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1 If there is (directed) path between

UNIDIRECTED GRAPH every pair of vertices.
Simple graph Complete Graphs K n (1-6) Weakly Connected
Each edge connects two different Isomorphism of Graphs If you can eliminate the arrows (turn
vertices. No loops. Simple graph G1 =(v1,e1) and the graph into an undirected one)
G2 = (v2,e2) are isomorphic if there and the graph is connected
No two different edges connect the Cycles C n(3-6) is a one-to-one and onto function f
same pair of vertices. Only one edge from v1 to v2

Is a graph that may have multiple
edges connecting the same vertices.
G is strongly and weakly connected.
Wheels W n (3-6)
Are graphs that may include loops, H is not strongly connected
and possibly multiple edges {b,a} no {a,b} path
connecting the same vertices.
H is weakly connected
Directed graph path in undirected graph
(V,E) consists of nonempty set of V
and a set of directed edges(or arcs) n-Cubes Q n(1-3) Graph invariant Counting Paths Between Vertices
(u,v) start at u and end at v. Must have same number of vertices
and edges since one-to-one and Number of different paths of length
Directed multigraphs onto. r
When there are m directed edges Must have same number of vertices from vi to vj in graph G represented
On the (u,v). (u,v) is an edge of of same degree. by adjacency matrix A is (i, j)th entry
multiplicity m. of Ar.
9.2 Path Ignore diagonals which are loops.
u and v in undirected graph G are Bipartite Graph In a graph is a sequence of vertices
called adjacent (neighbors) if u and Graph G is called bipartite when such that from each of its vertices 9.5 Euler and Hamilton Paths
v are endpoints of an edge. {u,v} vertex set V can be partitioned into there is an edge to the next vertex. Euler circuit
2 disjoint sets V1 and V2 that every a simple circuit containing every
Degree of a vertex in an undirected edge on the graph connects a vertex Cycle edge of graph G.
graph is the number of edges in V1 and a vertex in V2 Is a path such start vertex and end Euler path
incident with it. Except that is a loop vertex are the same. a simple path containing every edge
at a vertex contributes twice to the of graph G.
degree of the vertex. Degree of Connectedness in Undirected
vertex v = deg(v). Graphs Euler circuit is in multigraph if and
Isolated deg(v )=0 An undirected graph is called only if each vertex has even degree.
connected if there is a path
Pendant deg(v )=1
*A simple graph is bipartite if and between every pair of distinct Euler path but not Euler circuit if
only if possible to assign one of two vertices of the graph. and only if multigraph has exactly
different colors to each vertex of the two vertices of odd degree.
Graph G = (V,E) be an undirected
graph so that no two adjacent
graph with e edges.
vertices are assigned the same color. Hamilton circuit
2 e= ∑ deg ( v ) a simple circuit passing through
v ∈V A subgraph of a graph G = (V,E) is a every vertex of graph G exactly
graph H = (W,F) where W⊆V and once.
A graph has an even number of F ⊆ E. H is a proper subgraph of G. Hamilton path
vertices of odd degree. a simple path containing every
2 e= ∑ deg ( v ) vertex of graph G exactly once
v ∈V
¿ ∑ deg ⁡(v)+ ∑ deg ⁡(v) simple path/circuit
No Hamilton circuit when
in a graph having a vertex of degree
v ∈v 1 v ∈v 2
if does not include edge more than one.
G = (u,v) once. All edges of vertices of degree two
u = intial vertex (union of graphs) must be in the circuit
v = terminal , end vertex DIRAC’S THEOREM
in-degree deg−¿(v)¿ 9.3 Cut Vertices If G is a simple graph with n vertices
number of edges with v as their
Adjacency Matrices Vertices that when removed along with n≥ 3 such that the degree of
X and Y axis = vertices with incidence edges, produces a every vertex in G is at least n/2, then
terminal vetex.
Incidence Matrices subgraph with more connected G has a Hamilton circuit.
out-degree deg +¿(v)¿ X-axis = edges components than original graph.
number of edges with v as their Y-axis = vertices Cut edges ORE’S THEOREM
initial vetex. Edges that when removed along If G is a simple graph with n vertices
∑ deg−¿ (v )=|E| ¿ with incidence vertices, produces a with n≥ 3 such that
v ∈V subgraph with more connected deg(u)+deg(v)≥ n for every pair of
+¿ ( v )
= ∑ deg ¿ components than original graph. nonadjacent vertices u and v in G,
v ∈V Connectedness in Directed Graphs then G has a Hamilton circuit.
Strongly Connected
• We use theorem 3 and a fact that
n= i+l (because a vertex must be
either a leave or an internal vertex)
9.7 Planar Graphs • Try i) Solve n = mi + 1 for i
• i = (n – 1)/m Spanning Tree
10.1 Trees
K 5 , K 3,3 are nonplanar A tree is a connected undirected
– Put this back into n = i + l yields A spanning tree of G is a subgraph
• l = n – i = n – (n – 1)/m of G that is a tree containing every
graph with no simple circuit • = mn/m – (n1)/ vertex of G
A graph is called planar if it can be
drawn in the plane without any m = [nm – (n – 1)]/m = [(m – 1)n +
A path in a tree is a sequence of 1]/m A simple graph is connected if and
edges crossing (zero or more) connected nodes. only if it has a spanning tree
EULER’S FORMULA A rooted m-ary tree of height h is
The length of a path is the number balanced if all leaves are at levels h Constructing Spanning Tree
A connected planar simple graph of nodes in the path
with e edges and v vertices . Let r be or h-1 • By removing edges that form
the number of regions in a planar simple circuit
An undirected graph is a tree if and
representation of G then There are at most m h leaves in an
only if there is a unique simple path EX
r =e−v +2 between any two of its vertices. m-ary tree of height h
How many different spanning trees does
each of these simple graph have?
Corollary Corollary: An m-ary tree with l
A rooted tree is a tree in which one
leaves has height h≥élogmlù . If m K 3 = 3 , K 4 =16, K 2 ,2 =4, C 5=5
1)If G is a connected planar simple vertex has been designated as the
graph with e edges and v vertices root and every edge is directed is full and balanced then h=élogmlù.
where v≥ 3 , then e ≤ 3v – 6 away from the root.

2)If G is a connected planar simple A vertex that has children is called Universal Address System
graph, then G has a vertex of degree an internal vertex. – Label the root with the integer 0.
not exceeding five. • Then label its k children (at level 1)
The subtree at vertex v is the from left to right
3) If G is a connected planar simple subgraph of the tree consisting of With 1,2,3,…,k
graph has e edges and v vertices vertex v and its descendants and all – For each vertex v at level n with
label A
where v≥ 3 and no circuits of length edges incident to those
descendants. • We label its children as they are
three, then e≤ 2v – 4 drawn from left to right as
The ancestors of a non-root vertex A.1,A.2,A.3,…A.kv
Kuratowski’s Theorem
are all the vertices in the path from
root to this vertex. Tree Traversal
A graph is nonplanar if and only if it A traversal operation is to visit each
contains a subgraph homeomorphic node in the tree, for example, to
A vertex is called a leaf if it has no
to K 5 , K 3,3 children. perform a task in each node.
(see bottom of the page)
If a graph is planar, so will be any The descendants of vertex v are all
graph obtained by removing an the vertices that have v as an Preorder
edge{u,v} and adding a new vertex ancestor. •List the root
w together with edges {u,w} and • then visit each subtree
{w,v} such an operation is called an Propeties of Trees
elementary subdivision. Chromatic number of 2 if v > 1 Inorder
A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges • Visit the left subtree
The graph G1 and G2 are called • Proof • Then list the root
homeomorphic if they can be – Convert a tree into a rooted tree • Then visit the rest subtrees
obtained from the same graph by a – we see that the arrow of the directed
sequence of elementary subdivision. tree point out from root Postorder
– For every directed edge, there is one • Visit each subtree
vertex associated with the edge
9.8 Graph Coloring • Then list the root
• Except the root
The chromatic number of a – Since we have n-1 non‐root vertices
• Then we have exactly n-1 edge • Prefix: * a a (evaluate from right)
graph is the least number of
A full m-ary tree with I internal • Postfix: a a *(evaluate from left)
colors needed for a coloring of
vertices contains n = mi+1 vertices
this graph.
Proof:Every vertex, except the root,
is the child of an internal vertex.
Because each of the i internal has m
The chromatic number of a planar
children, there are mi vertices in the
graph is no greater than four
tree other than the root. Therefore,
the tree contains n = mi+1 vertices

A full m-ary tree with

i) n vertices has i =(n-1)/m internal
vertices and l =[(m-1)n+1] leaves
ii) i internal vertices has n=mi+1
and l =(m-1)i+1 leaves
iii) l leaves has n=(ml-1)/(m-1)
vertices and I = (l-1)/(m-1) internal

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