Revision Sec2 Un2

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Sec2 ‫اهم كلمات الوحدة‬ Unit (2)

fantasy ‫وهم‬/‫ خيال‬easy to read ‫سهل القراءة‬

romance ‫ رومانسية‬difficult to read ‫صعب القراءة‬
thriller=exciting ‫ اثارة‬impossible to put ‫ مستحيل‬/‫صعب تركه‬
down ‫تركه‬
interesting ‫ شيق‬bestseller ً‫األكثر مبيعا‬
educational ‫ تعليمي‬main ‫رئيسي‬
complicated ‫ معقد‬unlike ‫غير محتمل‬
confusing ‫محير‬/‫ مربك‬settle down ‫ يستقر‬/ ‫يهدأ‬
serious ‫خطير‬/‫ جاد‬a novel by ‫روايه من تأليف‬
scary ‫ مرعب‬an expert at ‫خبير في‬
silly ‫ سخيف‬at the top ‫علي القمه‬
realistic ‫ واقعي‬a lot about )‫حول‬/‫الكثير (عن‬
depressed ‫ محبط‬amusing ‫مسلي‬
powerful ‫قوي‬ stay alive ‫يبقى علي قيد الحياه‬
dull ‫كئيب‬/‫ ممل‬solve a crime ‫يحل سر جريمة‬
original ‫اصلي‬/‫ مبتكر‬take a chance ‫ينتهز فرصة‬
full of ‫ ملئ بالخيال‬break down ‫يتعطل‬
break into ‫ يقتحم‬break up ‫ينهي دراسة (الجل‬
‫ينهي عالقة‬
break out ‫ينشب‬/‫ يشتعل‬/‫يندلع‬

Language function:

Make + ‫ مصدر‬/‫ صفه‬+ ‫المفعول‬

My friend makes me laugh.
My mum makes us happy.
‫انا احب ‪I like‬‬ ‫انا ال احب ‪I don’t like‬‬
‫‪I prefer‬‬ ‫انا أفضل‬ ‫انا ال اطيق ‪I can’t stand‬‬

‫‪The past simple tense‬‬
‫زمن الماضي البسيط‬

‫‪ :‬يتكون من‬
‫التصريف الثاني للفعل بأضافة ‪. d/ed/ied‬للفعل المنتظم والفعل الشاذ يحفظ‬

‫‪.‬احداث حدثت في وقت محدد في الماضي ‪1-‬‬
‫‪He visited New York last year.‬‬
‫‪.‬عادات في الماضي ‪2-‬‬
‫‪He went swimming when he was little.‬‬
‫‪.‬احداث متتالية في الماضي ‪3-‬‬
‫‪He put on his jacket, got his school bag and left for school.‬‬
‫‪.‬احداث في الماضي لن تحدث مره ثانية ‪4-‬‬
‫‪Shakespeare wrote many plays.‬‬

‫الكلمات الداله‬:
Yesterday ‫باألمس‬
Last ‫السابق‬
Ago ‫منذ‬
In the past ‫في الماضي‬

‫ الفاعل‬+ didn’t + ‫الفعل المصدر‬
She didn’t go to the club yesterday.

Yes/ No question:
Did you watch TV yesterday?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Wh – question:
Where did you go last Sunday?
I went to the beach.
Used to / would (past simple)
‫ الفاعل‬+ used to + ‫الفعل المصدر‬
He used to play in the street.


‫عن عادات او احداث حدثت بانتظام في الماضي وال تحدث االن‬.used to 1- ‫يعبر الماضي‬
‫ و‬she used to go skiing twice a year.
2- ‫تستخدم للتعبير عن احداث متكرره او روتين في الماضي‬.
Tamara used to play the drums when she was at school.
4- ‫يعبر الماضي البسيط عن احداث حدثت في وقت محدد في الماضي‬.
Janah moved to Spain two years ago.

Used to = no longer = it was………….. habit to.

‫ فاعل‬+ was/were + in the habit of + ‫ الفعل‬+ ing
He used to watch much TV. = He no longer watches much TV.

1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:-

Adel: do you like reading books? Why?

Adel: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Hassan: there’s no specific type. But I prefer crime and horror books.
Adel: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Hassan: because…………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Write what you would say in the following situation:-

1- Ask your friend what types of books he likes.
2- Your friend prefers thriller books. Express your own preference.

3- Your friend has been lost in a jungle. Express sympathy.


4-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

:A) Answer the following questions

:B) Choose the correct answers

5-Fill in the gaps:

Dull- imagination- chance- horror- alive- fantasy

I like fantasy stories. They are full of …………………. The character did his best
to stay …………………… I convinced my friend to take a ……………… and read
……………………….. stories. I don’t like …………………..stories because they are scary.
I can’t stand romance novels because I find them…………………………….

6- Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on:

“Your favorite types of books”

“Travelling abroad”
A) Translate into Arabic:-
I prefer fantasy stories. They are full of imagination. I don’t like horror
stories, though I think they are scary.
We must share positively in the progress of our country. Every citizen must
do his own role in the society.
B) Translate into English:-
‫ان الزراعة والصناعة والتجارة هي العمود الفقري القتصادنا‬.
‫انصحك بقراءة هذه القصة النها مليئة باالثارة‬.

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