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Dayana Carrion

Elian Miranda

Wilson Roldan

Jessica Moposita

Byron Pinargote


Ing. José Luis Andrade Mendoza

Riobamba 26 November 2021

Advantage of direct mail

Direct mail is a great form of communication simply because it provides intimate,
person-to-person conversation which commands attention by taking advantage of an
individual’s habit of reading and responding to mail.
When should you use direct mail? It can be used for various purposes, such as:
 soliciting new orders,
 generating leads,
 create a positive brand image that will help future sales,
 cross-selling to existing customers,
 building brand loyalty,
 increasing repeat orders,
 reactivating dormant accounts or increasing sales coverage.
Even though nowadays online channels of communication are widely used, direct
mail stands out for its great open rate which can easily reach up to 80%. Moreover, this
channel of communication is not limited in time or space or format. Direct mail has a wide
range of advantages, (F. Erickson, 2010)
Highly targeted
Every direct mail campaign has great targeting options. You can adjust messages for a
specific audience, from loyal customers to new prospects. Thus, customers receive only
offers that meet their individual needs or buying habits.
Each letter can contain personalised information. Using the database it is easy to find
out customers’ needs by analysing their previous history of purchases. This way we alter the
message and it can certainly appeal to each person individually.
Tangible format
Above all, mail is tangible. Since customers are getting mail directly the chances to
receive the message is higher. Moreover, when customers receive a physical copy they are
more likely to view its content as reliable.
Range of formats
Such a form of communication provides a wide variety of formats, from postcards to
leaflets, to catalogues and magazines. We can customise your mail. Therefore, there is no
limitation of colour use, paper quality or mail format.
Easily measured
We can easily measure the direct mail. Each mail can contain the traceable code that
customers will redeem upon the purchase. Furthermore, the results will be collected and will
reveal the success of the campaign.
Direct mail can be cost-effective. The creation of the campaign can be effortless and
inexpensive. Moreover, mass mail makes execution of such campaign affordable.
Proven track records
Over time direct mail has proven its efficiency. Because this technique has been used
widely and over a long time, the data of successful campaigns prove its potential.
What Is Direct Marketing?
Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct communication or

distribution to individual consumers, rather than through a third party such as mass media.

Mail, email, social media, and texting campaigns are among the delivery systems used. It is

called direct marketing because it generally eliminates the middleman, such as advertising

media (Cruz, 2010)

Electronic mail campaign

An email campaign is a sequence of marketing efforts that contacts multiple recipients

at once. Email campaigns are designed to reach out to subscribers at the best time and

provide valuable content and relevant offers. Using email campaigns allows you to build deep

and trusting relationships with your customers. (Sendpulse, 2021)

According to their use, these are some ways in which emails can be cataloged:

Occasional e-mail: this e mails are send according to the pace of business

[ CITATION Cru10 \l 3082 ], The newsletters or informative bulletins usually present

the news of your company (new features or services) and / or summarize the best of your

blog. They allow you to stay in the minds of your recipients and inspire them.
[ CITATION Cru10 \l 3082 ], Email campaigns are more focused on marketing and

sales. A campaign can consist of 3 to 10 emails over several days or weeks. For example: a

Mother's Day sale, special offers for the holiday season, a new product launch, etc.

Welcome email

A welcome campaign is typically sent after a user subscribes to your website. With

the help of this message, you can not only say "thank you", but also discover a customer's

preferences regarding the frequency of sending email, desirable content, and so on. Suggest

to your subscriber to read the best article of the previous month, report about special sales, or

about a special discount.

Notification email

This email campaign is sent to announce an upcoming holiday, event, new product or

feature launch, etc.

Request Email Testimonial

Ask your customers to leave comments. This type of email campaign is sent right

after a user makes a purchase, for example. Ask them to comment, or write a review or

complete a survey. Feedback is essential as it Will help you improve your business and

optimize your work process.

Holiday greeting email

(Franganillo, J, 2018), This email campaign will help you build trust among your

subscribers. Don't forget to wish your subscribers a Merry Christmas. Also, you can offer

discounts, special sales, free shipping costs.

Invitation email

This email campaign can be used to invite your subscribers to visit a webinar, party,

or conference. It is a great opportunity to increase your brand recognition. Don't forget to tell

your subscribers why they should attend and set the date.
Seasonal email

With these types of email campaigns, you can send relevant offers to subscribers, for

example you can offer umbrellas in the fall, or sunglasses and summer clothes in the summer.

Take a look at J. Crew's summer campaign:


· Franganillo, J, F. (2018). Gestión de información personal: integración mediante el

correo electrónico. Barcelona:
· F. Erickson, B. (2010). Sales. Press firms.
· Granadillo Cruz, J. A. (2007). Practical manual: how do I access the internet by
email ?. University Publishing House.
· Martínez Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Marketing. Press firms.
· Cruz, A. (2010). Internet and email. Madrid: CEP. Obtenido de

· What is email campaign: Definition, examples, tips, video - definition. (s/f). Recuperado el 26 de noviembre de 2021, de

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