotiating dealer purchases goods from his wholesaler at a discount of
50% discount on the cost price of Rs. x and also cheats his wholesaler by getting 50% extra
through false weighing, per kg. Then he marks up his goods by 80% on the cost price of x, but he
gives a discount of 25% beside he cheats his customer by weighing 50% less than the required.
What is his overall profit percentage?
a.240% b. 350% c. 710% d.400%
e. None of these

15. How many numbers are there between 1 to 100 which are either divisible by 7 or the sum of their
digits is also divisible by 7?
a. 40 b. 36 c. 28 d. 30
e. None of these

16. What is the number of digits in 343? Given that log3=0.47712.

a. 30 b. 31 c. 29 d. 32
e. None of these

National Mock Test Paper-11
17. During World War II the allied forces attacked Germany. For the final assault they had to cross a
bridge. To fend off the attack the Germans wanted to destroy the bridge-but not completely. The
Germans had 4 missiles with them and the firing conditions were are follows:
I. Probability for the first missile to hit the target was 1/3. The probabilities of subsequent missiles
to hit the target were 2/3,3/4, 4/5 respectively.
II. Each missile had a limited destroying capability of 20%, 50%, 80% and 30% respectively.
III. Only two missile hit the target on firing.
What is the probability of Germans saving at least 30% of the bridge?
a. 1/60 b. 1/10 c. 1/20 d. 1/30
e. None of these

18. How many integers x are there for the expression 2x2+5x+3 to be divisible by 7, such that 1  x 
a. 57 b. 29 c. 28 d.91
e. None of these

19. ABCD is a square. E is a point inside the square such that AEB is an equilateral triangle. What is the
value of angle DEC?
a. 120 b. 125 c. 135 d.150

20. If the two roots of the equation x2-35x+300=0 form two sides (the base and the perpendicular) of a
right angled triangle, what is the length of the hypotenuse?
a. 24 b. 25 c. 20 d. 26
e. None of these


Refer to the table and pie chart below and answer the questions that follow:
A survey was conducted across the 4 regions of the country in order to guage the popularity of
various film stars. A total of 200000 people were surveyed and their distribution is shown in the
pie chart below. The table below shows the percentage of people liking various film stars in each

Film Star West North East South

Sean Connery 62 52 44 48
Tom Cruise 29 32 22 27
Arnold 21 18 13 23
Hugh Grant 36 34 26 33
Robert Pattinson 19 26 11 29
Toby Meguire 12 14 6 19

Note: One person can like more than one film star.

National Mock Test Paper-11
21. Which region has the maximum number of people who like Toby Mcguire in the given survey?
a. South b. North c. West d. East

22. If all the fans of Hugh Grant also like Sean Connery in the West and the North, then how many
people in the West like Sean Connery, but not Hugh Grant?
a. 22000 b. 15600 c. 22600 d. 24600

22. What can be the maximum number of people surveyed in all the four cities combined who do not
like any of the above film stars?
a. 95400 b. 89920 c. 71420 d. 82540

Directions for Questions 24 To 26:

Read the following data and answer the questions that follow:
The following table provides us with the amount of contribution to the IMF Earth-quake
relief fund over the years 2015 to 2020 (in US $). Please read the table carefully and
answer the questions that follow:


Country Amount
Austria 3,283,668
Belgium 12,097,452
Canada 44,837,384
Cyprus 160,000
Czech Republic 215,026
Denmark 27,807,630
Finland 13,058,682
France 16,328,462
Germany 27,573,730
Greece 700,000
Hungary 134,874
Iceland 199,928
Ireland 7,708,154
Israel 349,140
Italy 21,588,002
Liechtenstein 980,000
Luxembourg 6,592,686
Mexico 345,240
Monaco 104,000
Netherlands 97,526,304
Norway 41,891,030
Poland 452,720
Portugal 4,00,000
San Marino 80,000
Slovakia 70,000
Spain 5,117,998
Sweden 80,046,654
Switzerland 199,205,522
UK 168,214,478
USA 442,518,706

24. Which country was the third highest contributor to the IMF fund in the given period?
a. Switzerland b. UK c. USA d. None of these

National Mock Test Paper-11

25. Which of the following pairs have a ratio of contributions closest to 2:1?
a. San-Marino and Cypus b. Greece and Israel c. Luxembourg and Austria
d. USA and UK

26. What is the lowest difference between any two amounts of contributions?
a. 2,722 b. 7,728 c. 3,900 d.10000
e. None of these

Directions for Question 27 And 28

Growth in capacity in the organized mill sector-JUTE

No. of Mills Installed capacity
Year Spinning Composite Total Spindles Rotors Looms
ending (Mn) (‘000) (‘000)
2004 2727 798 3525 85.8 417 450
2005 3444 804 4248 92.1 555 417
2006 3882 825 4707 95.25 678 396
2007 4314 843 5157 99.45 828 372
2008 4512 834 5346 101.64 939 372
2009 4629 843 5472 104.16 1149 369
2010 4695 855 5550 105.3 1176 369
Dec. 4683 843 5526 106.23 1185 369
The figures above relate to trends in the Jute industry between the years 2004 to 2010:

27. The time period (ending) when the number of Composite mills as a proportion of the total number
of mills is the lowest is:
a. March 2008 b. March 2009 c. March 2010 d. Dec 2010

28. Excluding incomplete years, for the time period ending which month is the percentage change in the
number of spinning mills the least:
a. March 2009 b. March 2010 c. Dec 2010 d. None of these

29. Based on the relative trends of movement in the no. of mills & the installed capacity for various
types of production machines, which of the following statements can be inferred.
1. The role of spindles in the production of JUTE has declined over the period.
2. The role of looms in the production of JUTE has declined over the period.
3. The role of rotors in the production of JUTE has declined over the period.
a. All of these b. 1 & 2 c. 2 only d. 2 & 3

Directions for Questions 30

Industrywise deployment of bank credit
As on Total Industry Dyes Petro-chemicals
(Rs. Crores)
March 28, 1997 1,38,548 15,393 1,923
March 27, 1998 1,61,038 18,120 2,926
March 26, 1999 1,78,999 19,929 4,758
March 24, 2000 2,00,133 23,440 6,185
Source: RBI Annual Reports 1999-2000

National Mock Test Paper-11
30. Which of the following is/are not false?
1. The absolute change in bank credit to dyes is always greater than the absolute change in bank
credit to petrochemicals.
2. The ratio of the combined absolute change for dyes and petrochemicals to the absolute change in
total industry bank credit is greatest for the time period ending March 26, 1999.
3. The highest percentage change in total industry bank credit is exhibited for the year ending
March 26, 1999.
a. None of these b. All of these c. 2 & 3 d. 3 only


Directions for Questions 31-32

For each of the following questions, a part or the whole of the original sentence has been
italicized. You have to find the best way of writing the underlined part of the sentence.

31. The matter was referred back to the high level committee since the solution to the problem was
different from the one proposed earlier.
a. referred back to the high level committee since the solution to the problem was different from the
one proposed earlier.
b. referred to the high level committee since the solution to the problem was different from the one
proposed earlier.
c. referred back to the high level committee since the solution to the problem was different than the
one proposed earlier.
d. referred to high level committee since the solution to the problem was different than the one
proposed earlier.

32. Completing the medical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased.
a. Completing the medical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased.
b. Having completed the medical examination, the tonsils were found to be diseased.
c. When the medical examination was completed, the tonsils were found to be diseased.
d. The medical examination completed, the tonsils were found to be diseased.

Directions for Questions 33 To 35

Sentence Completion: Fill in the banks with the suitable option.

33. Medieval kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight: on the contrary, the change
was ___________________.
a. unexpected b. gradual c. sufficient d. unipolar

34. After observing several vicious territorial fights, Khurshid the ornithologist had to revise his earlier
opinion that these particular primates were always ______________ animals.
a. inquisitive b. responsive c. cruel d. peaceful

35. A judgment made before all the facts are known must be called _____________.
a. harsh b. deliberate c. sensible d. premature

National Mock Test Paper-11
Directions for Questions 36 To 39
A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, form a coherent
Paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Write down the most logical order of
sentences to construct a coherent paragraph.

36. A. We should address the drug issue in totality and come up with preventive and punitive measures
to contain the scourge.
B. The rich and famous all over the world get hooked to vices since they have money at their
C. It is the less affluent people who run the potential danger of succumbing to deadly habits.
D. But they are by no means the sufferers as they can afford costly treatment to get rid themselves
of addictions whenever they choose
E. The point is that one should not feel content exposing only the elite.

37. A. Thus the lynching ultimately proved to be a blessing for me, that is, for the cause.
B. It enhanced the prestige of the Indian community in South Africa and made my work easier.
C. The press declared me to be innocent and condemned the mob.
D. The interview any my refusal to prosecute the assailants produced such a profound impression
that the Europeans of Durban were ashamed of their conduct.

38. One of the most important measures of a country‟s trading strength is the measurement of it‟s net
exports. Net exports are defined as exports less imports. It is important since the figure measures
the net effect of a nation‟s trade in goods and services vis-à-vis the world. In 1998, the country‟s
net exports were 7 per cent of it‟s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and in 2005, they were 14 per
If the Information above is accurate, which of the following must be true?
a. If GDP was constant from 1998 to 2005, net exports were greater in 2005 than in 1998.
b. Exports were greater than imports in 2005, but not in 1998.
c. Exports doubled from 1998 to 2005.
d. In 1998, net exports were lower than in 2005.

39. In the past, to run for one‟s country in the Asiad was the ultimate achievement of any athlete.
Nowadays, an athlete‟s motives are more and more influenced by financial gain, and consequently
we do not see our best athletes in the Asiad, which is still only for amateurs.
Which of the following will most weaken the above conclusion?
a. The publicity and frame that can be achieved by competing in the Asiad makes the athletes who
do so more “marketable” by agents and potential sponsors. Thus they can earn a lot of money even
while retaining their amateur status.
b. The spirit of the Asiad places emphasis on participation rather than on the winning of the race.
c. A leading columnist recently argued on the basis of concrete evidence that our best Asiad athletes
already receive enough in terms of promotions and sponsorships.
d. It has been suggested that professional athletes should be allowed to compare in the games.

National Mock Test Paper-11


Our company received your shipment of twelve thousand „smart‟ watches this morning. However,
we wish to make a number of complaints concerning the serious delay in delivery and your failure to carry out
our explicit instructions with regard to this order.
It was stressed from the outset that the delivery data had to be less than six weeks from the initial
order, in order to comply with our own customer‟s requirements. While we appreciate that delays in production
are occasionally inevitable, we must point out that the major reason why the order was placed with your
company was because we were assured by you of its straight forwardness, and that your existing stocks were
sufficiently high to ensure immediate shipment. Late delivery of the goods has caused us to disappoint several
of our most valued customers, and is bound to have an adverse effect on potential future orders.
The second complaint concerns the discrepancy in colour between the watches we ordered and those
delivered. It was stated clearly in the original order that watches in combination of green/purple and orange/
purple only were required. However, only half the watches in the delivery received are the colours specified.
Our agent assures us that the stressed to you the importance of following our instructions precisely. Since we
consider there to be only a limited market for specified colours, these will, of course, be returned to you.
We are also somewhat concerned about the rather poor quality of the goods received, since it is
apparent that the watches that finally arrived have been produced from inferior materials and have been
manufactured to a lower standard than those in the sample. We have also found that a number of watches are
damaged. Whether the damage was caused in transit or in manufacturing is not yet clear, but we like to point
out that we feel this matter to be entirely your responsibility.
As a result of the above problems, therefore, we fell that the most suitable course of action is to return
to you unpaid any of the goods considered unsastisfactory, and to deduct any costs incurred from our final
statement. We shall also, of course, be forced to reconsider whether any further orders should be placed with
your company. We look formed to your prompt reply.

40. The manufacturers of „smart‟ watches were given the order because:
a. They assured that there was sufficient space for immediate shipment
b. The watches would be easy to make and the designs were already prepared
c. they promised they could produce enough stocks quite quickly
d. they claimed the order would be easy since the watches were already in stock.

41. Receiving watches in the wrong colours is a problem because:

a. the agent stressed the need to fulfill the order exactly
b. these watches will be difficult to sell
c. they will not be able to get into the limited market
d. People will not buy the watches as presents

42. Late delivery will have an „adverse effect on future orders‟ in paragraph 2 because:
a. the company will no longer place orders with the manufacturers
b. future orders will have to be delivered sooner
c. the company is sure to lose some of its business with its customers
d. the company will certainly have to advertise itself more effectively in future.

43. Which of the following best describes the general tone of the letter?
a. angry and violent b. firm but polite c. Reasonable but impolite
d. Polite and forgiving

National Mock Test Paper-11


Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree or diploma
course found a good career quite easily. Companies toured the academic institutions, competing with each
other to recruit graduates. However, those days are gone, even in this country, and now days graduates often
face strong competition in the search for jobs.
Most career organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a
suitable career; recognizing abilities, matching these to available vacancies and presenting them well to
prospective employers.
Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities. One area of assessment should
be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates
should also consider their own personal values and attitudes, or the relative importance to themselves of such
matters as money, security, leadership and caring for others. An honest assessment of personal interest and
abilities such as creative or scientific skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should also be given careful
The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the
general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. To do this, graduates can study job vacancies
and information in newspapers or they can visit a careers office, write to possible employers for information or
contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession. After studying all the
various options, they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various carriers.
Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and
letters should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammatical or spelling errors. Where
additional information is asked for, job seekers should describe their work experience in more depth, with
examples if possible. They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer‟s needs, explain why they
are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about
the company and its activities.
When graduates are asked to attend an interview, they should prepare properly by finding out all they
can about the prospective employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also obviously
important. Interviewees should also try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask
questions about anything they are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question
and giving an unsuitable answer.
There will always be good career opportunities for people with ability, skills and determination; the
secret to securing a good job is to be one of them.

44. Which of the following sentences to closet in meaning to the final paragraph?
a. graduates should develop at least one of these areas to find a suitable career
b. determined, skilled and able people can easily find good jobs
c. the secret to a good career is to possess skills, determination or ability
d. People with the right qualities will always be able to find a good career

45. In paragraph 6, the writer suggest that:

a. interviewees should ask a question if they can‟t think of an answer
b. interviewees should give positive and helpful answers to the questions asked
c. interviewees should be prepared to ask questions about things they don‟t understand
d. interviewees should be sure about the questions asked.

46. According to paragraph 3, job seekers should:

a. aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needs
b. divide the time equally between listening to the interviewer and speaking
c. discuss their own abilities in relation to what the employer is looking for
d. Make a careful assessment of their personal abilities and interests

National Mock Test Paper-11
47. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
a. until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in „this country‟
b. job seekers should consider as many as possible of the factors involved
c. companies used to visit the universities in „this country‟ to recruit graduates
d. graduate sometimes have to take part in aggressive competitions to secure a good career


How can an organization‟s sales operations be improved? One of the keys to becoming more effective is to first
determine the type of “selling process” which needs to be used. In other words, the role the salesperson must
play has to be identified. There are three different processes that the sales staff can adopt: narrative,
suggestive and consultative.
The narrative approach depends on the salesperson moving quickly into a standardized presentation.
Every buyer receives the same presentation. Emphasis is on highlighting benefits and how the product of
service can help the buyer. This is an effective approach if the buying motive for all customers is the same.
This process is well suited where there are a great number of prospectuses to be called on.
The suggestive approach depends on the seller being in a position to offer alternative
recommendations. This is quite different from the narrative approach as the presentation is tailored to the
individual customer. Here, the sales person must initiate some discussion in order to get the buyer in a positive
frame of mind.
An example of this process would be a restaurant wine steward who has checked with the waiter what
food the customer has ordered and then opens by saying that either “this or that” particular wine would go
best with the food ordered.
This is an excellent approach where one doesn‟t have much time with the customer but is able to
acquire some basic information and then offer a particular recommendation. This process is well suited for
products and services. However, it does require the salesperson to acquire basic information from the customer
before moving on to the presentation.
The consultative approach requires the salesperson to have a thorough understanding of the customer
and what the customer is trying to achieve. The role of the salesperson is to become an adviser or consultant
and she must acquire a great deal of information from the customer. With this information, the salesperson
can plan what to offer the customer.
In this case, the salesperson must tailor the presentation to highlight how the salesperson‟s product or
service can be of help. This approach will usually require a number of sales calls as the buying process may be
complex. The consultative approach requires a wide variety of skills, including probing, listening. analysis,
creativity and persuasiveness. The other two approaches typically require fewer skills.
Hiring, training, motivating and rewarding salespeople needs to be linked to the type of sales process
being used and this is where the problem starts. Many organizations which should be using a consultative
approach, use a narrative approach. They use standardized methods and do not tailor presentations to
individuals customers. You see this in many industries. When this is the case, price becomes a key criterion for
the customer.
A key issue in developing a professional sales organization is first establishing the sales process. When
that decision has been made, all other sales decision, including hiring, training and rewards can be linked to it.

48. How would you do describe the writer‟s style?

a. Persuasive b. critical c. personal d. acrimonious

49. According to the writer.

a. too many organizations are content with a consultative approach.
b. too many organizations adapt their sales presentation unnecessarily
c. too many organizations are content with individual approaches to individual companies.
d. too many organizations are content with a narrative approach

National Mock Test Paper-11
50. In paragraph I, “selling process” is in inverted commas because:
a. the writer is using direct speech
b. the writer is suggesting that it is more than a simple selling process
c. the writer is suggesting that it is not really a selling process
d. the writer is quoting from another source.


Directions for questions 51 to 53:

Refer to the following information and answer the following questions.
Five friends met at the Alumni meet of their college. While chatting that night they discovered that each of
them has a favourite TV show that airs one night during the week. By coincidence, each of them loves a
different show, each of which airs on a different night and channel. Given below are a few clues about the full
name of each friend, the genre their favourite show is in, the night each show airs, and the channel the show
airs on (one of the channels is channel 8).
1. Navin didn‟t watch a show on Friday night. Mr. Bhosle watched his favourite show on channel 23, the highest
numbered channel. The favourite shows airing on Tuesday and Thursday night were on channel one number
II. The man who watched the western show on channel 9 didn‟t watch TV on Wednesday night. Harish watched
a channel one digit lower than the man who watched the sports show.
III. Mr. Mankad watched the show on channel 7, the lowest-numbered channel. The science fiction show aired
on channel 14.
III. Manish didn‟t watch TV on Monday night. Mr, Ravindran didn‟t watch the action. Navin didn‟t watch the
sports show.
V. Jaideep‟s favourite show aired on a channel higher than the Tuesday night show but lower than the show
that Vijay watched.
VI. The five friends watched their favourite shows during the week in the following order: Harish, the man who
watched channel 9, the man who watched the mystery, Mr. Bagga, and Mr. Karanje.

51. What is the full name of Manish?

a. Manish Karanje b. Manish Mankad c. Manish Bagga d. Manish Bhosle

52. Channel 7 is viewed by whom, on which day and which is his favourite program genre?
a. Harish Ravindran, Monday and Western
b. Vijay Mankad, Monday and Action
c. Manish Karanje, Thursday and Sports
d. Harish Mankad, Monday and Action

53. Which of the following are true?

I. Mr. Navin Ravindran watches channel 9 on Thursday nights.
II. On Friday nights, sports show on channel 14 is watched by Mr. Jaideep Karanje.
III. Mr Vijay Bhosle watches mystery on Wednesday night on channel 23.
IV. Mr. Navin Ravindran loves watching TV on Tuesday nights and that too Western show.
a. I, II and III b. II and IV c. III and IV d. all of these

Direction for questions 54 to 55:

Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Houses numbered IA to 4D situated east to west in that order, are each occupied by College of Commerce
professors. They all teach different subjects, posses different makes and different models (years) of bikes.
a. Anurag Kesarwani does not own a Suzuki (owner of which is professor of Gujrati language).
b. Anshul has a Honda bike.
c. Mr. Khanduja lives in House No.3
d. Mr. Singh is the professor of Sanskrit language.
e. 2011 model of bike owned by the Urdu language professor is not of BMW make.

National Mock Test Paper-11
f. Vivek is the professor of Bengali language.
g. Mr. Saxena is not the owner of 2014 model bike, owner of which lives next to in a house westward of one
owing 2012 model bike.
h. Siddhartha‟s in House No. 4
i. Mr. Singh lives in House 2.
j. Anshul lives in a house immediately to the west of Anurag.
k. One of the bikes belonged to 2013 and one bike was an Enfield

53. Prof. Khanduja has which make and model (years) of bike?
a. Suzuki of 2011 b. BMW of 2014 c. Honda of 2012 d. BMW of 2013

54. If Urdu and Sanskrit language professors exchange their bikes, who could be the owner of the oldest model?
a. Anuraj only b. Siddhartha only c. Anshul only d. Anurag or Anshul only

Directions for Question 56 to 58:

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
7 friends A, B, C, D, L, M and Z are going to a new year‟s party on mobikes in Goa. Since it is late at night they
do not anticipate any police presence and hence have taken only 3 bikes-An Enfield, a Honda and a TVS-with
at least 2 of them sitting on each bike. (hence there is triple riding on at least 1 bike). There is exactly one
male on each bike. Amongst the group there are two executives, two designers and three psychologists among
(i) C is a lady designer and she does not travel with the pair of sisters. A and M.
(ii) B, a male executive, travels with only Z, a psychologist on an Enfield bike.
(iii) D is a male designer.
(iv) Two persons belonging to the same profession do not travel on the same bike.
(v) A is not an executive and travels on the Honda.

56. What is M‟s profession?

a. Executive b. Psychologist c. Designer d. Data inadequate

57. One which bike does C travel?

a. Enfield b. Honda c. TVS d. Either Honda on TVS

58. Which of the following represents the three psychologists?

a. ZIM b. ZLA c. ZLM or ZLA d. None of these

Directions for Question 59 AND 60

Five cities all got more rain thn usual this year. The five cities are: Aurangabad, Ahmednagar, Pune, Mumbai,
and Nagpur. The cities are located in five different area of the country; the mountains, the forest, the coast,
the desert, and in a valley. The rainfall amounts were 24 inches, 54 inches, 64 inches, 88 inches, and 130
(i) They city in the desert got the least rain; the city in the forest got the most rain.
(ii) Pune is in the mountains.
(iii) Auraangabad got more rain than Mumbai.
(iv) Ahmednagar got more rain than Nagpur, but less rain than Pune.
(v) Mumbai got 88 inches of rain.
(vi) The city in the mountains got 64 inches of rain; the city on the coast got 54 inches of rain.

59. Which city is in the desert?

a. Aurangabad b. Ahmednagar c. Pune d. Nagpur

60. Which city got the most rain?

a. Aurangabad b. Ahmednagar c. Pune d. Mumbai

National Mock Test Paper-11


1. d 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. a 7. d 8. a 9. d 10. d
11. b 12. d 13. a 14. c 15. c 16. b 17. d 18. a 19. d 20. b


21. a 22. d 23. b 24. b 25. b 26. c 27. d 28. b 29. b 30. a


31. b 32. b 33. b 34. d 35. d 36.a 37. b 38. a 39. a 40. d


41. b 42. c 43. b 44. b 45. c 46.d 47. d 48. a 49. d 50. b
51. c 52. d 53. c 54. b 55. c 56. a 57. c 58. b 59.d 60.a

National Mock Test Paper-11

1. Let x=3. Then y+z=27. For the conditions given in the question no. of solutions is 20.
Similarly for x=2 there will be 23 solutions, for x=1 there will be 26 solutions and for x=0, there will
be 29 solutions. Therefore total 98 solutions are possible.
Similarly for y=3 to 0, there will be 98 solutions and for z=3 to 0, there will be 98 solutions.
Hence there will be total of 294 solutions.
Hence, Option (d) is correct.
2. Let AB=BC=a (as the triangle is isosceles right angled triangle).
Then AC= a 2 (Using Pythagoras theorem).
Also, using the property of a right angled triangle
We know that
AO=OC=BO=1/2  2 a=a/ 2
 ABO.BM / MO  AB / AO
BM /10  a / a 2
BM  2 *10.  14.14
BO  a / 2   
2  1 10
a  34.14 cm.
3. Solve this on the basis of a pattern up to 1 or 2 or 3 terms. For 1 term, option 1 would represent.
2-1/2=1.5 & is the correct value. None of the other options gives 1.5 for 1 term.
Hence, Option (a) is correct

Let the speed of Amitesh Malik, Vishal Verma and DJ be x,y,z respectively
Then y/x=240/160
Note Vishal Verma is faster since he covers 240 km while Amitesh Malik covers only 160 km in the
same time. DJ meets Vishal Verma 1.5 hours after he himself starts and by that time Vishal Verma
must have traveled for exactly 2.5 hours.
Hence, 2.5 y+1.5 z=400
Solving this we get, z=(800-5y)/3
z  (y+20)  (800-5y)/3  y+20
800-5y  3y+60
y  92.5. Hence, x  61.66 km/h
Hence, Option (c) is correct.
5. Let t be the time after Vishal Verma starts, when he meets Amitesh Malik, then
This should be less than 2.5 or (x+y)>160
y=3x/2  y>64
Thus (y>64) is greater than 61.66 km/h. Hence DJ will always overtake Amitesh Malik before he
meets Vishal Verma.
Hence, Option (d) is correct.
6. cd is an even number being double of ad.
dc is an even number being double of ba.

National Mock Test Paper-11
Possible values of c and d,2,4,6,8
Possible value of a and b 1,2,3,4
Possible combination of ab=42=16
7. We have seen that foh  x   hof  x   x
You will realize that if were to form a chain of these functions for ever number of times, you would
still end up getting x.e.g.
fohofoh  x   foho  x   x
Since both the brackets have the function repeated for even number of times, each of their values
will be x and their product will be =x2
Hence, Option (d) is correct.
8. fo  foh  o  hof  x 
 fo  foh  x 
 f  x   2x  5
Hence, Option (a) is correct.
9. Total number of arrangements possible is 5!=120. The number of arrangements in which the first two
balls are pink and yellow coloured respectively=3!=6. Hence required probability=6/120=1/20.
Hence, Option (d) is correct.
10. N and N+x will divide (1200-35)=1165.
1165=5  233
Factors of 1165 are 1,5,233 and 1165
N and N+x will be 233 or 1165
Since N is smaller
11. Since AB>CD and AB is bisector of CD.AB is diameter of circle. The following figure emerges.
For any value of PAQB will always be 90 0.
In  QAB and  BPE
QBA  PEB  900.
QBA  PBE  common angle  .
 QAB  BPE
 QAB and  BPE are similar

Hence, Option (b) is correct

12. CP of one pencil (in 1st case)=1/5=20 paise
CP of one pencil (2nd case)=1/10=10 paise
Average CP of one pencil=30/2=15 paise
SP=15 pencils for 2 rupees. So 1 pencil for 2/15=13.3 paise
Hence, he makes a loss of 1.7*100/15=11.33% loss.
Hence, Option (d) is correct.

13. Let the number of Rs 1,5,10,50 be a b c and d respectively a+5b+10c+50d=1500.

National Mock Test Paper-11
b=10a d=2c
„a‟ will have to be a multiple of 10 because 110c will always have 0 as the last digit. Solving a=10
 b=100 d=18.
Hence, Option (a) is correct.
14. Let the actual cost price of the goods per kg be Rs. 100
While purchasing:
He tells the wholesaler that he is taking 100 kg and gets a discount of 50% on it. However, since he
cheats by 50% while purchasing, he gets 150 kgs and pays only Rs. 50 for it.
So the actual cost price for him is 1/3rd the original cost price =Rs. 33.33
Again, the Marked price=180 and the selling price would be 135 (Since he gives a 25% discount)
Also he gives his customer goods worth 50 kg instead of 100 kg and charges Rs. 135 for the same.
Therefore, effective SP=135*100/50=Rs. 270 per kg
Profit %=(236.66*100/33.33)=710%
Hence, Option (c) is correct.
15. The numbers divisible by 7 are 7,14,21………………98  14 numbers.
The numbers whose digit sum is 7 are 7,16,25,34,43,52,61,70,79,88 and 97  10 numbers.
Of these 7 and 70 have already been counted. Hence, there are 22 distinct numbers in the above
Besides, the number whose digits sum is 14 are; 59, 68………….95-5 such b=numbers but out of them
77 has already been counted.
Hence, total number of numbers=16+8+4=28
16. Let y=343
Log y=log 343
Log y=43log 3
Log y=64 log 3=64*0.47712=30.53568
Since the characteristic in the resultant value of log y is 30
The number of digits in y is (30+1)=31
Hence the required number of digits in 343=31
Hence, Option (b) is correct.
17. For saving at least 30% of the bridge, the maximum damage possible is 70%. Hence, the two
missiles which should hit the target are either (1 and 4) or (1 and 2).
Hence, required probability=(1/3  1/3  1/4  4/5)+(1/3  2/3  1/4  1/5)=1/30.
Hence, Option (d) is the answer.
18. 2x2+5x+3=(x+1)(2x+3)
For 2x2+5x+3 to be divisible by 7, either of (x+1) or (2x+3) should be divided by 7.
(x+1) is divisible by 7 for x=6, 13,20………………….195  28 numbers.
(2x+3) is divisible by 7 for x=29 16……………………198  29 numbers.
Total  28+29=57 numbers. Hence, Option (a) is correct.
19. Refer to the figure below:
DEC  300 AD=AE
ADE=AED= 180-30  / 2  750
DEC  180  2  15  1500
Hence, Option (d) is correct

National Mock Test Paper-11

20. Let the roots be  and  . Note that the roots are 15 and 20, both of which are positive, so they
can express length of two sides of right angled triangle.
The third side= a 2   2  152  202  25 units
Hence, Option (b) is correct.
21. It is clear that the number of people who like him in the South would be the maximum because, it
is 19% of 23%, which is the maximum amongst all regions. Hence, Option (a) is correct.
22. 26% of West+18% of North=26% of 30%+18% of 25%=12.3% of the total 24600
Option (d) is correct.
23. 38% of West +48% of North+44% of East +52% of South=38% of 30%+48% of 25%+44% of
23% +52% of 22%=11.4+12+10.12%+11.44=44.96% of the total=89920. Hence, Option (d) is
24. It is clearly UK. Option (b) is correct.
25. Greece and Israel is closest to 2. Hence, Option (b) is correct.
26. 3900 between Mexico and Israel. Hence, Option (c) is correct.
27. It can be visualized for Dec 2000. Option (d) is correct.
28. March 2010 shows the least percentage change Option (b) is correct.
29. It can be clearly seen that the relative importance of looms and spindles have both declined over
the time period shown. Option (b) is correct.
30. All the three statements are false. Option (a) is correct.
31. Option (b) Referred back is redundant. The pre-fix re means “back.”
32. Option (b) is the best way to convey the message.
33. The correct answer is (b).
The first part of the sentence says that the kingdoms did not change overnight.
34. Option (d) the end of the sentence-his earlier opinion that these particular primates were
always___________ animals-tells you what is changing. The word filling the blank should convey a
meaning you have to revise after seeing the animals fight. Peaceful is the only such word among
the four choices.
35. Option (d) premature means hasty or early. It fits the black perfectly.
36. Option (a) BDCEA [Sentence B and D are clearly linked, followed by C and E.]
37. Option (b) DCAB [Sentence A and B are clearly one after another D starts the paragraph and is
followed by C]
38. The correct answer is option (a).
39. The correct answer is option (a).
40. Option (d) [clearly mentioned in the passage in paragraph 2]
41. Option (b) [if there is no demand for those colours, they will be difficult to sell]
42. Option (c) [The dissatisfied customers will react adversely in future and might lead to loss of
43. Option (b) [The tone is strict that means it is firm and it is polite, not impolite or aggressive.]
44. Option (b) [ The skills and the good jobs are closely linked.]
45. Option (c) [clearly mentioned in the paragraph.]
46. Option (d) [mentioned in the 1st line of paragraph 3]

National Mock Test Paper-11
47. Option (d) [not mentioned anywhere in the passage and cannot be inferred also]
48. Option (a) As per the passage the writers style is persuasive as he is recommending
49. Option (d) In the eight paragraph, it is clearly written that many organizations follow narrative
approach rather than consultative approach.
50. Option (b) [Because further down the passage it is clearly stated what all are the selling processes
and their approaches and how it is used differently]
51. The following table would emerge from the clues:

Monday 7 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 23 Thursday 23 Friday 14

Harish Navin Vijay Manish Jaideep
Mankad Ravindran Bhosle Bagga Karanje
Action Western Mystery Sports Science fiction
Option (c) is correct.
52. The following table would emerge from the clues:

Monday 7 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 23 Thursday 23 Friday 14

Harish Navin Vijay Manish Jaideep
Mankad Ravindran Bhosle Bagga Karanje
Action Western Mystery Sports Science fiction
Option (d) is correct
53. The following table would emerge from the clues:
Monday 7 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 23 Thursday 23 Friday 14
Harish Navin Vijay Manish Jaideep
Mankad Ravindran Bhosle Bagga Karanje
Action Western Mystery Sports Science fiction
Option (c) is correct
Solutions to questions 54 and 55
The following table emerges:

House 4D 3C 2B IA
Name Siddhartha Vivek Anshul Anurag
Surname Saxena Khanduja Singh Kesarvani
Subject Gujarati Bengali Sanskrit Urdu
Brand Suzuki BMW Honda Enfield
Year 2013 2014 2012 2011

54. Khanduja owns a BMW 2014. Option (b) is correct

55. The latest model (2014) would belong to Anshul only. Option (c) is correct.
Solutions to questions 56 and 58
We start from clue (ii) and get the following table
Enfield Honda TVS
Executive –Psychologist

(Note we can conclude that Z is a female because there is exactly 1 male on each bike). We denote
Females in our figures with an underline.
We further know that A and M are sisters and C is a lady designer. Since 2 persons with the same
Profession cannot travel together, D and C must be traveling on different bikes. Thus, D should be
clubbed with A & M. Also, since A is on a Honda, The Honda should have 3 people A.M and D.

Enfield Honda TVS

National Mock Test Paper-11
Executive –Psychologist ?? Designer?
From this point in the solution, we need to concentrate only on the professions of A.M and L. We
also know that we are yet to identify 1 executive and 2 psychologists. Further, according to the
constraint of clue (iv) both A and M cannot be the psychologists. Thus L must be a psychologist.
Also, since, we know that A is not an executive we can conclude that A must be a psychologist and
the final table emerges as follows:

Enfield Honda TVS

Executive –Psychologist Psychologist Designer,
Psychologist Executive, Psychologist
The answer are:
56. Executive. Option (a) is correct
57. On the TVS. Option (c) is correct.
58. Z,L and A represent the three psychologists Option (b) is correct.
Solutions to Question 59 and 60
The solution table would be:
Rainfall (from Max to Min) Location City
130 Forest Aurangabad
88 Valley Mumbai
64 Mountains Pune
54 Coast Ahmednagar
24 Desert Nagpur
Hence, the answer are:
59. Nagpur. Option (d) is correct
60. Aurangabad. Option (a) is correct.

National Mock Test Paper-11


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